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The Review, The Naturist Review, The New Zealand Naturist, gonatural |
The magazine For nearly all its life, New Zealand's prime naturist magazine has been produced by volunteers. The first exception to this was during the editorship of John Gilmour #62 - #73, when the NZSA decided 'the books' looked good enough to pay the editor $5,000 per year - quite a modest salary for the time. However, also during this time, the Australian Customs changed their rules to allow the import of 'unretouched' images (thus also allowing Playboy in, for the first time there). During 1974 sales of The New Zealand Naturist plummeted in Australia, which had been accounting for over half the sales at the time. John Gilmour 'sacked himself' at the end of 1974 and Eddie Kwok restarted the magazine (#74), on its previous volunteer basis. At that time Emiel Roland became Business Manager (#75). Later, the editors began to receive an honorarium of around $3,000 for general expenses. Indications within The Naturist of it's commercial progress are very rare; Bobbie Smith though, offers us an insight in #81 and in #87 the Editor, Con Chignel hints at "the continuing economic struggle" to keep the magazine afloat. (However in the first issue for 1990, after 10 years as Editor, in #132 Graeme Brown sees a bright future for the Naturist.) After a controversial couple of years under Con Chignell, there were nearly 100 issues compiled by just two consecutive editors: Graeme Brown and Les Olsen. Number 100 (Graeme's 5th production), carried an extensive retrospective on the magazine's progress over the preceding quarter century. The direction of the magazine, and the membership; came in for some criticism by Doug Cousins in #113. Graeme comments on the lack of photo captions in #115, and its new look in his editorial in #118. The "Great News" was reported in #127, when "twelve dedicated nudists" agreed to supply a "comprehensive assortment of written material". Number 191 was nearly the last issue, as fiscal issues again forced the NZNF to consider whether a financially viable future could be assured. This time it was a question of finding 'someone with computer knowledge' to avoid the significant cost of having the magazine layout done commercially. Conrad Inskip was the immediate saviour but after only two years he had to resign for health reasons. His efforts though, made it clear that magazine was viable if its layout was included in the voluntary work. Since issue #200, Kay Hannam has kept a steady hand on the tiller until (#234), when Michael P. Moore took it over. |