#  72 - September 1974 

[The New Zealand Naturist] Editor: John Gilmour (Pages: 44 - 80c)


Sun Power by Blair Brocklehurst
Free Beaches New Zealand by Emiel Roland
Free Beaches in Australia by Ted Weston
Obituary: George Doorbar (President, Taranaki)
Youth Organiser's Report by Tony Wood
The Helios Society Ltd
Woman Alone by Charles (W.O.S.)
Where Harry Lives by Roy Carson
News from N.Z. Clubs (14)
N.Y.C. report (Cheryl)
Letters to the Editor
News from the Clubs in Australia (7)
Australian Club Directory: (21)
New Zealand Club Directory: (22)




  the new zealand

Official Journal of the New Zealand Sunbathing Association
Registered at the C.P.O., Wellington, as a magazine     


P.O. BOX 40-482 UPPER HUTT, N.Z.




the  new zealand naturist




Management Committee:


Charles Selwyn (Chairman), Barry Hill,



Ngaere Marquis and Bob McIver



John H. Gilmour



Telephone: Henderson 68-300


In our desire to present different points of view, we have published articles
which do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editorial committee.

This magazine is protected by copyright, no part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means electronic, mechanical, photographic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the editor.





Russell Delacour, Christchurch



Ian Fairbrother, Gisborne
Geoff. Allen, Christchurch



Joan Treanor, Wellington

Public Relations Officer
& Overseas Correspondent


Kees van den Bosch, Auckland

Youth Organiser


Tony Wood

Delegates representing all affiliated clubs


General enquiries concerning naturism in New Zealand or overseas
should be made to the association at its office



Applications for membership of clubs should be made direct to the clubs
(see the Club Directory in this issue)


All correspondence concerning this magazine, whether it be subscriptions, distribution, circulation,
advertising, articles, photographs, letters to the editor or just plain complaints should be
addressed to




Front cover ...................... $25

Back cover ...................... $20

Inside full page ............. $20




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Full Page ........................ $100

Half Page .......................... $60

Column Inch (min.) ........... $8






Any club member wishing to get nudist films processed should send the film through their club secretary, with return postage, to the Secretary/Treasurer, N.Z.S.A., P.O. Box 40-482, Upper Hutt.

When you get them back, don't forget that the New Zealand Naturist is always pleased to receive your photographs to be considered for publication.






At the Half-annual General Meeting at Taupo one of the motions carried was a very controversial one, so much so, in fact that when it came to the vote there were thirteen abstentions. What was this motion, so controversial that delegates were unable to vote without first going back to their committees for directions? The motion reads: "That the President of the N.Z.S.A. be given the Power of Presidential request whereby he may use his office to make request to clubs to follow a course of action which he feels is to the benefit of the movement as a whole".

Now this is an attempt to give the N.Z.S.A. some teeth, but does the N.Z.S.A. need teeth at the moment. As presently constituted there is very little that the executive can do to further the cause of the nudist movement. The executive meets twice a year, both these meetings are long meetings and both of them are almost entirely concerned with the internal administration of the movement as it is with very little, if any, time devoted to ways and means of promoting nudism.

This is not the fault of the members themselves. As long as distance and finance prevent regular and frequent meetings the national body can do very little itself. What it can do, and from time to time does do, is to sanction action by one or another of it's affiliated clubs. What it needs, is several small working committees in various parts of the country, much like the present Free Beach Committee which is doing such a grand job under the auspices of the N.Z.S.A. However, these committees could not work without support, without ideas and suggestions from the main body of nudists.

What is needed in my opinion, is a system whereby any member of any club can, through his club's delegate, present any idea he has which will further the cause of nudism in any way. You will say we already have that. But do we have it in such a way that it will work and can be seen to work simply, efficiently, and with benefit to us all. I say no, and the remedy is fairly simple.

If the N.Z.S.A. Executive appointed small regional committees, these smaller committees, by their very nature, could meet more frequently, could take action much quicker on any suggestions which could help the movement. They would then, as a matter of course, report to the main national body at each General Meeting. This could be taken further by selling aside a certain time in each General Meeting for business specifically concerned with the promotion and improvement of nudism in general as opposed to the general administration of the organisation. On the agenda for the meetings this period could be called anything you like to name it but would basically be termed "For the Good of the Movement", It would, of course, be no good instituting such a procedure unless it was also made obligatory for the executive to investigate the feasibility of every suggestion brought up under this heading. Again the regional committees could make the investigations in their own areas and report back. If a suggestion was found worthwhile when reported upon at the General Meeting it could then be implemented.

A hypothetical case will illustrate what I am trying to put across. During one of these "Good of the Movement" periods on the agenda of a General Meeting some club delegate puts forward the suggestion that the N.Z.S.A. looks into the feasibility of operating a chain of saunas throughout the country. The executive then would be obliged to look into the possibilities and report back at the next General Meeting six months later. They could delegate the duties to the regional committees, each of which would research the possibilities in their own area and submit a report in sufficient time for the Secretary to circulate their findings to all clubs prior to the next General Meeting and possibly some good would come of it.

In my opinion something like this is essential if the nudist movement is to continue to grow. As things are at present we seem to be depending on what little publicity we can get from the press without any concerted effort to get anywhere. There are certain clubs which are doing their bit, but what is required is some co-ordination, some system whereby the fruits of these local efforts can be shared nationally.

This is not to say the present N.Z.S.A. executive are not doing their best, but as constituted it is not possible for them to do very much more and if we were to introduce this "Good of the Movement" into our agenda at every meeting we could quite possibly receive some very constructive ideas from members who otherwise would not have made the effort.



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Presumably, as Naturists, we want to see the natural beauty and pleasant environment of our land preserved from the ravages of economic growth. One growth which increasingly damages our environment is the demand for electricity. Every new hydro-electric power project alters the landscape, each new thermal station is hungry for fuel and prolific with waste products, and who knows what problems will accompany the advent of nuclear power stations? Any method of saving electricity and so reducing this pollution should be welcomed by us.

As sun lovers we are all aware, sometimes pretty painfully, of the heat in the sun's rays. This solar energy, at present almost untapped, is equivalent to something like one kilowatt of power to each ten square feet of the earth's surface, and it arrives here absolutely free, just begging to be harnessed. At present the most practical way to do this is to heat water with it. We all use gallons of that every day, and it takes a lot of electricity to keep up the supply. What home or clubhouse wouldn't welcome a supply of hot water obtained without pollution and without cost?

Of course it can't be entirely free since a system to solar heat and store water costs money. There are commercial systems available, and a new type developed by the DSIR costing around $400 should be appearing soon, but right now, for about $200, the adventurous handyman can put together a collector which will provide two thirds of the average home's hot water needs, and enable the power to be switched off entirely for most of the summer. A Sun Club should achieve even greater savings because the same sunshine which brings out the members, will be heating water for their showers or washing while they sunbathe. Such a system should pay for itself in under ten years, and thereafter you're laughing all the way to the bank, and laughing at others struggling with energy shortages and rising costs.

For campers too, an inexpensive portable version is not hard to build. A couple of these should produce all the hot water needed on summer holidays, and spin out your fuel supply for longer.

So, for Naturists and sunbathers, campers and power bill payers, solar heating is a sound idea. If you'd like to follow it up further, just drop me a line through Hawkes Bay Sun Club Inc. If my home water heating bills can drop to one third of last years, then so could yours.

Blair Brocklehurst

Girl in the sea

Photo: John Miller, H.B.S.C. 

The first picture shows the large house heat collector, this has cut our power bills by half since last April and I am quite sure it will provide just about all of our hot water over the summer months. The next picture shows the portable camping solar collector in use. It holds three gallons of water and after 90 minutes in a winter sun is good for a four minute shower. Two hours in the sun and the water is hot enough for dishes etc.

Girl in the sea

Photo: John Miller, H.B.S.C.   



Deadline   ISSUE IS   October




Travel Booking Service



As the officially appointed Travel Agents of the N.Z.S.A., we wish to advise clubs and members throughout New Zealand, that for every successful travel booking received, we will contribute to the Perc Cousins Trust Fund 10% on commission received by us from the operator/principal (NAC excepted).


Simply advise us by mail of your travel intentions and leave the rest to us. Suggested itineraries prepared free. Tickets and other travel documents will be forwarded to you by registered mail.


Travel Agent





   P.O. Box 33.170 Takapuna, Auckland 9.
   Telephone Auckland 493-091

  Manager: Ron Williams








Most of our members will be aware by now that the White Paper on proposed amendments to the Police Offences Act as passed by the Select Committee of Parliament is now tabled in the House. Our proposal to have certain areas set aside for nude sunbathing is included. It is hoped that the proposal will be law by the end of the year.

As far as I am aware, this legislation will make New Zealand the first country in the world where nude sunbathing is officially allowed by law.

My appeal to clubs to approach their local members of parliament is now more important than ever. Let your committees organise these approaches without delay. Now you have an opportunity to do something really progressive in the history of our movement.

Emiel Roland



Have YOU

got one


First free beach logo






If not get one now

38 cents each from


your club secretary or from Box 2925, Auckland


Girl in the sea

Photo: R. Arnoux 



A move, calling for nude bathing in declared areas to be made legal, has been placed on the agenda of the Victorian Liberal Party State Council meeting. If adopted, it will then go before State Parliament. It should be noted that Victoria has a Liberal Government.

A.N.F. President, Sandy McDonald initiated this action when he forwarded a "Letter to the Editor" in the Young Liberals Magazine, about free beaches. A.N.F. Assistant Secretary Mary Weston provided all the necessary information and arguments in favour of free beaches, which enabled them to have this resolution placed on the Conference Agenda, the results of which we hope will be in our favour, and will be known by the time this report is being read.

During a Melbourne radio talk programme on nudism, arranged between Corio Valley and 3 A.W., we were interested to hear the compere Barbara Gething tell her listeners how she discussed nude bathing with the Police Public Relations Department. She was told no action would be taken against nudists, unless there were signs of indecency, improper behaviour or lewd acts, or exhibitionism. If any genuine complaints were made to the police, they would then have to make their report to the Chief Secretary, who could recommend prosecution.

Mary and I had discussions with the Chief Secretary prior to Easter this year, in relation to our position regarding free beach use. His assurances were, as was conveyed to Barbara by the police department, which therefore leaves us with a quietly confident outlook!

We hope that all nudists make use of the beach at Point Impossible (pictured below) this coming summer, whenever they can, and if possible, try to attend our organised day on Sunday 1 December.

Ted Weston





Girl in the sea

Photo: Ted Weston 






George Peter Doorbar


Girl in the sea

Photo: Roy Carson 

It is with profound regret that we announce the sudden death, as the result of a motor accident on Saturday, 8 June, of George Peter Doorbar, president of Taranaki Naturists Club Inc. He leaves his wife Alice, and four sons, Peter, John, David and Alan.

Born at Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England on 6 April 1937, George Peter Doorbar (Peter to those who knew him well) followed his education with a job as a management trainee for the Royal Doulton Potteries. Peter had a great love of music and conducted his own musical group.

After qualifying at his trade he came to settle in New Zealand and worked for a carrying firm in Wellington for five years Here he met Alice and when they married they moved to Waitara where he was employed by McKechnie Bros. as an assistant personnel officer, a job which also involved first aid and security. His most recent promotion was to the position of foundry production supervisor.

A very popular person with all who met him, he treated everyone as his equal, a natural diplomat, kind and understanding, he could be outspoken when necessary but always remained the perfect gentleman. As a Club President he was looked upon as a born leader, humble, but quick witted, with a deep understanding of human nature and a love of people, especially children who were always seen with him on the club grounds.

An untiring worker for the Naturist Movement and a keen sportsman. He excelled at wrestling, swimming and soccer, as well as playing other sports with considerable skill.

At his funeral service the New Zealand Sunbathing Association was represented by the North Island Vice-President Ian Fairbrother and by Joan Treanor, the National Secretary/Treasurer.




In the last youth report, when I gave my opinion of the basic cause for the lack of youth in nudism, it may have been surmised that I was about to suggest an equal number of teenagers and adults on the sun club executive committees. I assure the reader that being considerably impractical, this was far from my mind. I do however consider that the result of any matter concerning youth, up for discussion amongst a group of adults is doomed to failure if the youngsters are not involved from the start. From this it can be said that it is necessary to have a representative of youth present at Sun Club executive meetings, at least when the matters under consideration have anything to do with youth. To this effect it is advisable that the membership of each sun club either select a youth as its youth representative, or that the executive co-opt a youth for the same purpose. It might be pointed out that the youth representative need not necessarily have a vote. What is important is that the committee do not allow themselves (as they so often do) to go off at a tangent when discussing youth, merely because they have little conception of the problems from the kids point of view.

The qualities desirable in the Youth Representative are: a reasonable maturity, to be articulate, to have an ability to easily relate with, and influence his peers and finally of course a sympathy for nudism. It is surprising how much the point of view of an intelligent youth can affect the outcome of committee thinking on such matters.

It is desirable that this youth representative be the spokesman of a youth committee. This committee would have a similar relationship to the sun club executive, as would a planning committee. In other words it consists of people with views and experiences specifically related to the committees field of responsibility. It reports its decision back to the main committee who normally accept these decisions without too much quibbling. The ideal size in larger clubs for a Youth Committee is seven; or five if there is lack of human material.

This seven would consist of: two or three older teens, (say 17-23 years); two or three younger teens, (say 12-16 years); and two or three persons elected by the parent club committee, at least one of whom should be on the parent club committee.

The qualifications for any adults on this committee should be that they like youngsters as people, and should have the confidence of adults in the club. The chairman of the committee should be chosen mainly for his common sense and should be as impartial as possible. He might be a youth or adult. The four or five youngsters should be elected by their own peers, e.g. a N.Y.C. branch. As I have said the committee can consist of less than seven members, but this means there is less representation of opinions and the committee might not operate if one or more members are absent The result of such cooperation will be progress and benefit to all age groups.

It was made obvious during the General Meeting at Taupe recently that there is still much resistance to the idea of N.Y.C. branches operating within some parent clubs, particularly after Palmerston North's jaundiced Youth Rally report. It seems to me that the strongest critics of N.Y.C. are those who do the least to create an alternative for their own youth. It is about time that these folk got down to proving that their own ideas work. Until they do so, I think it unfair to expect the N.Y.C. to change its own constitution. I am sure that radical changes from the N.Y.C. constitution will be less successful. In fact I am prepared to put my money where my mouth is and donate a sum of $25 to the most successful alternative to N.Y.C. formed within a sun club, catering for its teens.

The conditions of this are:

1. That the constitution of the youth club be substantially different from the N.Y.C. constitution.

2. Proof must be given of a range of activities participated in by a reasonable membership for the size of the parent club.

3. The club must be seen to cater for the whole teen group.

4. The above must be accomplished in time for the money to be given to the club at the next NZSA Half-annual General Meeting.

Tony Wood





Girl in the sea

Photo: Jim Lorch 



As "Helios" is the ancient Greek god of the sun, our "Helios Society" conjures up instant images of a lazy life in the sun. A life in the sun is very true, but lazy is quite wrong, as any Hellos member will verify.

The Club was instituted 15 years ago, and through sheer hard work and vision, due to our enthusiastic members, it is now proving to be one of the most popular sun clubs in Australia. It is situated in the heart of the Blue Dandenongs, and is the ideal spot for both privacy and beauty.

Like most Australian clubs, we do experience cold, wet weather in winter, and these are the months we plan for our social, sports and "enjoyment" days during Summer, which we enjoy "to the full".

We have approximately 100 family groups, and an even greater number of children-these children ranging in age from 8 weeks to 18 years. It's a great life for children at Helios, and they are included in most social and sporting activities, and are catered for as much as possible with a wide range of playground equipment, and their own baby swimming pool.

The bush on our property is extremely beautiful, and abounds with most species of wild life common to Victoria. There are flocks of untamed, colourful birds, and the more common ones are not in the least timid, and are a great "nature lesson at hand" for children and adults.






Girl in the sea

Photos: R. L. Williamson 


The natural creek which runs through the grounds no doubt has a drawing power for the wildlife, but apart from that, it supplies the club grounds with all our water needs. This includes hot and cold showers, toilets, hot water to our kitchen-canteen, and also water to the members cabins.

There are cabins dotted all over the property, and quite a few new ones nearing completion, our first picture shows one of these-this one is known as "Uncle Tom's Cabin". These cabins are an important facet of Hellos life, as it means members can enjoy our club during any season of the year.

Our Clubhouse is large enough - 100 ft by 40 ft - to accommodate three table tennis tables and a badminton court, with tables and chairs ranged along either side and a huge area for dancing - see the second photograph. It is a sturdy concrete-floored building, and most of our social activities are held here as well.

Girl in the sea

Photo: Roy Carson 


Our sporting enthusiasts are very keen, and have the choice of table tennis, badminton, volley ball, swimming, and later on, when our courts are finished tennis. The Sauna and rest room adjoining are almost completed also. Our third picture depicts our very popular and well patronised swimming pool.

This is a member-owned club, well situated, with a great deal of potential. If you are interested in sun, fun and genuine friendliness, "Think Helios", and contact our Secretary at P.O. Box 440, Dandenong 31 75, Victoria.

Girl in the sea

Photo: Roy Carson 






I have permission to quote from a letter sent from a solo parent to my wife and I, in appreciation of an introduction to our club. This was written after her visit on our open day, and she writes...

"Have slept on things and feeling fine, a sort of 'God's in his heaven all's right with the world' feeling which is the nearest thing to peace I can describe. Funny but I always like to sleep on decisions as quite often during the night I will wake up with the exact look, word, feeling or whatever is pointing me in the direction I should take. I don't know whether this is just my conscience or God's will for me but I do know that it is almost always a sure guide as to how things will turn out, so I am hesitant to ignore it. So coming down off the mountain, having experienced a true Sabbath, a real day of rest, the first it seems in a decade, I discussed this with my boys and they said 'fine' - so that was a relief - I had quite expected to be ridiculed or rejected. I am sorry I couldn't get my gear all off, in fact I was relieved no one asked me to, as I would have gone into my shell fast. It was very evident that those people who do, feel quite at home, There did not seem to be the slightest suggestion of any sexuality anywhere although I should imagine such freedom would improve any marriage considerably. I think I also had a lurking feeling that as a 'Woman alone' I may be approached by a club member and offered a 'bit on the side'. However having read the literature I now feel that if such a thing did happen I could say 'No' (or yes) without attaching any blame or credit to the club.

"It is heavenly to contemplate Sundays away from a telephone, picking blackberries, paddling in a stream, listening to people's opinions, and getting brown all over, with one's mind at peace. Not given to athletics, I would even enjoy Volley Ball."

"Most especially extraordinary me! I have had no appetite for weeks - yet after the three gullies I was starved and the sight of the lovely table under the sun almost caused me to throw caution to the wind and forget the 'anyone who has more than three pieces is a glutton' bit and hog all and sundry. Should the committee reject me - no hard feelings. Thank you for a really wonderful day."

How's that for a glowing tribute to our movement?

Charles, Waikato Outdoor Society Inc.




New Zealand's largest and most progressive nudist club
Patron: Sir Dove-Myer Robinson


* 26 Level acres of bush and fern just 30 mins from CPO.

* 50 x 30 crystal clear tiled pool, with children's pool and playground.

* Luxury tiled toilet block with hot and cold showers.

* Spacious clubhouse features modern kitchen and shop, with ice cream and frozen foods.

* Camp and caravan sites have power and water adjacent to games courts.


We prefer family groups although single men and women are accepted.
Drop a line NOW to our Secretary at P.O. Box 2702, AUCKLAND
for an application from and more information

Girl in the sea

Photo: Roy Carson 







a robinson crusoe life with a difference

"An old Lady threw a bucket of icy cold water over me, a lovemaking couple took possession of my shelter while I was away, a thief stole a valuable pair of field-glasses and a vandal tried to set fire to the hut - but apart from that life here is really quite quiet and peaceful," assures Harry Westergren who lives a summer-time "Robinson Crusoe" life down on a secluded beach south of the Swedish city of Malmo within easy sight of the coastline of neighbouring Denmark.

During his six weeks holiday from work Harry forgets the hustle and the bustle of a work-a-day life and gets away-from-it-all in a way which really surprised his fellow Swedes when a number of newspapers and magazines featured Harry and his way of life in their pages last summer in Sweden.

Fifty-Three years old, Harry is a machine worker at the local sugar factory. But at other times he is the life and soul of the Lernacken Fishing Club which would readily have him as their elected chairman if they went so far as to go that much "official". The Lernacken Fishing Club, though founded in the beginning as a collection of Fishing Enthusiasts, is now more a collection of sun- bathers who one by one have found the club's special beach "round the corner" but still out of the way from the more densely populated public beach south of Malmo's suburbia.

Fishing activities go on all the year round which is one of the reasons why Harry and several of the other members of the club decided to erect their rough shelter-cum-headquarters below a steep slope which protects the beach from the colder Northerly winds. Work on that started feverishly when the temperatures began to drop at the end of the previous summer.

Girl in the sea

Photo: Roy Carson 

"When we got everything organised it was all rather cosy," says Harry, who decided only at the beginning of Spring 1973 to rearrange his previous summer holiday plans. "Before, I used to travel across Malmo each day during my holiday to spend my time on the beach. On a small scooter this can cause a few problems and apart from the lengthy travelling times the discomfort of it all was really why I decided to stay here all summer."

The thought was helped along when a passing vandal tried to set fire to the shelter so now, instead of breathing exhaust fumes on his way through town, Harry is able to be up at Dawn and to step out the door of his rough shelter almost into the briny of the Oresund Sound-a stretch of seaway which separates Sweden and Denmark at that point. On the morning we visited him Harry had been up since three o'clock and had caught seven fair-sized sea-trout which had been cooked over an open fire and eaten with relish by Harry and a few early visitors to the Club's "Eden".

"The hut is almost water-tight now", says Harry. "We found a few corrugated sheets and these helped enormously. There are a few rats in the locality - but they come in here at their own peril - I've set out a number of traps for them - watch out where you sit- those traps are no respecters of persons."

"One morning I was out lying in the grass sunbathing - trying to make up my mind what to do first - when I had a bucket of icily cold water thrown over me. It was an old lady who had chanced along the beach. 'You aren't allowed to lie on the beach like that,' she spluttered. After that bucket of cold water I told her a thing or two I can tell you! She went away with her tail between her legs! Officially no one is allowed to be naked on a beach in Sweden unless it is a private beach - which ours isn't! However the Police know of our existence and they turn a kindly blind eye -we cause no harm and they cause us none. In fact there are a couple of police men who come down here regularly to sunbathe and 'unofficially' the helicopter traffic police drop in occasionally for a cup of coffee when business is slack on the nearby motorway. They land on the water outside the door - mind you they do cause a bit of noise when they come!"


Girl in the sea

Photo: Roy Carson 


"Another day I had just returned from the shops with some supplies when I discovered a couple in the shelter - they were quite wrapped up in one another. It was almost a shame to disturb them but I had to chuck them out and then I threw their clothes out after them. They disappeared after a little embarrassment but we've never had any more trouble like that."

"This is indeed the life," laughs Harry. "All those people who fly to the French or Spanish riviera are missing out on the best time of their lives - right on their own doorstep."

"Sundays here are, I suppose, quite busy. In the beginning we had only a few members and they used to bring their wives and families along to enjoy the sand the sea and the sun. It became quite a family type gathering but just recently the have been more 'singles' coming along and the most of them are girls. One, with other sorts of clubs, usually has a situation where there are too many males - but here we have the complete opposite - although I will never admit there are 'too many' females. Swedish girls seem to be more health-conscious about their bodies than the boys - that I suppose would be one explanation of it."

"Our beach is only a short distance from the local Public Beach and is really quite easy to get to - trouble is that not many of the general members of the public think of walking further around the beach - for a bit of the way there is nothing but sharp stones and rocks - which is a barrier in a way too I think for them. Those who do venture round here are welcomed to stay. They generally are rather surprised to find a place like this at first but then they melt into the surroundings and soon they are 'part of us' which is the way we like things to be."

Girl in the sea

Photo: Roy Carson 

"We have no membership fees. In fact we have no chairman, secretary or treasurer - there's no need for them what we have here we have for nothing - we don't have to pay for anything so why should we levy fees on people's enjoyment. That would be too much bother - anyway everybody is so busy enjoying themselves that nobody would willingly volunteer to do the sort of 'slog' that going 'official' would mean."

"Of course we have our regular pests of peeping toms - I can remember one instance when one afternoon two giggling schoolboys made a nuisance of themselves until they were rather taken- aback by the unexpected arrival, behind them of two teenaged girls the daughters of one of the 'members' - who had been sunbathing nude on top of the small cliff by the beach. After that the boys didn't bother us again - but a few weeks later I noticed that one of the boys had returned with the girls' father and mother - all of them spent their holiday weekend on the beach all of them naked - and all of them enjoying themselves to the full."

"Apparently the boy had learned to forget his giggles!"

Roy S. Carson




news from

the clubs in

new zealand




Northern Sun Seekers Inc.

Just a note from Northern Sun to let you know we have temporarily abdicated our position as naturists, except for a couple of hardy specimens who went for a swim at Uretiti beach on mid-Winters day.

We have moved into the field of light entertainment, with a wine and cheese evening followed by dancing.

With the petrol crisis over, we decided to go ahead with our plans for a car rally, not in the Heatway class of course. It was a 40 mile round trip with a barbecue at the finish. Two committee members experienced in this sort of thing, set off to find the most inconspicuous check points with which to confuse the competitors. It was a bit of a disappointment for the organisers, as only three cars arrived at the starting line. Those that did compete thought it great family entertainment, and as plenty of people arrived at the finish for the barbecue, the evening ended on a successful note.

A photographic evening was held next, with a display of coloured slides. The range of pictures covered everything from the Tower of london to a highly magnified Rata flower. Some of the more bizarre exhibits were club members seen through a fish eye lens and a red and blue picture in the negative.

Waikato Outdoor Society (Inc)

At the time of writing we have already enjoyed many of our winter activities, highlighted by our annual get together at Matamata hot springs. We have had well attended Saunas in Hamilton every other Sunday morning and have escorted quite a few visitors around our grounds on Sunday afternoons. A party was held one Saturday evening at a member's home, and this was very successful. A brief report of our most popular activities are as follows.

Matamata week-end 29-30 June. Owing to difficulties and the high cost of booking the Crystal Hot Springs this year, we successfully negotiated the use of the Opal Pools (next door) and this proved extremely popular. Members from several other clubs joined us and there were many strangers in our midst, but they joined in and quite enjoyed their new experience, expressing a desire to join the movement. The weather was warm and sunny throughout, - even hot enough to sunbathe. Our official photographer was present and took an interesting shot of our president being hoisted out of the water to present her "credential".

Swimming pool. A few of us have spent most Sunday afternoons working on this major project. The concreting of the footings has been completed and a start made with blocklaying. Overhanging trees have been lopped and branches cut to provide members with firewood.


With only our usual small fortnightly advert in a provincial newspaper we are getting an increasing number of people writing for details of our club, and whilst there is not more than perhaps a 25% follow up, membership is increasing at quite a steady pace, indicating a greater awareness and interest in the movement as a whole, and that in our language is good news.

Our Club has had serious thoughts on the timing of the Annual General Meeting, and have decided to hold this in August each year instead of April. This gives time for the incoming committee to plan for the coming season. We are hoping this will be a change for the better.

Gisborne Sun Club Inc.

It is not often we have bad news when writing our club notes but our deepest sympathy is expressed to Alice in Taranaki at the news of Peter's death and we were able to have two members represent the club at his funeral.

The mid-year meeting of the N.Z.S.A. at Taupo meant more bad news for the Gisborne club's representatives. Including their observers they formed the largest club representation but had nothing but trouble regarding accommodation, through no fault of their own or the agents who arranged the bookings. Travelling at least 65 miles around Taupo looking for beds meant they missed the social get-together on the Saturday afternoon. Apart from this they enjoyed meeting old friends and new.

Prior to the meeting it was suggested by Tony Wood, National Youth Organiser, that all clubs have a youth representative on their committee. We are pleased to notify all that the Gisborne Sun Club has done this and we have Mark Dyer as the youth representative.

Towards the end of June some of our members attended a "mini-rally" at Matamata hosted by the Waikato Outdoor Society.

Over the past few months we have had an influx of new members whose enthusiasm gave a welcome boost to the odd lagging spirit when it came to the usual round of chores on the grounds.

No major construction has been undertaken since last going to print but a number of jobs have been completed. Especially indoor jobs as the fine weather we are so accustomed to has not been evident. The new front gate has been swung and now matches the height of the front fence which makes the entrance most attractive. The hole for the 5,000 gallon tank is now awaiting the tank and when this is connected we should have few water problems in the dry weather.

We can boast that we have had the biggest number of winter visitors at one time when we held our cabaret on 6 July! We did find it difficult to convince the 65 visitors that we are "the first to get the sun" but the rain did not keep them away. They came from all points of the compass: Canterbury, Wellington, Hawkes Bay, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Rotorua, and the naki part of Gisnaki Through a member of another club, who has a friend, who knows a relative, who has a friend, etc. of singer Frankie Rolls we were able to have him sing for at least an hour non-stop. It was most enjoyable and made us feel proud to be able to present such an entertainer for our guests. We were pleased to have the National President, Russell, attend our Cabaret, along with National Secretary Joan, and PRO. Kees. Thank you all for coming and hope to see you again next year.

Wanganui Sun Club Inc.

Greetings to all from the merry all year round sun club from the River City. The winter programme swung into action with the fortnightly swims being well attended as usual.

Members of all other clubs should make it a must to try and attend one of the "swim-ins" if you are down our way as all those who have attended them in the past always come back for more.

"Swim-in '74" has been finalised for 28 September. Accommodation and other arrangements will be as last year. All club secretaries will be receiving a notice shortly. Remember last years! And the previous two years? Wonder what ideas the new committee will plan this time.

There is a rumour around that there is action pending on a club house for next season. Step by step the club is steadily moving in only one direction - forward, either with a swinging pick and shovel, or a miniten pug, but moving forward we certainly are.

Quite a large contingent of members "raided" Hawkes Bay Club at Easter and enjoyed their visit. Thanks H.B., and we will see you later in the winter over this way again. After all we are so central for all the clubs to gather for a social weekend.

We are starting to sort out our sports teams for the 1975-76 Rally so that we will be able to give a good account of ourselves. Let's hope that we can have some inter-club competitions before the Rally to get in some real training.

This coming summer should see good progress in the sporting field so let's hope for a big influx of new members.

Those folk with young families in particular can spend an enjoyable day or afternoon at the club knowing that there is safe swimming for the children and plenty for the young ones to enjoy while the adults enjoy the friendship and freedom. Interested? Just write to Box 410, Wanganui.

Kowhai Valley Club Inc.

The remarkable summer of 1973-74 has at last drawn slowly to a close - yet we are still enjoying sunny weekends, even though on the chilly side.

We have emptied the swimming pool in order to put down stronger foundations. Over the last six months the weight of such a big quantity of water had lowered by several inches one portion of the pool's circumference. Work has also commenced on more fencing and screening, for if we steal a portion of our parking space, we anticipate being enabled to utilise it for a games area. This is vital! Our sports-minded men and women are so filled with pride in actually winning a volley-ball game at the A.O.H.C. Inter-Club Sports Day, that they are impatient to start their winter training in earnest.

This summer our club has been happy to host several visits from other clubs. Now that we are gradually becoming organised on our new land, we hope that in future many more such visits can be arranged.

So all is well with K.V.C. Like Longfellow's Village Blacksmith.

"We look the whole world in the face,
For we owe not any man."


Otago Sun Club Inc.

In Otago at the time of writing it is snowing and not at all club weather. To overcome the many weather difficulties we have in Otago, our A.G.M., in April unanimously agreed to open up a Centre in the middle of town. The 2,500 sq. ft. area which was available will consist of a large Sauna with plunge pool, showers etc, dressing rooms, creche, massage rooms, a members lounge and a small keep fit gymnasium. The members lounge will be carpeted and furnished tastefully including a members bar. The gymnasium will also be suitable for social gatherings.

The Centre will be open to the Public seven days a week and we intend to use large photographs to promote the magazine and the movement to the Public.

The finance for the project was raised in a week from members and the construction of the Centre started at Queens Birthday weekend. The majority of the work is being done with voluntary labour from our members (the usual few!!) and we have been working on it seven days a week. Unfortunately some building materials are unobtainable in Otago so this has held progress up slightly. At present only the floor and wall coverings need to be put up.

We are very proud of our project because to our knowledge it is the first time in the movement that something like this has been attempted.

In the spring time our outdoor club grounds will need only a little attention before the start of the season, however some work has to be done around the volleyball court.

We are hopeful that members of other clubs passing through Dunedin will visit "The Leisure Centre", we wi!I be in the phone book.


Girl in the sea

Photo: Evan Black 

Taranaki Naturists Club Inc.

The tragic and untimely death of our president has been a terrible blow to this club from which we may never fully recover, however it is gratifying to see the members making a greater than ever effort to complete projects on which Peter had worked so tirelessly, and to see larger numbers at our working bees.

Exceptionally strong winds, heavy rain and even snow have swept across the club grounds, damaging our timber fence on the Northern boundary and literally tearing trees out by the roots. Wind breaks are planned for future shelter and our tree planting programme has been given a great boost by a generous donation of shrubs from the Gisborne Sun Club through "Shrubbery '73".

Although part of our road to the camping area was washed away soon after completion a well constructed culvert has saved the road from further damage and the extra loads of metal have been invaluable in giving all weather access to the clubhouse.

Steady progress has been made on renovating the clubhouse. The lounge is now almost completed and is looking quite presentable with all of the draughts stopped, then a lining of timber, paper and Hessian in that order followed by a coat of paint sprayed on to give an unusual finish. The kitchen has been extended to include the back porch so that the cooks now have more room.

After a delay of almost twelve months it is hoped that the sewer pipes will arrive soon so that work can proceed with the ablution block which now has top priority.

The winter social programme has been interesting and varied thanks to our live-wire Social Organiser and her helpers.

A few members accepted an invitation from the Waikato Outdoor Society and spent a most enjoyable weekend at Opal Springs, Matamata.

The following Friday the big drive to the Eastern shores of "Gisnaki Land" took place, the occasion being the Gisborne Sun Club's cabaret. And what a cabaret! Fantastic!!! We have decided that we must make a supreme effort to show Gisborne that we can run as good a cabaret on 12 October. Preparations are well under way so anyone wanting to buy a ticket please contact your local secretary or write direct to our box number. We promise you a good time but please book early as the tickets will sell quickly.

It was hoped that a rather interesting business venture could have been announced in this report but unfortunately negotiations had to be terminated. A similar venture may be possible at a later date.

Aurora Sunseekers Inc.

Looking back on our first summer season, we at Aurora feel that the trials and tribulations of getting a new club off the ground are proving to have been well worth while. Very few set backs have come our way and the response from other clubs, the N.Z.S.A., and the public generally has been very encouraging.

It has been a year of work and development, but our hundred plus members are all keen and willing to turn their hands to any task to put the club on its feet.

A good sized pool is well on its way to completion, and should be ready for use at the first sign of spring weather.


The main central areas of the grounds have been drained and a new 2" water main installed. Ambitious projects which we hope to complete over the winter are; levelling and grassing the main sports area, building a club kitchen in the existing house, and hopefully, building a new toilet and shower block.

If we can complete most of these, it will have proved a marvellous first season, as the club only took possession of the grounds at the end of June, 1973. With these additional amenities completed, members can anticipate a more relaxing and easier paced summer season, and, we hope, a continuing influx of new members to bring the club to a buoyant and financially viable level.

For six months we had the company of Kees van den Bosch, the National P.R.O. as a member. He has helped out on the committee and put in many hours work, and we regret seeing him called back to Auckland and A.O.H.C. by dint of his job.

A successful social and dance was held recently and these will be a feature of activities over the colder months.

Aurora members have been fortunate in obtaining the use of a school swimming pool each Monday evening for two hours. This has proved a very popular attraction to date.

Another venture for the winter months is the hiring of a school gymnasium for volley ball on a Sunday evening.

So you see we do not hibernate for winter in the south and anyone thinking about applying for membership, don't leave it until the summer, or you will miss a lot of enjoyment. Our year starts in May after the annual meeting, and our box and telephone numbers are in the back of this magazine.


Auckland Outdoor Health Club

With the climatic conditions being what they are at this time of the year few members are noticeable on the club grounds. Usually a brief visit a quiet chat over a "cuppa", followed by a friendly game of miniten.

Sporting activities are replaced by social gatherings where members have the opportunity to invite their friends along. A summary of events which have occurred during previous months will show a lively scene.

On 19 May the club A.G.M. This was an important day for the club in one respect as the members present gave their approval to the committee to engage the contractor for the club-house extension. Work commenced on 27 May and rapid progress has been made. For some this has at long last become a reality and completion is expected within three or four months.

On 1 June members enjoyed the Annual Dinner Dance at a nightclub in the City. Festivities went on into the early hours and a mighty time was had by all.

More recently visits have been made to the hot pools at Parakai.

Once a month members have the use of a large indoor swimming pool in the suburbs of Auckland. These evenings are well attended and other clubs are invited to participate.

Weekly Sauna evenings continue with a choice of sauna establishments.

In conclusion the seasonal activities organised are aimed at keeping the membership together.

Hawkes Bay Sun Club Inc.

Well we are certainly getting more than our usual ration of winter weather in the Bay this year. It seems like the rain, hail, snow and floods have driven us indoors for the duration, and our grounds bear a lonesome deserted look shattered only by the faithful one or two who labour on to complete our ablution block. With a bit of luck, and a bit more sweat, there'll be a roof over it soon, and our plumbers will be able to get on with installing the essential equipment for showering, shaving, shampooing, etcetera.

But the weather hasn't daunted our lively social committee. Between the frequent house parties we have enjoyed a night of family fun at a Hastings amusement centre with slot cars, pool and the rest of it, resumed swim nights at the Havelock heated pool, shown members the club's slide record of ten years progress at a well attended teatime gathering accompanied with delicious finger lickin' goodies from a certain white bearded colonel, and organised parties to a couple of visiting stage shows. Not forgetting a family restaurant dine-out, and our club gala cabaret night coming up very shortly.

Our visit to Gisborne Sun Club cabaret was the usual great success, but somehow we again struck Poverty Bay's annual wet weekend! However the swim at Morere hot pools was a welcome break to a rain-swept journey and the Gisborne hospitality made it all worthwhile.

After all this socialising though, some of us will welcome the respite of the coming spring, and a chance to get away from it all to a quiet sunny corner at "Rapere" and restore those sadly faded suntans. If that idea appeals to you too, and you don't know where to go, then drop a line to Box 551 Napier and we'll be only too pleased to introduce you to the Bay's "Fun in the Sun" club where the nicest nakedest people gather.



Palmerston North Sun Club Inc.

The Management Committee convened a Special General Meeting in June to have members approval for the construction of the club's new pool complex.

The meeting was held in the house at "Lake Downs" and was well attended. The main pool is to be 63ft by 35ft and will contain 80,000 gallons of water. The children's pool will be some 30ff in length with a sloping floor. This will be divided into two sections for the small and older children. Construction commenced in July and by the time this is printed work should be well advanced.

With donations and members contributions the pool complex, on completion, will be debt free.

With some additions and modification the Lake Downs designed filter, which we built at a cost of only $15, should be adequate to cope with the two new pools. We are considering taking a Patent on this famous Palmerston North Filter. Visitors who have been privileged to be admitted to the Filter House have been amazed at the engineering marvel.

The new pools will be of sufficient size for our large and increasing membership.

If you would like to join us in our new pool write to our Secretary at P.O. Box 980, Palmerston North.


Waikato Outdoor Society Youth Group

On the weekend of 9 and 10 March we invited Auckland members of Nudist Youth Club to our grounds and this proved to be a very successful weekend. Everyone enjoyed the barbecue which we provided and we also had a volleyball competition between N.Y.C. and W.O.S. The game was won by Waikato who were presented with a shield by Stan G., Youth Convener and Doug, our past president.

We now have a new president for our youth group.

The committee for our youth group is: President, Susan G.; Secretary, Sandra Mc.; Past President, Doug; and Committee.

I feel certain we were all satisfied with the behaviour of these people and no one had cause for complaint.

In reply to Tony's remark in issue No. 70, the W.O.S. Youth Group was formed for the purpose of getting more youth from parents of the parent-club to become more active in the club and to keep them together.

Auckland Sun Club Inc.

Winter is just about over and we have not been idle. As mentioned in our last report our drive is now almost completed.

The N.Z.S.A. Half-annual meeting at Taupo was well supported by a large contingent from Auckland Sun, we always enjoy these weekends.

July saw us holding our own Half-annual General Meeting which was followed by a social. The major topics were the delegates report of the Taupo meeting and the plans and finance of our long awaited new clubhouse. This will be done in stages, with the sauna and locker room coming first to form the basement. The upper, or main floor, will be 40 ft by 60 ft and will be started as finances become available. The sauna will provide a ready source of revenue. We have raised a reasonable amount from the Wellington Raffle.

We were pleased to be able to pay off the last of the loan raised to build the swimming pool.

The spring has had the usual crop of Socials and Swim nights and the saunas have been very popular, as usual. The next issue will see us well into the new season with plenty of sunshine (we hope), and lots of new ideas.

North Shore Sun Club Inc.

Through the winter months we have carried on with our social activities and have invited other interested people to join us with a resultant increase in our membership. A sauna is a good place to meet those people who are toying with the idea of joining a club, there is really no room to be shy and we find that the new person's reserve soon melts.

We have been busy chasing around for land but at the moment of writing we are still out in the cold. Clubs that have had the same experience will know what we are up against, but to add to that we are having to face exorbitant prices in this area. Anyone with $25,000 under the bed they can do without?

We would like to thank member clubs of the N.Z.S.A. for accepting us into the fold. We hope it will not be too long before we are a solidly established club and able to pull our weight toward the public acceptance of the movement as a whole.

It is sincerely hoped that we will have more news of substance to report in the next issue.



Girl in the sea

As N.Y.C. notes did not get to the magazine office in time for the June edition there should be plenty to report, but much of it is now "old hat" and details of other activities are not remembered too clearly now. We did have some great summer trips though; one to Waiwera Hot Pools, another to Waikato Outdoor Society to meet their youth group and another to Uretiti Beach with Auckland Outdoor Health Club.

In June we went to Taupo for the N.Z.S.A. Half-annual General Meeting. We held our own Half-annual General Meeting in a cave, along with all the spiders, opposite the Spa Hotel. We decided at this meeting that we would not hold future N.Y.C. Rallies on club grounds due to the trouble over our rally at Palmerston North last Christmas.

However Christchurch club later offered to host next year's youth rally and we have decided to wait and see how this rally goes before coming to a final decision.

Affiliation of N.Y.C. came up at the N.Z.S.A. meeting but was postponed until the A.G.M. because many delegates had received no voting instructions on this subject from their clubs. Also a couple of clubs voiced their objections to our age range. We held a meeting to discuss this and decided that as our age group from 13 to 23 years old had a fairly even balance between the 13 to 16 year olds and the 16 to 23 year olds there is a definite need for the 16 and unders to be included in our club. However those clubs who object to their younger youths joining N.Y.C. should go ahead and set up an alternative without stopping those youths who wish to join from doing so if they have their parent's permission.

Our plans to attend Waikato's Matamata Week-end fell through due to a combination of money shortages and transport problems.

We have started raising money for our Christchurch Rally and are still working towards a stall at Cook Street Market one weekend, however we don't have enough goods yet to make it worthwhile.

That's all until next issue from the Auckland branch of Nudist Youth Club.

  Girl in the sea

Photo: Roy Carson 



A well established, small, friendly family club

on 70 acres of beautiful bushland, hour from Hornsby.

Swimming, sauna, children's playground, games-courts.

Activities in the sun throughout the year - P.O. Box 11, BEROWRA. 2081.



Dear Sir,

Although your magazine is A.1, I still am rather disappointed with the series of photographs throughout. The poor old male seems to miss out all along the line. The female is depicted in all close-ups, but it is a rarity to see the men folk in frontal close-up studies. Why? Is this still classed as obscene to show the male frontal shots? If this is the case then what is a Naturist magazine for?

In my book and many others, there is nothing so photogenic and attractive as the well hung, well developed male. So Let's have a good look at some for a change eh?

Sincerely, H. Webb, South Perth

Dear Sir,

In my profession I am particularly involved with work among teenagers. I was therefore more than ordinarily interested in the Youth Organiser's Report by Tony Wood on page six of the June 1974 issue (incidentally congratulations on the delightful photograph on page seven of that issue).

I should like to put forward what I consider to be a very significant problem for teenage naturists - that adults try to pretend that the teenagers are not really teenagers! One of the most normal characteristics of the healthy teenager is the awakening interest in sexuality - a phenomenon which adults would do well to acknowledge and encourage in teenagers.

Until naturist clubs adopt an enlightened approach to this aspect of normal healthy human development they will not be true to their ideals, and teenagers will be frustrated and continue to lose interest in the clubs and look for adequate teenage activities outside the clubs.

In no sense should normal boy-girl contact be frowned upon by naturist clubs. Such normal teenage activities as hand-holding, mild cuddling and petting, as well as teenage party games should be a normal part of teenage naturist activities. A teenage boy should not feel ashamed or embarrassed if he should experience an erection during such activities - nor should a teenage girl feel guilty at becoming sexually excited. Surely naturist clubs should be encouraging an acceptance and control of normal sexual development, not a suppression of it.

It is not the teenagers who are the problem. It is the clubs who are not as natural as their naturist ideals demand they should be.

D.K.H., Melbourne



to the



Dear Sir,

On behalf of Nudist Youth Club I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those clubs who gave us their support at the N.Z.S.A. Half Annual General Meeting at Taupo.

Cheryl, President, N.Y.C. Auckland


Dear Sir,

The Sun, that magnificent ball of fire rising forever daily over this globe, is the giver of life to every living thing. Today in this age of energy shortages, man is frantically applying his skills in an endeavour to harness the sunshine, so freely available to assist in the heating of his dwellings and to ensure adequate supplies of hot water.

Sun clubs, long realizing it's therapeutic values, rely entirely on it for their existence. To shed all ones clothes, to relax and to absorb all it's rays, is in very truth, to savour the life giving qualities of it's balm.

Yet so many do not appreciate this fact and even guard against it, rather than share the healing and regenerating qualities of the sun.

Emiel Roland's suggestion that Sun clubs have something of value to offer the Medical Profession is sound. To encourage patients to share the peace and quiet of our surroundings, to enjoy the total relaxation and the warmth of nude sunbathing, the companionship and sympathy of like-minded people, is surely an excellent way to start patients on the road to good health once more, and incidentally to a new appreciation of old King Sol himself.

One old friend, a Doctor of Medicine and for several years a member of Auckland Outdoor Health Club, spent many of his lunch hour breaks sunbathing at the club. He said, "I know of no better medicine than nude sunbathing for you and me. If more people would only use it, sickness would be greatly reduced and a happier, healthier people the result."

Doug Skene, A.O.H.C.



Girl in the sea

British Naturism

The Official Journal of the Central Council for British Naturism

Published quarterly in February, May, August and November

You may receive a copy each quarter
post free (in a sealed envelope) by
sending a British Postal Order for 68p
for four issues to:-
  CCBN Services Ltd.
c/o E. R. G. Bareham
2 St Vincent's Place
Whitley Bay,
Tyne and Wear,
England, NE26 1HT



Your much improved latest magazines contain amongst other things some beautiful illustrations, the front cover of issue 71 being a delightful example of superb photography. A few other photographs of persons displaying prominent ugly white patches, mixed with tanned areas on their bodies seem a little harder to enjoy viewing though.

Why you persist in terming your magazine a "Nudist affair" seems rather strange to say the least. For my own part I do not really consider myself or others as being nude when enjoying the sun, sea or river etc., to the maximum extent when circumstances permit. Perhaps I would think of a person as being nude though if he appeared totally naked in a city street for instance.

For you to state that the magazine is "New Zealand's only Nudist Magazine" therefore does not go down very well with me, and perhaps with numerous others. After all your publication is mainly concerned with sun clubs and their activities, and it would be interesting to find how many members think of themselves as being nude while enjoying the sun, since you more or less imply that you are dealing with nudity. Why not print instead, "New Zealand's only Naturist magazine" on page one next issue.

Also, since the term "nudity" generally relates to complete lack of clothing, would a female wearing only the lower half of a bikini be semi-nude, partly clad, attired, or just exactly what?

Rather glad I can sunbathe free of all this puzzling jazz which is perhaps better forgotten entirely. Hope for everyone's sake that the coming summer is a real cracker.

Suntan Sam, Christchurch

Sorry Sam, but to me nude means without clothes under the right circumstances, such as swimming, sunbathing, relaxing etc. whereas naked means without clothes under the wrong circumstances such as when you need the clothes for protection, against the elements for example. Your own example of being without clothes in a busy city Street is a good example of nakedness as opposed to nudity. - Ed.

Dear Sir,

Congratulations John Gilmour on your fine Editorial June (No.71) issue. Not simply because I am an Aussie, and happen to know and respect Rick Venning and Sandy McDonald and many others with similar attitudes, but also because of the strengthening of bonds across the Tasman, in the name of nudism.

This exchange of ideas, thoughts and situations we have all reached in our various activities and campaigns, must be to the benefit of all, and we can surely all learn from each other.

Acceptance by the unenlightened, and success with the Free Beach issue is what we are all about, and to be "on course" in a proud, mature, unified manner must be our positive aim, Therefore, with the co-operation and good will that exists between the New Zealand Naturist, the A.N.F., and individual clubs, rightly deserves the support of all genuine nudists.

Yours sincerely,

Mary Weston, A.N.F. Ass. Secretary


Dear Sir,

One of the more interesting features of nudism in New Zealand is the significant difference in character between individual clubs. This is one of the great attractions of the movement. But, as the number of clubs in the major population centres increases - with a growing number of clubs in each area - this difference between clubs can give rise to a problem. I refer to inter-club transfers within an area.

Consider the case of a family new to the movement. joining one's first nudist club is often, for the individual, rather a traumatic experience. So the newcomers are unlikely to have shopped around all the clubs in their area before joining their new club. Months later, perhaps, they visit another club in the area and find it very much more to their liking than their own club. What can they do about it?

Up to now most clubs have been loath to "poach" members from nearby clubs and tend to reject out of hand such applications to transfer. The reason for this attitude is very understandable - anxiety not to offend the other club - but it does seem to be contrary to the interest of the unfortunate individual. Sometimes there is even a disparity in outlook between adjacent clubs - one will accept local transfers, the other will not.

I suggest that the time has come to look closely at this problem, and I personally believe that all clubs should adopt the following policy:

(a) No application for transfer between clubs should be rejected because it is from another local club,

(b) Applications for local transfer between clubs should be treated in the same manner as any application from a brand new would-be member.

Thus, the transferring member will be fully aware that his application to join the new club will be dealt with strictly on its merits. At the same time, the "receiving" club will retain full rights to accept or reject the application and to insist on an interview, trial visits and a period of probationary membership (if that is the normal club practice).

I believe that with the growth in the number of clubs such a policy would do much to ensure that every club member has the best possible chance of settling happily into the club which best suits his or her tastes and aspirations.

I hasten to add that my family and I are very happy in our present club - and very grateful to be so.

Peter H., A.S.C.





long or short term hires
Enjoy a NATURAL vacation
10% discount for N.Z.S.A. members

Write to: P.O. Box 8015,
Kensington, Whangarei.



news from

the clubs in


Northside Country Club, Victoria

With the new lease finalised it is complementary to the efforts of your committee and all members that the postal ballot result was in favour of the new terms. This lease should inject a new spirit into the club and we should certainly be able to make some rapid progress in the near future.

A very good night was enjoyed by all those who attended the Pyjama party at the clubhouse. Alex brought his drums and his friend Arthur came along to accompany him, they made a great pair and their playing helped a lot towards the success of the function. Everything was just perfect and an extra special thank you should go to Arthur for entertaining us with such fine music. We hope to see Arthur again soon.

Every fourth Saturday of the month is Spielplatz Swim Night and these occasions are always well attended, particularly by Northside. If we can keep it up we may even pull off the Victorian inter-club swimming competition again this year.

The party for the Younger Generation Unlimited, held on 1 June was a great success. We thank everyone who came and gave their support. We even had the support of the occasional "streaker".

A departure from our normal activity is being planned in the form of a bowling night, if it is popular we may make it a regular feature of our social calendar.

That is about all from Northside this issue, more later.


Kiata Country Club, N.S.W.

Kiata is to be host club for the 1974 Australian Naturists Federation Convention and Rally, from 26 December 1974 to 4 January 1975 inclusive. A comprehensive round of sporting and social events is planned and as long as the weather is kind visitors should find their stay most enjoyable.

Unfortunately, so far in 1974 we have had an exceptionally wet Summer and Autumn and it has slowed down our preparations and extensions to facilities somewhat, but nevertheless all social functions have been well attended and large numbers of regulars still come for the weekend (complete with umbrella's and raincoats).

Membership is still growing and we hope to reach 200 units by Christmas (again only with the assistance of good weather). Our facilities are having to be increased accordingly but we still have plenty of room. Visitors to Kiata at the convention held there several years ago will be pleased to learn we now have two large dams (1 for swimming), a large club house, extended toilet blocks with hot showers, tennis court, volleyball court and miniten court, plus a recently acquired trampoline. We look forward to a big roll up for the Convention and Rally and would be pleased to answer any inquiries (to P.O. Box 103, Milsons Point, N.S.W. 2061).

Incidentally, clubs planning to send delegates or contingents of members are invited to prepare a "sketch" for inclusion in one of the concerts to be held at the convention. With tentative plans for such diverse activities as swimming, tennis, table tennis, volley ball and miniten tournaments plus New Years Fancy Dress Ball, New Faces of '75 Amateur Night, bus trip to the Opera I-louse, wine tasting, plus good old fashioned loafing there shouldn't be any lack of things to do.



A well established club with excellent facilities. Situated in the Barossa Valley, this club retains 10½ acres of natural bushland. Applications are invited from couples and family groups, addressed to:

The Membership Secretary, Box 92, G.P.O., Adelaide 5001.


A young progressive club in 100 acres of natural bush and forest south of Adelaide.

Applications are invited from couples and families addressed to: -

The Secretary, P.O. Box 47, Nailsworth, S.A. 5083


The  most  progressive  sun club in Victoria,  22 miles north-east of Melbourne G. P. O.
Close to public transport. Tennis, Volleyball, Badminton, Table Tennis, Swimming pool.
Children’s  playground;  large clubhouse,  on  20 acres  property  on  northern  slopes.
Ideal for year-round naturist activities.


The Three Bears, Queensland

It is winter here (though warm compared with winter in Melbourne) but to the Queenslanders it is "real cool'.

As yet the New Zealand Naturist is still on the banned list here in Queensland so a great many people will not receive it.

On 23 June 32 members from our club paid a visit to Eureka Sun Club which is not far from here. We all had a very good day and enjoyed the trip very much. Eureka members are returning the compliment with a visit to the Three Bears Club grounds on 28 July, which will be our First Birthday so we hope for a nice day. Miniten and volleyball will be played and there will be games and entertainment for the children.

Anyone in Queensland wishing to join a young but progressive, friendly club, are invited to drop us a line to Box 62, Beenleigh, 4207.


Corio Valley Country Club, Victoria

Corio Valley Country Club, a Members Club, situated in natural bushland between Ballarat and Geelong, has a membership of forty units. The club has been established on this site for twelve years.

Facilities are a club house, barbecue area, cabin for hire, and a recently completed ablution block. Sports activities are volley ball (of course!), table tennis, swimming, mini golf, children's swings and trampoline; and a combination court for tennis and miniten is in formation, and the next work priority on our development- improvement programme.

Corio Free Beach Committee, with the full support of the Victorian Nudist Clubs has organised another Free Beach Day at Point Impossible for December 1st. Any free beach supporter who requires further information on our activities may ring Geelong 212634 after hours, or write to Geelong P.O. Box 379.

November 17th is Corio's Inter club Day when all Victorian Nudist clubs attend as our guests. The highlight of this day is the keen competition for the winner of the Perpetual Trophy for the Annual Victorian Nudist Club's Volley Ball Championship. Last years winners, Helios, will be strongly challenged, and excellent volley ball is assured. The evening prior, Saturday 16th., will be a dance (B.Y.O.), in the clubhouse.


Eureka Sun Club, Queensland

Indoor games out of doors - yes at Eureka. Chess players can now enjoy their game on the giant tiled chessboard. The Chess men were carved by Erhard from old wood at Eureka, the pieces are some 18cm high, truly chess this way assumes an entirely new dimension.


More work has been done to the grounds. The central clearing expands all the time, taking more and more the appearance of a natural park. A second rainwater tank has been installed, which will take the overflow from the first one. A third tank, yet to be installed, to take dam water for toilet and showers, should make the water situation for the immediate future pretty comfortable. A start has been made with the toilet block. The floor and piping is finished, and the foundations put in.

"A fine hour" for Eureka was 23 June. Around 10a.m. the grounds were invaded by about thirty or so members of the Three Bears Sun Club. Feature of the day was a friendly miniten tournament followed by volleyball and afternoon tea. The main matches were mixed doubles, these later became mixed mixed doubles as teams consisting of male Bear and female Eurekan played against teams of female Bear and male Eurekan. All in all it was a fine day, a little nippy, but mostly sunny, and with very good company. And to round it off so very well for Eureka we just managed to beat the Bears.

A return visit has been arranged and should be history by the time this report reaches the bookstalls.

Girl in the sea

Photo: Evan Black 



   Ph. 75-672 Auckland - P.O. Box 8785, Auckland



Girl in the sea





* Ideal for travellers and holiday makers

* Telescopes to fit all vehicle widths

* Takes only seconds to install

* Keeps clothes clean and wrinkle-free when travelling

* Chrome finish

* For every sale made to a club member through club secretary, 10% goes to club funds.


Darwin Sun Club Incorporated, N. Territory

Our club probably has the highest percentage of members who already declare full names and have "come out into the open". The Committee always uses full names and our constitution now has it compulsory that persons standing for committee must be willing to have their names published in full if it becomes necessary.

Our latest venture is a column each week in the social pages of the Darwin Shopper listing social events, club activities and items of interest and in this column each week, a committee member's full name and telephone number will be given with an invitation to the public to phone for further information about the club. We received two calls on the first occasion that we did this and have two prospective family members. Geelong had it's organised "free beach" day and received favourable news media response. Our congratulations to all participants, we hope the follow up will not be left too long. At last it seems as though the movement has decided to "get up and go" and maybe nudists will not be their own worst enemies in the near future. It would seem some good did come from the Convention.

The Darwin Sun Club is moving ahead continuously, our membership, our ground development, our community involvement, and our attitude. Keep it this way. Don't leave it too long to visit the site or you may not recognise it or it's inhabitants.

There was a Club Picnic at Berry Springs and again, those people attending had a very enjoyable day.

A film night at Rick and Shirl's in June commenced at 8 p.m. and the purpose of this was to look at all films submitted before editing for the Club's official film. June 16 was the Beer Can Raft Regatta. June 22 was a Wine and Cheese evening.

The task of piping water from the bore has been completed which means we can now continue developing the lawn area to give a patch of fresh green throughout the dry season.

Despite the freezing conditions the Beach Barbecue turned Out to be a great night and the club is better off by approximately $30. We must have the best cooks in the Territory, for the steaks were cooked to perfection and the girls turned out some marvellous salads.

May passed us by with no good news from the Legislative Council. This is possibly understandable due to the elections held the weekend before the sittings and the uncertainty of its outcome, but we have not let up. We've still decided to maintain our present policy of going quietly for the next month or so. Now that legislation has removed traffic from the beaches, we have virtually got our free beach anyway.



The article on Northern Territory News about the nude bather on Lameroo Beach who pleaded guilty to the charge of indecent behaviour and was convicted without penalty by Mr. McCann (the magistrate who dismissed Otto Roman's case as "trivial" last year) also raises a couple of other interesting points. The Police admitted there were quite a few people naked and actually walked past a nude middle aged couple to call the young man out of the water. No one else was charged. Nude swimming is very prevalent on Lameroo, East Point and Casuarina and has also been noted on Mindil Beach as well. We are stressing the need for a declared free beach and if the authorities do not want nude swimming on every beach then this is the only way they can enforce it. They cannot stop people from swimming nude but they can contain it if they want to.

Naturi, New South Wales

News from Naturi is rather sparse, as the rather poor weather conditions for the past three months have not been conducive to naturist activities. Attendances, therefore, have been far from good. A few hardy regulars have shown up as soon as the sun has found a small hole in the clouds. Our worthy chairman of committee arrives every weekend, even if it is pouring with rain.

The A.G.M. was held on the first Sunday in March and the committee elected. Members, pleased with the way duties had been carried out, elected the existing chairman, secretary, treasurer, and assistant secretary unopposed. We welcome the new members to the committee, and are sure that they will also pull their weight during the coming year. Since our very good friend, Alec, was re-elected as treasurer, he unfortunately suffered a fatal heart attack. The sympathy of all his fellow club members is extended to his wife, Ethel, and his family. Alec will long be remembered at Naturi. He was one of those people who quietly work and do all those little jobs without any pressure to do so, and his friendly help and advice, coupled with his happy smile will be remembered by all.

In spite of adverse weather conditions, we have had a number of new members, and welcome Allen, David and Hilda, Lorenz and Elizabeth with their seven lovely children, Des and Audrey, and John. We look forward to meeting them more often when the weather is kinder. A few have left us, moving to other cities and we wish them well in their new clubs. The pool fund is steadily growing and the plans to make improvements to the club roads are in hand. We hope to start lining the clubhouse and building a large balcony onto the front in the near future.

Although it is now winter with very cold nights,during the few weeks there have been some nice warm days. Unfortunately these seem to come on weekdays, so not everyone can take advantage of them. We all look forward to spring and much increased club activity as the days warm up.



club directory



The secretaries of the clubs listed below
will be pleased to hear from genuine enquirers.
Please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.


The following clubs are affiliated

Box 220, P.O. Midland 6056, West Australia

Box 92, G.P.O. Adelaide 5001, South Australia

Box 47, P.O. Nailsworth 5083, South Australia

Box 227, P.O. Echuca 3625, Victoria

Box 107, P.O. South Melbourne, Victoria 3205

Box 440, P.O. Dandenong 3175, Victoria

Box 379, P.O. Geelong 3220, Victoria

Box 2, P.O. Austral 2171, N.S.W.

Box 121, P.O. Merrylands 2160, N.S.W.

Box 45, P.O. Toronto 2283, N.S.W.


Box 103, P.O. Milson's Point, N.SW.

Box 50, P.O. Lindfield 2070, N.S.W.

Box 6, P.O. West End 4101, Queensland

Box 85, Acacia Ridge 4110, Queensland

Box 22, Lawton 4501, Queensland

P.O. Beenleigh 4207, Queensland.

Box 4741, P.O. Darwin 5794, Northern Territory

Box 24, South Grafton 2461, N.S.W.

Box 131, Camberwell 3124, Victoria

22 Aitken Street, Millicent 5280, South Australia

P.O. Box 11, Berowra 2081, N.S.W.

If you are not near any of the above clubs, but are interested in joining a club, drop a line to The Secretary, A.N.F. Box 18, P.O., Brooklyn Park, South Australia 5032. He will be pleased to assist you with the details of any other people in your area with similar interests.



Sydney's newest and largest Sun Club, set in 48 acres of beautiful bushland, approx. 40 miles n.w. of Sydney.

Enquiries — Secretary, P.O. Box 103, Milsons Point, N.S.W. 2061, Australia.



A progressive Family Sun Club situated in

natural Bushland setting North of Melbourne.

All year round activities.

Enquiries:- P.O. Box 107, South Melbourne, 3205.





 1. Betimes
 4. Season
 9. Introduction to book
10. Lived
11. Container
12. Superintendent
13. Lament
14. Unrestricted
16. On
18. Obese
20. A copy
21. Measure of land
24. Regular beat
25. Sleep
26. Bloodhound
27. Swift



 1. Await
 2. Lively dances
 3. Twelve months
 5. Sell cheaply to gain
 6. A master
 7. Businessmen's club
 8. To guard
13. Re-address a letter
15. Repel
17. Throws out
18. Untrue
19. Iron rod used by
22. Nautical measure
23. An abyss



























































































































































































Solution to Crossword No. 71

Across: 1. Sport; 4. Timbers; 8. Ladders; 9. Mecca; 10. Tyrol; 11. Euchred; 13. Ends; 15. Deride;
17. Eroded; 20. Tide; 22. Profess; 24. Plato; 26. Tried; 27. Unicorn; 28. Streets; 29. Dined.

Down: 1. Saluted; 2. Order; 3. Trebled; 4. Tested; 5. Mimic; 6. Encored; 7. Stand; 12. Used; 14. Nets; 16. Roomier; 18. Replied; 19. Drowned; 21. Issues; 22. Paths; 23. Endue; 25. Adorn.


NATURISTS: Sun Seekers Inc.

The only naturist club in Western Australia.

Applications are invited from couples and families.

Write to Secretary at P.O. Box 220 Midland.



Set in 40 acres of natural bushland in the Blue Dandenongs.

Applications from family groups are welcome.

P.O. Box 440, Dandenong, Vic. 3174.



new zealand
club directory



The secretaries of the clubs listed below
will be pleased to hear from genuine enquirers.
Please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.


P.O. Box 4126, Kamo

P.O. Box 2702, Auckland

P.O. Box 2925, Auckland

P.O. Box 67, Papakura

P.O. Box 6238, Wellesley Street West, Auckland 1

P.O. Box 66-033, Beachhaven, Auckland 10
Telephone Auckland 486-458

P.O. Box 6l9, Hamilton

P.O. Box 2205, South Tauranga

P.O. Box 1007, Rotorua

P.O. Box 391, Gisborne

P.O. Box 551, Napier
Telephone 55-331 or 35-523

P.O. Box 410, Wanganui


P.O. Box 980, Palmerston North

P.O. Box 2854, Wellington
Telephone Upper Hutt 86-436

P.O. Box 467, Nelson
P.R.O. Phone 86-589 Nelson

P.O. Box 1823, Christchurch

P.O. Box 610, Timaru

P.O. Box 126, Dunedin
Telephone 52-564 and 70-170

P.O. Box 486, Invercargill
Telephone 41W Nightcaps

P.O. Box 3039 Fitzroy, New Plymouth

Enquiries and Publicity
National: P.O. Box 1931, Palmerston North
Auckland Branch: P.O. Box 6802, Auckland

P.O. Box 5030, Moray Place, Dunedin.
Telephone 39-207 or 33-355


If you are not near any of the above clubs, but are interested in joining a club, drop a line to The Secretary, N.Z.S.A., Box 40482, Upper Hutt, New Zealand. She will be pleased to assist you with the details of any other people in your area with similar interests.




This Club, already one of the largest in the country, is entering a new phase of expansion and genuine enquiries concerning membership are cordially invited. If your interests lie in...




or just plain lying in the sun


Write in confidence to:- P.O. Box 2854, Wellington

or telephone 86-436




Emiel Roland: Free Beaches New Zealand

Tony Wood: Youth Organiser's Report

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Photo: Erich Bach

One finger tenekoit

Photo: Graham Bailey 

Beauty unadorned

Photo: Jim Lorch 

Photo: Joe Smith 

Woman in bush

Photo: Joe Smith 

Woman in bush

Photo: John Selkirk 

Woman in bush

Photo: Leon Gilbert 

Woman in bush

Photo: Joe Smith 

Woman in bush

Photo: L. S. Bichsel 

Woman in bush

Photo: Eric Bach 

Woman in bush

Photo: Roy Carson 

A quiet pool near Raglan

Photo: M. A. Boyce 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: John L., A.O.H.C. 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Trevor James 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

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