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Fred Bear Fred Bear

January/February 1981


Dear Members


Well, 1981 has got away to a fine start so you should by now be sporting generous total tans.


The new year has also brought us - i.e. the body of free beachers, rather than the Group as such - recognition at last. The "Star" of Saturday, 10th January, carried a front page (TOP!) story and photo under the heading "No Hassles Now for Buff Bathers".


The article pointed out that although nudity on the major beaches of Auckland may meet a hostile reception, there are three beaches within the metropolitan area (Long Bay, Ladies Bay and St Leonard's) where nudity is now the conventional dress. They made no mention of our many other delightful beaches in the wider Auckland district where nudity, if not the norm, is certainly tolerated, but it is a welcome recognition from the media. Now, if we could only get the N.Z. Herald to follow suit a victory could be claimed.


In response to our recent request for suggestions we have received many thought-provoking replies, for which our thanks. Here are some of them for your consideration and, hopefully, implementation:


 ** Keeping together more at beach outings. There is more in numbers than safety - there is friendliness, interesting conversation and - if you will forgive the frivolity - a great variety of food. It has been mooted that someone be appointed for introductions at outings, but let's keep it spontaneous.


 ** Large flags and parasols for identification: We are about to make available some 13" x 18" rectangles bearing the Fred motif. These can be trimmed to your own requirements for attaching to cars, boats, umbrellas - you name it. They will cost in the vicinity of $1.50, and you can write for your requirements, or phone one of the Committee. Towels have been available for a little while now, and selling well at $5.50. There are also some tee-shirts taking up space under Lois's spare bed and she will be glad to see them go out at the same bargain price. (Don't forget to cover up the kids, too, in a Fred Bear T-Shirt.)


 ** Can we get films processed? No troubles here as far as developing is concerned. However, some of our members are MORE THAN A LITTLE SHY about being photographed, so - please check first.


 ** Games of cricket or similar activities on the beach; a good opportunity to bring your own gear and rustle up a following.


 ** A very detailed skinny-dippers' beach/river guide, New-Zealand wide. A great idea for families and groups going on holiday, and almost everyone can help with this. Let's get it started straight away. Send your details to the Secretary, and if you feel you would like to, include your name and phone for a contact if people get lost. You can make a lot of lovely friends this way.


 ** Families with children to be identified in the Directory, for contact with each other. It is too late to do this now, so we suggest you be guided by the age group listed, take an educated guess, and phone them up.


 ** Social evenings at members' homes to get to know each other. A great idea, and this is what your Directory is for. The members listed are sure to know of others they can bring along. Quite a number of members are not listed in the Directory.


 ** A section in the newsletter for advertising accommodation to let or exchange between members to facilitate holidays in other parts of the country. This can be done with no trouble - but, please, no responsibility to rest on the Committee.


It was good to have some contact with John Lowe from Wellington over the holidays - just a chat on the telephone or a short visit from members outside one's one centre is quite stimulating.


We have also recently heard from Tom Wheeler in Napier who reports that they have had a couple of get-togethers at the beach, and that nudity and topless bathing, if not quite the "in thing", is certainly not unheard of in the area. Good work, Napier - keep showing the flag.


Lois was phoned by an American visiting Auckland and they have had a couple of nice days out. By all accounts, we should count our blessings here in New Zealand, as the laws in America are very restrictive, to the extent of the police going well out of their way to hassle inoffensive nudists on very remote beaches.


Well, that's about it for now. I hope you are all having, or have had, a great holiday and are getting all your share of this tremendous weather remembering, of course, that smart cookies and Free Beachers don't burn.


Best wishes to you all,


DAVID HOWDEN from Ashburton will be holidaying in Auckland and Northland from 12 February to 2 March. He is an honorary Ranger with the Forest Service and other interests include climbing, tramping, hunting, white water canoeing, and photography. He is anxious to do some sailing on and around our harbour, so if you would like to talk to somebody new, or could use a 35-year-old able-bodied crew man, be quick and drop him a note to -

D. Howden
No. 1 R.D.


If you don't think you will catch the mail, leave your name and phone number with Evan - 456-100 during the day, and 453-656 evenings. David also advises that he has some slides and movies covering their local alpine area and would enjoy showing these to interested members - a great opportunity to host a "BYO, Ladies a Plate".







1 Feb

OMAHA High tide 5.20 p.m.

From Warkworth drive towards Leigh, then follow signs to Omaha. Walk east about 15 mins.


SAUNA 5-9 p.m.
Clive Green Health Centre, 14 Federal St. Opening night for 1981. Admission $3 single, $5 double, children under 15 free.



6 Feb



7 Feb

8 Feb


NGATUHOA LODGE. I have six places available if anyone would like them.

CAMPING, suggestions please from those interested.

TAWHITOKINO High tide 9.30 a.m.
Via Kawakawa Bay to end of coast road. Walk east around rocks to stream then up track over hill, about 30 mins. Access from 11 a.m.

HUIA High tide 1 p.m.
Park on road to Lookout, take track on left side to beach.

MOTUIHE High tide 11.15 a.m.
Blue Boats leave from ferry steps at 9.30 a.m. Returning from Motuihe at 4 p.m. Adults $3.60 return, children $2.55 return.


14 Feb


Drive to Bethell's, park beside stream just over bridge, half a mile before beach. Meet here at 10.30 a.m. We will walk to the waterfall and swimming pool at the far end of the lake, about 1 mile. Bring shoes. Nudity with discretion.

15 Feb
OMAHA High tide 5.20 p.m.


21 Feb

22 Feb

High tide 10.30 - 11 a.m.

Stuart will take us out for an overnight sleep-on-the-beach, leaving Saturday morning and returning late Sunday. Please book with Adrianne, HSN 62979.

KARIOTAHI High tide 12.45 p.m.
From Waiuku turn left into Constable Road, then along Kariotahi Road and Gap Road. Walk south about half a mile.

HUIA High tide 1.20 p.m.


27 Feb

28 Feb

1 Mar

SWIM NIGT AT RICARDO's, PARAKAI 6.30 - 10 p.m. Adults $1.50, children 50 cents. Hosts: N.S.N.C.

MUSICK POINT High tide 3 p.m.

Drive through golf course to car park on right side near cliff. Steep track down cliff. Walk north 100 yards.

High tide 2.45 p.m.



For enquiries contact Adrianne Hsn 62979.



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