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PO Box 41-171 St, Lukes

Auckland August 1975



Dear Members, old, new and potential,
        Your newly appointed secretary has been working his numerous ulcers overtime in this rather haphazardly thrown together journal of the continuing saga of the F.B.G.- Phew! what a mouthful. But seriously folks, there is some news of which you should be aware-
1. First and foremost now that we are officially the Free Beach Group your subscriptions are payable at the rate of $2.00 per family or single person. (some of course have already paid). So if you wish to ensure delivery of your next newsletter please mail subs to the Treasurer P.O. Box 4l-171 St. Luke's, and you may even be issued with an official receipt- lucky you!
2. For those of you not able to attend our inaugural meeting, and a very pleasant one too, a brief resume of the goings on. Twenty seven of us met at the home of Robin and Jenny at Howick on Saturday 9th. August. After Robin had briefed us on the pros and cons of officially forming a group it was unanimously agreed to go ahead with the project. The draft constitution was discussed and beaten into shape, if that is the correct terminology, and duly accepted. Then followed the election of officers. Robin is your chairman, yours truly was press ganged into being secretary and also Minister of Finance or Treasurer if you prefer. So the committee consists of chairman, secretary, Judith O., Bob H., and Judy M. Subscriptions were sorted out and for the princely sum of $2.00 per family [or single person] you can all become official card carrying members of the FBG (if you've any pockets to carry cards when on a free beach!). Also discussed were such weighty matters as frequency and location of advertising, programme of future events and of course the very general area of "other business".
3. Your committee met on the evening of Tuesday 12th August and did their best to tidy up any loose ends lying about. We decided to publicise our activities in the suburban newspapers and with advertising in the mass circulation dailies. In the near future and with summer fast approaching we hope to drag in, sorry, acquire even more thousands of new members! They are being given the opportunity to appear in a "Members' Directory", designed to enable you to arrange your own beach outings if you wish. The directory is only sent to those who agree to appear in it. Entries will be in the following form:
   [West Auckland Area] Jean and John S. Ph. Auckland 123-456 Interests

Swim/Sun/Snork etc.     

Please let me know whether you wish to be mentioned in the Directory.
Then came the GOOD NEWS- "Future Activities." The first of these, of which some of you will be aware, are the Saturday evening Nude Swims at Swimarama Panmure on 6th. September and 4th. October, from 6.30 to 8,30 p.m. These meetings are organised by the sun clubs of Auckland and are popular and a lot of fun.
     I enclose your "Free Beach Diary". You will note that December is a little bare(!). It was felt that with the seasonal rush December could be played down a little then possibly some activity during the four day weekend of the New Year. However we are wide open to suggestions, polite if you please, and will try to fit in something, anything, to please some of the people all of the time or vice versa.
     Lastly and in conclusion, if you're still with me, please let me say that I look forward to doing my small part on your behalf and please do feel free at any time to write me with any news suggestions, or information that you feel may straighten me out. Wishing you lots of enjoyment in the near future and may all your suntan be painless.

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F R E E   B E A C H   D I A R Y





Saturday 6 Sept Swimarama, Panmure at 6.30 p.m.
Saturday 4 Oct Swimarama, Panmure at 6.30 p.m.
Sunday  26 Oct Motuihe Trip. We will walk over to the far end of the island. There is some doubt about the state of the wharf on the island but if the ferry service is running and it is fine we will meet at the Ferry Steps in Auckland in time for the 9.30 boat. Or you can travel by the Panmure boat - up to you. If the trip is cancelled, we will have a sauna evening and try again the next day.
Monday 27 Oct Labour day - as above, only if Sunday's trip is cancelled
Sunday  9 Nov Long Bay Trip. Meet Long Bay Northern car park at 10.30am. Difficult for babies!
Saturday 29 Nov)
Sunday   30 Nov)
Port Ohope Free Beach Weekend, arranged by the Sun C1ubs. Make your booking of a chalet or camp site to England's Motor Camp, Port Ohope, SOON!
Sunday 7 Dec Pakiri Trip. Meet Pakiri car park, 11 am. Bring something to drink and possibly a sun umbrella. There is a motor camp at Pakiri and some may wish to go up on the Saturday and camp overnight.
Rest of Dec Do-it-Yourself
January 1976 We are considering arranging a camping trip from 1st. to 4th. January at Thames, where we can probably "borrow" a private camping ground suitable for wearing "uniform" all the time, with wonderful (but cool)natural swimming pools and waterfalls. Let us know if you are interested.
Saturday 3 Jan Jan United Sun Clubs Beach Trip - Pakiri


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In case of doubt or to find out whether a trip is cancelled or to suggest other activities, ring either John at Auckland 864-381 or Robin at Howick 43-318.

We may also put out cancel1ations on 1ZB (thought to be at 8.O0 and half hourly).


Do let us know what you think of all this!


Remember that we cannot guarantee that you will be able to wear "uniform" at any of these activities except the Swim Nights and the Camping Trip. Do try to support these arrangements, as our future programme will depend on their success. We will let you know of other 1976 events in good time.



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