The Joys of Naturism
The consistent difficulty for Naturists is attempting to explain the delight of the experience to those who've never tried it. Basically, there is no way! People have to try it for themselves, in a safe and comfortable environment.
A key objective of Free Beaches NZ Inc; is to offer genuine seekers a choice of family-friendly venues to visit.*

Surveys consistently show the main reason Naturists remain committed to Naturism, is the pervasive 'sense of relaxation' that is engendered only by the absence of clothing.

The sense of simple delight while skinny-dipping is simply unsurpassed for most people.

For many Naturists, the special sense of living a healthy lifestyle extends well beyond getting an adequate dose of vitamin D! Naturists are well-versed in balancing the advantages and dangers of the sun.

Beach Naturists generally, find others on the beach very much easier to talk to than the 'textiles' do. 'Club' Naturists, especially, are inclined to indulge in games of all sorts at their 'rallies'.

Social Contact
After, 'Why didn't I try this ages ago,' another constant comment of novice Naturists is, 'These people are so much friendlier than clothed ones'.
See more pictures of happiness.
Check out the NZ Naturist Federation's 'blogspot'.
Have a look at some places around New Zealand:
- Will's 'Overlander' trip
- Andrew's holiday travels
- George's Spot on the Clutha River
* However, at a few of these beaches there can be people who behave badly! We appreciate any evidential information on such people, like a car registration number and/or (identifying) photograph, being forwarded to the police. Free Beaches is absolutely serious about ensuring safe, family-friendly venues.
Being a financial member of Freebeaches NZ you are contributing to the ongoing work we do to ensure New Zealand Beaches are free for all in the future, consider joining us to support your freebeaches.
Complete an application on our [Application Page]