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Fred Bear


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Dear Friends,

How are you all getting on in the depths of winter? At odd moments the sun blazes forth, and I sit on the concrete in a sheltered corner of our back yard, soaking up the warmth, and thinking about those long, hot, summer days on the beach.


On 28 May, several of our members enjoyed a hearty mid-year Christmas Dinner as guests of the Hibiscus Coast Sun Club, on their grounds near Orewa. It was a tremendous spread, and much appreciated. We thank them for the invitation, and hope they enjoy our socials as much as we enjoyed theirs.


Our own restaurant dinner was also a great success, a warm and sumptuous eight-course meal, accompanied by a view of the lights of Auckland, seen through the big picture window. Provided, of course, that you could manage the chop sticks, and still look at the view!


Good news from the Deep South - the Orchard Sun Club, after continuing problems with vandalism, are now very happily, and busily, settling into new grounds. It's not very often that a club has the opportunity to start afresh, and it will be a lot of hard work, but it should be lots of fun, and give the club a new lease of life. We wish them all the best.


ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: Please note that we have a

NEW HALL. Full details are given on a separate sheet.

It has been an eventful year, and members of the committee have been working hard on your behalf. The current situation with our beaches, especially Long Bay and St. Leonards, and the fixing of our subscription for the coming year, should ensure some lively discussion. So come along with your ideas, and have your say.


PHOTO COMPETITION: Remember, entries for the Photo and Sketch Competition close on 1 August. The rules and entry form were distributed with the April-May newsletter. Judging will be by popular vote at the AGM, and results will be announced as soon as possible, on the day if there is time. The subjects are "Things we do" and "Places we go", and the pictures should be suitable for illustrating the Beach List. For extra entry or Model Release forms, please phone Evan 883-784



A N N U A L   G E N E R A L   M E E T I N G

Newton Community Hall. Waima St. Newton

S A T U R D A Y   27   A U G U S T   3   P M.



BILLETS: Several Auckland members have offered their hospitality, including transport, so it would be nice if people from other districts could join us for the AGM and Waiwera trip. Ring or write and we will put you in touch.


SWIMARAMA: Our winter swim nights are held at the Swimarama Pool, Lagoon Drive, Panmure, on the third Saturday of the month, 6.30 - 830 p.m. Full size tepid pool, children's pool, and two saunas. Visitors and sun club members very welcome. Adults $2, children 50 cents. Next two dates 20 August, 17 September. The final night for this year will be 15 October.


SAUNA: The sauna has been brightened up with a coat of paint. Held every Sunday 5 — 9 p.m. at Clive Green's Health Centre, 14 Federal Street, City. Single $5, double $8, pensioners $4, children free. Social night on the second Sunday of each month, BYO and a plate, ladies admitted free. Dates: 14 August, 10 September. Unfortunately the spa pool has sprung a leak, but we are hoping it will soon be fixed. Contact: Tom 418—1890 evenings.


RICKARD'S: Swim night at Parakai on the last Friday of each month, hosted by the Hibiscus Coast Sun Club. Go to the last pool complex on your left. Adults $4.50, children S2. Time: 6 - 10 p.m. Dinners are $5 each, served at 7 p.m. Next three dates: 29 July, 26 August, 30 September.


VIDEO: A 37-minute video-cassette has been made of nudism in Victoria, Australia, to help along their campaign for legal free beaches. The committee intend buying a copy for the group, but if you would like your own, order forms are available from Jim. The cost is $45. Your 'In-Touch' news-sheet contains further details.


HAWAIIAN HOLIDAY: Member Rob Hicks, a travel agent in Wellington, writes that he has contacts for accommodation and nude excursions on the Big Island of Hawaii, and he is offering to arrange trips for those interested. Please write to him at Travel Management Ltd., P.O. Box 28-037, Wellington, or ring him at WG 767-607


COMMITTEE: Until 27 August, 1988!

John Riggir 565-219          Jim Peddieson 559_730* Ask for Jim

Evan Chugg 883-784           Adrianne Caldwell 883-784

Tom Lewis 418-1890           Cynthia Wells 656-062

Bay of Plenty contacts:

David Taylor TG 69-843       Adele Stevenson TG 56-468


MELLONS BAY: Gordon Lind Walker, who was once our Secretary, has written to the Mayor of Howick in support of nude bathing at Mellons Bay, following complaints by locals. Gordon says we need a few more people voting fox nudity than against. At least, we need to make sure that our voice is heard just as loudly as those who would seek to outlaw nudity on the beaches.


PAPAMOA BEACH: Earlier this year, a rather sensational article appeared on the front page of the Bay of Plenty Times, concerning a petition circulating among local residents to have scrub cleared and the area grassed and closed to vehicles. Apparently there have been thefts from parked cars, men 'crawling about in the bushes', and men lying on the beach near nude females. On no occasion had a complaint been made to the police. The committee is keeping an eye on the situation, and would appreciate any information members can send us.

With the way things are going, the future promises to be quite challenging.





A. G. M.   A N D   W A I W E R A   T R I P



The Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday, 27 August, at 3 p.m., at the Newton Community Hall. This is in Waima Street, off Great North Road, just along from the ACC Testing Station. Coutts BMW is on one corner, and Paget Shoes on the other. Go down to the bottom of Waima Street, and park in the school car park on the left-hand side. The hail is on the opposite corner up a ramp. It is a fairly new hail with lots of windows. We will be there from about two o'clock onwards, setting up the photo competition, so come early and have a look. PLEASE BRING A PLATE FOR AFTERNOON TEA.


After the meeting, we will drive up to the car park on the corner of
and Ponsonby Road, and leave our cars there while we go to Waiwera. The bus will leave from the bus stop at the top of Ponsonby Road, opposite the water reservoir, at 5 p.m., returning at about 11 p.m. A sketch map is on the other side of this page.

Our Waiwera Trip will include a buffet dinner and exclusive use of the Sapphire Pool. Please bring your own liquid refreshments, in PLASTIC CONTAINERS ONLY. Plastic glasses will be provided. The cost of the trip is $l8 each. Children must pay the full amount. Please fill in the booking slip below and return it 15 August.





NAME ________________________________ @ $l8 Telephone _____________


NAME ________________________________ @ $l8 Telephone _____________


NAME ________________________________ @ $18 Telephone _____________

NAME ________________________________ @ $l8 Telephone _____________


Total enclosed: $ _______



Going by bus ______ Going by car ______


Please make your cheque payable to: Free Beach Group Inc.


IMPORTANT: Please return this form by 15 August to: Free Beach Group,

P.O. Box 41-171,   

Your receipt will be your ticket - BRING IT.        St. Lukes.


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