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 #  22 - August 1961 

[The New Zealand Naturist - Spring] Editor: Gerald Wakely (Pages: 36 - 1/3 each)


Editorially Speaking
Guest Editorial - The way ahead - II
Letters to the Editor
Pen Portrait - Harold (& Marie) CSHC
A Word from the President
New Zealand Sunbathing Association - Our Magazine is Registered.
10th National Rally
The Story of 'Pine Glades' (Ken Treanor)
Proposed "New" Rules for handball (Centre spread cartoon)
INF - Nudist Films, Australia, England, U.S.A., Canada
From the Outside
Quite Relaxed in a Nudist Colony (from The Dominion)
Try Volley Ball at your Club
Talking to Women (Joan Treanor)
Off Beat Corner
The Junior Section
News from the Clubs (9)




Perc. W. Cousins


Ivan Mowlem


Em. Irvine


Doug. Cousins

Public Relations Officer

Gerald Wakely

Overseas Correspondent

Ken Treanor

Youth Organiser

Ken Treanor

Female Representative

Joan Treanor

Liaison Officer

Jim Quinlan

Delegates representing all clubs




Gerald Wakely

Business Manager

Doug. Cousins


Annette and Bob McIver


Norman Bell


INQUIRIES REGARDING MEMBERSHIP OF A NATURIST CLUB or any matters concerning naturism in New Zealand or overseas may be made of the association at its office.

WRITE TO: Hon Secretary, N.Z. Sunbathing Association, P.O. Box 6359, Wellington.

The NEW ZEALAND NATURIST is published quarterly and is supplied on subscription at the rate of 5/- for 4 issues, post free.

All communications regarding subscriptions and distribution should be made to: Business Manager, N.Z. Naturist, P.O. Box 6359, Wellington.

All editorial matter should be addressed to: Editor, N.Z. Naturist, P.O. Box 2702, Auckland.

Articles, snippets, photographs are sought from those with interest in and practical experience of naturism in N.Z. or elsewhere.


National Naturist Review


a valuable contribution
towards a better world.





When's a guest not a guest? When he's an editor who writes his own guest editorial. Yes, but we had all that out in the last issue. You'll get another joker next time - and that's a promise.

This is largely a Christchurch issue to persuade those who have not yet committed themselves to going there to the Rally to do so while you've still a chance of booking. From experience of those who have tried already you should make up your mind immediately.

Having attained our majority with our last issue, we have decided to be less specific in telling people our age from now on; this is only appropriate in view of the large proportion of women (what an unfortunate choice of phrase) who make up our membership. Specifically, we've gone into volumes and numbers in common with most publications. Also in common with other publications we have achieved a measure of respectability by being registered at tho G.P.O. Wellington.

To those who have commented on the last issue, thanks. Much of your two suggestions will be acted upon, I hope - and if the rest of you don't like it, the remedy lies with you: say what you like or don't like.

Gerald Wakely.

The world is made up of people who ask 'why' - and those who don't. Which are you?

Deadline for the next issue


DEADLINE for the next issue is 23rd September, 1961.



The Way Ahead - II.

There comes a time in any organisation when a look ahead is both salutary and necessary. In looking at the way ahead one needs to cast a backward eye on thc road that has been travelled so far and also to look at the stage at which we now are.

Personal attitudes inevitably colour one's thinking, therefore it is necessary to state one's attitude to nudism: it is that nudism is a form of relaxation than which few are better and a means of getting healthy physical exercise in pleasant surroundings which, at the same time, assure one's children a morally and mentally healthy upbringing; it falls short of being a way of life (though it could be this in countries where it embraces vegetarianism and so on though this would not embrace me) and it isn't all of life itself.

Now for the road behind. Those who travelled this must have found it rough and stony beyond the imagining of those of us who have come later and benefited from their early work. It is right that one should not forget the work that others have done earlier; it is only too easy to forget it, or slight it or overlook it. But, for the record, New Year 1955 saw the first occasion on which the national Press was invited to visit a naturist camp in New Zealand, the papers so honoured being the 'N.Z.Herald', 'Auckland Star', and 'Truth', and this was at the National Rally held that year in Auckland at Kaurimu under the joint organisation of Kaurimu and A.O.H.C. From then on, publicity was more general and radio joined newspaper coverage to the extant that a programme on the main Auckland station, 1YA, excited critical comment in the 'N.Z.Listener'. This Auckland Rally saw, however, the end of a publicity period in that a widely read columnist considered us on our merits as an organisation doing a job; he saw our good points and some of our weaknesses. This in my view, signified an end to the 'nudisn is news' period; from now on we are not news unless we do something. We should be glad of this for it marks a step in public acceptance.

By and large the last Rally did not excite much newspaper interest - until we announced the Percy Cousins Trust fund and its general objectives. Why did this gain favourable publicity? The answer to this is, to my mind, the answer to our way ahead: it showed that we were willing to do something for others, to take a wider view of things.

What should be our ultimate objective? The abolition of nudist clubs as nudist clubs and the acceptance and tolerance of nudity on beaches where it cannot reasonably offend, as is done in, for instance, the Scandinavian countries, where the person who wishes to bathe naked does so away from the main throng. The public acceptance of nudity should be such that our clubs are an accepted part of the local community pattern, as much as the tennis club and the bowls club. It should be quite natural for our neighbours to wander in for a bathe or a game of tennis in the nude; it should not be necessary for us to apply the rigid screening of new members that we do now; and we should attract new members because of the facilities that we have to offer. Nudist beaches as places set apart for nude bathing would be foreign to this concept since they require segregation where integration should be the policy. Thus it is that I advocato the tolerance of the Scandinavians in a country that is so ideally suited for it.

This, remember, is my personal view of what should lie ahead of us. How do we got there? The key is public acceptance. This takes two forms: general and particular. The particular one, to take the easier first, is local acceptance. Wherever a club member makes friends with a neighbour he has done good; wherever a non-nudist meets a nudist and finds him a good joker nudism has advanced. As Dale Carnegie would have it we must win friends and influence people by being ourselves.

General public acceptance is a bigger hurdle though our tackling of it is helped by all those local friendships. However, the key here is sacrifice. Look at those organisations and societies that are a success, that are vitally alive and playing a role in the community. What do they have in common? Just this: that each is doing, something for other people. It may be that some members do hospital visiting or that they help with funds or that they entertain strangers or that they give of themselves for no visible reward in 101 ways. But they give.

We don't. Yet.

The germ is there - in Canterbury Sun & Health Club inviting an American volley ball team to play them at the club, in the idea that A.0.H.C. had of bagging of firewood from felled trees on their property for old people. It is difficult to do this when there's so much to do in our own clubs so little money to do it, so few people, but do it we must if we are to gain the respect of the community, It's a challenge of the sort that we as non-conformists should take up. It's a challenge to us to think of others and to turn aside from those in our movement who want to sit on their behinds and turn their sunburned backs on the rest of the world.

Shall our children find that we wore too indolent and selfish to prepare the way to tolerance and public acceptance for them?

Gerald Wakely.      


Tact is the art of getting your point across without stabbing somebody with it.

- - -


Letters to the Editor   

Dear Editor,

If it weren't for the occasional highlights that relieve the even tempo of average existence, life would be a rather dull affair. One of the highlights which I'll always remember, was the day I visited a nudist club with no special intention of shedding my apparel.

However, after walking around and being introduced to various Gwens, Berts, Cecils, and Marjories, I suddenly felt horribly conspicuous in my clothes. It took only two minuts to rectify this situation, and I was then invited to lunch with a family group. We joined forces washing the lettuce, slicing the tomatoes etc.

I kept thinking "If only so and so could see me now." I seemed to have discarded something else much more significant than clothes. And yet, I had no urge to tell other people about it. Quitc the reverse. It was a delightful secret which would lose its character in the telling.

I haven't been to a nudist club now for years - the distance, the bindi-eyes, the cold wind that invariably sprang up as soon as I arrived all combined to dampen my enthusiasm. But a nudist friend lent me your magazine the other day and I started to think about this 'courage of your convictions' discussion.

Though I'm all in favour of self criticism, I don't think we should be over critical of each other in this or in anything else. It is all a matter of character and personality. Some can carry anything off with aplomb while others perhaps more sensitive or less sure of themselves feel the wisdom of keeping their own counsel in problematic situations, then again, in throwing pearls before swine, you not only waste the pearls, but maybe also give the poor swine indigestion!

I have never at any time felt anything but admiration for the human form, especially one that is healthy and a reasonably good shape, and yet the unwholesome attitudes on the subject of so many people make me cringe and feel quite unequal to the task of facing up to them. Anyway my defence mechanism is in good shape and it's not everyone who can afford to discard this valuable asset!

Shirloy Hungerford,


(Thanks, Shirley. Why not get back into nudism by taking a holiday in the climatically equable, albeit personally possibly more virile, atmosphere of New Zealand? We'd be glad to see you. -Ed.)


Dear Editor,

It was nice to know that somebody read my comments in issue 20 on Gerald's article 'On Having the Courage of One's Convictions', but you apparently were not deluged with mail supporting my point of view.

First of all I must congratulate both of your correspondents as being two of the members who have come out into the open under their full names, and have overcome such personal inconvenience as this may have entailed. The amount of inconvenience varies of course with each individual club member, and my previous reply was an attempt to list what I consider are three of the main difficulties which may have a fairly general application.

The fact that these difficulties have been overcome by Doug. and Norman, and of course, a number of others, doesn't mean that they do not exist for many members, and we must all try and treat the matter with a certain amount of understanding, rather than finding it, in Gerald's words, "difficult to tolerate".

All clubs wish to build up their memberships as much as possible, and we must make it clear to everyone, especially to new members, who may be a bit diffident in joining, that we are only too pleased to keep their membership confidential until they themselves voluntarily decide to be openly associated with the movement. Tolerance is the keynote, and a movement such as ours should surely now appreciate the meaning of the word.

Ken S. CSHC.

(Editorially I must make it quite plain, the members' names, at all N.Z.S.A. clubs are treated confidentially and are only publicised with the full permission of the member and his or her farnily. Personally, I still feel people should have the courage of their convictions - lack of convictions and the courage to stick to them is one of the reasons for democracy's poor showing in so many countries today - and nudism is a part of democratic life. -Gerald.)



Pen Portrait   

Harold of Canterbury Sun and Health Club.

So you're coming to Pine Glades for the Rally? Meet mine host, Harold, and his wife, Marie. They are the successful team who will make you feel thoroughly at home and one of the family. They are the proof that the good old-fashioned qualities of friendliness, tolerance, hospitality, and homeliness are the basic requirements for a happy club.

You'll recognise Harold instantly - he's six-foot odd, and wears his Panama hat and brown massiveness with dignity. Marie is slight and guick-witted, with a flare for seeing the ridiculous in any situation. "Come and have a cuppa", is her usual greeting.

In private life a traveller, Harold is as much at home with a labourer as he is with a lawyer, and it is his ability to mix with a11 stratas of society which makes him such a popular figure at the club. He does a circuit each day asking "everyone happy?", and because we feel free to confide in him, there is harmony at 'Pine Glades'. Complaints are impartially ironed out at the source, before they have time to fester.

Harold and Marie have a family of two girls and a boy - some of you will have met Jim, who brought the tenikoit trophy back from the Wanganui Rally. Harold has not had an easy life, and many a lesser character would have become bitter after so many set-backs, but he is always oven tempered and genial. Perhaps it is because his own road has been so rough that he is always a sympathetic and attentive listener, and whenever possible tries to do something constructive to help anyone in trouble.

If you're a naturist, whether a member or a visitor to Pine Glades, you'll know that as far as Harold and Marie are concerned, you're welcome, and what you say matters. "Come and have a cuppa!"


In camp or out, the weaker sex is the stronger because of the weakness of the stronger sex for the weaker sex.


If you figure you're an average man, remember you're as close to the bottom as the top. Satisfied?

- - -


A Word from the President   

Some readers, seeing the list of officers of the N.Z.S.A. in the last issue, may be interested to know briefly what each member does to help make the organisation tick. For it is only by their enthusiasm and willingness that the ever growing demands are met.

Hundreds of letters are received annually at headquarters, ranging from the simple enquiry, the usual run of 'doubtfuls', including black boys from Africa wanting copies of our 'catalogues', reciprocal letters of co-operation from clubs and other associations around the world, to the letters from families overseas desirous of emigrating to this country. With Em's help, all this mail is sorted, answered, and filed, and several nights a week, all the year round, are required to cope. Preparation of meeting agenda, typing stencils, issuing passports and badges, contact with Government heads, publishing heads, film distributors, and other important concerns as occasion demands and much routine work is all part of the function of National Office.

The finances are now kept straight by Doug, and his work includes the numerous 5/- postal note subscriptions for this magazine, donations, N.Z.S.A. levies, and the numerous credits and debits associated with a growing movement.

Ivan is now in a position to take over some of the pressure of work from the President this year, and is always willing to do more than is requested of him.

Gerald has the two-way responsibility of editing this magazine and directing the public relations programme. The collating, sifting and preparation of copy and photographs, together with the final manufacture of the magazine as you now have it in your hand, is a big and responsible undertaking by any standards, as does the promotion of our ideals and the safe-guarding of our interests, keep one alert and well occupied too.

So that the rest of the world is correctly informed of our activities and progress, Ken is kept busy writing articles for publication in overseas magazines, and regular contact is made with kindred organisations, particularly with the headquarters of the International Naturist Federation, of which the N.Z.S.A. is a member. As National Youth Organiser Ken is creating an awareness of a comparatively new venture and is doing his best to further the interests of our young people in all our clubs.

His wife, Joan, has the concern of tho ladies at heart, and through her regular articles and willingness to help, an important recruitment avenue is being extended by her.

Much of the success of the reproduction of this publication is due to the untiring efforts of Annette and Bob, who as typist and artist respectively, make an ideal team, while Norman's access to the printing press gives our covers a professional finish.

Next on the list is Wally, who has undertaken to mail to members of the executive copies of overseas magazines, bulletins, and other important material in order that they may be kept informed of world trends and information. Bundles of this material are in circulation around the country all the time.

Finally, Jim is appointed to maintain contact with outside organisations and ensure friendly liaison; in all a busy energetic, team, some of them working long into the night and none of them being paid a cent.

We might well ask why these people sacrifice so much of their spare time and why they do it without a protest. Many other bodies, Boy Scouts, Sports Clubs, Church Groups and so on, are always working to improve their conditions and raise money for various useful activities. Is it not right that we should do the same? Of course; and-more so, for we have an ideal before us. Even though our Movement is so grossly misunderstood outside, those of us who have been connected with it for a while, know just how much it has to offer. We know that our claim of contributing towards a better world is no idle boast, for we are proving that families are being knit closely, health is being improved, and that much of the smog of polluted thought is being swept aside through healthy companionship in our clubs. With such a high goal before us, our efforts are worthwhile, and that is why we can all be proud of the officers of our National Association. Their efforts will not go unrewarded nor will they be in vain.

Perc. W. Cousins.      




New Zealand Sunbathing Association.

Our Magazine is Registered.

It will be noted that this issue bears the legend, "Registered at the G.P.O. Wellington as a magazine". This may be regarded as stiil another step forward, for it not only means we can mail our magazine at reduced rates, but what is more important, it indicates accptance by another Government Department. This business of obtaining acceptance is taking time, but we are moving steadily and our foundations are sure.


Tenth NZSA rally   

I hope that it is not too late to persuade all Kiwi naturists who can, to attend the 10th National Rally of the N.Z.S.A. at 'Pine Glades'. Every indication is that it would be too bad if you had to miss out. Admission cards will be available from the N.Z.S.A. office and members should apply through their secretaries. Ample facilities for your stay will be organised. 'Plane and train travellers will be met and transported if required, but early notification is required giving full details - flight nos. etc.

A Rally committee of 10 has been busy since early in the year planning aspects of the function, even to the preparations for stormy weather. (Heaven forbid - not again!) A full programme is arranged including North versus South Volley Ball Tournament, Table Tennis, Handball, and of course Tenikoit, Interclub and Junior.

'Pine Glades' has plenty of camping space and adequate facilities. A swept-up ablution building containing showers, tubs, basins, with hot and cold water, is nearing completion and will be in operation during the Rally - water is laid on in convienient spots in the grounds, and a garbage disposal system will be working.

On arrival the visitor will be registered at the PRO's cabin, be issued with a free souvenir brochure (oontaining all relevant information regarding the conduct of the Rally) and will be shown the available camping area. Unless it is not desired, club groups will be settled together. Plenty of camp sites are available, but previous notification to the Rally Secretary, CSHC, is essential for securing a good site. Ground fees will be 3/6 per adult per day. Photography is prohibited except by official photographers appointed by tho N.Z.S.A.

A well-stocked canteen will operate with nearly all that will be required. Milk is delivered to the gates, fresh vegetables etc. will be delivered to the grounds and fresh bread will also arrive daily. The nearest facilities:- Grocer, Post Office, Butcher, Service Station and Hotel all within a mile. Usual holiday attractions will be in Christchurch as well as the attractive scenic tours which leave from the city daily.

Any further information will be supplied by the Secretary, Rally Committee, P.O. Box 1823, CHRISTCHURCH.




The story of Pine Glades   

By Ken Treanor.      

It all started in 1953 when the few members of the time were searching for a suitable situation to establish a Club, being heartily sick of furtive treks to semi-secluded sites with always the off-chance of being discovered. So the search for a site began, first in one direction, then in another, until the day when the present grounds were "discovered". Previously hopes had been raised so often by the searcher that members were a bit slow in their enthusiasm for this piece of land, and when they saw the wildness on their first trip, no doubt many quailed at the thought of the work entailed in developing this site. Fallen pine trees, huge patches of prickly old man gorse, lack of sufficient screening, bushes of wild broom, littered the property from one end to the othor presenting a real challenge to the ingenuity of the Club.

However, the advantages outweighed the disadvantages. The close proximity to the City, handiness of the Main Southern Highway and Railway and the relative cheaper purchase cost, persuaded the Club to buy the land and press ahead with development. Weeks upon weeks of hard toil showed little reward for the enthusiastic workers, as stubborn tree stumps were chopped, dug and lifted, dead trees slowly sawn up into blocks for firewood and gorse bushes hacked out root by root. Many a blister and thorn adorned the caloused hands and logs of keen men and women as they wended their way home on a Sunday evening, tired, but pleased with that day's effort.

Soon a presentable clearing enabled clothes to be dropped and cares cast aside as the first volley ball sailed through the air accompanied by the joyful shouts of happy nudists secure in the knowledge that at last their own club grounds were a reality.

Yes, Volley Ball, today our principal game, was with us right from the beginning, introduced by two visiting American nudists, Ray and Clare, who by their enthusiastic descriptions of the game had everyone really keen to try it. Once the first ball went over the net, Volley Ball was 'sold' to the 'Pine Gladers'.

Water presented a vexing problem, which was eventually solved by sinking a deep well, pumping being provided by a windmill erected by the engineering brains of the outfit. What a relief and what a day for the club when the first cool, clear water was pumped. That moment is still clear in our minds as the trickle, and then the main flow ran over the ground, to the excited shouts of everyone.

With water on the site, tree planting took over the major activity and in the ensuing planting season hundreds of pines, poplars and other quick growing varieties were sown around the perimeter. The majority have survived and are now providing the screening and shelter we need. Until the trees grew to an adequate height, fencing in the form of stacked logs, trunks and branches gave protection assisted by a fence of materials salvaged from a derelict hangar at a nearby airfield. Voluntoer labour soon had materials on the club site.

Thc screening of the nudist film, "Garden of Eden" in Christchurch, gave the cub the opportunity to recruit new members, and with the help of a little advertising at the theatre, letters started to flow into the mailbox. Soon the Committee was extremely busy interviewing the steady flow of applicants, often travelling distances to see them. The outstanding result of the "campaign" brought about a large increase in membership, and proved that interest in nudism is just below the surface in many, and the little prodding provided by the film was all that was needed.

The prosence of all these new and keen members gave fresh impetus to the club's development plan. Work forged ahead on an ambitious building programme. Before long the framework of the clubhouse rose firmly from the pile of timber, helped along by a band of willing tanned workers wielding hammer and saw, while not far away the tank stand and shower block took shape.

Even our ladies took a hand, with spade, shovel, pick and wheelbarrow on the most interesting development of the lot, according to our multitudes of children, the excavation of the swimming pool. To the foundation members, dreams of years were at last beginning to bc realised as weekend after weekend, dozens of men, women and children arrived at the grounds to toil at the various activities. Many times they arrived swathed in clothes in the chill air only to drop them off one by one as the blood circulated swiftly through their bodies bringing warmth and energy, while they fitted window frames, poured concrete, wheeled barrowloads of shingle and consumed countless cups of tea!

However, all things must come to an end, and one day the Clubhouse, complete with its gleaming stainless kitchen fittings and lockers for the members, the tankstand with showers beneath, and above all the spacious new swimming pool the apple of our eye - stood resplendent in their fresh coats of paint ready in time for New Zealand's 6th National Rally.

It was good to relax from the job, as visitors from all parts of the Dominion arrived at 'Pine Glades', gazing with obvious envy at the smart new facilities. A pleasant reunion with friends, a happy holiday in the nude, an efficient business session for the year, was looked forward to, and very successful the Ra1ly was too... except for the weather!

Heartbreaking, especially for the pool builders, when the days broke cold, windy and showery. Nevertheless the pool has proved its value again and again in the ensuing years and is by far the greatest attraction at 'Pine Glades', and yet the story is not really ended, for work, improvements and planning are still going on, as other clubs know. We look forward to many more visitors than those who came to the 6th National Rally and better weather and more to show you.

If YOU live near Christchurch...

'PINE GLADES' is the place for you

Sunshine holidays are unforgettable...

'PINE GLADES' is the place for you

Relax in the South's progressive Sun Club offering excellent facilities.

... An attractive swimming pool

... Play Tenikoit,Volloy Ball,Bsketball,Table Tennis

... Power and water laid on

... Children catered for especially - swings, seesaws, jungle gym etc.

... Sunlawns and sunspots for all

... Congenial and carefree company asured

Don't delay! You too can have a real sun tan this summer... Contact:-

The Secretary,

Canterbury Sun & Health Club

P.O.Box 1823,



Proposed NEW Rules for Handball



International Naturist Federation

  news from all 
over the world 


Still they come. The latest is a German film entitled 'Forbidden Paradise'. Our informant says that much of it consists of shots taken in German clubs, many of them some years ago and that it has an American commentary.


A representative gathering of clubs at Woodlands set in train the formation of a national body. A provisional committee was appointed and a constitution and official organisation is to be approved in Melbourne during Christmas, 1961. We wish our nearest neighbours every success.

Woodlands, the proprietary club just outside Sydney has affiliated with the Australian Volley Ball Association and recently fielded its first team in the competition. Despite being soundly beaten, they were treated to a most impresive display of the game, which will benefit the standard of play among the other Australian clubs.


Health and Efficiency tells us that nudism has been included among the holiday pursuits listed in one of the leading British travel magazinos, under the heading 'Nudistry'. British clubs and the Ile du Levant are featured.


Thc American Sunbathing Association's latest membership list shows 90 independent clubs under control of its six regional offices. A further 23 clubs are in the process of formation.


Perhaps the most significant pronouncement in recent Canadian history is this statement from a government official. It comes from Toronto under the caption, "Nude Photos 'Not Obscene'". "A photograph of a nude woman is not obscene in itself", says a member of the Ontario attorney-general's advisory committee on indecent literature. "But if it is accompanied by a lewd or suggestive story, that's something else again". David A. Coon of Stouffville, a member of the four-man committee created last May to examine publications submitted by the public, said in an interview the group has returned several artist-type magazines devoted to pictures of nude women. "We returned them explaining that we did not think they were obscene," he said.


The story of Pine Glades   

By J.C.R.      

Before my first visit to a nudist club, I had only the vaguest and most stereotyped idea of what such a club would be like. Members would, I thought, consist mainly of harmless cranks imagining nudism to be a panacea, voyeurs, vegetarians and 'freedom from conventions' cranks. Surely, too, nudism must have its comic side when the inequalitios of human figures were freed from the neutral conformity of clothes.

At least I did not think of nudist clubs as hotbeds of vice. In fact, such nudist propaganda as had come my way seemed to me to be almost puritanical, leaning so far backwards as almost to deny the existence of the sexual instinct.

After an afternoon at a nudist club, some doubts still remain; few prejudices do. Almost the first thing that struck me was how anaphrodisiacal naked men and women are in the mass. Far from being titilating, the spectacle of several completely nude people is, in a curious way, virtually sexless. This impression I attribute to the fact that the members were engaged unself-conciously in homely activities - playing games, drinking tea, reading, knitting, talking - creating a wholly normal atmosphere in which prurience would have been unthinkable,

I couldn't help noticing the absence of adolescents. Does the imbalance reveal something about nudism itself? Or does the explanation lie partly in the body-awareness that adolescents sharply experience? But it was warming to see so many young children and their parents brought closer, it seemed, by the intimacy of nakedness. The atmosphere, in fact, was one of a blend of family picnic, sports club meeting and conversazione. Modesty without prudery, case without brazenness and relaxation without strenuousness were the dominant notes.

I detected not one screwball among those people with whom I talked. Nobody pushed a doctrine down my throat; nobody asserted that nudism was the cure for all the world's ills. Here was a normal mixed group of Kiwis, with widely differing backgrounds and interests; some keen on football, others on music. Nor were they all athletes. While some of the brown bodies hurtled after a flying ball like Harlem Globtrotters, others, disdaining strenuous frivolity, simply lazed around. What united them all was a comprehensive friendliness, the ready acceptance of a stranger and an easy tolerance of opinion and personality.

To my surprise, one becomes quickly used to the presence of naked bodies, accepts a cup of tea thankfully from a nude matron, forgets to think of keeping eyes at eye-level, and cannot remember afterwards if so-and-so was dressed or not. There were figures as varied as mankind is varied - shapely and shapeless, old, young, scarred and unmarked. Yet the natural dignity of all excluded the comic. The universal nakedness reduced everyone to the same level of importance and friendliness, with fewer barriers than in many other clubs I know.

So, anyhow, it seems. I am left wondering if social nudity in itself is enough to unite a diverse body of people. Do nudists never fail out? Would not many members after the first novelty wears off, seek a club where they could meet people of similar intellectual and cultural interests?

My limited experience offers no evidence as to what effects the mingling of the sexes nude may have on normal sexual drives. May not an element of mystery be normal in relationship between the sexes? But, on the surface, it does appear that familiarity with the physical externalities of sex may remove the curiosity that is undoubtedly one source of frustrations and aberrations. And, after all, nudists are not unclothed all the time.

These, and other, questions remain. In removing prudery, does nudism undermine modesty? Does the practice attract only those of certain temperaments - under-sexed, social rebels, voyeurs? Does nudism do more for bodily health than a normal exercise routine? I cannot answer those on my short experience, but I am interested enough to ask them, and friendly enough to suspect that most of the answers would not be unfavourable.

For I could not help but be impressed by the general tone of this amiable band of kindly, well-mannered and happy people enjoying themselves in a healthy setting, with a sense of humour, and an absence of fanaticism. To expose one's body to the cordial sun in such surroundings seemed the most natural thing in the world. I came away wondering whether perhaps nudists might not have found, in some areas of life, anyway, solutions to long-standing problems.


Knowledge, like timber, is best when well seasoned.

- - -



All my fears of being "odd man out" in a nudist colony went by the board yesterday when I spent the day with the Wellington Sun Health Society.

I was told of the assignment on Friday and spent an uncomfortable Saturday, certain I would feel embarrassed. The first half-hour at the glade, about 25 miles from Wellington, was the worst. After that, the thought of more than 100 naked people playing tenikoits and other sports seemed so natural.

And, what was more amazing, was the fact that none of those people felt embarrassed by my presence. People have always said nudists were cranks. I have been guilty of dismissing them with similar remarks. But after yesterday my ideas have been revised.

Through participating in their games and chatting to men, women and children, I found they are just ordinary people - a cross-section of any community and bound together by a conmon interest in healthful relaxation. It was an enjoyable day and I would like to go back some day.

The occasion for yesterday's invitation was the official opening of the club's new swimming pool. Built at a cost of approximately £35O, the pool is valued at £4,000 and includes a filtration plant. It has been built during the past 40 weekends by members of the club.

Article in 'The Dominion', 20th. February 1961.


The most obervant person in history must surely be the man who, after seeing Lady Godiva's famous ride through the streets of Coventry, was able to describe the colour of the horse.

- - -



by Ken Treanor, PRO of CSHC.      

Volley Ball! Volley Ball!

The cry rings out through the young green pines at 'Pine Glades', stirring the groups of sunbathers into life as they converge on the games court. At any time of the day or evening (and now with the power on it may even be night!) the call never fails to draw the 'Pine Gladeres' and it is rare to see the court vacant during the time members are at the club grounds.

What is the attraction of this game? What is there to it that has surpassed al1 other forms of recreation at 'Pine Glades'?

The answer is not very hard to seek. So many advantages are so evident that we wondered why it has not 'caught on' at the other sun clubs in the country. Let's look at the game; I'm sure you'll agree that Volley Ball should be THE game.

The Court.

Just a level piece of ground 60' long and 30' wide suffices for the court. The boundaries should be marked with lines, as should the control where a net 3' in width is suspended with tho top 8' from the ground. That's all that is needed to start the game.

The Players.

This is one of the main advantages of Volley Ball, because up to 8 players on each side can be on the court. The positions of the players are shown below. Each service is rotated so each player serves in turn and each position changes with the serve.

The Rules.

The game begins with a serve. The player in the right back position of the team serves from behind the end line, by hitting the ball (an ordinary basketball) with any part of the hand, or fist, over tho net and into the opponent's court. The ball is then returned by the opposing team over the not. If the receiving player returns the ball direct, a slow seesaw game will result, so the form is for the ball to be passed, by hitting it, from the back of the court to the forward players, who will hit it over the net and attempt to make it difficult for the other team to return.

Thus the ball may be passed up to three times on one side of the court before going over the net to the opposing team. No player may hit the ball twice in succession however, it can pass from one to another and back to the original player before being hit over the net into the opposing court. Similarly, if the ball falls just over the net into the opposing side, the player can pass it to the rear to be returned.

Talking to Women   


The basic rule of scoring is that only the serving side can score. In this respect the same is similar to Badminton and Table Tennis. If the serving team fails to return or knocks the ball out of play, then they lose the service to the opposing team. If the opposing team fails to return the ball through some way, then the serving team gain a point. During the game, whenever a team takes over the service, the team members rotate one position clockwise on the court, and the player who serves will continue to serve until his team loses the service. Rule books for the game are obtainable from all sports stores and if your club is keen on the game as we are, then a book should be purchased.


Volley Ball as a good all round recreational game at the sun club has the following advantages...

1. There are no complicatod rules.

2. Up to 16 players can participate - a real family affair.

3. No particular skill is needed.

4. There is no age limit - young and old alike can enjoy it.

5. It developes the community spirit.

6. Equipment is not expensive.

Perhaps I could go on and on, but finally all I really need to say is... Volley Bal1 as a game is extra good. Played in the nude under the New Zealand sun it's just the berries... Try it!


ADULT: One who ceases to grow at both ends and continues to grow in the middle.

BABY: An alimentary canal with an appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.


Talking to Women   


Who said women were the weaker sex? When it comes to nudism, they certainly are not. Not once they have made up their minds to accept the idea. Therefore it is up to their husbands, fiances or brothers to persuade them to give it a fair trial.

What happens if the women refuse to accompany their menfolk to the nudist clubs? In the first place, if he is as keen as most men, he will feel very disappointed in her. He will try to convince her - to bring her round to his way of thinking. If, perhaps he is single, he may let the matter slide, hoping she will change after marriage. And if he is still disappointed he may scrap the whole idea.

The answer to this feminine problem is the one that has been offered many times before. It the husband inform the Secretary of the club concerned of your reluctance to undress, and you will be invited to go along on the understanding that you don't have to remove your clothing. Once a woman is convinced that nudism is good and healthy for her husband, herself and family she rarely turns back. Actually I have found from my own experience, that once a woman becomes a convert she ends up by being the first stripped each day, in her fumily, and the last to reluctantly dress after an enjoyable day.

What then is actually holding you back? Is it perhaps your childhood upbringing where sex was never discussed and nudity frowned upon? Unfortunately, most of us do not come to naturism fom infancy (which is the ideal way), and we are the ones who ask the questions. Especially the girls. The modern woman likes to express her personality in her clothes. Without them she does not now where she is. Removing the last stitch of clothing means more to a woman than her husband, or so she thinks, which is the same thing.

Perhaps Helen, from Kaurimu, mother of four children who has written her story of her introduction into nudism, can help you to take the plunge...

My sister Joan had often taken one or two of my young children to her home for the weekend thereby giving me a small break. As the children were at the age when they weren't talking much, they didn't say what they did at Aunty Joan's and I never thought to ask Joan just what they did. They always looked forward to those visits, so I gathered correctly that they enjoyed themselves.

However, actions speak louder than words. It was getting practically impossible for me to keep the children dressed, especially if the sun was shining. This I didn't mind, but unfortunately the neighbours started to complain. I mentioned this obsession of the children to Joan one day, hoping that she could throw some light on the matter.

Well, she did, and nearly knocked me off my feet. She informed me that both she and Ken, her husband, belonged to a nudist club and rather than stay at home the weekends they had my children they used to take them along. The children had all enjoyed themselves so they continued taking them.

Now, I had heard that there was such a club in the vicinity, but hadn't thought about it as I gathered that only cranks belonged. But to find that my own sister belonged! Joan informed that I couldn't very well stop the children from attending something that was beneficial to them, and that they enjoyed, so the next thing I realised I was informed that they would pick up all my ftmily on the following Sundey and we weren't to be late as they didn't want to hang around waiting for us when they could be enjoying themselves at the grounds.

The day we went was a beautiful sunny day, but there weren't other members present and as there was only Joan and Ken there it didn't take me long to strip, which amazed and pleased them both. We enjoyed some games of tenikoits, had swims, and all in all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and I left quite looking forward to my next visit the following Sunday.

I had a hard task explaining to the children when we returned home why they could strip at the club, but at home they, had to resort to 'decency' for the neighbours sake. Although we have only been members for a couple of years and we aren't able to get out as often as we would wish, I know that I have never regretted the day when I first visited and became a member of the nudist movement...

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Auckland Sun Club for their wonderful and friendly attitude towards me on my recent visit to Auckland. Especial thanks to Tom, Wally and Des who took me to visit their grounds and then went out of their way to let me visit A.O.H.C. Also to Irene for the most enjoyable afternoon tea. As the grounds to Auckland Sun were not at their boat owing to the remarkable weather they experience in Auckland, I was treated to some delightful shots of the grounds in more favourable conditions.

Also to Gerald and Karin go my thanks for their usual welcome. And to all the other members that I met again. It was great to see you all. Will be looking forward to meeting you all again on my homeland at 'Pine Glades' during the forthcoming Rally. To Phyll, Perc. and Doug, my heartfelt thanks for putting up with me and especially the children. Do hope that I can return the hospitality with interest when I see you all down here. To one an all, may I just say, "A big thank you".

Joan Treanor,

P.O.Box 6359,




Off Beat Corner   

Sir -

Now that the Bible has been simplified, some of the exquisite phraseoloy has gone.

May we now expect to see a simplified Shakespeare? Something that we can really understand, such as King Henry V, Act 1, Scene 1.

Canterbury (old version): Never came a reformation in a flood

With such a heady current, scouring faults;

Nor never hydra-headed wilfulness

So soon did lose his seat and all at once,

As in this king.

Canterbury (new version): Fings ain't wot they used to be wiv the king.

A.E. Leach.        
in a letter in 'Manchester
Guardian Weekly', 30.3.61.


The Junior Section

The Junior Section

Hi! Our fame is spreading. Recently I received a letter from the International Naturist Youth Committee, which is situated in Switzerland, asking me to give them details of our Youth Organisation in New Zealand. This is real progress for we now enjoy international recognition as members of the INF Youth Committee. This means that we have access to hundreds of young nudists all over the world - in England, Europe, U.S.A., Australia and others. We can see that, although perhaps a different language is spoken, the one common tie is our love of the sun, open air and of our bodies.

Yes - sun, open air, and our bodies - three things that we nearly always take for granted, don't we. We only notice the sun when it ceases to shine, we only notice the open air when we draw in a breath of pure air after leaving the smog of the city and surely the only time we take any notice of our bodies is when something goes wrong! Yet the human body is the most marvellous piece of mechanism known, if we can use the word 'mechanism'. What machinery will carry on its work year in year out without having to have parts replaced, overhauls and constant attention? Yet that is what our bodies do. Sometimes, however, we neglect even the simple rules of maintenance and the motor packs up. We fail to feed the motor with the correct fuel - loading it with makeshift, unsatisfactory, cheap, sweet stuff until we get flabby, fat, seedy, and unhealthy.

The wearing of clothes helps this condition along the way. Ever notice how dirty the motor of a shiny, highly polishod car is? Pull the bonnet down and there we have an attractive car all ready for hundreds of miles - maybe. The true proud owner will not only clean the outside but will attend to the interior too. That is how nudism is helping YOU. By removing your outer coverings YOU can see the fine motor in action, admire its functions and quickly correct any small defect instead of covering it up from view. You are young, your body has to last for many years to come. How long will largely rest on YOU.


Don't miss out this year - already entries are coming in. 800 - 1000 words on "My Sun Club" is all that is required. Write today. A grand attractive prize is awaiting the winner. Entries close on 0CT0BER 31st.


A full Youth Programme is organised including concerts, games tournaments, film programmes, swimming carnivals, and a host of surprises. Be at 'Pline Glades' for the TENTH.



"U.S.A. Junior A.S.A. (American Sunbathing Association) Groups are forming in Colorado, and Indiana, which will add to the growning list of Youth Groups in U.S.A."


Ken, is your face red?



Club News   


The secretaries of the clubs listed in this section will be pleased to hear from all genuine enquirers. Drop a line today and ensure a prompt reply by enclosing a stamped addressed envelope.


Auck1and Outdoor Health Club Inc. (Members.) P.0.Box 2702, Auckland.

Kaurimu Sun Club. (Proprietary.) P.0.Box 15, Glen Eden, Auckland.

Auckland Sun Club.(Members.) P.0.Box 2925, Auckland.

There is not a lot to report since our last occasion. We are pleased to be able to let our members know that Charlie one of our single men is out of hospital and is well on the way to recovery.

An accident to the motor-mower necessitated the body of the mower being sent for repair. This has now been done and the lawns will be able to receive the attention they require.

The clubhouse will need some renovation during the winter months and plans are afoot with this in view, also the provision of more and better toilet facilities. The club members have been 'sounded out' regarding incorporation and all appear to be in favour. In consequence steps are being taken to further the matter.

We recently had the pleasure of playing hosts to Joan Treanor, of Christchurch, and some of us paid a short visit, with her, to A.O.H.C. Glad to have been of assistance, Joan. Applications have dropped off, with the weather, but we still have a few to pursue.

Wanganui Sun Club. (Members.) P.O.Box 410, Wanganui.

Wellington Sun & Health Society Inc. (Members.) P.0.Box 6359, Wellington.

Development at 'Fiveacres' continues, including the levelling of additional sports and camping areas. Hide Park has been expanded to twice its size and a suggestion has been made that the extension be called Albert Park, after the name of the human bulldozer responsible for it. A large car-park more trees, and a re-erected bridge have been achieved "down below", and many more trees are ready for trans-planting elsewhere. A new toilet is under construction in anticipation of larger crowds next season.

Our socials are being so well supported these days that we have had to engage a larger mid-city hall, and plans are being laid now for a mystery night to be called "My Scare Lady" in August. Tentative plans are also being considered to tour this entertainment around the Homes, Hospitals and other charitable organisations. This is an idea we have been toying with for some time, and it is hoped to be able to make the show good enough for outside entertainment. Other evenings are planned to be held in our own clubhouse when the edge is off the weather, for our first evening this season was held there and a bumper crowd enjoyed films and slides of a high calibre.

Canterbury Sun & Health Club Inc. (Members.) P.O.Box 1823, Christciurch.

Activities are at a high pitch here at 'Pine Glades'. Preparations for the Tenth RalLy are in full progress. By far the busiest of the committee is Geoff, the Quartermaster, who since early April has been dealing with the problems of accommodation for the many enquirere who have indicated their requirements. Indications are for a record attendance.

During the winter months, a steady stream of members attended to the one hundred and one jobs that crop up or were left from the summer. New buildings, fencing, painting, tree-planting continued, for we are determined to make our grounds a show place - a perfect nudist haven among the pines.

Little resulted from our AGM - in fact the only change involved one of our lady committee members. A social organised and conducted by the 'Tans', our Youth Group, was attended by about 25 youngsters recently. A programme of songs, games and competitions was enjoyed to the full and is typical of the 'Tans' activities. Club social meetings included a block booking at a city theatre and an 'umu', which is an island feast similar to the Maori hangi. The local press gave us a spread right on the news page and though it was glossed up to provide a story, it gave us valued publicity.

Otago Sun & Health Club. (Members.) Box 2058, South Dunedin.

Southern Sun Health Club. (Members.) Box 486, Invercargill.

Gisborne Sun Club. (Forming.) c/- Box 6359, Wellington.

Southern Sun Health Club. (Members.) Box 486, Invercargill.

Waikato Health Club. (Forming.) Box 4032, Hamilton East.

Gisborne Sun Club. (Forming.) c/- Box 6359, Wellington.



Ken Trenor: The Story of 'Pine Glades'

Gerald Wakely: The Way Ahead - II; Editors

Pen Portrait: Harold of C.S.& H.S.

From the Outside: (A first visit creates questions)

10th Rally Christchurch - 1962

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CS&HC Volleyball

Volley ball, tenikoit, swimming & sunbathing

CS&HC Street of cabins

Canterbury's attractive street of cabins...
Room for all you lucky people!

WS&HS Opening of THE pool

Shots taken by our candid camera man
at the opening of THE pool

WS&HS Pool-side crowd 
WS&HS Swimmers in the pool 
Swing into Nudism next summer

Swing to Nudism next summer