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[The National Naturist Review - Winter] Editor: Stewart Ransom (Pages: 16 - 5/- per annum)
Letter to the Editor
A Peep at the Club Grounds of N.Z. (Perc.)
Reflections on Nudity
The Seventh National Rally
The N.Z. Sunbathing Association
National Rally Remits
Reply from the B.S.B.A.
I. N. F. - Australia
News From the Clubs (8)
The enthusiasm of some naturists for their way of life cannot be doubted. A constant wish to see more members joining clubs, always debating a convincing case and the example of untiring efforts towards helping the movement makes their presence quickly realised. Such enthusiasm does not suffer the less active gladly and the Clubs do find that unintentionally harsh criticism creates lingering feelings of being unjustly wronged.
Naturist activities must be placed in their proper perspective in our way of life. Friends cannot be forsaken, family and home responsibilities ignored and one's other interests entirely sacrificed for the Club's activities. Naturism is a form of relaxation which improves physical and mental health - nothing more. It can only be enjoyed by those who feel sufficiently convinced of its benefits to enjoy the special facilities provided by Clubs.
It cannot be denied that members should contribute some effort to retain and even improve club facilities. Only the selfish will deny this. But members probably have similar obligations towards other societies. We all need to play a part in community activities and in fact this participation by known nudists does much to gain respect for the movement as a whole. Nudists must never become an isolated group - a bunch of cranks or social oddities. The movement must become valued as a desirable form of recreation and fully accepted as another of the communities activities. Be fair to fellow members even though the work programme is a formidable task.
Sir, I would like to reply to a letter by J.S. in Review No. 9.
In this letter he condemns nude bathing and sunbathing on public beaches.
Sir, It must surely be the dream of all naturists (and, or nudists), that some day nude swimming and sunbathing in public will be the accepted practice. How can we ever arrive at this goal if we never attempt to move towards it?
Those who have the courage to defy the law and swim naked show that the law is not acceptable to all. Only when a large majority or swimmers follow their example will any Government change the law or allow it to lapse. At one time the law and public opinion did not allow mixed bathing, and later condemned the one piece women's swim suit. If no one had risked punishment and defied those laws they would almost certainly stand today.
Hiding behind hedges in Clubs will do little to convert the man in the street to the naturist way of life. Only when he sees for himself that no harm comes from discarding his clothes, will he follow the example. Those brave pioneers of the beaches who have the courage of their convictions may suffer much before they achieve their ambitions. But those who never move from behind the hedges of their clubs will never achieve their ambitions. The naturist club is only a step along the way we wish to go. The next step needs courage and if we don't take that step we can go no further.
No one is asking J.S. to take that step but why does he condemn those who have the courage he lacks. If J.S. honestly believes that we must wait for the Government to alter the law, I see no hope for the future. Only when sufficient men and women prove by their actions that they honestly desire to bathe naked on public beaches will the law allow them to do so.
The most dangerous threat to the movement is the smug complacent attitude or J.S., secure in his own club, with never a care for those who can attend no club. Their only desire is to live naturally in the way they think right, enjoying our glorious N.Z. beaches to the full. Mr. Editor, I do not think that J.S.'s accusations of exhibitionism and bravado are worthy of a true naturist. He'll be saying next that if you don't belong to a club you can't be a naturist.
Yours etc. I.E.
When we consider that only a few years ago there were no clubs in N.Z., let alone any grounds, as we look around now we can point to considerable progress. In these intervening years seven clubs have come into being and all of them have grounds set aside for healthy recreation and enjoyment of the great out-doors, and each sufficiently private to respect the views of those not of our persuasion. Other groups in the "club-forming" stage are to be found also, while leads are established in most of the important centres throughout the country.
It has been my privilege to inspect all but the most northern of these grounds and while they vary considerably, they all have great potentialities and are a fitting tribute to the foresight, energy and courage of their founders.
Starting in the south, we find 50 acres of beautiful bush hillside used by the Otago Sun and Health Club. About 22 miles from Dunedin, you drive your car off the bitumen onto a metalled road and finally up and across paddocks until you are on the hill itself. Little of this area is flat, but it is very beautiful, with streams, a waterfall, trees and ferns in the gullies. A concrete pool has been blasted out of solid rock and a clay brick house is under way. Levelling is one of the biggest jobs ahead, but a good start has been made by the few.
Farther north we came to the nine acres of the Canterbury Sun and Health Club. Only 14 miles from Christchurch, this is perfectly flat and was in pine trees before a fire destroyed many of them. Only a portion or the area has been opened up and this includes a new club house, a large concrete swimming pool, shower wash-house and ample spaces for games and camping. This site has great potentialities and will be one of the best in the course of time.
Across the Straits we come to the Wellington Sun and Health Society (Inc.) which, after several false starts, are now developing their own five and a half acres of beautiful country, 26 miles from the city. It is divided into two levels; the lower one has still to be drained and developed and is now used as a car park. The upper plateau, backed by a bush-clad hill, with a stream as its front boundary, has now been cleared. Several games courts, a fully equipped kiddies area and sunbathing lawns are provided, A large club house is under construction and will include a kitchen, two bunk rooms, a lounge and a laundry. A hole is dug for the main pool but the concreting is a job still on the agenda. A canteen is also planned and electricity and water should be laid on this year.
Travelling northwards, we arrive at the Wanganui Sun Club, where lawns, flower beds and an orchard surrounding the home of the proprietors makes a charming setting only two miles from town. A shower and splash pool are handy and a concrete block hall has proved its usefulness in inclement weather.
Darting over to Poverty Bay we find a group in very parochial Gisborne. They have grounds put at their disposal by a sympathetic farmer member and privacy is the keynote of this site. Situated in a small valley tucked in among the hills, a helicopter landing seems to be the more suitable idea. With a car of solid steel and a driver with nerves of the same stuff to get you there, once you have arrived, it would be possible to relax. A small house and grassy hills could make a pleasant atmosphere in which to enjoy the district's notorious sunshine. While speaking of Gisborne, we must include a park, planned and executed by its owner some years ago, in the hope that it might become used by nudists. Unfortunately very few have availed themselves of this offer, but the park is there, a living memorial to a man with a love of trees, and tremendous vision. Here you will find shady paths, lily ponds, cabins lawns even statuary in an atmosphere of beauty. Eastwoodhill is 20 miles from Gisborne, and provided you are prepared to look after yourselves and respect the beauty and amenities provided, there is always a welcome awaiting.
In Auckland there are three clubs, each with grounds and appears there is need for them all. The Auckland Outdoor Health Club (Inc.) is now developing six of 20 acres, that in a few years will be really lovely. About 14 miles from the city much of it is in tall manuka, though wattles, pines and ferns are abundant. Their own road and bridge leads to the games area that has been levelled and sown and a lot of other clearing has been done. Several temporary buildings have been erected and a club house and pool are planned as soon as finances permit. A splash pool is fed by a hose from the mains and a shower and kiddies equipment is popular.
The Kaurimu Sun Club (Inc.) have leased 12 acres of sloping land 12 miles out. Tracks lead through beautiful trees and ferns to the stream below. Here picks and shovels have created a flat area for games and sunbathing, while a natural rock pool with a backdrop of large tree ferns is a delight on a hot day.
A few yard upstream, we come to the Auckland Sun Club, who have the use of six acres of similar land, but with a possibly larger area or flat land. The main playing area is dominated by 8 fairly new club house, where overnight accommodation may be enjoyed. They too have a hole in the stream some distance below in the bush.
Travelling still further north we come to the dream of our oldest, yet one of our most enthusiastic members. Here Dick is hoping to open up the Northern Nudist Park which can well be the perfect place for a holiday. Situated in the "winterless north" and tucked away in the hinterland it boasts of acres of bush-clad hills, gorges and valleys, but at the moment it is difficult of access. Dick hopes to build cabins, roads and all the mod cons necessary. We wish him every success and support the idea all the way.
And so, there we have the fruits of vision, courage and sheer hard work. In years to come it will be possible to visit clubs all over the country where facilities akin to the average motor camp will be available but all with the added attraction of like minded people with whom to mix, and gaining, without the trappings of convention, the freedom that we prize so much. Are you helping to make one of these dreams come true? These clubs need money, helpers, enthusiasm, and it is up to everybody to lend a hand. Now is the time to act.
Kia Ora everybody,
Alan of Wellington Sun and Health Society gives some moral considerations of nudism.
"There's nothing good nor bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare.
"To the pure, all things are pure..." St. Paul.
How often are the conventions enemies of Truth and Beauty (and if you like also of Peace as a corollary)! What puny little minds unfortunately are in the world today, as indeed in any age. What prejudices are still with us?
Surely there is nothing to be ashamed of in the beautiful construction of the human body, male and female, in its natural state. Surely the human body in its wonderful form is innocent enough. Why then should mere nakedness be mistaken for immorality?
In both the above quotations I believe the Truth is simply but profoundly stated. There's nothing evil in the beauty of the human form, both male and female. What an insult to the work of the Eternal Creator. What is wrong of course is in the mind, or in the attitude of the minds of many to this question or nudity. The sight of a beautiful form should not of itself conjure up evil thoughts of lust. These thoughts if they exist are in the minds of the beholder - not in the innocent naked form.
Although I do believe that it would be unwise and wrong for those who cannot rise above such thoughts to enter a nudist camp, I honestly believe that many who formerly possessed inhibitions of this nature would be genuinely cured of them in the pure healthy atmosphere of genuine nudist societies. To those of the right attitude of mind, what an innocent joy, and indeed lovely friendly trust, is inspired in the purity of social nudity among one's real comrades.
Art would indeed be the poorer if convention demanded that all figures be clothed. In the same way in which one can appreciate beautiful painting, nude or otherwise, a marvellous sunset, exquisite works of poetry, drama and music, should one be able to appreciate the true and natural beauty of the human form. There is nothing evil in a11 the beauties of nature and indeed in all the magnificent works of the Universe of Eternal God. The evi1 lies in the wrong thinking and the unhealthy attitudes of mind often ascribed to by conventions, which thus condemns Truth and Beauty to the level of its own erroneous insignificance.
How right was St. Paul, "... To the pure, all things are pure...".
27th - 24th December 1958, in the grounds of the
Wellington Sun and Health Society.
Work is proceeding apace for this year's annual get-together and it is hoped that as many as possible will enjoy this experience. There will be space for cars, tents and caravans, and hot water with sinks, tubs and copper will be available. The main pool might be ready but there is a lot or work still to be done on it. However, there is a splash pool and a stream for cooling off. The club house is still under construction, but some bunks or stretchers will be available. There is an open fire in the lounge, but campers are advised to bring their own cooking stoves and gear. A kiddies area is arranged and games courts are available. The main area is completely screened though cars and caravans will be in an exposed area. A canteen will supply soft drinks, tinned meats and fruit, and other essentials. Milk and eggs will be provided daily. The grounds are 26 miles north or the city, but complete directions will be forwarded with the admittance cards. Transport can be arranged.
To all intending visitors it is suggested that an early application be made, especially if it is desired to hire any gear. Applications from club members or recognised supporters should be made to the Rally Organizer, Doug Cousins, P.O. Box 6359, Wellington, who will also forward any further information required.
This year's programme will include business sessions, interclub tennikoit championships, discussion groups, films, entertainment and that friendly atmosphere that characterises these national events.
The N.Z.S.A. has been admitted to the International Naturist Federation as a category A. member. We have received congratulations from all over the world on this step and we can feel that we are able to take our rightful place among similar organisations in other countries. Naturists in New Zealand can now speak with one voice for strength and solidarity is assured when all are working for the greatest good. Our official delegate Ken, at the sixth International Congress at Woburn, England, will report on his experiences at our next National Rally in Wellington. It is good to know that we have an equal vote at this Congress and we look to Ken to uphold our prestige.
For your information, the National Officers are:
Perc. W. Cousins | National Organizer. | |
Stewart Ransom | Public Relations Officer. | |
Gerald Wakley | Overseas Correspondent. | |
Doug. Cousins | National Rally Organizer for 1958. | |
Norman F. | A.O.H.C. | ) |
Elsie A. | J.S.C. | ) |
----- | A.S.C. | ) |
Stewart Ransom | W.S. & H.S. | ) Club Delegates. |
Ivan Mowlem | W.S.C. | ) |
Trevor B. | C.S. & H.C. | ) |
Dick J. | O.S. & H.C. | ) |
Russell | Legal adviser. |
URGENT CONSIDERATION by the Clubs is requested in view of the following motion passed at the last National Rally.
"Remits for national consideration be in the hands of the National Organizer by 30th September. That these remits shall be referred back to the clubs which will instruct their delegates how to vote at the following national rally. The results of these decisions will be passed on with club and national organizers reports to the General Assembly."
Club Secretaries are asked to ensure that remits are received by the national office by the above date so that copies can be circularised immediately. To expedite this work seven copies of each remit would be a great help.
The following letter has been received by Perc. in answer to our letter of protest following criticism in "Verity".
Dear Mr. Cousins,
Thank you for your letter which has been to the Secretary, the P.R.O. and myself. You will have seen my official letter (on the subject of that leading article) in "Health and Efficiency" recently. I have been delayed in
writing this by pressure of the Congress, "Verity", and because I have just undergone an operation on my throat in Guys Hospital.
I find very little to disagree with in your comments. I think you mistake the emphasis of our remarks. As I said in "H. & E.", I do regret that we were not better informed on the situation in New Zealand, and I think you will appreciate the difficulties of an Editor working under amateurish conditions.
I did honestly imagine that opinion would be more liberal in the younger countries; and I assure you I am far from being proud of some of the attitudes of minor courts and officials in England. The object of the leader was to emphasise the danger to which liberty is subject almost everywhere. The last persons on whom we would wish to reflect are the leaders of nudism in the Commonwealth; and I only wish I.N.F. could help. But the arrangement in New Zealand does not seen to me, or my colleagues, particularly liberal, and I see this view also in the I.N.F. official bulletin. Nor really, do I understand how naturist publications can be supposed to be harmful to adolescents. Do you?
I hope we shall see you or at least one of your conferees over here in August.
Yours sincerely,
Harold Collins.
Items from newsletters and bulletins of the International Naturist Federation.
Australia. |
In spite or the hopeful information in our last bulletin that they had annulled the defense to import naturist magazines, we have got the following urgent demand:
Last week the authorities in New South Wales raided Woodlands, Sydney, and confiscated all the magazines and photos they found at the club and later during another raid, they sent to a house in Double Bay, Sydney and also confiscated all the magazines etc. they could find. All this material was or naturist nature. At the same time the
Commonwealth Customs Department are checking on the importation or magazines into Australia. We urgently warn all our friends not to send naturist material to this country, as it only means serious troubles for the receivers. The same trouble is happening in Melbourne and Adelaide, South Australia.
In view of the above the following extract received by Perc. from the I.N.F. Secretariat will interest readers.
"We have just received an urgent request from Australia to inform all clubs and editing firms not to send any naturist material to Australia for the time being, because the authorities are checking the clubs and shops and controlling the import. We sent them a German Court decision which says that the naturist magazines and books are not at all obscene and not dangerous for young people. This decision was the success of long and hard struggles in Germany, and it means a great victory. We heartily ask to consider the possibility whether there is some possibility or otherwise to assist the Australian friends from there, too, for you had similar struggles to fight against. Please, do whatever is in your possibility.
Paul Neumann."
Kaurimu Sun Club. (Members) Box 15 Glen Eden Auckland.
Auckland Sun Club. (Proprietary) P.O.Box 2925 Auckland.
Auckland Outdoor Health Club.(Inc.) (Members) P.O. Box 2702, Auckland.
Every now and then our clubs go into the Doldrums. Ours is possibly a bit that way now. It is hoped that this is just a period of gathering energy before we attack the business or getting the clubhouse up. However one should mention that Bill was again Host to us for a social at which we heard the skit on McCarthy, 'The Investigator'. Also or the record, one should also say quite a few people do turn up at the club every week-end, and that one way and another, things are getting done. We were pleased to see Perc and glad to send him back to Wellington with an idea of what a real club site should look like! Do you still want any of us in Wellington for the Rally?
Waikato Health Club. (Members) Box 32 Hamilton East.
Gisborne Sun Club. (Members) C/o Box 6359, Wellington.
Wanganui Sun Club. (Members) P.O. Box 410, Wanganui.
Wellington Sun & Health Society (Inc) (Members) P.O. Box 6359, Wellington.
Monthly social evenings keep the members together and are certainly most varied. Attendances have been high. At the club grounds 400 young trees donated by Dick have been planted and every one seems to be growing. Planting of more native trees and pines will soon be completed. Slow but sure progress is made on the club house, the roof is painted, drains being laid, and wall board going up. Bush walks are being cleared by Norm and he is discovering some "out or this world" sun traps on the "mountainside". The lawns are being extended and seem immense already. As with other clubs it is still only a few who do most of the work. There are still a few new members joining, thanks to Hans and Zelinda.
Canterbury Sun and Health Club. (Members) Box 1823, Christchurch,
This year's two most important projects are screening and lining the inside of the clubhouse. Trevor B. has been the mainstay of the clubhouse part, spending every spare minute on this most important activity. Considering the fact that his has been an almost lone effort, considerable progress has been made.
Screening has been under Norman's tender care. The old brushwood fence is being torn down and replaced by a brush fence that is a masterpiece of palisade building; no Indian or Mau-Mau would try to break our defences now. Unfortunately as in the case or Trevor's effort, all too few turn up to help.
I.E. Letter to the editor
Perc Cousins: A Peep at the Club Grounds of N.Z.; Editors
Cover: Bob McIver (RAMAC)