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 #  99 - December 1981 

[The New Zealand Naturist] Editor: Graeme Brown (Pages: 20 - $1.70)


Samagatuma Nudist Resort USA.
Nude is not Rude by Bob Unwin, WA
A Zillion Good Reasons (from Pinecones)
N.Z. and Australian Club News (4)&(4)
Editor's Jottings
Comments from the National Secretary's Desk
Summary Offences Bill Submission by NZNF 29-7-1981
The "New" Nudity
Why Go Nude? (Extracts from "Barely Christian" by John E. Carter)
Geyserland Leisure Park
Letters to the Editor
NZ Club Directory: (25)
Australian Club Directory: (33)





The word, Samagatuma, is an American Indian word meaning 'The Valley of Peace' or 'The Valley of Rest', according to the interpreter. The Samagatuma Creek and surrounding valley was originally named by resident Indians to denote a particular area of real estate in the Alpine area in East San Diego County. Ernie Miller and his mother, Lucille, along with a small group of like- minded persons opened a nudist camp in the Samagatuma Valley in 1934. For several reasons, it became uneconomical for the group to continue in it's first locale for any period of time so The Millers located and made arrangements to purchase the club's present property south of Ramona in 1935. The property consisted of approximately 160 acres of marginal mountain land including a valley of about fifty acres and the surrounding precipitous cliffs. Except for one or two small changes, the property has remained intact and virtually unchanged during the intervening half-century. From the time Ernie (who still resides on the premises) and Lucille moved in to the present day, the usage of that original quarter section has remained unchanged. It was then, continued to be, and is now an area devoted to those that desire to live free, commune with nature and be healthy, namely... nudists


Was the life of a Social Nudist much different in the thirties than it is today? Emphatically, YES! Nudists in those bygone and uptight days could very seldom be candid and open with their non-nudist relatives, neighbours or friends. The simple act of attending a nudist resort could and did many times result in loss of job, position and or respect of society. Teachers, church members and others in any position of influence had to be especially careful to keep secret their way of life. The simple act of associating in the nude with another adult or, worse yet, children, was a dastardly offence to be prosecuted or persecuted any and all ways to the culprit's discomfort. Carrying, transporting or even being in possession of pictures depicting nudist activities again was cause, many times, for imprisonment.

With the advent of 'pin-up girls' of World War II, the famous Calendar Girls of Richard Petty, the advent of Esquire Magazine followed by the 'then-shocking' Playboy, even the nudist publications that had been popular for questionable reasons for a decade or two lost popularity. What had once been a prime source of income for nudist causes now became an uneconomic burden. The publication of progressive nudist magazines or periodicals designed for public distribution ceased in the sixties for all practical purposes. As far as this author can determine, for the immediately preceding decade, practically nothing has been written of social nudism. Certainly nothing that one could purchase at the corner newsstand or drugstore on a monthly basis. It would seem almost that there was nothing happening worth writing about. And, in that time span, in truth, there was very little to write about.





Most clubs, having already fought their legal battles, plodded on secure in the knowledge that their few members would be free from prosecution. But... what happened to the zeal of the thirties? ... What happened to the health-proponents? ... What happened to those that drummed on the theme of nudism as a 'family way of life'? What happened to the writers, photographers, religionists and other persons of prominence that had once so ardently promoted nudist life. It seems that all but a handful had faded from the scene, either through disinterest, disillusion or death till few remained that were willing or able to effectively promote Social Nudism for it's many proven benefits.

A lifestyle that originally had as one of it's main concepts regimented health programmes, daily programmed exercise, strict diet and abstinence from alcohol had now subsided into a comfortable social lifestyle where one joined in for a weekend now and then if one chose or stayed home if the inclination dictated. A few progressively private resort owners still promoted nudism on a limited basis, usually in their own immediate area for reasons of economic owners, nudism today would, indeed be in a very sorry state.




All photos: Leif Heilberg   


Advent, the free beaches and the free-living and loving seventies!!! Nudism returned to the headlines! ... Thousands flocked to the beaches! ... More thousands practised nudism at home, in the desert or at one of thousands of hot springs, throughout the west. The practise of nudism is again a subject for public conversation. Television, National Magazines, Radio and The Press all get on the bandwagon!!

Television talk shows, local press columnists, nationally syndicated columnists such as Abby and Ann Landers all treat nudism with varying degrees of acceptance. Sensationalist writers get in their licks! Nudism and the practise of nudism is discussed everywhere. In San Diego it is the 'in' thing to have visited Blacks Beach. Of course merely visiting a nude beach cut's no ice... One must join the crowd and take that daring step. Everything must go... down to the hairpins and socks... But what is this??? In a free and open environment, with no pressure being brought to bare... still the great proportion are in the nude and well-behaved. One of organised nudism's strictest rules has been overwhelmed by mass action. Strict rules for complete nudity at all times in nudist resorts may not be necessary after all

Look at the beaches! No rules at all there except the rule of public opinion, and very few problems in relation to the numbers in attendance.

So... the practice of Social Nudism has entered a new era, an era of completely candid openness, an era of relaxed rules and also an era of more complete social acceptance. The general public, as never before, if not ready to donate beaches and public lands to nude enthusiasts, is ready to accept Social Nudism on it's merits. Hundreds contact the Samagatuma office monthly, some almost like a schoolboy with hat in hand, questing and seeking knowledge of an unfamiliar lifestyle... What are the benefits? What can I expect on my first experience? How will my body react? ... Or my mind? Will social nudism really be good for the kids? Will it help my marriage. Many of the questions are still partly unanswerable. Some have no answer because they delve too far into the subconscious or the personal attitudes of those involved. Most have been answered thousands of times over by those that have gone before us and the answers still remain the same. Common sense, if relied upon, would answer practically all of the commonest questions asked about nudism, however, in many, many cases, common sense cannot combat two centuries of continuous mind-saturation as regards the inherent nastiness and evil of the human body. We have been taught that the mind and the soul, if you may, can and should reach perfection, but the idea of a clean, perfect and wholesome body including exposure of same should not even be considered. The human form has been and remains for many, something to delegate to obscurity, to hide in shame and to refuse any exposure of the very parts of the body that conceived you and I and made our life possible have taken on a form of nastiness which precludes any of those parts being put on view.


The New Samagatuma has and is taking the view that while all may not be ready to accept Social Nudism, the benefits of Social Nudism are still there for all of those who choose to participate. For those few who cannot or will not accept the evident truths of the beneficial aspects of the nude life, the loss is theirs and not ours. With the Free Beach advocates leading the way, hundreds of thousands of persons in the last few years, in America, have recognised the basic values and positive aspects of Social Nudism. Samagatuma-style is a burgeoning life-style in Southern California with an ,ever-more-promising future. Few pressures and an accent on individual freedom have been and continue to be the mainstays of it's successful program. Social Nudism is definitely on the upswing in The Great Southwest and You too can be a part of the scene...

The Miss Nude Galaxy Pageant, which was held for the first time at Samagatuma Nudist Resort on July 8 and 9 1978, was not just another beauty contest. Nude or clothed, in the past, many of the contests that we have been witness to stressed very little of lasting importance. Popularities of the moment in clothing, physical dimensions or styles, have in our opinion, all too often decided winners in many of these competitions, while at the same time many basic human values of lasting concern were seemingly ignored.

The main aim of Samagatuma in presenting the Pageant was to promote the image of Social Nudism to interested persons who may have previously been given slanted information. A natural reaction from a non-nudist when invited to attend such a function can be very far removed from reality. Actual attendance cannot but aid these individuals in attaining a true picture of the type of persons frequenting a Nudist Resort. Most of those in attendance at normal nudist events, if they maintain an open mind, will gain much insight and clarification about nudist motivations. Since the actual nudist scene is so far removed from the imagined scene, in most cases, that first trip for many leads to subsequent visits and many times, actual participation in nude enjoyment.

Thus, the reason for the Miss Nude Galaxy Pageant. The well- known saying "Try it, You'll like it!" was very apropos in this case.

The several Pageant judges, who were strictly non-partisan, judged the contestants not on beauty or form alone, but taking many points into consideration. Attitudes towards nudism an nudist background gave many points. Presence of mind, the ability to meet the public, suntan and body respect were also aspects considered. Talents were an asset, but to no great extent. The ability to project a pleasing appearance without extensive use of cosmetics counted heavily. Some nervousness while on stage was to be expected, but Pageant Directors were looking for that person who was not ashamed nor self-conscious of her body, but instead, was proud of the nudist life and aware of the many benefits available to those that took part in the Social Nudist Scene.


The Miss Nude Galaxy Theme Song

(The Pageant of The Stars)


As the Stars are in the heavens

And creation is in tune,

So it is in our quiet valley

In the month that follows June.

We have found serene contentment

In our peaceful mountain deli.

Here we live as God intended,

Au Naturel!


Every summer, there's a Pageant,

Miss Nude Galaxy (by name).

When we choose a nude aspirant

For the nudist hall of fame.

Miss Nude Galaxy is her title

And she reigns for one full year.

She is one among the many

Who have come from far and near.

When our holiday is over,

Duty calls us from afar.

One and all will e'er remember

The Pageant of The Stars!




The Orchard Sun Club Inc.

The South's Premier Nudist Club is still very much alive at

Along with our acres of well grassed tree lined gullies which offer warmth, shelter and privacy we have a new all weather miniten court. Volleyball Court and Swimming pool, Barbecue and Picnic areas. A natural adventure playground for children. Only 10 minutes from the city centre. Fun in the sun for all the family.

For invitation to visit, phone 739-207 or write P.O. Box 5460, Dunedin.



Sydney's newest and largest Sun Club. Set in forty-eight
acres of beautiful bushland. Approximately 65
kilometres northwest of Sydney.

Inquiries: The Secretary,

P.O. Box 103, Milsons Point,

New South Wales 2061, Australia.



Fred Bear

We welcome new members of
all ages, stages and interests
from inside and outside the SUN
, to join us in enjoying the
sun, the sea and the sand.

For further in formation please write to the:

Secretary, P.O. Box 41-171, St Lukes,



"Where the sun is naturally best"

Large concrete swimming pool, Archery, Volley Ball, Miniten, Petanque, Darts, modern toilets and showers. Big children's playground, powered sites on 89 acres just one hour from
Brisbane; families and couples welcome all year.

Phone 075-656602 or write P.O. Box 98 Laidley 4341

Caravans for hire, please book.



Auckland's most progressive new club.

Set in private bushland just thirty minutes north
from the harbour bridge at sunny Orewa.

We welcome new members,
apply for in formation to:

The Secretary, P.O. Box 33-525, Takapuna





by R.L. UNWIN, Nudist Club Member, A.N.F. Supporter and North Swanbourne Beach Users Association Member.

The nudist movement in Australia has developed to the stage where there are thirty-two Nudist Clubs, twenty seven "Free Beaches" (ten of them legal) and an estimated fifty thousand practicing nudists. Add to this the number of occasional and private (backyard pool using) nudists and it is seen that a growing percentage of Australians are using their ideal climate to enjoy the "Natural" way of life.

This is shown by the Gallop Polls which have shown a steady increase in the acceptance of, and the need for Free beaches. The latest shows W.A. is 60% in favour of legalising Free beaches. The A.C.T., N.T., N.S.W., and South Australian Governments have legalised nude, or to use their quaint term, unclad bathing without loss of popularity. Police from these States are on record stating that these Free beaches have not resulted in any increase in problems. "Accepted" Free beaches in WA. have the same good record. The only place problems of a legal nature have occurred is in the Wanneroo Shire where prosecutions of nudists by the Shire have resulted in the odd-balls believing that they can hassle the nudists without fear of arrest. The nudists, 40 of whom have been arrested, are then blamed when these sick people, none of whom have been arrested, indiscriminately attack nudist and non nudist.

Why nude beaches? Can't nudists do it at home or in a club? Yes, nudism is practiced in those venues but the limited ability of clubs to cater for the growing numbers of nudists leaves the Free Beaches as the only alternative for social nudism. Let me make on thing clear. The nudist does NOT want exclusive rights to any beach. The Free beach movement throughout the world is based on the desire to have beaches where the wearing of clothes is optional.


Nudists want the same as water skiers, dog owners, surfers, yacht clubs and fishermen: THE RIGHT TO PRACTICE THEIR WAY OF LIFE ON PRESCRIBED AREAS OF BEACH.

What is the reason we wish to be nude? This is best answered by a quote from the International Naturist Guide which is produced by the International Federation representing millions of nudists in thirty eight countries. "One of the essential elements of naturism today is the practice of complete nudity in company, and in particular in natural surroundings. This practice allows us to get the most benefit from natural forces and to recover our physical and mental balance. Complete exposure to one's fellows creates a genuineness in human relationship which is lacking when one is clothed. Its practice is a sign of progress towards a simpler, healthier, wiser and more human life and it is marked by a sense of freedom and happiness".

How about people finding themselves on a Free beach when they don't agree with nudism? This is a real problem when beaches are not legal. When they are it is easily avoided. A sign along the lines of "Welcome to the Free Beach of XYZ Shire Government. If nudism is likely to offend you, please swim south of this sign". The legalisation of sufficient Free beaches to cater for the nudists would mean that those who go nude on textile beaches deserve to be arrested and fined.

The North Swanbourne Beach Users Association has been joined by Sunseekers and Apollo Nudists Clubs to work towards legal Free beaches. One avenue being used is a circular letter distributed to members and other nudists and their local M.P.s. This letter has resulted in a number of people receiving replies from M.P.s of both parties indicating their interest and sympathy with the contents.


Photo: Leif Heilberg   



A unique opportunity to enjoy a naturist lifestyle in Australia's fascinating outback.


Travelling in the safety and comfort of air-conditioned four wheel drive station wagons, our itinerary takes you on a meandering path through the rugged Flinders Ranges - Arkaroola, Yudnamutana Gorge and Paralana Hot Springs. Following the Strzelecki Track north, visit historic lnnamincka and the fateful Dig Tree. Camp in seclusion for several days under tall, shady trees by Kudriemitchie Waterhole on the Coopers Creek, and on the edge of beautiful Coongie Lake.

Austrek Expeditions


Savour delicious and varied meals cooked over an open campfire. See spectacular bird life as you explore the waterways in our inflatable boat. Swim, fish, and explore this photographer's paradise, or just relax in perfect freedom under the northern sun.

Two 13 day expeditions only, departing May 16th and August 29th, 1982. $A658.

For brochure with full details and bookings, write to:-

Austrek Expeditions,

P.O. Box 177,

Marden SA 5070


Ph: (08)293-4800 (A.H.)





with thanks to the September issue of "Pinecones"


Now, before you stop reading, hang on a second... I know this topic has been brought up before and I know there are a zillion good reasons why you couldn't participate in any of the above, and I'm not about to go on a crusade about it all, but I just wondered if you'd thought about it this way.

So we are a Sun Club. That means we concentrate on providing good facilities for enjoying nudism together as a recreation and relaxation and on a family basis. That's great. To achieve this prime objective we have to spend money and to get money to spend we charge subscriptions and other specific fees. So okay we pay our fees and we get our club; what's all the fuss about - why the nagging about working bees and doing this and that, when all we want to do is go out and lie in the sun now and again and do the other things we like to do?

Well, the answer's quite simple. We could get people in to do all the work, we could forget about trying to cover rising costs by fund raising projects, we could get everything laid on and set out and beautifully organised so we don't have to do anything but enjoy, enjoy and we would increase annual membership fees to about $300 per annum and we would have one terrible outcry at the A.G.M. wouldn't we?

I know we pay fees - but the club is still a co-operative in a very basic sense of the word. When the Social Committee come up with a Brass Monkey Ball or a Garage Sale the idea is certainly that it'll be fun, but the idea is also very importantly to raise additional funds for the club - for OUR BENEFIT.

Certainly you don't have to be involved more than you want, but you'll miss out on good times, good friends, and making your extra contribution - and that's bound to cost you - it really will.





P.O. Box 1823,




Canberra's progressive nudist club, for "young" people of any age. We offer friendly regular activities all year. Our beautiful new grounds are also developing well.

Interested? Why not drop a line to:
P.O. Box 242, WODEN, A.C.T. 2602



14 acres of park-like grounds and bush-clad hills where the nudists of Wellington relax during their leisure hours in a congenial environment with three pool complex, expansive lawns, children's play area with adventure playground, camping and clubhouse facilities, bunk-house, sleeps 8.

Membership is invited from Families, Couples etc.

Apply to the Secretary P.O. Box 2854, Wellington
for further information.



New Zealand and Australian Club News



The Pohutukawa was in flower here in September, so we are looking forward to a long dry summer. The timber cladding on the outside walls of our hall is almost completed, while inside our upstairs lounge is plastered and painted, and looking quite cosy. A gambling evening which saw us all win and lose thousands of dollars (funny money) was a tremendous success, while the workdays over the winter months have shaped our grounds ready for summer, with a new club barbeque area under construction.

A warm welcome to all North Island club members travelling to the Rally; do call in on your way, or way back or both, we have camp sites, hot showers, a refreshing swim, and most likely some caravan points waiting for you.

A happy holiday, and all the best for Christmas and for 1982 to all.



Work is continuing on upgrading the area around the clubhouse and improving the camping area. The grounds for our miniten court are now being levelled off and will be sealed later in the season. We have recently purchased a pool table for use in the clubhouse. On February 7th, we invite all club members to a social day at the grounds.



Central Districts largest club with 7 hectares of natural country settings, only 37 kilometres from Palmerston North.

Tar sealed road right to the Club entrance.

Large pool, plus toddlers and children's pool all filtered; well stocked canteen during the season, caravan power points available, miniten court, 9 hole mini golf course, two trampolines and large games area.

Situated on the warm coastal belt in sound of the sea.

This is the friendly club with a difference. Write now for a club brochure to:

The Secretary
P.O. Box 980
Palmerston North
or ring 81-762


A year has gone since you have heard any news from Corio. Considerable activity has taken place combined with much detailed planning for the future. Membership is still on the increase and with the setting up of an Advance Planning Committee, not only is the present being catered for but long term needs and hopes can be sought out and planned.

Many social activities have been held with the swim nights during the winter months still being very popular. Many Corio members enjoyed a day of sunning and swimming with over 1000 other nude bodies on the unofficial 'free' beach at Point Impossible in World Nudist Day 1981. The highlight of the day was a parachute jump onto the beach by the Bangalee Nudist Skydivers. Corio entered a float in the local Geelong Hospital Gala Day procession. This was well received by the 3000 people lining the City streets. Shouts of 'get your gear off' and 'chicken' were heard amongst the young,and old. I might add that it rained just as the procession commenced and stopped as the procession finished.

Corio's youth have held various activities including camp outs, hikes, Life Be In It Day, bike rides (to club from Geelong 45km) and have an active interest in the club's growth. Their own retreat is now fairly well established. They know what they want and are setting out to achieve it. Two of our youth are our Sports Captains.

We look forward to a long hot summer and wish all club members and supporters a great 1982.



We're writing to you from the frozen lands of the A.C.T. feeling rather envious of nudists who live in warmer places further north.

Bernard, our A.N.F. Vice President, has just returned from a very successful trip up north, talking to interested groups of nudists about joining clubs, starting clubs, becoming supporters, and so

on. This trip has consolidated the gains made through an incredibly successful advertising campaign through local newspapers, and really shows what we can all do if we try.

Unfortunately, Victoria has been gaining publicity of a less favourable kind. It was disturbing to hear of the numerous arrests made on the unofficial nude beaches, mainly Point Impossible. Fines of up to several hundred dollars were imposed.

Over in the west, a well organised group is fighting hard to get Swanbourne and other popular (but unofficial) free beaches legalised, against a fair bit of opposition from the council.

It's not much consolation, but we've heard from the Clothing Optional Society in America that they're having similar problems, too. Reports of police violence to nudists, as well as arrests. And this interesting entry in their social notes: "Sorry about canceling the June social, but we were in jail..."

On other matters, thanks to those clubs who sent us updated information for the new Australia and New Zealand Club Guide. It has quite a few changes from last year, and a larger free beach section. It should be printed by the time you read this. We hope to keep our own price the same as the earlier edition, but postage is now higher. It's still a very good buy!

Mike and Rosemary Severs
A.N.F. Secretary & Assistant Secretary




We are still here, even if we were not noticeable in the last issue. Our clubhouse is coming along fine due to the many working bees. The kitchen is almost completely fitted out and the main living areas are all beginning to look quite fantastic. It will see many celebrations of all kinds before the year is out. We will be at the Mystery Creek, Hobby and Sports Field Days, again this year an will be promoting our ideals with great gusto! So do come see us and join in the fun. Our volley ball team is having a lot of fun each weekend at the Y.M. and by the time summer gets here they will really be able to show us how good they are. Our social calendar is starting to look very busy indeed, with very few free weekends. We are all off to the beach at the end of November, so the fisher folk of the Bay of Plenty watch out! After that comes Christmas, Santa and all that lovely sunshine. We will be staying on the club grounds over the holidays so we will be looking for some visitors from other clubs. With any luck other clubs will see a little of us also this year, preferably in the brown not in the pink.




As I write this in September the weather is in the mid 20's. Just great for our lawn area which we have just sown. The roof on the toilet block is going on and as soon as it is completed, we will then get our second miniten court bitumened as well as putting up the two sides to the fencing.

The Social nights at the club on the second Saturday of each month are being enjoyed by all.

The members attending the sauna on the last Saturday of each month are increasing as the weather gets warmer. Should any nudists be planning to visit the Games here in Brisbane next year. The Bears are less than 30 km from most of the activities.

All in all the Bears are progressing very well.




Hi there, all you skin friend neighbours. By the time this is out it will be really summer. At the moment it is glorious spring, wild flowers all around the club, on the walks, and near some of the sites. The swimming is in force in our great tidal creek (big as a river). The flying fox will need some grease to start it off for the kids to plunge in. Things are running smoothly, there has been great response to play Mini Ten tournaments among members, adults and juniors, play outs organised by some of our prominent members. Our Petanque set should be here, so the practice can begin before the next N.A.Q. Rally next Easter, this time to be held at The Three Bears. Hope they have the amount of "bodies" floating around as we did. Next projects on the list at the club is to finish the tennis court and make playground equipment (with logs).

The lights on the Mini courts will be up by the "Lu-Au" on 7th November, a bit different this time. Beef on Spit with salads, etc, chickens and sweet spuds in pit. The theme "Cowboys & Indians", the band "Bayside Country" setting the trend, feathers, body paint, hats!!! P.S. The phone number in A.N.F. - N.Z. guide book is not as printed. There will be notification when I have a new number.

Be Happy - Have Fun - Free In the Sun.



Good news for those nudists on the West Coast of the South Island. The N.Z.N.F. along with a local landowner are studying the feasibility of opening a new club for you. For more information, write to the N.Z.N.F. Secretary at P.O. Box 1359, Wellington.

Calling all those aspiring journalists. If you would like to be part of the Naturist editorial committee, please phone Graeme. That's me, the editor, on Auckland 534-2479.




FULLY-furnished Lockwood home only short walk from best free beach in N.Z. $150 p.w. for couple, preferably without children, during November and from Christmas Day for two weeks. Write, with reference, to: 'Beach House", 217 Range Road, Papamoa.



There are a large number of people in N.Z. males, females, mums and dads, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, or families as a whole who do consider that there is nothing wrong with social nudism, but for one reason or another do riot or cannot join a recognised Sun/Nudist Club. They would, should there be an opportunity support the movement without the necessity of having to join a Club.

The New Zealand Nudist Federation has now introduced into its organisation a "Supporter" member group, and you are very cordially invited to join this group.

For a small annual subscription any family or individual can become a supporter member, thus indicated in a tangible way support for the movement, and in return getting proper and official information on 'what it's all about'.

Like any properly run organisation there will be some rules, and these are set out on the application form. Simply they will be:

(a) Age 18 or over

(b) Not a member of a Club (Free Beach Group excepted - if you join a club at a later date your membership automatically lapses.)

(c) Payment of an annual subscription.


And what will you receive in turn?

Initially you will receive a receipt for your money, together with an official NZNF sticker suitable for car window or bumper; a 'Bare With Us' sticker, a year's subscription to the N.Z. 'NATURIST' and most importantly an INF/NZNF Membership Card endorsed "SUPPORTER", which will open the door to many Sun Clubs throughout the world including some N.Z. ones, and concession rates at these clubs. In due course a supporters Bulletin will be issued containing many interesting items and up-to-date information for the member on what's happening in Nudism, and associated matters of interest.

ALL applications will be treated in the strictest confidence. Well now that you know something of the scheme you may like to join us.

The annual subscription has been set at $10 plus a $2 application fee per unit: i.e. individual or family.

A stamped addressed envelope to P.O. Box 1359, Wellington will get you an application form.



I.N.F. Nudist Club Guide Book (worldwide coverage) . . . . . . . . . .   $8.50 ea

N.Z.N.F. Official Window Sticker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   .50 ea

N.Z.N.F. 'Bare With Us' Bumper Sticker   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   .50 ea

Your introduction to Social Nudism + pamphlet . . . . . . . . . . . . .   .25c a set

Promotion Bulletins No's 1 to 6.

N.Z.N.F. Official Sports Booklet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $2.50 ea

Orders to:

The Secretary, N.Z.N.F. P.O. Box 1359




New Zealand's foremost naturist park

Patron: Sir Dove-Meyer Robinson

*Sunbathing *Volleyball * Miniten *Swimming
Cabin available for visitors - We are open all year


For full particulars write to the Secretary:

Auckland Outdoor Health Club Inc.
P.O. Box 2702, Auckland



Now able to offer 20 acres of beautiful Australian
Bushland for your enjoyment. Approximately 55 km east of the Melbourne G.P.O.


Please write to:

The Secretary,

P.O. Box 428, Mt Waverley 3149, Victoria




Of more than passing interest to nudists was the recent introduction into Parliament of the Summary Offences Bill. The Bill is designed to repeal and replace the Police Offences Act 1927, and its amendments, relating to summary offences. Of interest to our Organisation are Clauses 3 and 26 of the Bill.

Clause 3 relates to disorderly behaviour, while Clause 26 concerns indecent exposure.

Such was the import of these two Clauses in particular that the NZNF felt motivated to make submissions to the Select Committee. We feel that it would be of interest to all readers to see what we said on the issue, so our submission is reprinted here in full.

Readers are invited to make comment on this to either their M.P., or the Secretary of this Federation.








Our attention has been drawn to the Summary Offences Bill currently under consideration by Parliament. In particular we have looked at the implications of Clauses 3 and 26, as to the effect they may have on our area of interest.

It is our desire and wish that the Select Committee, and members of Parliament, in examining the Bill take into account the views of this Federation which represents the interests of organised and unorganised nudists in New Zealand.

The Federation is made up of 25 Associations, Clubs, etc, which have in total a considerable membership, but there is an even greater number of people who are not part of organised nudism but who, in their own way and good time, practice nudism. Our Federation is an affiliated and financial member of the International Naturist Federation which represents the interests of literally thousands of nudists world wide.

Earlier I indicated that we were made up of 25 different Clubs. Of this number 23 own their grounds. 23 Clubs are Incorporated Societies, and one is a private company. We might add that a further establishment is being set up by way of a Trust, and this too will have grounds to cater for the regular and the occasional nudist. The clubs with grounds, not unlike camping recreation areas, are known to the respective local bodies and to my knowledge there has been no official disapproval of them.

Many of our members, and a larger number of non-members frequent what are known as 'free beaches'. Here they can pursue their leisure activities at the beach in a complete state of undress. This practice is becoming more widespread every year, and while tolerated in most localities it has not got the protection of the law which is both necessary and desirable.

Cases of obscene behaviour on free beaches is almost unknown, but should it arise the likelihood of the offender being a "regular" is most remote. Indeed an obscene act at any member club, national nudist rally or official function is unknown.

The concept of nudist areas or in some cases clothes optional areas overseas, and in particular in Europe is an accepted way of life. There are in fact many villages or complexes which allow the inhabitants - be they regular or itinerant - to pursue all their activities without clothes on. Thousands of Europeans spend a considerable amount of time in such areas, at nudist clubs or designated free beaches without any thought of being considered as indecent or obscene in their behaviour. Research will show that in the more restrictive countries such as the United Kingdom, many people will travel to Europe to experience a naturist holiday but this is being rectified by the designation of a number of UK beaches as "free beaches".

The fact that so many beaches are officially recognised as nudist beaches is well known, and there are numerous publications available which guide both club member and non-club member alike to their whereabouts. One European Government openly supports nudism and free beaches particularly so far as tourism is concerned.


New Zealand's summer climate is well suited to nudism, be it in the club setting or at the beach, and this Federation receives numerous requests as to the opportunities for nudist living and activities. Many of these requests are from New Zealanders, but there is an increasing number from would be and actual overseas visitors. We can instance a number of cases where families from overseas have spent their time in New Zealand visiting Clubs, and from these "bases" see New Zealand. Some of these have returned to New Zealand. The concept of Mapua Leisure Park has captured the attention of many New Zealanders who are not keen on the club style of nudism, but more particularly it is of interest to the overseas visitor. Mapua Leisure Park is run just like a conventional camping ground, except that the campers are free to remain dressed or may undress. It is therefore a clothes optional camping complex. A similar establishment is envisaged near Taupo. Our view is that not only is there a demand for this type of establishment for New Zealanders, there is an ever increasing demand for it from overseas. Recent correspondence with a Dutch family indicated that given the necessary encouragement from Government officials, this family would have been prepared to emigrate to New Zealand, bringing finance with them, to set up another nudist area. We could not of course guarantee such co-operation. But this will serve to example the interest in nudist activities in this country, from overseas.

A greater number of enquiries seek information re our free beaches, but while we can advise that in selected areas nudism is tolerated on beaches there is no official sanction of this practice. This fact is reflected in very few other countries.

The Federation, while perhaps thinking it may be an ideal situation, does not suggest that nudity should be allowed as and when required by any one individual. However we do feel, and support the view, that in areas so designated there should be allowed freedom of dress. It would not be for us to suggest that central Government should have to designate such areas. It is our view that local Government should have the authority to do so. We see that responsible organised bodies, such as local sun or nudist clubs, the Free Beach Group, the N.Z. Nudist Federation would make representations to the appropriate local body for a particular area to be designated as a free beach or such like. The local body would have the final say after making such enquiries as it saw fit.

We would add that it is our view that where such areas are so designated notices indicating that nudity may be observed would be erected. It is not our wish that people be offended by what we consider is inoffensive, and the proper notices would allow those who do not wish to participate to be warned.

The N.Z. Nudist Federation submits that for a significant number of New Zealanders, not to mention overseas visitors, there is a strong wish and desire for a limit or the restrictions in the area of offensive behaviour, so that in designated areas there will be no risk of prosecution for being nude. We consider there should be provision in this Bill, now under consideration, for Local government bodies to designate areas where nudism is not in itself an offence. An exemption for these designated areas so far as clauses 3 and 26 of the Bill would appear to suffice.

A kiss  




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Photo: Leif Heilberg


Well appointed club situated north side of Sydney
Just a thirty minute drive from the Harbour Bridge

The beautiful grounds include three tiled pools, lawns, gardens, a sauna, tennis, miniten, volley ball and badminton courts, hot showers, kitchen facilities, children's playground and a shade car park.

Apply for more Information to the Secretary, P.O. Box 143,
Terry Hills, 2084, New South Wales.


South Auckland Nudist Club Inc.

"The Family Club"

Centrally located in beautiful surroundings offering a
warm friendly atmosphere for sunbathing and
swimming in our new pool.

We welcome new members and for further enquiries
please write to the:-
P.O. Box 63-084 Papatoetoe South



For 4 Issues just send:
New Zealand $6.40
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Send your subscription to:

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New Zealand


Back Issues still available
Three for $1.50

Mixed Bundles of 10 for $3.25
Overseas postage surcharge:

For three 75c - For ten $2.00


Please send me The New Zealand Naturist for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Issues starting with No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Cheque and postal orders should be made payable to New Zealand Nudist Federation





Nudity is part of the contemporary scene. It has long been almost commonplace on the cinema and television screens, and on the stage - usually from explicitly sexual motives. But there is also, today, a growing acceptance of social nudity - even in public - as natural, normal and quite decent. This new attitude to nudity does not have sexual overtones. The demand, and the achievement, of "free" beaches throughout the world, for bathing in the natural state of nudity shows the present generation's impatience with the hypothetical double standards of their elders on the question of "modesty." Or does it? Is the naked human body "decent" or not? Will many people never be seen by one another unless draped, at least in part, with the unnatural artifice of clothing?


Is it wrong to take pleasure in the beauty of nature? Is it wrong to enjoy the simple pleasures of a healthy body? Is it wrong to enjoy the company of the opposite sex, made for us by God? Is it wrong to take pleasure in the sight of the natural body of the opposite sex in its God-created state? Is it wrong to enjoy being in that supremely comfortable and happy state ourselves, free of the artificiality of man-made clothing? Is the mutual nakedness of men and women together really an inducement to sin, an incitement to lust in thought, if not in deed? Are we in fact better able to exercise control of our sexual desires when "decently" clad, when our sexual details are hidden from one another? Or does that very clothing - especially the miniscule bikinis of today - do more to emphasise sexual differences, even to draw attention to those very parts which they purport to conceal?


How much of our sexual characteristics are in practice covered by modern, beachwear? Who, on seeing a person thus "dressed" can be in any doubt as to the sex of the subject? Exactly what it is that we want so desperately to hide, and in what way does it differ from the other 99% of us which we feel no need to hide? God made every part of us, including those parts which we hide in bikinis, and He saw it ALL to be good. The areas covered are those involved in sexual activity, and it is generally supposed that their exposure by one sex to the other is an inevitable stimulant to sexual arousal. A woman's breasts, especially her nipples, are erogenous, i.e. she can be sexually stimulated by their manipulation; and the same is true of the genitals of both sexes. The very obvious male response to sexual arousal cannot easily be concealed when naked. The pubic hair of both sexes, however, which is also normally concealed, has no direct sexual involvement.


These are incontrovertible facts about human physiology and sexuality. The question concerning the advisability of the practice of public or social nudity is, "What is in practice the effect of the visibility of these sexual characteristics of one sex to the other, both on the person seeing them and on the person to whom they belong?" Does social nudity of the sexes in common invariably - or even ever - give rise to sexual arousal simply because of the nudity per se? The answer, from the experience of the millions of practising nudists the world over, to say nothing of those communities where clothing is virtually unknown; is a resounding, "No."


Why, then, do we not always go naked whenever it is common sense to do so as a matter of course: for bathing. Why the need to be clothed? Why do we truss ourselves up for the beach in such strange arrangements of minute scraps of cloth, tenuously attached to one another with strings, for our own discomfort and inconvenience; which really hide nothing and fool nobody?



For many generations people have been brought up to be clothed at all times and in all places. It has been instilled into us as children that it is "naughty to be nude." We have been consistently denied the sight of the natural nakedness of the opposite sex, and continually constrained never to reveal our own nakedness to them, as being "indecent." The first time when a man and a woman may see each other as God made them, according to current Christian ethical and orthodox thinking, is on their wedding night. What a shock! As a result of the insidious insinuations of the media, to which we are all exposed, that nudity is of itself erotic, the anticipation and the fulfillment of the sight of the beloved naked becomes just one more strain to be undergone on a day full of tensions.



What is the effect of the practice of social nudism today? Throughout the world there are many hundreds of clubs and nudist holiday centres in which nudism is practised by millions. Here, men, women and children of all ages, married and unmarried, are naked together for days, weeks or even months on end. They swim, sunbathe, join in sports of all kinds, have their meals and do everything else which people do on holiday, quite naturally entirely naked. There is no segregation of the sexes. There are no rules about nudity, the members and holiday makers are free to be clothed or naked as they wish, whenever they wish. There is no concealment of any part of the body from one another, nor is any part given any particular emphasis or considered of any special significance - in contrast to the wearers of bikinis. Those parts of the body normally invariably covered are as bare as the rest, and the whole body thereby forms a more satisfactory visual harmony.



At first, due to complete unfamiliarity with such a situation, it is difficult for the newcomer not to be very conscious of the general unconcerned display of so many bare buttocks, breasts and genitals, free of all unnatural restrictions, and of the universal display of those little dark triangles of pubic hair. The smooth, uninterrupted lines of bodies naked from head to toe, moving, running, jumping, playing, walking, or just sitting chatting or stretched out sunbathing, all openly to be seen seems to cry out, "Surely, this must be wrong?" and yet it does not feel wrong. A strange battle is often fought within the novice. The long conditioned mind is saying that surely this must be erotic, that the sight of all this nudity ought to be sexually stimulating - but the evidence of the senses replies that it just is not so! A strong mental discomfort may last a couple of minutes at the all pervading consciousness of your own unaccustomed public nakedness. The feeling of being "undressed" for all to see (actually, no-one is looking!), the novel sensation that your "private parts" have become a public spectacle, is almost inevitably difficult to reconcile with all your previous teaching. But this passes so quickly that after a very few minutes any embarrassment disappears, and within half an hour you have almost forgotten that there was ever anything unusual in everyone being naked. When all are naked, nakedness ceases to exist; no one's nudity is remarkable or of any special interest. Ordinary social nudity just is not sexually stimulating. Your normal natural, naked body is not indecent; and you will find, perhaps to your surprise, that the visibility to all of every part of it - including those parts used for sex - is not the least incitement to lust or the inflammation of sexual desire.





Why does anyone want to be nude anyway? Perhaps a more pertinent question might be, "Why does anyone object to being nude - or to others being nude?" You were born nude, you were designed to live nude, and you certainly will not take your clothes with you into the world to come! Much of the biblical reference to clothing is allegorical (e.g. "clothed in righteousness," etc.) It is necessary to explain the things of heaven of which we have no experience in terms of those things of this world which we do know. Can you really believe in a heaven full of people in long white robes? What function could these clothes possibly perform? Surely we should not be thinking of the physical sensations of heat and cold in the context of external life, and, whatever one may think of their function for "modesty's sake," we are specifically told that in heaven there will be no male and female! (Gal. ch. 3 v. 28, Matt. ch. 22 v. 30.) On a more physical level, nudity is so very much more comfortable than even the minimum of clothing, and it is far more convenient for most physical activities and sport than any sort of sports clothes yet devised. The need for contorted changing on the beach is obviated by the simple acceptance of the decency of nakedness.


All that may be required is the shedding of any garments which may happen to be being worn at the time, and one is ready for swimming or sunbathing. After bathing, drying ceases to be a matter of awkward, surreptitious wriggles whilst attempting to persuade a recalcitrant towel to perform its additional role of vital concealment of the process. It is no longer necessary for the still damp body to be immediately forced back into clammy clothing - along with what feels like half the sand off the beach. Instead, one can dry easily, quickly and naturally in comfort in the sun and air. Separate changing facilities for each sex are unnecessary - indeed, with the acceptance of the decency of nakedness, special accommodation, whose sole purpose is to screen the process of dressing and undressing, is not required at all; and showers can be in the open. All this simply where no-one has anything to hide from anyone else. And this is exactly how it is amongst nudists!


Extracts from
"Barely Christian" supplied by
John E. Carter.



Interested in nudism? If you're not already a club member then perhaps you've been to a free beach, or have just enjoyed the freedom of nudism at home with your family or your friends.

So you enjoy the nudist way of life. But maybe there aren't any clubs near where you live, or perhaps you don't want to join one. For you there is the Supporter Scheme.

Currently Supporter membership costs $12 per family unit per year. For that, Supporters receive a Supporter Passport, which allows them to visit those Clubs which support the scheme. Each Club's policy on Supporters is specified in the Australia and New Zealand Nudist Club Guide.

Supporters also receive the "New Zealand Naturist" each quarter, flown out from New Zealand to the A.N.F. and then forwarded on to you. With it, we send you each quarter the "Supporters News", giving details of Supporter activities and news. You are also entitled to purchase an I.N.F. passport for travel overseas, and for an extra $1.00 per year you can also take out a subscription to the A.N.F. Bulletin which gives news of the clubs and the nudist scene in Australia and overseas.

Sounds like good value? For membership or enquiries, write to:

A.N.F. Supporter Secretary, P.O. Box 371, BEENLEIGH, Queensland 4207

P.S. Club members can be Supporters, too!





The trees have been felled and the grass has been sown, during October, ready for summer. Boating and trout fishing are some of the attractions in this peaceful, tranquil spot in natural surroundings. Toilets and water will be available. Those intending to camp or visit this summer, should be self-sufficient and bring as much drinking water as possible. Now that the land has been purchased, we need more investors to develop the property.

All enquiries to: - Geyserland Leisure Park Ltd.,

P.O. Box 2169, Rotorua.




Good Companions


For further information contact the Secretary

P.O. Box 6. WEST END. OLD 4101




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Photo: Leif Heilberg   






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Air travel from Australia and back. First class hotels with private facilities. Air conditioned coach travel in Yugoslavia. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Sightseeing tours of Dubrovnik, Split and Zadar.

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Dear Sir,

I was surprised and dismayed to read almost a page of anti nudist drivel in Issue No. 97 of the Naturist. refer to the article on page 19 headed 'NEWS FROM THE FREE BEACHES". I could understand the publication of the Family Rights Association letter if there was also included the argument against their ill informed ideas. However I am left with the impression that the nudists behind the move to make Dynamite Bay a Free Beach did not answer this letter and meekly accepted defeat. I hope I am wrong.

I believe that nudist aims in W.A. are similar enough to those in New Zealand for me to suggest the following answers:-

Paragraph 1 & 2: The aim of nudists if for a Free Beach not exclusive use of any beach. There are beaches set aside for the use of surfers, water skiers, sailing and speed boats and exercising dogs. This does not stop anyone from using these areas if they wish. The same is true of a Free Beach. If textiles wish to use it they are welcome. What the nudist wants is the right to bathe and sunbake the way they like. This means we are not asking for preferential treatment. Defence on the grounds of location should not be necessary but until we reach the acceptance Europe has of nudism, it indicates our concern for the rights of others. Or that they would reciprocate and grant us some rights.

Paragraph 3: I agree with this. Nudism is not a beauty parade, in the main it is a social, family gathering to share a like interest - the health and freedom of living naturally.

Paragraph 4 & 5: These statements do not stand up in the light of modern evidence. The need of the body of sunlight to produce required vitamins in the body is an established fact. The rate of skin cancer in casual sunbakers as opposed to regular sunbakers and nudists has proved the need for care and attention to a good planned increase in exposure. A recent Readers Digest article on the harm caused by exposure to artificial sunlight concluded by stating that natural sunlight was best for our health.

Paragraph 6: Until the late 1800's when Royalty in England decided it wanted to look different than ordinary people and devised bath houses and clothes to "take the waters" in, everyone swam nude. Fashion was quick to follow the example and those horrid things, bathers, swept the world. Nudism is not an example of modern vulgarity but a return to the old natural manner of bathing.

Paragraphs 7-10: Their paragraphs 3 and 8 answer these paragraphs. Sex is not the response to one stimulus. The five senses and imagination are all ingredients. It is because the social nudity at Free beaches and Clubs does not include all these things that nudists do not go around in a permanent state of sexual arousal. Studies by professors F. Lovejoy of the N.S.W. University and M. Clarke of Deakin University have proved Para 9 wrong. When time, place, the right partner and love are combined nudists are just as sexy as non nudists. What nudists mean is that social nudism is not the time and place, they know it and act or react accordingly. For instance social nudism is mainly a family affair and keeping your eye on children in the surf or feeding them is not one of the stimuli necessary for sexual arousal.



Paragraphs 11-13: The standards of decency are more strictly enforced in the nudist scene than in the general public. This has to be the case to enable nudists to answer the uneducated slurs made by people such as the Family Rights Association. This is why people continually say that Free beaches are more friendly and give them the feeling of safety they do not have at textile beaches. When people are nude together the strata of society is lost, all feel equal, and therefore they can join in friendships without fear of belittlement. Nudism is a family pass time and nudist children, having seen nudes of all shapes, sizes and sex have less need for pornography than the child that doesn't know what Mummy and Daddy look like. Pornography is no more related to nudism than Church is to Punk Rock. Nudity is one little aspect of pornography. Singing occurs at a Church service and a Punk Rock concert. Incidentally, if the parents of the children reportedly shocked by nudes on a beach had not indicated that they would be shocked then, after five minutes curiosity, the children would have returned to collecting sea shells, or wanted to join the nudist and experience for themselves the joy of natural freedom.

Paragraph 14 onwards: The information above refutes the gross injustice to nudism implied in para 16. Setting a precedent will not have dire results. In Europe countries such as Yugoslavia have developed a major tourist attraction to entice the 20,000,000 European nudists to come and spend their money there while enjoying nudist holidays. Other countries such as Spain, Portugal and Greece are now beginning to cater for this lucrative market. The only danger nudism may cause is the loss of self importance when these "family people" join us in the big Family of Nudism and enjoy the relaxation, freedom and health we enjoy.

As a member of the A.N.F. Supporter scheme, a club member, and a member of the North Swanbourne Beach Users Association I am becoming convinced that we cannot let the public continue in the ignorance about nudism caused by the secrecy and the over developed concern of nudists to "protect" them from the knowledge of our activities. We are involved in a fight for legalisation of our Free Beach and the permission for an increase in the number of free beaches to reduce the parking problem caused by thousands of nudists trying to use one beach. I hope that Dynamite Bay and Swanbourne can both become Legal in the coming Summer.

I enjoy your magazine and obtain it through the Supporters scheme. I believe you reach many nudists in clubs and official organisations as well as Free beach nudists and interested, possible nudists. That is why I would like the Family Rights Association answered.

Yours Naturally,
Bob Unwin

Dear Sir,

A plea from a small group of nudists in the Bathurst-Orange area of N.S.W. to any other nudists in the area to make contact with us at the address below.

We know that there must be other people of like interest in the area as your magazine is sold at numerous newsagents in the area. We are looking to meet families and couples at this stage.

The Secretary
P.O. Box 908
Bathurst 2795


Dear Sir,

I would like to congratulate you on the new Naturist, I thing the new layout is a whole lot better. As a supporter I look forward to each quarter when I receive the Naturist, also I think it is doing a great job for naturism here in Australia and New Zealand.

May I add also that I enjoyed the guests editorials by "Peter and Doreen James' and the rest of the crew of the Naturist. Keep up the good work.

Stuart Geale

Dear Sir,

I expected there to be some criticism of the letter from Tony Wood in issue no. 97. He believes, with some justification, that the "Naturist" explores only about a third of the possibilities which are reasonably encompassed by naturism. However, this is up to the general contributors throughout the movement to remedy.

For example, he lists feminism, physical contact, sexuality, and spirituality, as subjects for airing in these columns. Yes, the first-named would be a topic well -worth giving space to. As for the physical contact and sexuality approach I believe that a very tactful line would have to be taken as I myself have planned an item on these very subjects. It is not easy. In one extract, English, nudist magazine views on sexuality are regularly expressed ad nauseam and there is some rather frivolous discussion on it - this is a pity because sexuality has a serious, respectable place in our lives, male and female.

As for spirituality, a very personal view would only be possible. We are not all religiously inclined and a so-called evangelistic or didactic line would not go down well with readers I'm sure. In a word keep religion and its subsidiary facets out of it.

I heartily agree with Tony that there is an imbalance of photographs and some more men and boys in suitable action shots for instance, would be a step forward. Generally, I sympathise with our Editor who has to sieve out the chaff from the wheat among all the contributions he receives - he has to please the majority of readers and that is a priority which is hard to fulfil. Well, I hope to see Tony's penmanship figure largely in the next few issues of our magazine; let's agree with him that we should move ahead and be in the vanguard of our new-look, nudist literature.

Derek Tollan
Northern Sun Seekers Inc.




NYC logo NYC logo

If you are a nudist
youth join N.Y.C. 





Set in 40 acres of natural bushland in the

Applications from family groups are welcome.

P.O. Box 440, DANDENONGS, Victoria 3174

An Ad











The secretaries of these clubs will be pleased to hear from genuine inquirers. Please enclose return postage.

Northern Sunseekers Inc.

P.O. Box 4126, Kamo.
Whangarei. Ph: 71-846

North Shore Nudist Club Inc.

P.O. Box 33-525, Takapuna.
Phone: HBC 7878 or
Auckland 439-496

Auckland Outdoor Health Club Inc.

P.O. Box 2702, Auckland.

Auckland Sun Club Inc.

PU. Box 15-412, New Lynn

Kowhai Valley Club Inc.

P.O. Box 44006, Pt Chevalier
Auckland 1.

South Auckland Nudist Club Inc.

P.O. Box 63-084,
Papatoetoe South.
Phone: 534-2479

Waikato Outdoor Society Inc.

P.O. Box 619 Hamilton.
Phone: Hamilton 64-463.

Bay of Plenty Sun Club Inc.

P.O. Box 476, Whakatane.

Rotorua Sun Club Inc.

P.O. Box 1007, Rotorua.
Phone: Te Puke 38093

Gisborne Sun Club Inc.

P.O. Box 391, Gisborne.

Hawkes Bay Sun Club Inc.

P.O. Box 551, Napier
Phone: 68-392

Taranaki Naturist Club Inc.

P.O. Box 3039, Fitzroy,
New Plymouth.

Wanganui Sun Club Inc.

P.O. Box 410, Wanganui.

Manawatu Sunseekers Inc.

P.O. Box 7037, Palmerston North
Phone: 71-700

Palmerston North Sun Club Inc.

P.O. Box 980, Palmerston North
Phone: 81-762

Wairarapa Nudist Club

P.O. Box 521, Masterton.

Wellington Sun Club Inc.

P.O. Box 2854, Wellington.
Phone: 638-172

Nelson Sun Club Inc.

P.O. Box 467, Nelson.
Phone: 73-103

Canterbury Sun Club Inc.

P.O. Box 1823, Christchurch.

South Canterbury Sun Club Inc.

P.O. Box 610, Timaru.

The Orchard Sun Club Inc.

P.O. Box 5460, Dunedin.
Phone: 883-355 or 739-207

Southern Sun & Health Club Inc.

P.O. Box 627, Invercargill

Free Beach Group Inc.

P.O. Box 41171, St Lukes.


N.Y.C. (Nudist Youth Club Inc.)

National: P.O. Box 2486,
Wellington: P.O. Box 30967


Sustaining Members:

Mapua Leisure Park Ltd.

c/o Post Office Mapua.
Phone: 666 Mapua.



new zealand


incorporating australian nudist news

No.99 December 1981


The New Zealand Naturist is the Official Journal published quarterly by the New Zealand Nudist' Federation Inc. Registered at the Chief Post Office Wellington as a magazine.



Graeme Brown

Typesetting and Artwork by:

Ad Service, P.O. Box 22271, Otahuhu

Printed by:

Howick Press Ltd.

P.O. Box 38065.


Distributed by:

Gordon and Gotch (NZ) Ltd





A.C.T. Nudist Club Inc.*

P.O. Box 242, Woden,
A.C.T. 2606

Apollo Nudist Club.*

P.O. Box 103,
Cloverdale W.A. 6105

Bangalee Nudist Holiday Village*

P.O. Box 45, Tocumwal
N.S.W. 2714.

Corio Valley Country Club*

P.O. Box 379.
Geelong Vic. 3220.

Darwin Sun Club,*

P.O. Box 4741,
Darwin NT. 5794.

Good Companions,*

P.O. Box 6,
West End QId. 4101.

Helios Society Ltd,*

P.O. Box 440,
Dandenong Vic. 3175.

Heritage (Australia),

P.O. Box 121.
Merrylands N.S.W. 2160


P.O. Box 143,
Terryhills N.S.W. 2084.

Inasmuch Country Club,

P.O. Box 57,
Strahan Tasmania 7468

Kiata Country Club,*

P.O. Box 103,
Milson's Point N.S.W. 2061.

Latrobe Valley Nudist Club,*

P.O. Box 639,
Traralgon Vic. 3844.

Naturi Sun Club,

P.O. Box 11,
Berowra N.S.W. 2081.

Northside Country Club,*

P.O. Box 107,
Sth Melbourne Vic. 3205.

Pacific Sun CIub.*

P.O. Box 678,
Caboolture QId. 4510

Phoenix Sun Club Ltd., *

P.O. Box 428,
Mount Waverley Vic. 3149.

River Sun Club,

P.O. Box 1230,
Muldura Vic. 3550.

River Valley Nudist Holiday Resort,

P.O. Box 227,
Echua Vic. 3625


P.O. Box 45
Toronto N.S.W. 2283

Southern Sun Club,

770 Orrong Rd.
Toorak Vic. 3142.

Southern United Naturists,*

P.O. Box 195.
Norwood S.A. 5067


15 Cuthbertson Street,
Broadmeadows Vic. 3047.

Summerland Nudist Club,*

P.O. Box 646,
Lismore N.S.W. 2474

Sunland Holiday Village,

P.O. Box 85,
St Agnes S.A. 5097.

Sun Leisure,*

P.O. Box 136,
Acacia Ridge QId. 4110

Sunseekers Inc.*

P.O. Box 220,
Midland W.A. 6056

Sunshine Families,*

P.O. Box 98,
Laidley QId. 4341.

The Three Bears Sun & Health Club,*

P.O. Box 62,
Beenleigh QId. 4207

Tindo Nudist Club,*

P.O. Box 92,
Adelaide S.A. 5001

Townsville Nudist Club, *

P.O. Box 39.
Hermit Park QId. 4812

Woodlands Sun & Health Club.

P.O. Box 2,
Austral N.S.W. 2171

Yulti Wirra Club of S.A.*

P.O. Box 7
Meadows S.A. 5201

For all enquiries about nudism in Australia, Write to:

   The A.N.F. Secretary

      P.O. Box 268,

         BELCONNEN A.C.T. 2616.



This magazine is protected by copyright, no part of it may be reproduced. stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means electronic, mechanical, photographic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the editor.


In our desire to present different points of view we publish articles and letters which do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editor.


All correspondence should be addressed to:

P.O. Box 2925,


General inquiries concerning nudism in New Zealand, or overseas, should be addressed to the:-

New Zealand
Nudist Federation Incorporated
P.O. Box 1359. Wellington.


Applications for membership of clubs should be made direct to the club secretary (See Club Directory)





Leif Heilberg

   Inside Front Cover. Pages 1, 2, 3, 4,
    9, 12, 14, 15, 18, Inside Back Cover

Fritz Prenzel

   Front Cover, Back Cover, Centre Spread

L McLeod

   Pages 6


Nudist Association of Victoria,*

P.O. Box 44
Balaclava Vic. 3183


Nudist Association of Queensland,*

P.O. Box 101.
Woodridge QId 4114.

NOTE: The clubs marked with an asterisk (*) above are affiliated with the Australian Nudist Federation.




100 March 1982 - 30th January

101 June 1982 - 20th April

102 Sept. 1982 - 15th July

103 December 1982 - 1st October




Summary Offences Bill Submission by NZNF 29-7-1981

Nude is not Rude by Bob Unwin, WA

The "New" Nudity

Editor's Jottings

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Photo: Fritz Prenzel

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One finger tenekoit

Photo: Leif Heilberg   

One finger tenekoit

Photo: L McLeod   

One finger tenekoit

Photo: Leif Heilberg   

One finger tenekoit

Photo: Fritz Prenzel   

One finger tenekoit

Photo: Leif Heilberg   

One finger tenekoit

Photo: Leif Heilberg   

One finger tenekoit

Photo: Leif Heilberg   

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Fritz Prenzel