Lake Wainamu 

The distance from Waitakere City is about 17 km.


From Swanson go 1 km, turn left into Scenic Drive, 3 km on, just past the tea rooms turn right into Te Henga Road, then follow the signs 6 km to Bethells Beach. Just past the sign to Tasman View Road, go over the bridge and park at sign "Lake Wainamu Scenic Reserve". Follow the walkway signs up the creek bed, into the bush and over the paddocks around the lake shore, easier if you keep to the farm track. About 3 hours right around.

What's there:-

At the top of the lake is a series of small waterfalls and pools. Take your camera. Best for nudity during the week. There is a pleasant spot about half an hour from the car on a bend in the creek (about 100 m past the last house) where most wakers cut across the grass, not seeing it.

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