The distance from North Shore City is about 4 km.
From Takapuna, drive south along Lake Road, turn left into St Leonard's Road (just before the Devonport straight) find a park at the end if you're lucky. Go down steps to the beach; walk south, at least 50 m from the steps.
What's there:-
Popular. Sometimes visited by Beach Patrol Officers from the North Shore Council. Police are seeking those behaving illegally, as distinct from 'taking names' for the council's by-law. However, three policemen are warranted as council officers and can 'take names' but this is not expected to be a normal routine. By-law compliance means ensuring you don't go closer than 30 m (in front, 10 m behind) any passing textile; and go at least 50m from your access point.
Dec 09, BT - The sun was out, the sea warm enough and at first, the beach almost deserted. I spent 3 days there quite relaxed. I went about 200 metres right of the steps and all was well. Next 2 days other folks too, enjoyed naturism with no sign of any officialdom.
Jan 09, RD - There is now a 30/70 mix of nudists and dog owners - still similar to Herne Bay Beach. Council Patrol Officers are no longer in evidence though.
Feb 05, RD - As the council has now permitted dogs to have free reign here, there is no need to send rangers. All signs have been removed and there is now a 50/50 mix of nudists and (textiled) dog owners - similar to Herne Bay Beach, these days.
Nov 03, JL - The council agrees that "reasonable compliance" is preferable to "enforcement action."
Dec 02, JL - The North Shore Council officers accept 'Ambassadors' to help reduce complaints.