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From the Chairman - July 1977

Dear Free Beachers,


   Just for once I am taking over the writing of this letter from Lois to tell you about some of the major events which have taken place in Fred Bear's neck of the woods. First, you will see that the accompanying Agenda refers to the First Annual General Meeting. This is because the F.B.G. is now an incorporated society and — in the strictly legal sense only - a new body. You won't notice any difference - we will keep up he same old lousy service! The benefits are that we are all personally protected against the F.B.G. going broke, the name carries more weight, there is an outside check on the conduct and finances of the Group, and the Group survives despite possible fluctuations of leadership.


Four things arise :


1. We must get at least fifty persons over sixteen to the A.G.M. to have a quorum. THIS IS ESSENTIAL (it's quite fun, too!)
Sixteen members over 50 are not a substitute.

2. We must know your occupation for our records (by order of the Registrar of Incorporated Societies). Enough to say "Clerk", "Prime Minister", etc., we don't need details.
Please let us know next time you write.

3. We will make available to all members the, printed RULES (mostly the standard rules of most incorporated societies). Please let us know if you would like a copy (foolscap stamped addressed envelope appreciated).

4. We are the proud owners of a Common Seal — anyone got cheap fish?

   On Queen's Birthday weekend I travelled to Wellington and Hamilton where I enjoyed meetings of the local Groups (about 20 in each case) at Dave and Barbara Maynard's and Ron and Margaret Lonie's respectively — thanks to all of you. We had a show of slides and a good discussion about the working of local groups. You may not know, but we are very keen on getting people in districts away from Auckland, where it all started, to run their own beach/sauna/etc visits and advertise for members locally. We will support these activities financially, of course, and mention them in our newsletters. Just let me know what you plan. Some areas already have local organisers, others don't. Volunteers, welcome!

   Also while in Wellington I attended the half-A.G.M. of the New Zealand Sunbathing Association. As decided at our informal meetings, I indicated our desire to link with the national body in some way. Our proposal was for a capitation fee of 15 cents per membership unit (as opposed to 70 cents for club members) with voting rights in proportion to our financial contribution. The meeting was very much on our side, and the position now is that if we should agree to join them, by resolution at our A.G.M. we then write a letter of application, which will be considered at their A.G.M. in January. We have a "gentlemen's agreement" that if our application is along the lines discussed it will be favourably considered. I believe it is in everyone's interests that we link with them; many club members will join us, as a number have already, we share in their publicity (see under) and I really can't see any reasons against. Fears that we will in some way be controlled by them are quite groundless.

   It seemed to me that there is a wind of change blowing in the NZSA - the meeting resolved to change the name to "New Zealand Nudist Federation". This means that the rather vague word "Naturist" which needed explanation to outsiders anyway, is now replaced by the definite, no-nonsense "Nudist".

   The NZNF considered an advertising campaign on TV and in papers, to cost more than $6,000, which would place nudism before the public as it never has been before. Contributions would be sought from clubs and individuals — whether enough would be forthcoming will have to be seen.

   But more definitely - the movement is applying for time on "Access" television programme and in principle TV2 have agreed. F.B.G. members may be able to help : we especially need first class colour slides (horizontal) with permission from all appearing. We will also need, some volunteers to be filmed, from the Auckland area. Probably we will need to be "tanned" with one of the 'instant' product as filming will be in late winter!

   All this politicking and publicity may seem a far cry from just lying in the sun, swimming etc. in "uniform" but that's what it is all for. It's amazing the trouble we need to take in order to behave as everyone did when swimming a few hundred years ago!

   I do hope you will be able to attend the Annual General Meeting - we need your presence, thought and opinions.


Best wishes -

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P.S. Don't forget to let us know any change of address.

It is noted that some of our members are living in
Post Office boxes!


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