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 #  89 - December 1978 

[The New Zealand Naturist] Editor: Con Chignell (Pages: 36 - $1.20)


Report on the 16th I.N.F. Congress
Nudist Viewpoint: an Australian Teenager's View by Gwenda, Corio
Taking Care Away from the Crowd
Nudism in New Caledonia by Ray Hunt
N.Z.N.F. Officers' Reports
N.Z. Free Beach Report by Emiel Roland
Australian Free Beach Report by Mary & Ted Weston
A.N.F. Report
Kambah Pool - the free area of ACT
Letters to the Editor
N.Z. Club News (11)
Australian Club News (3)
Jottings from the Editor's Notebook
NZ Club Directory: (27)
Australian Club Directory: (24)



new zealand


incorporating australian nudist news
Official Journal of the New Zealand Nudist Federation
Registered at the Chief Post Office Wellington as a magazine
Published Quarterly





Vice President, North Island
LES OLSEN, Auckland

Vice President, South Island




P.R.O. and Overseas Correspondent
PATRIC TROTT, Christchurch

Ladies' Representative

Editor - New Zealand Naturist

Business Manager

Delegates from



with the assistance of an able team of enthusiasts
from all Auckland Clubs

All correspondence concerning this magazine, whether it be subscriptions, distribution, circulation, advertising, articles, photographs, letters to the editor, or complaints, should be addressed to:



In our desire to present different points of view, we have published articles which do not
necessarily represent the opinions of the editor.


General inquiries concerning concerning nudism in New Zealand, or overseas, should be
addressed to the New Zealand Nudist Federation Incorporated



Applications for membership of clubs should be made direct to the club secretary
(See Club Directory in the back of this issue)


This magazine is protected by copyright, no part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means electronic, mechanical, photographic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the editor.





In my last editorial, I shall take the opportunity to make some personal comments on matters which have arisen over the last three years. I have not offered myself for nomination as editor of the magazine for another year. My home, family and business are needful of more time and attention and also I have had eleven issues in which to make my mark. I wish the incoming editor and business manager every success in 1979 and beyond. I hope they are fortunate enough, as I was, to have the support and practical assistance, of a team of helpers who believe in the "New Zealand Naturist" magazine and the part it plays in the nudist movement.

This brings us to the broader subject of "has nudism made any progress in the past three years?" I guess if you asked a group of ten people that question, you would end up with eleven answers; I feel that within the next five years we could see the following.

The greater acceptance by the general public of nude beaches could spread to parks, swimming pools and wherever people gather to enjoy sunlight and fresh air. The established nudist clubs will lose members and some of the weaker ones will fold. The larger clubs will grow to country club size with hired managers and staff. One important aspect that will keep nudist clubs in being is the social/family makeup. What other clubs are there that can offer recreational facilities to the whole family, at the same time and the same place. The attitudes of some people within the movement will have to change and either "get with it" or "stay with it", or else suffer the fate of the dodo. This point has been forcefully brought home to me during my editorship of this magazine. The intolerance, parochialism and bigotry of some folk within the movement has to be experienced to be believed. How or why they ever became nudists is a mystery to me, still it takes all types to make a world, Is it possible the thought of tolerance towards everyone is too utopian.

In the future I shall continue to support this magazine by submitting photographs and articles for possible publication and I hope that more people will do the same. To all those countless thousands of people, in New Zealand and Australia, who have "kept us in business" over these past three years, by buying this publication, a heartfelt thank you! I hope you will all continue to support nudism with as much dedication in the years to come.

Have fun in the sun.

Con Chignell





Wellington Sun Club

"We are normal everyday people, just like anyone else, with the exception that we like to take all our clothes off when the weather is right". This statement made during the Congress held at the South Hants Sun Club, summed up for me the whole attitude to nudism expressed at the Congress.

The venue was situated in the typical English country setting, and one was left in no doubt that this was the INF Congress in their 25th Jubilee year. A large sign at the entrance proudly announced the fact, and the flags of participating countries were hung along the drive to the club house. Fine weather although not particularly hot, blessed the congress each day which made conditions very pleasant in the marquee. Delegates from 26 nations listened to the opening address from Dr Frans Mollaert the INF President which was lengthy and comprehensive and great emphasis was placed on the financial plight of the INF. The new system to levy every registered member of every federation ½ Swiss Fr (approx. 50c) was approved at the 1976 Congress, and has been implemented by most of the European federations, and a motion was overwhelmingly carried that the remaining federations put the new system into effect as soon as possible. This would mean each financial member would be issued with a current INF pass and stamp, a useful means of identification in our own country as well as overseas. With such a small sum involved I feel we should all gladly pay the levy, to ensure the future work of the INF.

The president and vice president need to travel a good deal for promotion purposes, and much of this travel of recent times has been paid for by themselves. The N.Z. Federation has invited an executive member of the INF to visit our annual rally in Christchurch this year, and should he come his visit would be of immense value to the movement in this country as well as Australia.

Alan the Australian delegate and myself made strong representation to the Congress executive for such a visit, and the matter is to be given consideration by the Central Council.

We pointed out that the INF means very little in this part of the world, their effort in promotion and their influence do not really spread here, so the only real contribution they can make is to visit us personally. Should we be lucky to receive a visit from Frans the President, then we are in for a real treat, as he is one of the most personable people I have had the pleasure of meeting. Finance will have a big bearing on their decision, which it shouldn't but it does highlight the current financial difficulties of the INF.

A move to bring the movement together in countries where there is more than one body directing activities was considered very desirable. For countries concerned every effort must be made to resolve differences, and the aim is by 1982, there will be one federation per country. In future when new member federations join the INF only 1 per country will be permitted. It is most important for each Federation to ensure all nudists of that country are united under one organisation. This particularly applies to Free Beach Groups who must combine with the local federations to promote the movement as a whole. On the beach front England has just been granted its first nudist beach at Hastings, along with Spain, Italy, Greece and Australia where new nudist beaches have been granted recently, indicates the beach movement is going ahead as public acceptance increases worldwide.

In fact things have gone so far in Denmark that a special "textile beach" has been allocated for people wishing to wear costumes!

A most successful press conference was held and Gerry Ryland the CCBN President and Charlotte Peters CCBN's new P.R.O. faced a barrage of questions for an hour, and presented answers in a manner which brought themselves and the movement great credit. The local Mayoress and the local M.P. visited after the press conference and mingled with the delegates, and the Mayoress in particular impressed all with her forthright and common-sense attitude, something which could not be said for the M.P. Gerry and Charlotte also attended radio and T.V. interviews, in which they did an excellent job of promoting nudism.

The congress wound up with a splendid banquet under sunny skies, and as the afternoon drew to a close delegates said their farewells and began departing to their respective countries, happy in the knowledge they had participated in ensuring the future work of the INF at this most successful Jubilee Congress.





I am a nudist.

True nudists in our society wear clothing for three reasons only, for protection from the weather and work, for decoration, and to avoid embarrassing other people who don't want to accept nudism. This means being nude when the opportunity and the laws of our society allow. Unfortunately the laws of our society at the moment don't allow people to be nude except in the home, at nudist clubs, at some country clubs, and at legal free areas (beaches). Other opportunities to be nude may be taken in secluded areas where the possibility of being observed is slight.

Nudity in the home is essential to be a true nudist. If people cannot get their gear off in their home with their family without being embarrassed there is absolutely no way these people could strip off at a club and relax. For those, who because of the restrictions in their homes cannot practice the freedom of being nude, there are a few legal free areas where they can strip off. These areas provide a place where young people, who often can't practice nudism at home, can introduce themselves to nudism and see what the life is like, without necessarily getting right into the middle of the group.

For others, new or old nudists, there are secluded areas which are nearly always near a lake, river, beach, or somewhere to swim. One of the freest things to do in the nude is swim. However any secluded bush area may be used as there would still be sun to get a tan, also you would be close to nature at its best and gain the enjoyment of just being nude.

For the true enthusiast there are Nudist Clubs where the people are very friendly. I think this is because all members have one ideal in common, that is, to be able to get their gear off, relax, and generally enjoy the outdoors life. One of the attractions of a club is the sporting facilities. These are enjoyed by young and old alike. The adults that play sport, play with the children without hesitation. This gives the children an opportunity to learn how to play these sports without having to worry about making a fool of themselves. This leads to complete family involvement which is one of the good things about club life. At nudist clubs everyone is an equal. In most clubs there is no class distinction or social snobbery. This is great as people from different sections of our society mix together during their recreational periods.

I think a nudist club should provide a place to get my gear off, to relax, have fun in the sun, and get away from "the concrete jungle". I am of the opinion that more should be done for the children to keep them interested and involved, such as organised sports instruction, coaching, competitions, handcraft and other interest classes, etc., and for the adults to take a more active interest in children's activities. In my opinion the joy and harmony of club activities is sometimes spoilt by needless bickering between the adults.

History shows us that nudism was an accepted part of life for bathing, swimming, sports etc. until the middle ages. There are old paintings, engravings, statues and texts of Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and other nationalities that date back thousands of years which prove this. The time of Queen Victoria saw severe restrictions placed on many aspects of private behaviour and the joy of being able to be nude was lost. This attitude was so strictly and brutally enforced that people are now only beginning to break those needless artificial rules.

A splendid example of an unrestricted society during that period was the Polynesians. The freedom of their ideal life style would have been fantastic for a nudist, but this was stopped by the spread of Victorian influenced missionaries through the Pacific.

One of my greatest hopes is the day when Victorianism and prudery is banished from our society. The day when people will be able to walk, run, sit, lie, and swim, in the nude whenever and wherever they want, without having to worry about breaking the laws. The day when the person that uses clothes just to cover up and hide will be the odd one out, the non-conformist.

Is this a fantasy?

Thinking, forward looking adults are trying, but this ideal can only be reached by us, the young and committed.

Corio Valley Country Club




New Zealand beaches are there to be enjoyed and the surf patrols are dedicated to preserving both the safety and the enjoyment of the New Zealand swimming public. Far too often a superb summers day is marred by tragedy or dramatic rescue. The Auckland surf patrols over the years, have achieved a tremendous respect with members of the public and our public relations programme of education and prevention have resulted in a greater co-operation than in any other district.

We endeavour to put the least number of restrictions on the swimming public. Our patrols are instructed to be seen and be alert but not as beach wardens. We try not to be a beach elite but there to assist and aid unobtrusively and respectfully. Behind the scenes we insist on a high standard of competence. Our patrols are inspected every weekend. Our members are expert in resuscitation, rescue breathing and cardiac massage. We have developed new rescue techniques and resuscitation programmes which have revolutionised international surf lifesaving, but above all we are there to serve the public.

For many groups who wish to bathe away from the beach crowds we can only recommend the utmost caution. Not only is the surf potentially very dangerous but the East Coast often calm, can hide treacherous undercurrents and deep holes.

In line with our new open beach programme, may we suggest the following precautions. If you wish to take a party to a remote section of the beach that is patrolled by a member club ask at the clubhouse for a patrol member to watch the party. This is done very successfully on Auckland's southern beach Kare Kare, each year. A donation of $5.00 would be more than acceptable to the local surf club for this service.

If the beach is not patrolled then the Auckland Association will provide a life guard with rescue equipment for $15.00 per day plus lunch. In other areas of New Zealand or if the party feels they wish to take care of themselves, these precautions must be observed.

On a surf beach, never swim in calm water. These are the areas where rip currents return to the sea. Always bathe in surf and if the party is inexperienced or poor swimmers do not go over waist deep. Do not let the children use Iilos or flutterboards. They are potentially quite deadly.

May we recommend that two members of the party equip themselves with a pair of full foot flippers and each area purchase the American rescue tube which has revolutionised surf lifesaving. The tube and flippers now account for 92% of all surf rescues in New Zealand With a pair of ordinary diving flippers, even a reasonable swimmer can move quickly through the water and is not affected by rips or tidal currents as a normal swimmer. The neoprene rescue tube with a toweling rope attached is available from the Auckland Association imported from the U.S.A. at $40.00 per unit. It is ideal for towing a patient or to be used as a flotation buoy. They may be obtained by writing to the Secretary, Auckland Surf Lifesaving, P.O. Box 851, Auckland.

At all times never take risks. With large parties, particularly on long surf beaches, common sense should prevail. Ensure that help can be sought within minutes.

We realise it is very easy to say 'do not panic' but please ensure in the event of a mishap you restrict the numbers of would-be rescuers. If someone is in trouble clear everyone else out of the water.

The Auckland Association wishes all members an enjoyable summer and we sincerely hope it is a safe one for you.




Our grounds have been developed for: 


New Zealand's largest and
most progressive nudist club



We prefer family group although single men and women are accepted.
Write NOW to our Secretary at P.O. Box Z702. AUCKLAND


Fred Bear



We welcome new members of all ages stages and interests,
both from inside and outside the Sun Clubs, to join us
in enjoying the sun, the sea and the sand.

Fees $2.50 per family per year. Write Secretary, P.O. Box 41-171,
St. Lukes, Auckland.





My friend and I were most fortunate to be invited to stay with a young couple who are the driving force behind the establishment of a Club de Naturaliste in New Caledonia. This couple together with a small band of enthusiastic supporters have recently viewed many areas as potential sites for naturalist grounds. They have presented an extensive report to the Minister of the Interior and have been given most of an uninhabited island about 50 minutes from Noumea by boat, on a three year lease basis. With about 12 members we visited the island in September and by any standards it must be the most perfect site for a club. The island is surrounded by a coral reef and we were grateful to be in the hands of a competent boat driver. The island consists of white sand beaches, thick bush and coconut palms, beautiful water to swim in and takes about 30 minutes to walk around the island. They were later treated to a slide show of many camping expeditions by naturalist groups to this island. They intend to run a regular boat service between Noumea and the island (at the moment there is no water supply on the island).

We understand that they intend to set up a company and raise finance to do construction. By our standards everything is very expensive in New Caledonia but at the moment a trip to the island to camp for a holiday would require persons to be equipped as if they were going camping in New Zealand bush.

These people expressed great interest in what we are doing in New Zealand and we have just sent them a mini-ten bat (in pieces), rules for the game and a copy of the N.Z. Naturist showing the game being played. Since virtually all of these people know no English we spoke French almost exclusively.

In retrospect it was an exciting and beautiful experience made more so by the extreme hospitality of our hosts.

Ray Hunt.





President            IAN FAIRBROTHER

For what is to be a final article after three years of jottings one automatically wonders what, if any, progress has been made with this movement of ours during this period. Do we measure progress with increased membership, or with good public relations and acceptance or with improved internal efficiency of the national body? From my observations most of us have a strong desire to improve all of these but on reflection perhaps "single issue" strong minded, not necessarily popular leaders are what we need. This thought is prompted by the terrific response people like Patricia Bartlett, Trevor Richards and Joe Hawke to name a few, have made for their particular minority groups. Many people scoff when names like these are mentioned and tend to infer that they are cranks, but we should look more closely at the results, compared with the numbers they represent, it is quite staggering. On knowing the paid up membership and being one of the elected leaders of the N.Z.N.F. it makes me quite envious and any results I have helped to achieve quite inadequate.


To tell or not to tell?

Why do some people make such a "thing" about being a nudist (naturist) or belonging to a sun club?

What is there to be ashamed of in being a nudist?

What is it that is so wrong at our Club?

Are we flouting the law by obscene exposure or setting out to deliberately embarrass people?

Are we perverting young people's minds?

The answer to the last four questions is of course in the negative. I have visited most clubs on numerous occasions in N.Z. and have never found anything shameful or wrong. Being nude (or naked or undressed or stripped, whatever you like) really is the last thing that people consciously think about. It is the friendships, the freedom, the relaxation, the sports, or the work that goes with the clubs that these people are thinking and talking about. The fact that they can do all this without the bodily trappings needed outside the gate becomes quite a minor detail in their thoughts as it is so natural being without clothes.

To deny the fact that one is a member of a nudist club or that one is a nudist when asked is, in my mind, suggesting that there is something to hide, or wrong, or shameful. One doesn't go rushing out to inform the street that "I'm a nudist", the same way that one doesn't rush out to tell the street that "I belong to the tennis club". Both are personal choice decisions, one no different from the other. On occasions a friend is persuaded to come along to the tennis or golf club for company, or the outing, or to try their hand, why not do the same to your nudist club?

Secretary            LES WELLINGTON

All forward looking organisations should have a slogan, and ours should be no exception. Therefore for this season, and perhaps future ones as well we have adopted the slogan 'BARE WITH US'. This is based on our TV programme of 8 October which was screened on TV2. I know that a number of clubs too have adopted this slogan, and the N.Z.N.F. is pleased with this. Assistance can be provided in getting this slogan across to the public by way of bumper stickers bearing the words 'BARE WITH US'. These stickers are available from Secretaries if you are a Club member. If you are not, but you support the movement they are available from the National Secretary if you care to send 25 cents.

Shortly we hope that our 'Access' film will be available to clubs and other bodies for promotional purposes, which of course will be invaluable for membership drives and discussion groups.

As we approach the end of another year perhaps it is timely to think of and note the great deal of work put into our movement by National and Club Officers. So far as the National scene is concerned our movement has been served well. However some Officers consider it is time to let some new blood in. This in itself is not bad, and is perhaps necessary for the wellbeing and progress of our organisation. However a wealth of knowledge is immediately lost, and to those who are not seeking re-election at our AGM we say thank you for services rendered, and hope that if the need arises you will not be averse to the odd question or two. In the meantime 'Bare With Us'.




The first to get the Sun Country Club facilities for just $15.00 per Adult
(Children Free)

* Swimming Pool Plus Hot Tub * Sports Courts * Camping and Caravan
Parks * Fully Equipped Club House * Children's Play Equipment.

For Applications: - Write to the SECRETARY, P.O. BOX 391, GISBORNE




N.Z. FREE BEACH REPORT by Emiel Roland


The end of another year is very near, and another year has passed without any legislation of Free Beaches. Other countries are going ahead, but New Zealand lags behind.

The cardinal point is, of course, the Summary Offences Act (previously Police Offences Act). The former Labour Government did not dare to present a revision of this Act to Parliament, and it looks like the National Government has the problem. Neither of them likes a defeat in the House on any proposed legislation. Unfortunately for New Zealand the majority of our elected representatives are on the conservative side.

If we, when organising a free beach trip keep within the reasonable limits of that case, we are safe and we can do what we like. A sufficiently lonely stretch of beach is the main ingredient. Sign posting gives extra protection. Good relationships with local police, local and other ad hoc bodies is most essential for our future successes. If we get any black mark anywhere, no doubt our critics will blow it out of all proportion. Let us not give anybody the opportunity to give us a black mark. If you want the N.Z.N.F. to keep fighting and represent you in this matter, we all have the duty to keep to the above guidelines.

In this connection, I would also like to make a remark on the use of the name N.Z.N.F. If this name N.Z.N.F. is given to any function or event, we have to make sure that we are supporting something in full accordance with oUr principles, not just because it has something to do with nudity! That, on its own, is not sufficient. If the mark N.Z.N.F. is put on any article, then it must mean quality.

Wellington clubhouse - under construction

Photo: L McLeod, Orchard    




by Mary and Ted Weston

As we journey through life each different experience teaches us more about our fellow man, and we have learned so much since the beginning of the campaign for Free Beaches for Australia.

Emiel Roland's Free Beach report in the last N.Z. Naturist No. 88 shows the understanding he has gained in all his efforts to obtain official acceptance of unclad beaches in New Zealand.

His key word is tolerance for each others life style, or the lack of tolerance shown by those opposed to our ideas.

He, like us, has found that all the sensible logical and factual submissions are useless against intolerance! And that is what we face in our challenge to gain official acceptance.

Recently Melbourne radio and T.V. personality Vi Greenhalf invited Mary Weston to join her Talk Back programme to discuss nudism on radio 3AW.

Listening to the callers speaking for and against nudist clubs and beaches it was obvious that although the opposition gave different reasons, they all showed a lack of tolerance toward others.

If they believed that going nude was against "Gods will", immodest, unhygienic or the cause of skin cancer, then we were expected to conform to their ideas and stop "going nude".

In replying Mary stressed as always that we are not trying to convert everyone to our way of life and thinking, but that nudists should have a place in our pluralistic society with equal rights as any other citizens. This means of course that free areas should be available to all those who choose to use them.

In the continuing campaign for free beaches we may need to plead for more understanding and TOLERANCE rather than trying to educate people about our beliefs. I think these are now accepted by the majority.

Emiel points out that tolerance is allowing others to think and act as they wish, so let us hope it will also help us "free the beaches".




Another year has passed and 1978 shall prove to be yet another successful year for the ANF and nudist public of Australia with the emergence of many new nudist clubs throughout Australia. One State that is of particular interest is Western Australia whose sole club Sunseekers hosted the 9th ANF Convention very successfully and found that due to the enormous popularity of nudism in that State another club had to be formed to cater for the endless list of prospective members seeking membership. Subsequently, a band of very enthusiastic nudists set about forming the Apollo Nudist Club Inc. and within a very short space of time had over 100 paid up members.

This seemed to set the stage for a year of great interest in nudism, for clubs and organisations started to become known from all over Australia. The proprietors of Sun Leisure in Queensland won a rather interesting legal battle whereby they were being restrained from operating a club by the State Authorities, quite a blatant case of restriction of business trade. Then appeared another Queensland club by the name of Pacific Sun Club, then Nalino Club in South Australia. Good news from Tasmania that the Hobart Sun Club is back in operation and is the only known Tassie club to the ANF. A piece of staggering news was received from South Australia regarding a new club just recently formed called Southern United Naturists (SUN) when at the time of commencement, they had over 250 members who enjoy nude swim and sauna nights. Before long the word got round and they have now grown to over 500 members. How's that for progress.

The 10th ANF Convention will be held at the Three Bear's Club in Queensland and should prove very worthwhile for the proprietors, George and Barbara Cruickshank who have worked tirelessly over the past year to get the club into top condition for the migration of many hundreds of nudists for the 10 days of the convention. It is interesting to note that this will be the first ANF convention to be held in Queensland in the 10 years of ANF existence, it will also mark the fifth birthday of the Three Bear's Club for George and Barbara.

In keeping with past conventions, this year will again witness vigorous competition in all fields of sport and should provide an excellent spectacle during the finals. The usual renewal of acquaintances will take place, new friends will be made, club badges will be traded, T-shirts traded and generally prove to be another annual vacation for all.

1978 has seen yet another year of "non-happenings" by the Victorian State Government who went into office with the message that "Hamer makes it happen". Unfortunately for Victorian nude bathers the only thing that has happened in the "Victorian" state is that 70 poor unfortunate nude bathers, were convicted using a beach that has been enjoyed for over 20 years. Nearly all other States in Australia seem to recognise the need or worth in having proclaimed nude bathing areas set aside but the State Government in Victoria are intent on denying Victorians the right to bathe naked without fear of conviction.

One never knows 1979 could prove to be the year of the "skinner dipper" in Victoria.

Before closing, I would like to sincerely thank the editorial staff of this absolutely fine magazine for the support they have shown to the Australian Nudist Federation and to the many readers who have found what nudism is all about through its pages over the years.

Merry Xmas and a happy "Nude" year to you all.

Peter Rowsell
ANF Secretary










The free area of the Australian Capital Territory

Having read about Canberra's free area in a 1977 issue of the New Zealand Naturist, I was of course interested to see it while in Canberra last summer. I had not had time to find out where it was and thought it might perhaps be a conventional pool, although that seemed unlikely. It wasn't listed under swimming pools but then I spotted "To Kambah Pool" at the edge of the current UBD map.

The Naturist had printed "Kambeh" but my guess that that was a slip proved to be correct. Anyway, once I'd beaten the system of Canberra outlets I came across a clear sign indicating the direction to the Pool. It was followed by others and then it was just a matter of following the dirt road to its end.

Well, Kambah Pool turned out to be a stretch of river, followed by good swimming holes, for anyone to use. In one place there are even dressing sheds and the like. In the other direction, from the first swimming hole onwards, one will find the nudists. The first place is very easy to reach and its use was apparently obtained after getting to one further along had proved quite an obstacle race. I wandered quite a way in that direction and saw that the rocks left no alternative (I think) but to clamber over them: it was good to see that there was a lot of room for nudists. There is enough sand for all and the place is a pretty one with rocky hillsides sloping down to the river. All in all, much recommended on a warm day. The only thing I wondered about is whether people don't consider cigarette butts to be part of the rubbish they're asked to take with them by a very clear sign.

John van der Schoor
Corio VCC




Canberra's progressive nudist club, for "young" people of any age. We offer friendly regular activities all year.

Interested? Why not drop a line to:

P.O. BOX 242, WODEN, A.C.T. 2602.






P.O. BOX 11, BEROWRA 2081



Copy   FOR THE
Deadline     January



Letters to the Editor


Dear Sir,

I had hoped the controversy over the centre pictures in the December issue would have died down by now, but apparently not, so here's my "pennorth".

That picture offended me, too; and that made me wonder why. Upon examination, my reason was that the type of behaviour - implied - was other than that seen in a Nudist club or at a free beach.

There are certain societal morés expected in a nudist community, the same as anywhere else. One does not attend a formal dinner dressed in sports clothes; one does not regularly bathe in a fountain in a public park; one does not masturbate or fondle one's genitals excessively in a nudist situation. That seems to me to be the objection inherent in that photograph, for it portrays an attitude which is not the normal behaviour of nudists, but is the behaviour imagined of us by non-nudists.

To say this is denying our sexuality is bunkum. In clubs I have attended, couples have shown their fondness for one another without embarrassment; but they do not copulate in the midst of the folk on the sun lawn.

At the same time, my wife and I have wandered away to our caravan during the afternoon; other couples do the same; such natural sexuality between partners is accepted and understood by fellow naturists.

I can recall two occasions when honeymooning members were at the club, and there was some gentle ribbing when they excused themselves from the sunlawn, but it was done with a warm and genuine understanding of their feelings for one another, and not in any smutty way or with unpleasant innuendoes.

To my way of thinking, that sort of behaviour is accepting our sexuality, and the only occasions the average person in the context of corporate nudity acts as the young lady is purported to be acting is to brush away the flies!!!

It seems to me that it is this un-nudist element to which the club members objected, and the other writers missed the point of their objections.

At the same time, congratulations on the quality of your magazine; it's genuinely attempting to cater for those of us who find nudism a way of life for us, keeps us up on club news as well as interesting articles.

The coverage of the Rally in news and pictures in the last two issues have, to my mind, been in the very best traditions of club nudism, which the magazine is all about.

Sydney, Australia.

Dear Sir,

Again I must congratulate you and your "Able team of enthusiasts" for the consistently high standards of production you maintain. Club newsletters do not involve a fraction of the organisation, but I'm sure that anyone who has been involved in producing newsletters can more readily appreciate your efforts.


Mainly though, I'm prompted to write by Trevor Whalen's letter in the last issue. While I can readily appreciate Trevor's disappointment at not receiving replies to his letters, I feel he has gained a mistaken impression of most Australian clubs. I know he did not contact our club; we always make a point of replying to enquiries as quickly as possible, and welcome visits from members of any bona-fide nudist organisation, on presentation of their credentials. While I cannot speak for other clubs, I feel most would respond in some way. Don't give up, Trevor.

Finally, to any nudists visiting the ACT, whether they're in a club or not, I'd like to suggest a visit to the beautiful free beach area on the Murrumbidgee River. Not only do the nudists enjoy it, but your correspondent "Concerned Rock Owner" will be pleased to hear that there's never been a complaint from the rocks among which the river flows.

George Cook,
(President, A.C.T.N.C.)

Dear Sir,

I feel I must reply to Ron Rencher's guest editorial in No, 88. Ron knows my views on the subject of anonymity and I made them quite plain in my first editorial in the March 1972 issue of the Naturist. I agree with Ron that every club member has the right to his privacy and I support the principle that no member must disclose to outsiders the name of any other member. But, while conceding these points I still say that it is to the ultimate benefit of nudism in general if every member is completely open about his club membership.

What is most inexplicable with most of the people who wish to keep their nudist activities secret, is that they are even afraid to have their name mentioned in club newsletters. If you can't trust fellow nudists with your surname who can you trust.

I have for some time been accumulating information, dates, facts and figures, in the hope of one day writing something about the history of nudism in New Zealand. I suggest Ron, and any other member who supports the principle of secrecy, tries to work out from some old club newsletters just how the club developed. Oranui club history is a good example, old newsletters tell you that Norman did this, Norman did that, Norman did such and such. From the club minutes and old newsletters this chap Norman appears to have done everything. But if you can find one of the founder members he will tell you that there were at least three different Normans, all of whom did a great deal for the club. This is one good argument for using surnames, at least in club minutes and records.

So while I agree with Ron that members have the right to their anonymity, I remain unconvinced that it does anyone any harm to reveal their nudist membership. To those who feel they will suffer some kind of embarrassment if their membership is disclosed I say this - I agree you have the right to anonymity, but believe me, nine times out of ten, your fears are groundless and your reasons for keeping your nudist activities secret are wrong and misguided.

John H. Gilmour


Dear Sir,

As a new subscriber to your magazine I must say that the colour front and back page makes it real attractive - few real naturist magazines that offer this. Your pictures inside are also of good taste and well taken, an A for effort. However I do have a wish: your magazine could have some articles on plants, trees, natural food, better eating and so on, we belong to nature and in many ways we come close to it, let's open our eyes a bit more to see what's around us.

Pierre Mouronval writes in the June issue Nr 87, that it took three months to get his magazine, well Pierre this also counts for me.

Now a bit about Mona, myself and the Netherlands. We have been naturists for 12 years now and we don't regret one minute of it. Our club in Berkenwoude is about eight miles from the city of Gouda, the city where they make candles and Cheese. Our camp is a small one, but it is very attractive to us, as it has a large natural pond, part of it is used for swimming while the other part is preserved for plants and water lilies, when you sit quietly with your toes in the water fish will nibble at it.

Now something about Holland's NUDE BEACHES; The first beach to get was a real struggle a couple of years ago, but when one sheep is across the dam, others will follow soon and in no time other municipalities followed. Some beaches were extended last year on account of so many people using it. Of course you get all sorts of people on the beaches as compared to a club, for example I have never seen anybody with an erection in a camp, at the beach I have noticed this several times, Mona and her girlfriend went to the beach one day, and after a while a man sat right in front of them finishing himself, another problem is that when a single girl or girls go to the beach, in no time they had a male beside them, it's hard to shake these Romeo's off, however it's a blessing that everyone that wants to swim nude can do so. There are conveniences such as showers, toilets and even a snackbar, so what more do you really want, oh yes of course sunshine, and this is what we lack, we could use some of the New Zealand sun, this year our summer was quite poor again, so we often go south to France.

I hope you will find some space in your magazine to place this article, please also find a picture enclosed so you will know and others who we are.

If anyone likes to know more about Holland, please do not hesitate to write us, feel free to ask questions, and to those who are planning a visit to the Netherlands, you are very welcome at our place.

Robbert & Mona Broekstra
Beukelaan 2
2803 SN Gouda


Dear Sir,

Thanks for your letter regarding my not too discreet remark in an editorial. I will certainly print it in the letters column. But you will have to be patient because we work up to six months ahead - and even then some letters get carried over - depending on last minute advertising. With luck it could appear in March next year that is Vol. 80 No 3.

I had one furious reply from a N.Z. fellow on holiday here. I explained to him that the remark was made with my tongue in my cheek so to speak - sort of friendly banter.

But on the serious side, many nudists are very hung up on sex and are trying to say that nudism is totally sexless. They even take fright at the word Nudist and call themselves Naturists. Yet, to those who founded the movement the whole idea was to take the covers off our bodies as a first step to being rational about sex. I am opposed to those who want to perpetuate all the old fears and hang-ups, and say that nudism has got nothing to do with that. It has everything to do with it, and is our whole raison d'etre. The movement is in danger of slipping behind public attitudes in this matter.

Today's young in Europe are striding nude across many public beaches and their attitude to sex and sexuality is often cleaner, purer and more honest than that held in "Naturist" clubs. Simply because the clubs are frightened to look the matter in the face and prefer a somewhat Victorian attitude. A feeling that if you don't mention it, it will all go away, and let us get on with the volley ball, and what a jolly family thing it all is... healthy like, and good for you.

Unfortunately Nudism like Christianity has a deeper message. That message is challenging and difficult to face. But face it we must or we deny the whole meaning of the movement.

My very best wishes to you all, and I trust many are still enjoying NZ's beaches in the nude just as I did 20 years ago.

Murray Wren
Editor H & E


Dear Sir,

Among the notices of the Clubs in New Zealand there has been none of the original one, Kaurimu, but we are still functioning.

We do not have the extensive facilities of the larger clubs but for those who appreciate the restful bush and the peace of creek and pool, it still has its attractions.

We will be pleased to see old friends or any nudists who care to call for a visit.




North Shore Nudist Club Inc.

Auckland's most progressive new club.

Set in private bushland just thirty minutes north from the harbour bridge at sunny Orewa.

We welcome new members, apply for in formation to:

The Secretary, P.O. Box 33-525, Takapuna






For Information Write





• 32 Acres of beautiful, sheltered, and private grounds less than five miles from the city centre. • Large, crystal clear, filtered, concrete swimming pool. • Concrete and grass sports courts for Miniten, Volleyball, Badminton, Tenniquoits, etc. • Club
kitchen, hot shower, barbecue and camping areas, caravan park, picnic tables, etc. • Regular monthly sauna evenings.
• Winter Dances and Socials.


LIKE TO KNOW MORE? PHONE US 39-207, If no reply Phone 33-355

Or Write: P.O. BOX 5460, DUNEDIN



A.O.H.C. have pleasure in now being able to provide a cabin for visitors to the club

* Sleeps four adults comfortably

* Everything supplied, except eating & cooking utensils, bedding

* Handy games courts and all amenities.

For full particulars write to the Secretary

Auckland Outdoor Health Club Inc.

P.O. Box 2702 AUCKLAND.





There are many of us nudists at The Orchard who are this December looking forward to the Rally at Pineglades, those of us (quite a few) who have not enjoyed the Rally experience and the few who are keenly awaiting another taste of interclub sociality!

However, quite a few will stay at home at The Orchard, whether through choice or necessity, so these and others returning after the Rally will be keen to welcome visitors from other clubs. We have worked hard this year to try and make our grounds a haven for visitors and members alike, and although we may be a little lacking in some of the classier amenities, I am sure the warmth of welcome you will receive from Orchardists at home will make you want to come back.

May we commend to North Island visitors in particular, an after rally scenic tour. Dunedin, Central Otago, the Southern Lakes, the Haast Pass, and Westland, will provide memories to take home and savour for the next twelve months. And, for those in doubt, the ice cap did melt back a good few years ago, and a southern summer can be as hot as anywhere.

Just one word of warning - although the Haast Pass is a particularly memorable trip through to Westland, the Otago side of the saddle is narrow in places and unsealed for a few miles. This should pose no problems to the careful driver, but is for experienced caravaners only, as, for a few miles beside Lake Wanaka, the road Is virtually one lane only!!

May we at The Orchard wish all sun lovers a Merry Christmas and hope we can join you in celebrating a fantastic New Year at Pineglades.


Another summer is with us at last and all those "whiter shades of pale" are starting to acquire a nice suntanned colour. The A.G.M. in October saw the election of a new, young, enthusiastic, committee. With our property being freehold a large worry has been removed and development of the grounds is the main task.

The havoc wreaked on our fence by those two winter gales has been repaired. This time the job has been done properly with new materials. One lesson we've learnt is that rushing in and slapping up something in a hurry, without assessing all factors, is expensive and counterproductive in the long run. In other words when erecting an iron fence make sure it is properly braced.

The Access programme screened on 8th October by SPTV was a credit to all those concerned, both on screen and off, who put so much time and effort into its preparation. Well done the Access team. We can't claim to have been overwhelmed with membership applications since the programme was screened, but a few venturesome folk have made the journey over the five km of unsealed road from Waitakere, to look us over. They have found amenities and grounds which are quite civilised (as are the members) plus a great sea view. If the extended family type group is your scene then Kowhai is worth a looksee. See you next year if I manage to survive the National Rally.


Since we last wrote the sewerage scheme at the club has proceeded through Stage One and is now into Stage Two of the development. This is to say that the main line is in from the clubhouse to the boundary and by next week the line from 'Clochemerle' to join the main line will be completed.


We have been most fortunate with the weather and this has allowed the contractor to make very good progress through the grounds with only minimum disturbance to established lawns and roadways. It will be some months however before the final connection to the city sewer is made but negotiations are under way with the developers of the nearby land and the ARA to get the connection in as soon as possible.

Our clubhouse has had a facelift and this work is now completed plus the pool toilet block has been upgraded with new shower units and flooring Our sincere thanks to those who carried out this work.

Our grounds have weathered the winter very well although some trees were felled during the last storm and this required others to be cleared for safety reasons. The small band of regular winter members have maintained the grounds to a very high standard and this will be most evident to the summer members when they appear.

Membership has remained at around the 600 mark in spite of the present economic situation and this shows considerable enthusiasm for the movement by those who have remained with us knowing the great benefits the membership gives to themselves and more especially the younger members of the family.

In closing, the committee and members of AOHC wish all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and we trust that these summer months will be kind to all and allow for considerable progress to be made at your clubs both in membership increases and grounds development.



Although it is sometime since anyone connected with the Nelson Nudist Club, has put pen to paper and given the world our news, I can assure you we are very much alive and enjoying life at our grounds up Sunrise Valley.

We all enjoyed a very long hot summer with endless weeks of sunbathing at the club and now we've come through one of the mildest winters for many years, when it's been warm enough to strip off during many of our week end working bees, owing to the very sheltered situation of the club grounds.

The gorse has been cut back, our ablution block is now in use, pride of place going to an old boiler which heats up enough water for hot showers. The women are busy redecorating the kitchen and lounge, and the grounds and gardens have been tidied up. And so the scene is set for yet another most enjoyable summer.

As I write, negotiations are underway with a logging company to allow us to recover fallen pine trees from the plantation which surrounds and shelters our headquarters. We hope to cut these logs up and sell them to raise funds for future projects and improvements to our grounds.

We celebrated the shortest day of the year, with a good crowd of members and their children. Games were organised including a buy scramble and a barbecue lunch was enjoyed by all.

A sauna evening and a dance have been held but both were very disappointingly attended. Such is the apathetic climate for these things at the moment, for some unknown reason.

With summer fast approaching, we intend holding several "open days" in the near future, where we hope to increase the membership of our very friendly club of Nelson.

We also look forward to many visitors, both old and new from other clubs, over the holiday period.




Within recent months the 'silly season' has been with us. On one hand we have planted several hundred trees and shrubs and on the other have felled a number of pine trees. Sounds ridiculous - but the pines were old and straggly, shading afternoon sun from the main caravan area. With the continual battle against grass growth during the winter, these have been the main activities at Club grounds. We thought we had the answer to the grass problem - a GOAT, but obviously 'Gobbles' was not a nudist and promptly disappeared within a week of becoming a member.

Our much awaited second ablution block should, at time of printing be well underway to completion.

A very successful 'Family Lunch' get-together was held in early October to herald the start of another season and to celebrate the birthday of our retiring president. We were delighted to welcome members of the newly formed Wairarapa Sun Club for this day. The Clubhouse was virtually bursting at the seams and it was gratifying that a communal lunch such as this provided such a promising start to the 78/79 year.

A.G.M. to be held mid-October - and hopefully an injection of new blood on the committee.

My term of office is over - so it's Goodbye from me - and Goodbye from him.


Hi there!

Guy Fawkes turned on its usual midnight show but didn't dampen our spirits and enjoyed by all like the night of our Waiwera Hot Pool trip. It was attended and raved about by many members of other Auckland Clubs so a second was organised and hopefully another too!

Many thanks to Access as the feedback has brought our club new members like it must have done for you. Well done - needs to be seen again ... soon!

Lots of successful activities enjoyed by most club members has started our summer off with a good bang.

Be Happy.


The winter has seen the usual turnouts at the popular fortnightly Sauna evenings. Now with the better weather coming along, we have begun to clear the Club grounds after the ravages of winter, and have cleaned up the birds' mess, caused after they got in through the broken window.

The ground around the Clubrooms is now well drained, and was quite dry even after heavy rain.

We aim to improve the driveway to take heavy traffic, and hope that anyone passing up or down the West Coast of the North Island, will contact us and come to join us out at the grounds.


Congratulations to Bobby, Access co-ordinator, for the work she put into the programme.

We have been a busy little club preparing our grounds for the forthcoming summer season. We have held two successful working bees and held an Open Day on October 29th.

Advertising prior to and subsequent to the Access programme has resulted in a large number of genuine enquiries which should assist our membership.

Members from other clubs not going to the National Rally don't forget the Rotorua Club in your travels, we have good camping areas and pleasant surroundings. Caravans are not advised but members can accommodate a few people so don't be put off if you arrive with a caravan.

We look forward to sharing our hospitality with you all over the summer period.

From Rotorua Happy Christmas and a Joyous New Year.



New Zealand's southerly nudist club has moved north, even though its only 35 miles from its Oreti Beach location. The Southern Sun has at last found a permanent home (we hope!) to put down its roots and grow instead of its semi-nomadic life of a move every five years of so.

But now, thanks to the eagle eyes of two of our members we have a well-established area for our club; whilst on the proverbial fishing trip, our two hawk eyes espied a likely looking plot and after discreet detection work found out that the property was for sale, and after approaching the owner, a purchase was executed. Because of tremendous support with loans and donations from our members we were able to raise sufficient capital to cover the purchase. We sold our Oreti grounds to our next door neighbour.

The new ground has several established buildings well suited for educating people to the nudist movement - the main building is an old school, a large room which is ideal for a club room cum what-you-may. The out buildings have been marked down as showers (Doreen's Dhobi - this building was purchased from a kind donation of one of our oldest members); the torture chamber (the secretary's office for extracting subs and working bees!); and leisure lounge (the future sauna, etc). There is a well, also a bore which requires a new pump. Electricity is laid on, although we would need to fit in extra power for caravans, etc. Since the completion of legal formalities, members have been very active on the new grounds, trimming and planting trees for screening purposes - 300 pinus radiata seedlings were planted on the first working bee, and thanks to Ken our vice president, the grounds were cleared of all unwanted rubbish by the loan of his heavy plant, i.e. truck and front end loader, plus his hay- maker for cutting the overgrown grass!

The grounds are looking attractive in their spring finery at the moment, but there is still a lot of work to be done before we can take things truly easy. Once water is flowing from either well or bore, we can put our temporary pool up. The future programme for club amenities have been laid down for Games court (mini-ten, volley ball) and most important of all, a new membership drive in conjunction with the Access programme.

We hope to have sufficient facilities to accommodate any visitors from other clubs wishing to head into the deep south after the Christchurch Rally.

See you all at the rally.



Owing to a change of Committee we missed the last magazine but hope to keep you up to date with the activities in our club.

Our Cabaret in September was a great success, our thanks to everyone who came along from near and far and helped make it so. We hope to see you all and more next year.

Our grounds are looking very good after a lot of hard work from many of our members.

For those travelling around this Christmas we are having a Mini Rally on our grounds from the 26th Dec. to 2nd Jan. 1979 hope you can come along or just call in.

For further information write to:

B.O.P. Sun Club. Box 476 Whakatane.

Thank you North Shore for a beaut weekend enjoyed by all. We will call again.

Our BAM fire went off like a rocket and was enjoyed by one and all. Over the winter we have held several socials at members homes and now we are looking forward to a hot summer in the sunny BAY.




As the Free Beach Group does not possess any grounds, there is no special reason for members to meet regularly during the winter season - to repair fences, weed or paint the clubhouse. However, this has not prevented quite a lot of activity, even if most of it has taken place off the beaches.

At the start of the winter a very enjoyable Social was held in a hall in central Auckland, attended by about 55 grown-ups and many children. Another is to be held at the start of the summer season - there will be many new faces, as enquiries from our newspaper advertisements and the 'Access' programme are flowing in. We hope this will be a good opportunity for 'newdists' to get to know us.

The 'Access' programme was of course a landmark in New Zealand nudism, and our congratulations go to Bobbie Smith of the South Auckland Nudist Club for organising it. We must also say that we greatly admired our own Alison who represented us, with Fred Bear looking fabulous in colour! The only pity was the crazy time the show was screened, which could perhaps be put right by a systematic campaign of letters to SPTV, asking for a repeat of ALL the Access programmes at a suitable evening hours.

Every Sunday evening has seen a large group of us at Clive Green's Health Studio, enjoying sauna, steam room, swirl pool and COLD plunge. The Swimarama and Riccardos swim sessions have also been very popular, and we are grateful to other clubs for 'including us in'.

The above news mainly refers to events in Auckland. Keen folk from the Waikato have joined in some of these, and we have even seen members from Wellington and points south, when they were here on business.

Which brings us to the workings of the FBG. As a national organisation all members get the newsletter, diary, beach list, and membership lists if they agree to be in it themselves. It is up to local members to organise their own activities, which the central committee could not do anyhow. The FBG funds however are available for any member who wishes to organise a local committee - the expense of small advertisements, stationery, postage etc. This is already happening in the Waikato, Rotorua, Wellington and soon Christchurch. For the way in which this system works members should write to the Secretary.


The Annual General Meeting was held as usual in August, and the item of most importance was perhaps the decision to confirm our application to join the N.Z.N.F. We were gratified to have the company of Ian Fairbrother, N.Z.N.F. President, and other officials. We welcome our new members!

By the time you read this the election will probably be over. One topic we hear a lot about is freedom. Very few candidates if past history is any guide, will make the acceptance of public social nudity on appropriate occasions a plank in their platforms. And some would say that it is a small matter - that the state of the economy, law and order, the abortion controversy, the EEC, and so on are of far more importance. So they may seem to be. The Free Beach issue is not of so much importance in itself to the public in general, but it is a pointer to the attitudes held by our lords and masters. Are they willing to consider a minority (not such tiny minority as it once was!) opinion? Are they prepared to allow freedom of conscience? Or are the views of an ex-nun to be paramount? Perhaps 'freedom' means only the choice said to be offered by Henry Ford - any colour car provided that it is black? Are proposals to be submitted to the denizens of the Gluepot Tavern to ensure acceptability?

One thing that nudists ought to be able to teach the rest of the community is tolerance. What suits you may not grab me, and vice-versa. As members within the FBG, or as clubs within the N.Z.N.F., we must consider this. A lesson which the world at large takes a long time to learn is that freedom is not absolute. Photography on the beach is a case in point. There has been surprisingly little trouble over this point, but it is as well to remember that though the law permits photography on beaches without any conditions, there is an etiquette in these matters, and it is not acceptable to flourish a camera in all directions where there are nude sunbathers. Far better to make friends and win confidence, and when (after perhaps many weeks) this is established, much better posed or unposed shots of individuals and groups can be made.

We finish with news and good wishes - at our Labour Weekend Long Bay outing there were upwards of 80 members, some of whom got sunburnt! May this be a foretaste of the season to come for all clubs in the country - but don't get too burnt.

Robin Hoare
Free Beach Group Inc.



* 14 acres of park-like grounds and bush-clad hills where the nudists of
Wellington relax during their leisure hours in a congenial environment with

* three pool complex * expansive lawns * children's play area with
* adventure playground * camping and clubhouse facilities.


Membership is invited from Families, Couples, etc.

Apply to the secretary P.O. Box 2854, Wellington,
or Telephone UH 86-891 or UH 83-441 for further information.



A well established small friendly family club situated on ten acres of bushland overlooking Bethells Beach. Swimming pool, sauna, games courts.

Membership applications being accepted from families, couples and solo ladies.

Apply to the Secretary, P.O. Box 6238, Wellesley Street West, Auckland 1, New Zealand.







Three weeks ago, in mid-September, spring arrived. Already our members are finding that there seems to be increased use of the free beach, compared with this time last year, so we are looking forward to a healthy influx of new members. In the past we have recruited many very keen members from the beach.

Our efforts to gain the lease of a club site in the ACT are beginning to take on the proportions of a continuing saga, but there seems no doubt that we are making progress. The Department of Capital Territory have taken us to inspect a number of possible areas since we contacted the Minister. Once we gain our lease we'll doubtless follow the lead of all those other clubs which are involved in major construction programmes.

The AGM in August was well attended, with members taking a keen interest in the motions proposed to "tidy up" the constitution. George Cook was again elected President, with Noel Ardern becoming vice-president. When we were preparing the end of year reports, it transpired that we had 127 functions during the year!

By the time this appears in print, we expect that many of our members will be away on holidays. Already we have heard of plans to visit the ANF Convention at Three Bears, the NZ Convention, and several nudist resorts. But there will still be some members in town, so to any wandering members of other clubs, we extend our usual invitation to look us up, there's sure to be something happening. Peace and season's greetings to all.



Again it's nice to have had visitors from Holland and N.Z., as well as many from clubs around Australia. It's good to hear how the other clubs are going and to hear of their clubs progress and to hear of members we met on previous visits. 1978 is pretty close to being a year of the past, we have achieved quite a lot, during the twelve months, and it is going to close with many memories. This year has been a very hard one, with The Australian Nudist Federations 10th Convention and rally being held here. Having the opportunity of holding a Convention and Rally is something we have dreamed of but we never thought it would happen. Our only hope is that it is a great success for the Nudist Movement and that they have a most enjoyable visit to The Bears. We also hope you will have time to see a few of the great number of fine places of interest within easy reach of the Three Bear's.

To all we wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a Very Happy Year through.


Hello sunlovers everywhere! Our swimming pool is presently under construction and will be in use next summer (we hope). When completed it will be 50 ft by 30 ft and I can't wait to have my first swim in it.

We celebrated our club's 3rd birthday on the 17th September, amid ice cream, lollies, cakes, drinks and the good company of fellow nudists.

Our new solar hot water system is working extremely well and our new sauna should be in use soon.

To all our nudist friends in Australia and New Zealand we wish you all a very sunny Christmas and a Happy Tan Year.

From where the sun is naturally best; Sunshine Families.

Wellington clubhouse - under construction

Photo: L McLeod, Orchard    



Situated in the Barossa Valley. This club retains 10 ½ acres of natural bushland.
Applications are invited from family groups, addressed to:

The Membership Secretary, Box 92, G.P.O., Adelaide 5001.



Applications from family

groups are welcome.







Sydney's newest and largest Sun Club.
Set in forty-eight acres of beautiful bushland.
Approximately 65 kilometres north-west of Sydney.


The Secretary, P.O. Box 103, Milsons Point,
New South Wales 2061, Australia.


Well appointed club situated north side of Sydney. Just a thirty minute drive from the Harbour Bridge.

The beautiful grounds include three tiled pools, lawns, gardens, a sauna, tennis, miniten, volley ball and
badminton courts, hot showers kitchen facilities, children's playground, and a shady car park.

Apply for more information to the Secretary, P.O. Box 143, Terry Hills, 2084, New South Wales







A very successful stand at the Darwin Show fulfilled its expectations. All credit to the hard-working organisers and their assistants. An option has been taken on the site for the 1979 show. There were approximately 3,700 visitors to the stand this year. A fine job of public relations.

*        *        *        *

Food for thought time. An extract from the President's Report. "A committee is only as good and effective as the members of the club, the hand at the end of the club arm, your support is essential."

This comment could apply to any members club, couldn't it.

*        *        *        *

A.N.F. Bulletin.

There are some interesting facts relating to the 1978 convention.

They are: 10th A.N.F. Birthday (inaugurated 31 Dec. 1968 at Northside, Vic.)

5th Birthday for the Three Bears (formed 22 July 1973)

1st Queensland Nudist Club to host an A.N.F. Convention.

*        *        *        *

Western Australia: Swanborne Beach is expanding parking facilities closer to the sunbathing areas. The council is requesting other councils to allow nude bathing on their beaches and also requests support to legalise nude beaches in W.A.

*        *        *        *



Girl in the sea


The Official Journal of the Central Council for British Naturism


You may receive a copy of the new series, in an attractive


magazine format, each quarter post free (in a sealed envelope)


by sending a British Postal Order for £2 for 4 issues


to: BN Circulation, 3 Berwyn Grove, Loose,
Maidstone, Kent, ENGLAND.




new zealand


incorporating australian nudist news



For 5 issues just send:
New Zealand - $4.50
Australia - A$5.00


U.S.A. $6 - U.K. £3.00

Send your subscription to:
P.O. BOX 2925

Back Issues still available
Three for $1
Mixed Bundles 10 for $2.50

Overseas postage surcharge:
For three 50c - For ten $1.20


Please send me The New Zealand Naturist for ..................... Issues starting with No. .............

Name ..................................................................................................I enclose $ ...........................


.................................................................................................................................................... (89)


An Ad





The only naturist club in Western Australia






Beach News: An informative monthly newsletter, published by the Nude Beach committee, San Diego, has editorialised in recent issues against indiscriminate photography and circus-like body painting. While the latter hasn't really surfaced in N.Z. the following readers comments, received by the Editor of Beach News, could have relevance in N.Z. and Australia, with the increasing acceptance of optional clothing beaches.

Regulars should become more forceful in discouraging unwanted photography by demanded that any image of "yours" be returned to "you"; that is, demand the exposed film.

Regulars should walk behind an uncooperative photographer/voyeur with a sign so stating which utilizes an appropriate nickname. Down with Freddy the Photographer.

Regulars should send off the beach any lone males who can be identified as "nuisance neighbours", "crotch watchers", or "towel hoppers".

*        *        *        *

We are indebted to Steve and Karel, from Papua-New Guinea, for the following item.

For about a month the Papua New Guinea Post Courier ran photographs on its front page of charming young ladies in traditional dress who were entrants in the "Hiri Moale" festival. Needless to say most of the young ladies were topless. Yet one week after the festival the same newspaper carried an item about the Central Provincial Government expressing concern about expatriates bathing naked on village beaches during Independence Weekend. A Government spokesman "strongly warned the people concerned to restrain from exposing themselves near villages." He said the Government deplored "such actions which were totally unacceptable to villagers. It is regarded as highly immoral for people to bathe naked in broad daylight on these beaches or elsewhere."

*        *        *        *

Steve and Karel have asked us to say that they will be interested to hear from other naturists, both in P.N.G. and elsewhere, who may be considering coming to P.N.G. We will forward any letters, don't forget the stamps.


Wellington clubhouse - under construction

Photo:Roy Carson     

South Auckland Nudist Club Inc

South Auckland's only Nudist's Club. Three minutes from end of
Southern Motorway - ALL nudists eligible with limited screening:

We're a young club with a young outlook. Come look us over.








The secretaries of these clubs will be pleased to hear from genuine inquirers. Please enclose return postage.

Northern Sunseekers Inc.
Box 4126, Kamo

North Shore Nudist Club Inc.
Box 33-525, Takapuna
Phone Whangaparaoa 7878 or Auckland 412-9841

Auckland Outdoor Health Club Inc.
Box 2702, Auckland

Auckland Sun Club Inc.
Box 15-412. New Lynn

Kowhai Valley Club Inc.
Box 6238, Wellesley St. W., Akl 1

South Auckland Sun Club Inc.
Box 63-084, Papatoetoe South
Phone Mangere 56-966

Waikato Outdoor Society Inc.
Box 619, Hamilton
Phone 64-463

Bay of Plenty Sun Club Inc.
Box 476, Whakatane

Rotorua Sun Club
Box 1007, Rotorua
Phone Rotorua 53-512

Gisborne Sun Club Inc.
Box 391, Gisborne

Hawkes Bay Sun Club Inc.
Box 660, Hastings
Phone 68-392 or 435-523

Taranaki Naturist Club Inc.
Box 3039, Fitzroy, New Plymouth

Wanganui Sun Club Inc.
Box 410, Wanganui

Manawatu Sunseekers
Box 7087, Palmerston North
Phone 71-700

Palmerston North Sun Club Inc.
Box 980, Palmerston North
Phone 81-762

Wellington Sun Club Inc.
Box 2854, Wellington
Phone UP 86-891, UP 83-441

Nelson Sun Club Inc.
Box 467, Nelson

The Orchard Sun Club Inc.
Box 5460, Dunedin
Phone 39-207 or 33-355

Canterbury Sun Club Inc.
Box 1823 Christchurch

South Canterbury Sun Club Inc.
Box 610, Timaru

Aurora Sunseekers Inc.
Box 5030, Moray Place, Dunedin
Phone 88-529 or MSI 6524

Southern Sun & Health Club Inc.
Box 627, Invercargill

N.Y.C. (Nudist Youth Club) Inc.
Box 6802, Auckland (National)
Box 30967 Lower Hutt




725 West Coast Road, Oratia

Christchurch Naturist Club Inc.
Box 11-164, Sockburn

Free Beach Group
Box 41-171, St Lukes, Auckland

Marlborough Sun Club
Box 556, Blenheim

If you are not near any of the above clubs drop a line to The Secretary, N.Z.N.F. Box 1395, Wellington. 
He will be pleased to assist you with details of other people in your area with similar interests.




The following clubs are affiliated to the AUSTRALIAN NATURIST FEDERATION


The Helios Society Ltd.
Box 440, P.O. Dandenong 3175,
Phone Melbourne 288-8713

Woodlands Sun & Health Club
Box 2, P.O. Austral 2171, N.S.W.

Heritage [Australia]
Box 121, P.O. Merrylands 2160,

Rosco Club
Box 45, P.O. Toronto 2283, N.S.W.

P.O. Box 428, Mt Waverley

Kiata Country Club
Box 103, P.O. Milson's Point,
2061 N.S.W.

Box 143, Terry Hills, 2084 N.S.W.

Good Companions
Box 6, P.O. West End 4101,

Eureka Sun Club
Box 85, Acacia Ridge 4110,

Sunseekers Inc.
Box 220, P.O. Midland 6056,
West Australia

Box 92, G.P.O. Adelaide 5001,
South Australia

Yulti Wirra Sun Club
Box 7 Meadows S.A. 5201

The Three Bears
P.O. Box 62, Beenleigh 4207, Queensland. Ph. 2873-034

Darwin Sun Club
Box 4741, P.O. Darwin 5794,
Northern Territory

Townsville Nudist Club
P.O. Box 39, Hermit Park 4812,

P.O. Box 11, Berowra 2081, N.S.W.

A.C.T. Nudist Club
P.O. Box 242
Woden A.C.T. 2606

Latrobe Valley Nudist Club
Box 639, Traralgon,
Victoria 3844

Ninde Park Club
Box 260, Millicent,
South Australia 5280

15 Cuthbert Street,
Victoria 3047

Corio Valley Club
Box 379, P.O. Geelong 3220,
Victoria. Ph. Geelong 212-634

Northside Country Club
Box 107, P.O. South Melbourne,
Victoria 3205

Sunshine Families
P.O. Box 98, Laidley, 4341
Phone 075-656 602


P.O. Box 85, St Agnes,
South Australia, 5097


If you are not near any of the above clubs drop a line to The Secretary, A. N. F., Unit 1. 34 Lockwood Road, Kangaroo Flat, 3555, Victoria. He will be pleased to assist with the details of people in your area with similar interests.




N.Z. Free Beach Report by Emiel Roland

Free Beach Group by Robin Hoare

Taking Care Away from the Crowd Auckland Surf Lifesaver's Association - (Bob Harvey?)

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Photo: Bernd Moller

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One finger tenekoit

Photo: Alain Armez 

Beauty unadorned

Photo: Roy Carson 

Woman in bush

Photo: K. Docherty, W.S.C. 

Two kids

Photo: Doug Cousins, W.S.C. 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Roy Carson 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Roy Carson 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Walter Chelley, W.S.C. 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Roy Carson 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Alan Armez 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Doug Cousins, W.S.C. 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Fritz Prenzel 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Roy Carson 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Frank Sviatko, C.S.C. 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: L McLeod, Orchard 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Doug Cousins, W.S.C. 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: K. Docherty, W.S.C. 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Eureka Sun 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo:Roy Carson 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Doug Cousins, W.S.C. 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Murray Wren 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Bernd Moller