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Registration   |   Accommodation Options  |  Add a trip

Please ensure the correct trip ID number you are responding to (left column of the Registration page), is entered.
Note that only the number of those interested/committed is registed.
Everything else is just information for the site moderator.

     Name:  (Required)

  Contact:  (Required)

ID number:    (Required) Interested No:   (I/we have a possible interest in this event.)
Commited No:   (I/we are definitely expecting to attend this event.)

(Note that the numbers 'interested' include the numbers 'committed' so those committed cannot exceed the numbers interested.
So there may be 10 interested and 4 committed, but not 4 interested and 5 committed!)

Other information for or circumstances the moderator should know about?.  


(Please click the 'Send' button, only once, thanks.)