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 # 183 - December 2002 

[The New Zealand Naturist] (Pages: 32)


Editorial - Accreditation - Your Choice
Midwinter at the "Old School"
Presidents Corner - 25th INF Congress
Ngatuhoa 2003
Naturism - Private vs Commercial
Welcome to Our World (Kay Hannam, Homestays)
Gelendjik Free Beach
Dreams Come True
Auckland Outdoor Naturist Club Inc.
Club News (7)
Spring Time (Caucasus hiking)
Letters to the Editor
Obituary: Kevin Gdanitz
NZ Club Directory: (23)
Australian Club Directory: (37)

Editor: Les Olsen

Dear Editor,
All my adult life I have been a frustrated sun-worshipper. For a time when I was married, I was able to attend clubs, but at all other times in New Zealand, I have been shut out. Curiously, for the two years I spent in Australia, I never encountered the same prejudice. Also having lived in Mapua, I have enjoyed the liberal hospitality of the Leisure Park on sauna nights. Likewise, in the years I lived in Wellington I was a winter regular at the Karori sauna - a popular haunt of sun club members.
In 1998, I arrived in Hamilton to study at Waikato University School of Law. In the first week of the academic year an 'orientation' week is held and in 1998 the Waikato Outdoor Society had a stand there. Of course I could not resist talking to the lady managing the stand. There was also a club member in a wheelchair. As a consequence, I was invited to the club. I was told that I could visit three times and then I could apply for membership if I was interested. The disabled club member and his wife consequently picked me up each Saturday for the next three weeks.
At the camp I made the acquaintance of a further member, who had a permanent cottage at the club. This gentleman was one of the Christians spoken of in the article. He delighted in telling me that I had no hope of joining because I was single and the women found the presence of single males threatening or something.
After my third visit I applied for membership. On the fourth Saturday, the disabled member arrived to pick me up and take me again to the club. I pointed out to them that I was only to have three visits, but they assured me that having submitted my membership application I could continue to visit in their company until a decision was made. When, however, I got to the camp, the Christian came up to me and told me that I should not be there. Has was quite exasperated, and might I say, very unchristian. As I understand it, Judeo-Christianity includes hospitality to strangers. As a result, I never went to the club again and was informed by mail that my membership bid had been unsuccessful
On the three times that I visited, I never got to meet any of the committee members. I would have thought that an interview would have been appropriate - no committee member ever 'visited my home'. I got the impression that the entire membership drive was a farce. There was never any chance that I would be accepted - it was a foregone conclusion.
This coming Friday, I will be admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court, having already been deemed to be a "fit and proper person" by the Law Society, who have made stringent enquiry as they are required to do under the Law Practitioners Act.
As I said, I am a frustrated sun-worshipper. My interest in club membership is so that I can have a secure place to practice my interest. Whilst I strip off on quiet or deserted beaches, I always feel the threat of approach by authority or complaint, despite my innocent behaviour. So, I tend to do so when I am in the company of like-minded individuals. I also miss the fellowship of like-minded persons that I once enjoyed at Mapua, Wellington and in Australia. Consequently, I was most disappointed that my application for membership was not considered fairly, objectively and without prejudice.
Yours sincerely
Bryan Forrest




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Photo: Vadimir Chernovol

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