#  38 - March 1966 

[The New Zealand Naturist - Autumn] Editor: Perc Cousins (Pages: 36 - 2/-)


The Hesitant Wife
A Startling Break-through in America
News from the Clubs (8)
Talking to Women with Gaynor
Peggy 6
Naturism's a Family Affair (2) by Ken Treanor
NZ's First National Rally - Wanganui, 1953
Readers Have Their Say
News from All Over the World - Rhodesia, Germany, Greece, USA, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia
Health in the Sun
Geodesic Dome Clubhouse by Julia Todd-Forbes
From the Editor
Let Us Blame the Christians by Ray Fussell
Quote of the Month
NZSA Notes - Those Christmas Photographs, Illustrations, INF Holiday Guide, International Passports, Are You Learning French? World Congress, Nudist Films, Perc Cousins Trust Fund
Talking about Books
On the Inside Looking Out
A Spark of a Flame by Ray Tyndall
Letter from a Son (2)
Club Directory (12)








Perc. W. Cousins, Wellington



Ray Clark, Christchurch
Jock Shoolbread, Auckland

Secretary - Treasurer


Doug. Cousins, Wellington

Public Relations Officer


Gavin Robieson, Wellington

Overseas Correspondent


David Williamson, Auckland

Youth Organiser


Ken Treanor, Christchurch

Women's Representative


Gaynor Robieson, Wellington

Delegates representing all clubs





Perc. W. Cousins

Business Manager


Doug. Cousins



Bob McIver

Cover picture by Roy S. Carson


Our birthday issue will feature special pictures and articles on the growth of our magazine. The Overseas Page will present pictures from Canada, and the Sun Clubs in NZ feature will tell "What you do in a Nudist Camp". True Experience relates an amusing mix-up over a tape recorder and a very special feature will illustrate how our girls are using our beaches for nude swimming. We also will include pictures of the last bi rally held in Wellington. A wonderful issue. Send in your subscription today. Only 7/- for 1 year. (Aust. $1)

Deadline for contributions 31st March, 1966.




The year of 1965 saw 3 struggling groups applying for affiliation to the national body. Urged and assisted by the NZSA they have each taken steps that bring responsibility, and while the NZSA will continue to offer every assistance, the main task lying ahead is in the hands of the local members of each group.

To those members of established clubs who go along to their grounds and enjoy numerous facilities provided for their comfort and enjoyment, the challenge of starting a new club right from the very beginning is something of which they know little and cannot fully appreciate. Let us all offer every encouragement to these pioneers in Taranaki, Waikato and Tauranga.

CHALLENGE. And what are these challenges? No club can attract new members until it has property of its own, for after all, the privacy necessary for complete sunbathing is essential and not easy to come by. So members have to search their districts, contact agents and keep at it until a site is located.

MONEY. Money is needed by all developing clubs, but the new ones need a lot, quickly, so every means of painless extraction must be employed to at least pay a deposit on their property. Clearing and the building of a clubhouse, swimming pool, games courts and sunbathing areas, etc., will come according to the enthusiasm and determination of the group.

ENTHUSIASM. And speaking of this commodity, the new sun club leaders will need a lot of it, for disappointments creep in and much has to be done and arranged. More members are needed and in order to attract them, a lot of courage is needed, for sooner or later, someone has to come into the open and seek publicity. Unfortunately the nudist movement is still maligned and misunderstood by the majority of people and it takes courage to face up to the unwarranted criticism of one's friends and acquaintances.

TACT. As always, a lot of tact is required, for nudists are individualists and usually have definite ideas of their own. But in all their dealings, club officers need to remember the high standard built up and maintained over the years throughout the world, and therefore to put the movement before all other considerations. While we can point to an unspotted reputation, we can hold our heads high and continue to attract those new members, but once we slip from the accepted standards of conduct, the whole movement suffers.

THE BEGINNING. To start a new club is not easy. Difficulties seem to abound and individual problems are sure to arise. But we can take heart, knowing that every established club has had the same growing pains, but the rewards are boundless. To be able to proudly look around neat flower beds, rolling lawns and full facilities of a fully-fledged club, and know that you were responsible for helping them to come into being, especially when you recall the jungle it was when you first went there, amply repays all the effort.

THE FUTURE. So you new club leaders, look ahead, remember the kiddies who are going to benefit from your labours and attack the problems with vigour, but always bear in mind that a number of us have done most of the things you are now contemplating. Our experience is yours for the asking. Kia Ora. (Good Luck).

- Perc. W. Cousins






Time: Saturday morning. Weather: very nice.

Me: Do you fancy a trip to Portsmouth to do your shopping today?

Hilda: Do you think it's safe, going that far until you have tried the car out properly? You never know with these secondhand cars. It might keep on breaking down. (That was a nasty crack at my business acumen.)

Me: (airily), Good law, I would put her in the Monte Carlo rally.

Hilda: Well, I suppose we could always come back in the train. All right, let's go. (That's what I like, 100% confidence.)

Me: (looking at map), Right. We head for Wickham, then via Boarhunt to Portsmouth. (The plot thickens.)


Gaynor was another hesitant wife



We reach Wickham, car travelling like, nearly like a Rolls Royce. I did say nearly. Now I am very busy, avoiding lunatics in cars, and watching for the Boars Head Hotel. Ah, there it is. The plot is really thick by now. Portsmouth, here we come.

After a pleasant couple of hours shopping, I decide, on with the play, so I play my master card.

Me: I reckon we ought to head for home and make sure we don't get stranded.

Hilda: But the car is going lovely and I am enjoying myself. (Just like a woman to change her mind about things.)

Me: (oozing caution), Still it's better to be on the safe side. (An hour later I managed to persuade my better half.)

Me: (thinking), Ah, there's the Boars Head. Now to mention it. (Aloud), Do you see that pub, Hilda? That sun club is just down there. How about we drive down and see what it looks like? (Note the emphasis on SUN and not nudist.)

Hilda: We ought to get home. (By now we are half way down the lane.) I'm not going in there. (Too late, for we are now inside the gateway.) I don't like it, I've got butterflies in my tummy.

After phoning through, we are met by Morris and introduced to the secretary and a few more nice people, all in the nude. After an hour's stay, we head for home, complete with application forms.

No Hilda did not divorce me. We applied for membership and joined the South Hants Club, and Hilda was so keen we bought a caravan and went to live there for two happy years. •




AMERICA can usually be relied upon to be first in exploitation, as the large array of so-called nudist magazines, freely available to the public, testifies today. Completely natural illustrations of nude men, women and children adorn their pages and extremely frank articles are commonplace, and they obviously enjoy a wide circulation throughout the States. Nudists everywhere claim that the nude human body is not of itself indecent, for that is the basis of our beliefs. However, while we in British countries are content, for the time being at least, to accept the rulings of authorities, the Americans risk upsetting officialdom and prove claims in demonstrable ways.

American films have similarly been testing out audience reactions and now we learn of a film freely screening to adult audiences, wherein complete bodily exposure is featured, not distant shots or blurred ones, but clear close-ups and in colour. The film, entitled "Mated" is claimed to be an informative film on marital sex and while it includes the usual diagrams and charts, it nevertheless deals very frankly with this important subject. Being available to adult audiences only, it is understandable when we learn that it includes various aspects of sexual hygiene and discipline involving the nude body, breast massage and intimate exercises by male and female models.

Whatever the value of this film from an educational standpoint may be, we do have to admit that it is a big advance for any film that so frankly displays the human anatomy to meet with official approval and we dare to hope that it is another step towards the final acceptance of the nude body, both male and female. It seems they have come a long way in America and it gives us all encouragement to think that the bogey that has beset us so long is being tamed. •




F R O M  T H E


I N  N. Z.

News from the Clubs 


It is pleasing to record that the groups in Taranaki and Tauranga have applied for provisional membership in the NZSA and the WAIKATO OUTDOOR SOCIETY is applying for full affiliation. A warm welcome awaits them all and it is hoped that other areas teetering on the brink will be inspired by their example.

The TAURANGA SUN CLUB held a meeting recently and decided to obtain a post office box. As they have a sunbathing area at their presidents home, their need for grounds is not so acute as is the case with some of the other groups.

Members of the WAIKATO OUTDOOR SOCIETY have been visiting some of the local and more distant beaches. Freshly barbecued mussels and bacon rolls have proved popular as well as a novelty. Visits have also been made to the Auckland clubs and most members will he seeking the sun in various localities during the holidays.

The AUCKLAND SUN CLUB, while congratulating Al and Julia on their building of the dome at Kaurimu, nevertheless feel somewhat overshadowed by it and the resultant publicity, and are consequently suggesting that they should build an "Eye-full. Tower" to get even. They counter with a claim that they are the only club to have an officially appointed chaplain.

Their Christmas party was a great success, despite rain at midday. The rain stopped and Santa came out with the sun and now he is asking if anyone has any ideas for a naturist Santa. He felt the heat.

The AUCKLAND OUTDOOR HEALTH CLUB INC. announces plans for an Oranui Rally, when the other two clubs and the one in Waikato will be invited to join in the fun and compete for trophies donated by a keen, new member. Picnic plans are also under way for the New Year. A good turn-out watched and heard Mr Gordon Brown give an excellent talk and demonstration on mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and commend to all this dedicated teacher of lifesaving.

The HAWKES BAY SUN CLUB members, as usual, have been hard at work and the fence which was so ignominiously blown down during the winter has been rebuilt. It was tested just before Christmas when a particularly strong gust of wind blew down a large willow tree which was part of the natural screening, but the fence stood firm. In December they had their 1st birthday and the wonderful food provided by the women was just too much for the adults and the children who were present.

In November last, the CANTERBURY SUN AND HEALTH CLUB INC. held their 3rd Arts Festival, when members were invited to exhibit paintings, drawings and craft work. As on previous occasions, a surprisingly wide range of skills and talents were evident in the entries which were arranged according to classification and age group. Prizewinners in each section were selected by popular vote and the president awarded certificates and prizes at the afternoon tea gathering.

Another important event in the club calendar was the tenikoit tournament run by the sports committee to decide the senior and junior championships. Members of the sports committee were gratified by the large number of entries and have hopes that Canterbury will make a good showing at the forthcoming rally.

The registration office at Fiveacres


Despite the almost continuous run of wet weekends, the preparations for the big rally went on at the WELLINGTON SUN AND HEALTH SOCIETY INC. and everything will be ready as planned. The new executive committee under Gavin has most things thoroughly organized and a happy atmosphere prevails. An enthusiastic youth group is now filling a long-felt want and they recently attacked the kiddies play equipment with paint brushes. They have also helped with the painting of the inside of the clubhouse and established a 'first' when they gave a public performance of a novelty stage item they are presenting at the rally. The club was approached by WNTV1 for a live telecast on the grounds, but this could not be fitted in with the many other activities going on at the time. The year concluded with a most successful Christmas party combined with a Visitors' Day. Around 150 people attended and a wonderful day concluded with over a dozen new members joining up. Awards for junior swimming were made when a number of youngsters were put through their paces by qualified members.

Our friends in the far south, the SOUTHERN SUN AND HEALTH CLUB report a number of applications for membership following the publicity with the showing of four nudist films doing the rounds at this time. They are about to accept an offer of 12 acres of bushland from the Lands and Survey Dept at a next-to-nothing rental and hope to start work on the property very soon. An idea we can commend is their approach to the public library in Invercargill. We are now sending them books for inclusion and such a move can bring nothing but a greater degree of tolerance and understanding. •


Talking to Women

with Gaynor


WE AT Fiveacres were hosts for this year's rally, which apart from the weather, had been most successful, and it was during this time that I was most impressed by the safety of all our children on the club grounds. We are, of course, one big, happy family when we belong to a sun club, and so all our children become accustomed to being helped and looked after by any adult who happens to be handy at the time. We are all Aunts and Uncles to the children and therefore we have a very close and happy relationship.

Naturally, then, I feel sorry for mothers who do not belong to a club similar to ours, for a camping holiday must be one constant worry over the safety happiness of their children. How much more relaxed are we as parents in our clubs knowing our children are safe and happy.

During our rally I was reading the evening paper and read accounts of the people who had been washed out or blown out of the motor camps and had had to return home. We all felt sad at the turn of the weather but we had our clubhouse in which to congregate, dry out our bedding and enjoy the company of members from all over New Zealand. How much luckier we are. But, there again, if only you other mothers who are thinking of joining and feel you cannot take the step, would stop to consider all these things instead of worrying about what the Joneses down the road would think of you for belonging to a sun club, then you too, could relax and really enjoy your Christmas holidays, and of course, the other 300 odd days of the year. I do hope you will.

Now, during the year I have had several letters from women who have been worrying about photographs in the NZ Naturist of women minus their pubic hair, and want to know if this is mandatory on joining a club. The answer to this query has been published several times in this magazine, but once again let me assure you it is only the photographs that have been retouched to conform with the requirements of NZ law. We have no rules in any of our clubs in New Zealand regarding the shaving of pubic hair. If this is done, it is purely a personal matter only, and is of little importance to members, which you would soon discover when you visit any of our clubs.

If I can help any of you women at any time, just drop a note to Gaynor, P.O. Box 6359, Wellington. I would like to hear from you, and if you have an experience or suggestions to offer, I will be pleased to hear from you too.



Of all the odd things I have wondered

         In the days that have long gone by,

      There have been many queries on nudists

And why they catch the eye;

  But I still haven't answered a question

      Which frequently gets in my hair:

          What do feminine nudists always talk about

          Since they haven't a thing to wear?



   As promised In the lest issue, we now commence the story of how Dennis, Peggy's boy friend, became a nudist, as related by Peggy's father.


IT ALL began the first holiday after Dennis had started work. He had a good job as a commercial artist and had soon made himself pretty useful around the place. They found it hard to get promising young men who could create and who had new ideas of their own, and as he seemed to have these qualifications, he found himself kept pretty busy. And so it was, when the chance of a spell appeared in the offing, he looked forward to getting away for a few days and easing up on the pace a bit. He loved the country and longed to get out in it with his sketch book and so let time drift by.

His parents were proper stay-at-homes and never seemed to even want to go out. They were not too keen on him going away like this, especially on his own, but they eventually gave way under pressure. Mr and Mrs Osborne were good-living people and, like so many other folk, very conventional. They lived quite ordinary lives and just a bit narrow, also like plenty of other people. While they were well educated and could hold their own in average conversation, there were some subjects that were never discussed in the home and sex was certainly one of them.

Dennis often remembered the day he innocently asked where babies came from. His father coughed and remarked how warm it was for the time of the year and his mother suddenly discovered she had to go searching for a pair of scissors that had suddenly disappeared. If you had told them that they were narrow-minded, they wouldn't have known what you were talking about. Hut narrow they were, and as a result of this upbringing, Dennis was largely a carbon copy of his parents: clean living and respectable, but so very warped and narrow.

As related in the last issue, he had received a bit of a jolt at school a few years previously when he discovered his pal a nudist, but as he never dared speak of it at home, and his pal had now left the district, the incident had practically faded from his mind since he had started work.

As the weather forecaster announced that the coming weather should be mild and sunny, he piled his tent and other camping gear into his rucksack and fell asleep that night with great expectations of enjoying his first holiday away from home and finding some pleasant spots suitable to transfer to his sketch book. Little did he realize what lay ahead, for had he known, his sleep would not have been as restful.

The following morning arrived delightfully warm and calm, in fact an ideal day for a trip into the country and one to be thoroughly enjoyed after months of sedentary occupation with the pressure on. With his gear securely strapped on his bicycle, he eventually got away, after promising his mother he would be careful, he wouldn't ride too fast and he would have his lunch in the shade at mid-day, etc. etc.

He soon cleared the houses of the city with its smoke of diesel fumes, and as he travelled along the highway, dodging the traffic, he became conscious of the delights and beauty of being free. As he turned off the main highway and began to have the road pretty much to himself, he was able to look around and enjoy the scenery. It was so fresh and clean, just as if it had recently been washed and it was a sheer pleasure to be alive and fit enough to enjoy it, or so he thought.

But, it was getting hot, too hot, he decided, so he pulled up near some trees. Ducking behind a big one, with frequent glances up and down the road, he hurriedly changed into shorts and open necked shirt. Then rolling up his sleeves and feeling much cooler, he set off again. He enjoyed the breeze and the freedom and he even began to whistle. Life was sure pleasant.

His route lay around some of the back country and later in the day, he began looking around for somewhere suitable to pitch his tent. He was beginning to feel tired, for it had been a real scorcher and the prospect of a wash and a rest kept him on the move. Suddenly when turning a corner, he struck a patch of loose gravel. Before he knew what had happened, over he went for a 'sixer'. Just what went on after that, or how long he had been there he didn't know, but the next time he opened his eyes, two lads were climbing over the fence nearby. They quickly reached his side and soon assessed the damage. His head was cut and blood was in his hair and down his face, in fact, he looked a bit of a job. He was all-in and dizzy and realized, in a dim sort of way, just how unfit he really was and how much in need of a change and a rest. Without further ado he was put on his feet and carefully helped through a small gate. As one of the boys remarked, "Just through these trees and Mum will soon have you fixed up."

With a head like a combination of a fire engine, a band out of tune and the 5th of November, he was sort of glad that someone was at hand to help him. He remembered being led to a wicker chair on the lawn and seeing the boys wheeling his bike into a shed. Then a lady with a foreign voice came out of the house with warm water and bandages and he just blacked out again.

The remainder of that day was a bit obscure, but he had a dim recollection of being tucked up in bed in a small upstairs room, overlooking a garden and a tennis court. He was just aware of light feet tiptoeing up and down the stairs and once, when he felt like sitting up and taking notice, the lady came in and spoke to him in such a reassuring way, he could not help but feel safe and very grateful.

She explained that her husband and daughter had gone visiting and would be arriving later in the evening. "Now just don't worry," she concluded, "you are welcome to stay here for the night. You are not seriously hurt; it's merely shock, and by tomorrow you will he all right again. Now, you get a good night's sleep and if you want anybody during the night, just ring this bell." And with a motherly pat, she left him, still trying to thank her for her kindness and protection. Later on he heard the sound of a ear being driven up alongside the house, but before the murmur of voices had died away, he was asleep again.

(To be continued)









MORE THAN ever before, naturism has appealed to the New Zealand family. Why should this be? After all, this wonderful little country has so much to offer the family, with miles of golden sands along its coastline (a little darker on the west coast granted), acres of natural bush with winding tracks and drives, snow covered slopes that really appeal to the ski enthusiast, or the countless amenities that the towns and cities constantly advertise. Why then should the sun clubs of New Zealand have so much attraction for the family?

Could it be the wonderful spirit of friendliness that pervades and captivates all who enter our gates. To be sure there's not many a newcomer that's left out in the cold when they first arrive: all in a flash they are made to feel as if they had been foundation members of the club. Yes, it could be the personal attention that attracts the family.

What have we to offer? Well, for Dad, we can give him a rousing game of volleyball to shake out the cobwebs, a hammer if he is technically minded, a round or two of tenikoit, once around the miniature golf course, a quick splash in the pool, finished off with a good old-fashioned laze in the sun, while Mum can do these good things, plus chat (and let's face it, they do love to chat and chat and chat ... sorry dear), wander over the spacious grounds and really relax.

For the rest of the family, the boys ... off to discover the band of real indians trapped in the grove or to discover the delights of landing wriggly little tadpoles; and the girls to see-saw, slide, sand castle and do all those wonderful things that young ladies see fit to do. For the older youngsters, there is the fun of the Junior Club to enjoy, swimming carnivals, trips, sports meetings, etc.

Well, perhaps the family can get all these things at any well set out resort around the country, but here is where we deliver our punch line (as the advertisers like to say).

Where else can Mum, Dad and the youngsters enjoy everything we offer PLUS the great benefits of naturism? Of course there we have the critics stumped, run out, and off the field. There is nowhere that the exhilaration of nudism or naturism or sunbathing, call it what you will, nowhere at all better than a good old New Zealand sun club.

It must not be construed that there is no place for the single person, far from it, but the emphasis is and always will be on the family group.

Yes, this is one way of life that the family can share as a family, each member contributing his piece: a real family affair.  •









This is a reprint of the actual report put out at the time

HISTORY has been made. There is no doubt that we have started something and have profited by the experience. Here is what happened and how it started.

With the idea of giving the movement further impetus, one or two of us had rather daringly toyed with the idea of attempting to organize a rally on a national basis and had ultimately put actions to words. Knowing the weakness of the few clubs here and the number of individuals scattered all over the country, it was realized that if it were possible to bring them together, it would be a wonderful thing for most of them, for they would be practising nudism for the first time of their lives in the company of others.

So, taking the bull by the horns, the dates and venue were decided on, invitations were sent out and the organization set in train for something that was new and entirely experimental for all of us. Admission cards were sent out, instructions given on how to find the grounds and everybody began praying for a fine weekend.

While news came to us of gales, high tides and devastation in England and Europe, we too were experiencing disastrous floods running into thousands of pounds worth of damage within a few miles of the Wanganui Sun Club where the rally was to be held. With only a few days to go the situation looked grim. Fortunately the rain stopped and the flooded volleyball court was drained, while surging rivers disgorged fences, trees, cattle and sheds into the sea less than 20 miles distant. While this was going on, early comers, undaunted by these conditions, began to arrive and Friday saw a dozen of these enthusiasts erecting tents, carting gear, erecting signs and generally preparing things for the "big do". From Friday night cars began to roll in until the car park was full and late corners had to stay outside on the road.

Our hosts were Ivan and Nora, whose home is surrounded by an ideal layout for the purpose. A drive leads round the side to the car park. An orchard and lawns provide a hut and ample accommodation for tents, while a volleyball court and splash pool are at the side of the house. In front is a large lawn with flower beds and trees where tenikoit, golf, croquet and quoits were played, the whole area covering several acres. A small tent was conveniently placed where soft drinks and ice cream were available and the "sold out" sign went up early in the piece.

All eyes were on the weather on Saturday morning and a clear sky and warm sunshine gladdened our hearts. Very soon identification discs were issued and introductions followed. Clothes were soon discarded and the day was happily spent chatting, playing and enjoying the sunshine in excellent company. Old acquaintances were renewed and new ones made; ideas were exchanged, inter-club tenikoit contests played and the children catered for with lolly scrambles. Skins became pink or darker brown as the case may be.

That evening locals were no doubt surprised to see a line of a dozen cars making for a hall about ten miles out, which a local member had been able to secure for us. Here, with a radiogram and amplifier, we danced and sang, played games and had the time of our lives till a late hour. Keenly contested prizes and a delightful supper helped the evening along and it was a reluctant party that ventured its way back when most of the aforesaid locals were fast asleep.

The forecast for Sunday was drizzle and cloud, though mild. Cloudy and mild it was to start with, grey clouds gradually darkening the sky and looking very ominous. Then a light drizzle made folk rescue their belongings from outside and several began to dress. As the hope of improvement looked remote, it was decided to hurry along the rest of the programme: that of electing the royal family. Half a dozen ladies, some of whom were dressed, bravely donned 'club uniforms' and lined up on the lawn in the drizzle while the rest crowded the verandah and front of the house. As Perc. held his hand above each contestant, she was acclaimed for her all-over tan, general good health and appearance; in other words a fitting example of what naturism stands for. Kathleen of New Plymouth was easily the popular choice for Queen and when the men lined up, all were eliminated except three who tied for the honour of being King. The result of this semi-final went in favour of a young Dutchman not long in this country and a splendid example of manhood. Jim well deserved the title. Then followed Prince Jim of Wanganui and Princess Linda of Hamilton, a splendid royal family and each a credit to the movement. Cameras clicked as Perc. with a few short words performed the crowning ceremony.

Knowing something of the possibility of divergent views on this type of thing, it was wound up by an hilarious burlesque. The Lord Chamberlain, a tall lad in grey suspenders, grey tall hat labelled "Made in Japan" and a parasol entered and read the royal proclamation from a scroll complete with seal, while the aide-de-cong in wing collar, monocle, green hat and a folio case marked "Overdrafts and lOU's" found it necessary to bump on a motor horn at appropriate times. The Royal Bodyguard, Shylock Homes, clad only in a policeman's helmet, whistle and truncheon failed to maintain order, especially when the Lady-in-Wasting wearing a sash and feathered hat presented Her Majesty with a bouquet of vegetables and a large fish. Nor was the merriment subdued when she knelt on one knee to deliver a lovely poem of homage she had prepared and promptly forgot the second line.

Unfortunately by this time the drizzle had turned into a light rain and Ivan made a short speech of appreciation to all concerned and Perc. replied thanking he and Nora for their major contribution to the success of the rally and admonishing everybody to return to their own districts, encouraged and enthusiastic and willing to do their utmost to further this grand movement. It was a proud moment for him when "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" rang out lustily from everybody present as a fitting conclusion to a marvellous weekend.

There was a total attendance of 39 adults and 19 children, 8 areas plus Australia being represented. Some travelled over 300 miles and regarded it as well worth while. To some readers these figures will appear small, but to us they constitute records for this country where organization is only just beginning. Although we have 6 clubs and 24 areas where leaders are appointed, most of these latter mean just one or two people with no grounds and no knowledge of anyone else interested. What this rally meant to some of those people may be readily imagined.

Organizing this first venture meant a lot of work for a few but the effort was well worth while. One day I hope to see enough clubs to warrant our own national association. For that to be a success we must all be united and working for one thing only: the good of the movement. We must each avoid petty interests and personalities and I would venture to say that this, our first national rally has instituted those very desirable qualities. •


Now we know where steel wool comes from. Cuthbert tells us that it comes from a hydraulic ram.


ReadersReaders sayhave their say ... 



I would have thought that, like marriage, where the union of two people is so wonderful and joyous a thing that it must be always miles bigger than the petty little quarrels that try to wreck it. so that the simple enjoyment of nudism with others, and without having to do it in secret, is such a wonderful state of affairs that it is above and much bigger than the petty little personal differences that threaten to weaken our nudist union by disgusting both old and new members with the littleness of their outlook.

Most nudists, I am sure, are thrilled when they first are able to enjoy social nudism - just that!

It isn't a complicated outlook. For a long time some of us dreamed about such a pleasure, and when it came our way, it was too valuable an experience and too hardly won to think of endangering it by adding any more do's and don'ts than commonsense tells us are absolutely necessary. In our minds it was a simple and exhilarating experience bounded by sensible behaviour and the law of the land.

Do officers in the movement lose sight of the simplicity which is a basic attraction of the movement? Can't somebody suggest that they weigh up every camp rule against their first joyful experience and work out how it will look to the newcomer and the ordinary run-of-the-mill sun tanner?

Let's hope for the best.

- Wally, Auckland


Thanks for the NZN. It gets better each issue. You folk are doing a great job in educating people to wake up and get away from old-fashioned ideas. Wish you could convince my wife while you are about it. What's wrong with the human body anyway?

Funny the way officialdom thinks. Have just seen the African Dancers. Great show and a dozen dusky lasses baring their bosoms. All quite natural and OK, but not much different from your own women judging by the pictures of some of your sun-tanned types. Silly isn't it?

Keep up the good work and if we stick around long enough, bare bosoms may be the thing like they arc in Africa, one day.

- Curious, Wellington


We were pleased to receive a Christmas card that included the following note: "To the Staff of the NZ Naturist who do so much to keep us, who are away from clubs, in the picture. Good luck and thank you for a good magazine."

- M and B, Rotorua"


I write to say how very much I enjoy the "NZ Naturist", copies of which are still filtering through to me at my new address. It is an excellent little magazine and is up to - or even beyond - the standards of any other similar magazines on sale to the public today. Well done all concerned.

- HE, England


News & Views 





The Southern Rhodesian Outdoor Society in Salisbury reports occasional visits from touring naturists, as well as new residents arriving from afar.


Admittedly the DFK, the German Naturist Association, is a big concern, but it does make us wonder when we read that their chairman, Dr Lothar Wilhelm is paid £2,200 a year as "compensation expenses so that he can devote still more of his time to promotional work for the movement". Maybe we can learn something from our friends in Germany.


We learn through Reuters that a nudist camp is being started on the beautiful island of Cos in the Aegean Sea. It will be under the direct control of the Tourist Committee assisted by a panel of higher officials of the island's gendarmerie. It will be protected by a barbed wire fence on the landward boundaries and by a floating barrier in the sea, closely watched by coastguard authorities.

The camp will be open to Greeks and foreign visitors, but the latter must show that they are already club members and the former will need to pass a written test to prove their eligibility. The authorities, who have had to face criticism from the more conservative quarters in Greece, nevertheless proudly refer to Zeno of Citium, the founder of the stoic philosophy who lived in 300 BC. His belief was that "to live as nature intended is to live in accordance with virtue".


Glenis, (a former member of Canterbury Sun and Health Club) and her husband, Will, writes: "Pine Tree" is growing and becoming more pleasant each year. We have both been on the membership committee for the last two years and this summer helped to process about 30 new applications. A new sport has been introduced, paddle tennis, and we've even entered in a tournament. With the installation on the club grounds of an excellent sauna, we are now open all seasons and have winter activities.


A large beach including 20 acres, with planned facilities is now available in Bulgaria. The State Tourist Organization has declared its willingness to place this beach and hinterland entirely without charge at the disposal of the naturists. Germany is preparing charter flights for naturist visitors from Hamburg and Hanover and other towns. Charter flights from other parts of the world are to he organized later.


The writer of a letter living in Prague asserts that a nudist organization exists in this communist-controlled country. He claims there are 10 groups with a total membership of 186 in Prague alone. It is further mentioned that groups exist in Pilsen and other towns and that interest is considerable in Bohemia.


Health in the sun


The variety of wasp found in New Zealand is not an aggressive type and it will seldom deliberately attack human beings. If frightened, molested, or their nests interfered with, they will however, readily sting.

Unlike the bee, the wasp repeatedly injects its stinging weapon into the skin with a rapid succession of stabs producing an intensely painful sting, and subsequent redness and swelling of the affected part. Wasps are particularly dangerous towards the end of summer when the cooler weather makes them slow and somewhat stuporous. They are then apt to be trodden on or touched accidentally because they are not noticed, and a severe sting results.

Very little is known of the nature of the poisons in the wasp's sting. There are probably a number of constituent poisons, one of which is almost certainly histamine. This substance can be liberated in our tissues by certain toxic agents and in allergic conditions, and is responsible for the production of urticaria or nettlerash.

One possible remedy is an anti-histamine drug of which there are many on the market, but for quick action it would be necessary for it to be given by injection, as administration by mouth or by local application would be too slow in producing effects.


Mothers' Milk, the advantages of breast feeding:

   1. The milk is always fresh.

   2. It is always the right temperature.

   3. It is packed in such attractive containers.

   4. The cat can't get at it.


In any case, the injured part should be examined to make sure no part of the sting remains behind. If a portion of the sting is left in it should be worked out like a splinter with a needle. The part should not be squeezed this causes the poison to be spread more widely. It should then be covered with a soothing application, or a cooling lotion can be made up by dissolving two teaspoonfuls of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in a few ounces of water. In children, the psychological effect of applying any kind of dressing to the injury is usually quite satisfactory.

The child who has been stung should be rested for a short time and then attempts should be made to distract its attention.

Stings of the mouth, tongue, lips and eye regions are likely to be followed by severe swelling. This is best relieved by cold water or ice applications. If the swelling is severe, medical advice should be sought immediately.

In these cases more serious constitutional signs appear, such as a rapid, feeble pulse, difficulty in breathing, cramps elsewhere in the body and collapse. A doctor must be sent for immediately.

Severe reactions such as these, however, are extremely uncommon, and in countries where wasps have always been prevalent, stings are taken as part of the normal hazards of summer and autumn, and, apart from attempts to alleviate the pain, very little notice is taken of them. - Health


There is no medicine, no tonic, no vitamins that will prevent colds. You should enter the changeable early winter fit from chasing fresh air and sunshine in the summer and autumn. That light tan is the beginning of a good store of vitamin D, which is helpful. It has been proven that fitness lessens cold infections. In experimental groups examined, two-thirds above fitness standards chosen as basic measurements had an average of one cold a year, whereas four-fifths of those below these standards caught four or more colds in the same time.

Eating a balanced diet the year round helps to build the fitness that toughens against colds. Taking extra vitamins is a waste of time if you eat right, for the extra vitamins are only going out in body waste. Some folk take calcium tablets as cold preventives, the only time these could help would be if your diet was short in this mineral. But it won't be, if you have a pint of milk a day. If you seem better after taking calcium tablets you have been short in milk, that's all.

Obviously you increase your chances of catching a cold by mugging up too much. In warm unventilated rooms, the lining of the nose and throat becomes swollen and congested. Somebody has spread virus droplets there. You breathe them in over these congested membranes and they find much easier lodgment than if the lining is tight, with the hair-like cilia working briskly pushing the infection along and away.

We cannot prevent colds; we can only reduce the risk of catching them. How? By having ventilation in the cold as well as the warm months, for the flow of air will reduce the number of virus particles floating about, and will keep our nose and throat membranes fitter to fight infection. •

Yes, tonsils all right!



The Geodesic Dome




IN THE last issue of thc NZN you read about the small dome Al built for our own use on weekends. Now, as you can see from the pictures, Kaurimu Sun Club has a geodesic dome clubhouse. In fact, you may have seen pictures of it before now, since an AKTV cameraman (far left of the photograph) covered the scene and it was presented on NZBC Reports, Sunday, 7th Nov. It was news because of its unusual construction and because of this, a group from the Architectural School of Auckland University had come out to see it on Opening Day, 6th November, 1965. The New Zealand Herald also carried a front page story and picture of the dome on the following Monday, hut if you missed both of these two items, perhaps you saw the pictures and story about its design and construction in the New Zealand Woman's Weekly. So you see our geodesic dome project has been a tremendous success. It has created a lot of interest and publicity for sun clubs in general, and Kaurimu in particular, besides being a joy to behold and a pleasure to he in.

Eric Flint, our club secretary, has been busy ever since the news first broke and several new families have already had their "first visit" and enthusiastically filled out their application forms.

Our Kaurimu dome is an all-weather shelter which will extend our sunbathing season throughout the whole year. We've already proved (with only one case of bad sunburn in the process) that you can get a suntan inside with the sun coming, seemingly unchanged, through the tough 8-thou-thick PVC plastic. This is much clearer and more transparent than the polythene we used on the small dome, and will last six times as long according to the manufacturer.

The framework


The dome is 18 feet high at the centre and never gets stuffy inside with that large volume of air circulating through the ventilator which has a pentagon-shaped cupola over it to keep out the rain. The diameter at ground level is 27 feet, which gives us 570 square feet of area inside. The spherical shape seems to fit in perfectly with the beautiful New Zealand scenery of Kaurimu's acreage which includes everything a sun club could ask for in beauty except ocean frontage.

So we decided to bring the beach to the bush, and covered the entire floor of the dome with fine, white beach sand. One of the members donated some sand and, after spreading a barrier of black polythene over the clay on which the dome is anchored (with 19 angle-irons driven three feet into the ground), all the male members of the club co-operated in carrying 5 yards of sand down the track by the sugar bagful, and that's more than 110 trips down (and back) calculated at 100 lbs each trip. Our mathematical genius, Al Forbes, figured that out while carrying the sand.

Al also did the figuring and calculations for the design of the dome which, except for an improved method of jointing the timber, is the same as the small dome but in a larger version, following the principles of the inventor of geodesic construction, R. Buckminster Fuller. He did all the prefabrication of parts at home, and then two weeks off from work to do the actual erecting of the dome at the site, being helped only by his wife to hand him tools and material as he called for them. It wasn't that there weren't plenty of other members willing to help, but since Al was the only one of us who understood geodesic principles, he was the only person who knew which of the more than 300 sticks (cut accurately to nine different lengths) came next in the geometric pattern.



But everyone, women as well as men quite often, had helped in the excavation of the site, which took more than a year and shifted an estimated 200 tons of clay and sandstone. This mammoth task resulted in a 40' x 50' carefully levelled and smooth, oval space on a hillside site above the lawn and pool, chosen because it receives sun all day, even in winter, when our lawn is in shade. We used only pick and shovel and wheelbarrow for the job, because we didn't want to spoil the beauty of the track by bringing down mechanized equipment; and it would have been far too expensive besides. So we all pitched in, the rule being that nobody was to work a bit harder than they really enjoyed doing, and we had a lot of fun in the sun, and swims in the pool, during the process.

Although it's hot inside the dome in fine weather with the sun on it all day, it's dry heat, and not unpleasant the way humid and muggy weather can be. And it feels mighty good to stretch out on our sand "beach" after a swim in the Kaurimu pool which is constantly freshened, and cooled, by water from the creek. The sand flies don't bite at all in the dry atmosphere inside the dome, a fact that is greatly appreciated among nudists who are an especially vulnerable prey for a hungry horde of those pesky insects.


Visitor's day

And everyone who has experienced it agrees that the dramatic difference in the higher temperature inside the dome on a cold, overcast day is most gratifying. To say nothing of the times when we can be warm and dry inside and able to enjoy the sun which sometimes keeps on shining right through those sudden showers that visit the hills in New Zealand and would, without the dome, definitely put a damper on our nudist activities.

At Kaurimu our experience with it so far makes us think that a clear plastic covered dome is an ideal structure for any sun club anywhere in the world. From what I've told you about it, wouldn't you think so too?


From the Editor


The first decade of publishing our own magazine will be celebrated next issue. This has been an achievement and one of which we can feel justifiably proud, for to put a magazine of this nature on the market has required plenty of courage and vision. So many people are quick to misunderstand our motives, but we are gaining sympathy in surprising places, whilst new members attest the value of the presentation of our ideals. We wilt continue to present the truth in word and picture and look forward to even greater things.

Special features will include an account of the magazine's growth during the years, there will be a special reference to the people who have made it possible, and we will reproduce some of the pictures that were the very first to appear. A further special feature of this issue will demonstrate what is being done about nude swimming from our beaches, amply illustrated with pictures of nudists already enjoying that pleasure.




How is it that the boy you thought wasn't good enough to marry your daughter is now the father of the smartest grandson on earth?





IT IS always useful to have a scapegoat: and the Christians are as good a scapegoat as any. When there is an outbreak of vandalism, or the discovery of immorality in a school, someone is bound to blame the Church for not doing its duty by our young people. During the first 300 years of Christianity, the Roman Government persecuted the Christians unmercifully. They were blamed when there was any public calamity. "Christians to the lions" was the constant cry when things went wrong. The Christians got the blame for the burning of Rome, during the reign of Nero.

The First Nudists

In the November issue of "Sunshine and Health" (1956) there is an article called "The Greeks were the First Nudists". Hugh Russell Fraser, the author, blames the early Christians for all our wrong ideas about the human body and sex. He begins by tracing the attitude of mankind through the ages towards the human body. 'The Greeks,' he says 'were the first people to take a sensible attitude, and they were the first to unclothe it, and accept what they saw as right and proper. In strange contrast with the attitude of most other nations, the Greeks saw nothing wrong with the human body: they accepted it as natural and wholesome. When Rome conquered Greece, the Romans took over the Greek attitude, and if anything, out-did the Greeks.'

The Christians Spoilt Everything

But he goes on to say: 'With the advent of Christianity all this changed. The early Christians regarded the human body as something essentially evil, if not of the devil. In its nude form it was regarded as the enemy of God and man. Hastily, the Christians put clothes on it and hid it. The ideal life was pictured as life in a monastery, where not only the body, but sex was carefully and deliberately ignored. That there was nothing in the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth to support this view, did not matter. It became parcel and part of the new religion. If God created the human body, then the early Christians appeared not to he aware of the fact. This hypocrisy became more pronounced as the years went by.'

The Naked Truth

How much of what Mr Fraser says about the Christians is true? Fortunately, very little. If what he says is true, about the early Christians regarding the human body as being something essentially evil, there should be something about it in the writings of Saint Paul and the other Apostles. But there is absolutely nothing. And what Saint Paul didn't know about the Romans and the Greeks. wasn't worth knowing. But before we find out what the early Christians did believe about their bodies, let us look at these splendid Romans and Greeks at the time when Christianity came to them.

The Greeks

Historians tell us that the golden age of Greece was over. They spent their time in frivolity, and worse. They held sexual orgies, known as 'Love Feasts, immorality and lust were like a cancer, and their pagan religion, if anything, encouraged them in their lust, for their beautiful gods and goddesses on Mount Olympus were not moral either, even in their best days. But by the time Christianity came to Greece, the Greeks did not believe in their gods. When men and women have no religion, and have fun and games in the nude, anything can happen, and it usually did. The Greeks may have admired, and accepted the nude human body as natural, but what they did when they were in the nude, was certainly not very wholesome.

The Romans

And what of the Romans. who went one better than the Greeks? They were in no decline like the Greeks. But historians (and the writers of the New Testament) tell us that underneath their show of power, was a sink of rottenness. Family life was unspeakable. The people were degraded and brutalized. Their favourite amusements were the hideous slaughters of the arena. The Roman Christians were thrown to the lions, and put to death by burning and other unspeakable tortures.

Slavery was the curse of the empire. Two men out of every three who walked the streets of Rome were slaves, and two women out of every three, and two girls out of every three were subject to every passion and lust of their masters. They brought in new and unnatural vices, and corrupted their masters, they corrupted the children. The Roman boys grew old and jaded, and rotten with vice before they were out of their teens.

What Saint Paul Says

Mr Fraser thinks that the dirty-minded Christians spoilt things for the innocent Roman and Greek nudists. The early Christians were the Romans and Greeks who unclothed their bodies, only to degrade them. Read this extract from St Paul's letter to the Roman Christians: 'Wherefore God gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves; who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections; for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature; and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another.' And he adds: 'And such were some of you.'

The Human Body

Did these early Greek and Roman Christians find it hard to give up their old way of life? Of course they did, and many of them slipped back. They were taught to honour their bodies, which were the temple of God's Holy Spirit. Our idea of family life, and the respect which we show to women, is the result of Christianity. It was not the Christians, but some odd heretical sects known as Manicheism and the Gnostics, who believed that matter is inherently evil, therefore the human body must be evil. And the few Christians who entered monasteries did so because they wished to escape from the temptations of the world and the flesh, which to them were only too real.

Christians, that is normal Christians, do not, and never have believed that the human body is in itself bad or evil. Are we not taught in the marriage service that "Matrimony was ordained in order that the natural instincts and affections, implanted by God, should be hallowed and directed aright"? There will be far less immorality and an unhealthy interest in sex when we all realize that our bodies belong to God, and only Christianity can make us see that, and give us the power to be healthy-minded.

If you were faced with the choice of belonging to a naturist club in which all the members were atheists, or one composed entirely of Christians, which one would you choose? •




"Modesty or immorality is a state of mind and has nothing to do with clothing or the lack of it. Very few immodest people will ever get into, or even near nudist camps, so we must insist that nudist camps are not immodest places. On the contrary, I am firmly convinced that a nudist park is the very best place to take your children. Here they will actually learn true modesty."

- Editor of the Mar News, USA






New Zealand

Sunbathing Association



We remind readers that the NZSA is in a position to ensure the processing of members' Agfa and Kodak movie and colour films. Send them to this office and we will do the rest, hut only TRUE nudist films will be accepted.


We thank several readers who have informed us of their change of address, but we still receive some material returned to our box. Please keep us informed and help us to maintain our service to you.


We receive photos now and then from interested readers, but we need a lot more. We require 20-30 pictures for each issue and we don't like to have to go overseas to get them. This is an NZ magazine and should portray NZers. Shots of club activity, families, children and pictures that show us as we really are, are the ones we would like to have. Remember one picture will tell more than pages of text.


If you intend going overseas and would like to visit other clubs, these guides are a must. Their 320 pages are full of maps and information about clubs all over the world and should be in the possession of every nudist traveller. A limited supply is available at 8/- each.


INF passports are essential to gain admittance to most overseas clubs and may be purchased from this office. They are available to club members ONLY at a cost of 10/- each. Particulars required are full name, occupation, address and year of birth. 1966 stamps are now available at 5/- each.


Young people who might like to polish up their French might like to correspond with other young nudists in France. If you are interested, arrangements can be made by writing to:



The next International Naturist Congress will he held at the Athena Club in the Netherlands in August, 1966.


There are four films with a bearing on nudism being screened throughout NZ at the present time. They have all been reviewed in these pages, so we place them in order of priority. The Reluctant Nudist, Travelling Light, Nudist Paradise and World Without Shame. Watch your papers for screening dates.


Donations continue to help build up this fund which is designed to assist someone within our movement when the need arises. We are pleased to acknowledge the following since the last issue. Balance on hand £199/9/9; TK, Auckland 11/6; AF, Dunedin 10/-; Club levies £2/4/-; Hot Springs handbooks £2/17/-; Bank interest £4/5/-; RB, Auckland 15/-; 1965-66 Rally collections £7/6/5; Smaller donations 6/-; New total £218/4/8.


Talking about Books


by Douglas Reed

"I drove fast; more speed, less hurricane, I thought; but a few miles beyond the hurricane signal I came to a silver strand lovelier and lovelier yet, and fell into error again. Thinking sand the only peril, I carefully pulled well into the side of the hard road by a high dune, and undressed in the car. Then I found I had left my trunks where I stuck before. I looked around. For miles either way, road, sands and sea lay empty, as before life's creation I jumped out, ran around the high dune and to the water. It was the most glorious bathe of my life."


"Some of the cleanest-minded people see no shame in the exposure of a healthy sun-tanned body, under suitable conditions; and children brought up in this way are more intelligent."


"I trust I have by now established sufficiently with the reader the natural innocence and uprightness of my soul to confess that I once visited a nudist colony. Indeed, I lived there for a fortnight. It was by a lake, among pine woods, and there were only two rules of conduct:

    Thou shalt not carry a camera.

    Thou shalt not wear clothes.

First thing in the morning we tumbled into the lake. Then, with a towel wrapped about us, we drank hot coffee and ate rolls and butter. After that we laid aside the towels and played games: good hard games that stretched every muscle. After lunch, a siesta in the sun, and then more games. In the evening, songs around a camp fire. In that camp there was no consciousness of age, or class, or sex. The essential spirit of the community was one of honesty. Coyness could not exist. All the ordinary complications of life faded away. It was the nearest thing to Eden that I expect to find this side of the Styx."

HOTEL MARIE STOVER by William Bradford Huie

"The decent way to tan is naked," she said. "I advise women to tan naked, and not wear even a finger ring in the sun. A woman's body looks indecent when she lets the sun stripe it."


"It is related of the great Conde that, at the opening of his last campaign, sunken in melancholy, half maddened with fatigue and the dog-star heat of summer, having reached at length the cool meadow in front of the Abbey of St Antoine, he suddenly leaped from his horse, flung away his arms and his clothing, and rolled stark naked in the grass under a group of trees. Having taken his bath amidst his astonished officers, he rose smiling and calm, permitted himself to be dressed and armed anew, and rode to battle with all his accustomed resolution. The instinct which this anecdote illustrates lies deep down in human nature, and the more we are muffled up in social conventions the more we occasionally long for a whimsical return to nudity. If a writer is strong enough, from one cause or another, to strip the clothing from civilization, that writer is sure of a welcome from thousands of over-civilized readers."


Looking out 




The writer of this feature will he pleased to hear from readers. Perhaps you have a problem Gordon Scott can help you with.  Write to P.O. Box 6359, Wellington.


A lot is written these days about the so-called youth problem, and from reading reports in the daily papers and the more outspoken weeklies from all over the world, it would indeed seem that a problem exists.

I wonder if it is at all possible that this problem, if it be one, has not to a certain extent been aggravated by the older age group themselves. Youth clubs have sprung up in many places and on the surface appear to be doing an excellent job, but what is the overall effect of these clubs? Many of the younger people have learned to lean very heavily on the activities provided by these clubs and seem to be completely at a loss when the club doors are closed.

For example, in a New Zealand district that is commonly referred to as a new area, the young people have complained to me, as a youth club executive member, that there is nothing to do at the weekends if the club does not function. Nothing to do! In the area there is a sports club, boating club, rugby club, softball club, numerous church and other clubs, regular dances, theatres, amateur groups; in fact, anything you care to mention, and yet there is nothing to do. What is the answer? I don't know.

How refreshing it was at the 14th annual rally to hear the young people deciding for themselves that there was a place in the nudist movement for them, and that they were prepared to give something to the movement on their own account.

The only recognition they required was that they be referred to in the future as the youth group and not as teenagers. The young people felt that to be called teenagers was a slur on their status and that there was more virtue in being disassociated from the general conception that appears to surround teenagers in general.

If the reasons for their request are analysed, a very serious implication is involved and I don't wish to go into that at this moment. However, it is good to see that at least the nudist groups are healthy enough in their outlook to want to do something on their own, something that will complement adult effort, not sit back and await the adults to complement the youth.

There is no reason why the nudist movement should arrive at this state of affairs other than the fact that throughout the world, the nudists arc probably more normal and healthy in their outlook than perhaps society as a whole, and from that stems the responsible attitude of our younger people. I salute the youth groups in New Zealand nudism and I wish them all success in building and adding to their ranks. At least we will be a section without a "problem", in fact it is already evident in some clubs that the speed and enthusiasm with which these young people attack projects that they undertake on behalf of clubs, is truly remarkable. Many of the older members are breathless and amazed to say the least. •




The art of self analysis is a difficult one. Yet we must all engage in it even in a simple way if we are to live a useful life. If you cannot be a flame, be a spark!

Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought to think soberly. If we examine dissension we will find the reason is usually caused by a clash between personalities or power groups. This is not peculiar to our clubs hut occurs wherever people gather together in groups for any specific purpose.

What are the qualities we should have if we want to be a flame? An unbounded enthusiasm, ability to mix, a vision of what the club can he and a working method of bringing it to an accomplished fact. The ability to help others get along with one another. The capacity to see the point of view of others. Courage in the face of opposition. Above all to be unselfish in one's actions, a clear sense of purpose. and a strong sense for self discipline. No one can influence others if he cannot first control himself.

Some of the qualities required to be a spark are an ability to assist others who have perhaps more talent than you have yourself to further advance club progress. The faculty for passing on good ideas and being helpful in those jobs that require doing but perhaps do not carry much glamour. It takes good character to be able to take the lesser part and do it well. Who knows, if you do your humble part well, you may one day develop into a flame. It is something like climbing a mountain. The higher up you get the more you see and the smaller you feel. Knowledge brings humility.

I have not covered all the aspects of the qualities required for being a useful member but perhaps have touched on enough of them to help you assess yourself. If I have done that much then what I wish you is success as a useful member.

Definition of a naval destroyer: A hula hoop with a nail in it.


Looking across the sun lawn:

       "So full of shapes

       That it alone is high fantastical."        - Twelfth Night

When Uncle Bill first disrobed:

       "I am the pink of courtesy."        - Romeo and Juliet

       "Thou seest I have more flesh than another man." - Henry IV. pt. I

Uncle Bill on the sun bank:

       "Thy seat is up on high."       - Richard II

At the end of the day:

       "And so, from hour to hour, we ripe and ripe."        - As You Like it

With acknowledgments to Sundial


Letter from a Son

The second of four letters

Dear Dad,

Thank you for your last letter. Since you dashed into this subject, I had best do so too. So you were disgusted to hear we had all joined a naturist group? Maybe it's natural at first glance, but it shows you don't know as much about living as we'd hoped. We read your letter very carefully and we'd like you to read this just as carefully. There's nothing whatever to be disgusted about! Naturist camps are run on the highest possible moral principles. They have to be. There's no room in them for anything questionable. Anyway, that's not what anyone goes there for.

We were pleased to note you admit the human body in its natural form is wonderful and beautiful. But we don't share your idea that it shouldn't be seen in public. Were you born with your clothes on, Dad? Have you never admired a naked statue in a public park or marvelled at the beauty of line in a nude painting? There isn't much difference, Dad, when all's said and done.

You ask why we have to hide behind high walls in such camps. Well, Dad, it's to protect folks like you from us, or us from you. Our civilization isn't ready to admit general public acceptance of the naked body, so we can't get our sun tans all over our bodies (as we like to) just anywhere. So we go to a place where we won't offend anyone. And that's the place where other folks go who have the same ideas as we have.

You ask why we want to get overall suntans and why not get tanned like everyone else. There again, Dad, is where we're different. I ask you why we shouldn't get an overall tan? Why should any parts of our bodies be deprived of that which is so beneficial to other parts? We as a group all think that way: that's why we form these groups. Gee, Dad, I wish you and Mum could come along. You'd find these people simply wonderful! I must close.

Love to you both.



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The secretaries of the clubs listed below will be pleased to hear from genuine enquirers. Please enclose a stamped, self- addressed envelope.


P.O. Box 2702, Auckland.


P.O. Box 2925, Auckland.


P.O. Box 20015, Glen Eden, Auckland.


P.O. Box 619, Hamilton


c/- P.O. Box 6359, Wellington.


P.O. Box 551, Napier.


P.O. Box 3046, Fitzroy, New Plymouth


P.O. Box 410, Wanganui.


P.O. Box 2854, Wellington.


P.O. Box 1823, Christchurch.


P.O. Box 2058, South Dunedin.


P.O. Box 486, Invercargill.

If you are not close to any of the above clubs you may like to know that other naturists are ready to form clubs in the following areas:









Palmerston North


    To contact them, write to:

        N.Z. Sunbathing Association,

        P.O. Box 6359, Wellington






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Health & Efficiency

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Perc Cousins: NZ's First National Rally Wanganui, 1953

Perc Cousins: History: the NZ Naturist (#39) the first 10 years

(Rev.) Ray Fussell: Let Us Blame the Christians

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Girl by a shower


Girl in a garden


Karimu, Auckland


Happy children


Feeling sand on the body


Germany Overseas page


3 little girls


Maori girl by a waterfall


Family in a creek


Adults at Fiveacres


Children's games


Family fun


Juniors at Karimu


Woman in trees


United family


Sport in a clearing


Girl in a forest


Photo: Roy Carson

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