#  80 - August 1976 

[The New Zealand Naturist] Editor: Con Chignell (Pages: 32 - 80c)


WSC - 25th Rally Progress
A Fishy Story by Frank Juhasz
Social Pressures and Nudism Peter and Jane Kirkland
The Uniform Always Fits - an analogy... by John Hemsworth
N.Z.S.A. Officers' Reports
N.Y.C. Plays it Cool by Fred, NYC
Letters to the Editor
NZ Club News (19)
Book Review (The Cool Cottontail) by Emiel Roland
Readers' Photograph Competition
Australian Club News (4)
Variations on a Theme by Bobbie & Co S.A.S.C.
Editor's Jottings
NZ Club Directory: (25)
Australian Club Directory: (21)



new zealand


incorporating australian nudist news
Official Journal of the New Zealand Sunbathing Association Incorporated
Registered at the Chief Post Office Wellington as a magazine
Published Quarterly






Vice President, North Island

Vice President, South Island
GEOFF ALLEN, Christchurch

KAY RUSSELL, Christchurch



P.R.O. and Overseas Correspondent
PATRIC TROTT, Christchurch

Ladies' Representative

Editor - New Zealand Naturist

Business Manager
BOB HAYTON, Auckland

Delegates from



with the assistance of an able team of enthusiasts
from all Auckland Clubs

All correspondence concerning this magazine, whether it be subscriptions, distribution, circulation, advertising, articles, photographs, letters to the editor, or complaints, should be addressed to:



In our desire to present different points of view, we have published articles which do not necessarily represent
the opinions of the editor.


General inquiries concerning concerning nudism in New Zealand, or overseas, should be
addressed to the New Zealand Sunbathing Association Incorporated



Applications for membership of clubs should be made direct to the club secretary
(See Club Directory in the back of this issue)


This magazine is protected by copyright, no part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means electronic, mechanical, photographic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the editor.






This being the second issue from your new editor and his extremely willing and hard working team, you will note a few changes.

The change to the cover will enable us to choose from a much broader selection of photographs than before. We are introducing a readers photograph competition, more details of which will be found elsewhere in this issue. Condensing the New Zealand and Australian Club directories to one page gives us more space, and similarly the combination of the Contents and title pages saves us another page. This gives us a chance to publish more news from clubs, which brings me to a rather sore point, what has happened to all the Australian material, in the past Australia has been a major contributor to this magazine with club notes, photographs, and articles, but of late we have received very little. It's over to you Aussies.

Diligent research into back numbers of this magazine revealed a comment by the late Perc. W. Cousins, in his editorial for issue Number 50, Autumn 1969. I am repeating it here because the sentiments expressed are as valid today as they were in early 1969.

"Most organizations need a mouthpiece and a somewhat unconventional movement such as nudism, needs one more than ever. Apart from keeping members informed, the work of counteracting the misunderstanding that still exists in the public mind about us, is equally important. A magazine also provides a medium for correcting untrue statements and becomes a forum for opinion, true or misguided."

For this magazine to remain in the forefront of proponents of sane living we need your support. So send in your letters, photographs, and subscriptions (club members and non-members alike) and let us make this publication a winner in every way.

Have fun in the sun,

Con Chignell (signature) CON CHIGNELL,   



new zealand


incorporating australian nudist news



For 5 issues just send:
New Zealand - $4
Australia - A$5.00


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Send your subscription to:
P.O. BOX 2925

Back Issues still available
Three for $1
Mixed Bundles 10 for $2.50

Overseas postage surcharge:
For three 50c - For ten $1.00


Please send me The New Zealand Naturist for ..................... Issues starting with No. .............

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Twenty-fifth National Rally - Progress Report

The rally committee has been hard at it, seeing to the many things that go towards a successful rally.

The floor of our new hail will be laid by now, to indoor bowls standard we have been assured, and dancing on the dirt will be a thing of the past. Our photograph shows the building at an earlier stage.

Part of the entertainment will be an informal "Top Team" competition, with teams from the clubs taking part in unusual competitive activities. We will be looking for good participation from competitors and spectators alike.

Have you given any thought to producing an item for the concert? This is always an opportunity to bring out the Laurence Olivier or Bridget Bardot in us.

• Rally applications close on 6 November 1976.

• See your club secretary for your application form now.

• Be seeing you at Five Acres 29 December 1976 to 2 January 1977


Wellington clubhouse - under construction

Photo: Doug Cousins    




You can own part of this project. A Trust Fund is already established and money received is being invested until we have sufficient to purchase a suitable property.

The Nudist Movement will have a playground of it's own.

WHAT ABOUT $2 A WEEK FOR 56 WEEKS? ($12 Service Loan Fee) - IT'S EASY ISN'T IT!

You could have subsidised holidays, a place to meet international nudist tourists and a national rallying centre.

All nationally affiliated clubs will benefit by a lot more public interest and support.

You cannot lose. It is envisaged that all shares resold would return through the trust at par so that nudists are protected at all times from bulk purchasing by other interests. The protection of this property for nudists is paramount.

The organising committee, OOPS! Who are they.

   Ian Fairbrother, National President; John Miller, N.Z.S.A. Treasurer;

   Alan Miller and Alec Caley, Waikato Outdoor Society; Con Chignell, A.O.H.C.

THAT'S BETTER. This committee has already looked at an excellent property, but without YOUR SUPPORT nothing can be finalised.


For all cheques, correspondence, support post to:







"Imagine what we saw," said a friend to my wife during one of those "what have you done, where did you go, what did you see" after-holiday conversations.

"On our Round Northland bus trip we were driven up along the Ninety-mile Beach and there - smack in the middle of nowhere - on the beach we saw this man, wearing nothing but his fishing rod, quite unconcernedly fishing."

It's a good thing that this friend along with the rest of the passengers never looked at the face of that lone fisherman. Would she have recognised me with my clothes on?

This conversation took place many years ago. When the tourist buses were not sticking to a regular timetable and when they could sneak up on you unexpectedly, and undoubtedly at times they provided the tourist with a sight that was not on their itinerary, or was it? Because for the past nineteen years we were a regular part of the summer scenery at the top end of the Ninety-mile Beach.

Friends have long given up asking our plans for the holidays dismissing us with a wave of their hands, "Oh, you're going fishing up north again!"

Of course those unfortunate ones who have never felt the triumphant sensation of a fIfteen pound snapper hooked, fought and landed, out of the ever thundering surf, or the gastronomic pleasure of eating a practically quivering flounder for breakfast (speared on order of the cook of the day), will never be able to fully appreciate the beauty of New Zealand's northernmost beach, for sunshine and blue sky, fresh air and cool sea are available in many other places.

Wellington clubhouse - under construction

It is the fishing that is out of this world on that beach, as the photograph tries to do justice.

However if you decide to include that trip in your summer holiday and you do not see me and my fishing rod in the surf it is because those buses often disregard all but the highest tidal conditions, driven by experienced local drivers, are the trailblazers for dozens of private cars and are as regular as the tide itself. We wait for them all to roar by and in an hour the whole beach is ours again.

We in a way regret the coming of this "free beach" business as it will take the thrill out of enjoying that forbidden nude swim, fishing, surfing or just plain lazing about out in the open, of which we always have had plenty and freely.

We made friends with many of the local authority and to our knowledge there never was a complaint lodged against a trio of brown beauties occasionally encountered romping on the beach, (in the buff) except the ever increasing winging of novice week-end anglers returning, home with empty bag, "this place is fished out!"

I say it ain't so my friend, YOU are out fished!

Frank Juhasz   







We care about the future of the sun clubs and of New Zealand and the nudist movement We care because we would like to think that our children can gain from nudism and associating with nudists in an environment of freedom in the open air, freedom of thought, and togetherness with nature that is difficult to attain in modern society other than as a member of the movement.

Due to the gregarious nature of the human creature we require to get together in groups to live, support our social needs, share our attainments and boast our achievements. Group living, or modern living is designed to protect the group from outside harm and provide a pattern of living for the good of all. To that end, laws are made by a person or persons with the consent of the group to establish that pattern, or code of living.

Our movement is accepted and does not offend the social standards or laws of society provided that we conform, in that we do not try to enforce our opinions or way of life oh the general public. Although accepted generally our way of life is still frowned upon by another minority group who, like us, are just as entitled to voice their opinions even if they are detrimental to the nudist movement, as we are to advocate nudism as a way of life.

So, here we are, a minority group within the larger group of society, who must lay down rules of behaviour for its members so as not to offend. No action on our part must give cause for those who doubt our motives or intentions, or, purely for their own convictions, to complain of our behaviour.

As a family, we owe the nudist movement a great deal. Because of the pressures of modern society and the type of life we were leading we established a pattern of acceptable social behaviour which was destructive in every way. Nudism took us away from the party going, booze swilling life that was the "in thing" to do. We will be forever grateful for that. We found that not being with the "in crowd" and doing what was the expected thing caused us no social embarrassment, quite the contrary. Respect rather than consolment and health rather than dissipation.

One may argue that our various clubs condone the use of alcohol at their grounds and that the use of alcohol invariably leads to the breakdown of accepted social behaviour. We have yet to see it in any of the clubs that we have been members of or have visited. Anyway the use of alcohol is acceptable by society provided that the conditions laid down for consumption are adhered to.

A more modern innovation, or replacement, or substitute for alcohol for those who use it is "pot", for want of a word that everyone understands. We are not moralizing and believe that those who wish to use pot have only their own conscience to answer to. What we do say however, is that society does not condone the use of pot under any circumstance. Let us not offend society and bring attention to ourselves by becoming part of a new social trend "to be with the in crowd" that is not acceptable by law.

There are those who would put an end to our movement if they could, again we say because of their convictions. Any hint or evidence that some of our members may be users would cause havoc, and put us back years in the advancements that have been made to make nudism acceptable to society.

To those of you nudists who are contemplating the use of pot as a social experiment, or have tried the experiment and found that the formula suits you, remember the laws of society. Laws of a large group to which our minority group can only be a part as long as we accept and respect those laws.

Please, for our sake, for our family and friends, and for all those other nudists who would lose part of their life if the movement ended because of lack of thought, irresponsibility or bravado, smoke your pot if you want to, but do it away from the clubs, and away from club activities.

Peter and Jane Kirkland,           

and we hope, on behalf of Nudists everywhere.




an analogy...

A short while ago I applied for membership of our local golf club. I had heard they were desperate for members, and even taking women and children to their bosom.

As you know, golfing is a healthy, relaxing outdoor sport, even if you are not much of a player, you can enjoy watching the others in their smart golfing uniforms, or the committee can find you a job clearing scrub, cutting grass, etc. etc.

It is an excuse for getting the desk-bound out into the fresh air, and exercising their arms and legs, hearts and lungs, etc.

The ideal sport, one would think.

My wife, however, doesn't like golf. Come to think of it, there are many things I like, but she doesn't, but we don't make a big thing of it. We've been married twenty seven years, so I don't think the odd game of golf is going to send our marriage on the rocks. My wife would never dream of playing indoor bowls, tennis, snooker, putt-putt, driving the car. You name it, she's not very interested. She's quite happy doing sewing, reading, watching the telly, and I never tell her not to. She has her interests, I have mine, a good workable agreement.

Sometimes I will go off for a day's golf, and she will pack some sandwiches, fill the Thermos, find a towel, in case I get a sweat on, and away I go.

Some of the jokers at the golf club don't like you to turn up unexpectedly. They probably won't say much, but they think my wife, or the woman next door should have come with me.

To sort things out I went and saw The President of our local Golf Club and applied for official, dinkum, bona fide, 100% proof membership.

The President was a middle-aged healthy pink looking man. Years of romping around at the week-ends in his golfing uniform had given him a healthy tan. He will probably live another ten or twenty years longer than your average desk-bound indoors beer swilling joker. There was only one thing wrong with him.... He was mad.

At least that was the impression I got from his questions.

"Are you married?" he asked.

"Yes; have been for the last 27 years," I said.

"Wife play golf?"

"No. But she doesn't mind if I play. Doesn't like the primitive conditions in some of the clubs. Not keen on the golfers uniform. But then, she doesn't like indoor bowls, snooker, camping..."

"Yes," said the president thoughtfully, "there's a lot of it around. Do you think she would write a signed statement allowing you to go golfing at weekends unaccompanied."

"No show, you don't know my wife. I wouldn't embarrass her by asking anyway."

"Difficult," said the golfing president. We have a long list of applicants, but the rules are very strict. Did you know that 50% of the New Zealand population wants to play golf. There was a Heylen Poll on the very subject two or more years ago."

"You must be joking," I said, "if it was only 10%, that would be 300,000 Kiwis clamouring to join the clubs."

"Oh no, they don't want to join, but they want to play golf, and wear golfer's uniform. The club rules are too strict for some of them... I can't understand why?"

I thought it best not to answer this one.

"How", I asked, "Can they play Golf if they haven't got greens, bunkers, flags, club houses etc."

"Exactly," said the President. "If you've ever tried buying a quarter acre you know what it must cost to run a good Golf Club. Trees to fell, bushes to plant, toilets, showers..."

"Bartender to pay," I put in.

"Oh dear, I wish you hadn't said that", the President tut tutted.

"Sorry," I said, "I meant just for the odd social drink, break the ice, and all that caper..."

"I suppose there are a few of our members who do drink," said the President, "but we're not too happy. We don't insist on vegetarians, or anything like that; but there are..." he lowered his voice an octave or two... "Lady golfers, as well as gentlemen golfers."

"Yes, I know. I've actually seen some of them, in full uniform." I said. "And children golfers."

"Well there you are," he said, "If we encouraged demon drink, who knows where it would lead. Lust", he breathed, "rape, swearing, fighting, copulating."

"You mean in front of all the Golfing children?" I asked incredulously?"

"You know what happened at the Squash Club," he muttered mysteriously. "Anyway," he quickly changed the subject, "have you ever seen your wife in full Golfing uniform."

"I have, once or twice. I remember once, many years ago. We'd been for a swim. We came back to the bach; she got out of her swimming uniform, and got into her Golfing uniform. She had her back to me of course. Other times I've seen her with the top half of her Golfing uniform on, other times the bottom. Sometimes in the dark she'll put on the full uniform. I've seen her once or twice with her full Golfing uniform on in the bath, but she's not keen on showing all of it."

"I understand', said the President, "sometimes the first twenty five years are the worst, after that the uniform might get a bit wrinkled. But nobody would comment on it, not in our club."

"Well," added the President, "that about wraps it up."

"You mean I'm accepted."

"Hell, no, I'm sorry, but we have our rules. Married golfers who bring their wives are O.K. Lady Golfers who come alone," he breathed heavily, "are O.K. Divorced men - No. Separated men - No...

"How about divorced women?"

"They also can join. Widows, preferably young... No charge. De Facto ladies, God bless 'em. We had a joker once who was separated, sneaked in and played Golf. We found out in time though. Threw him out."

"I'll try to remember your rules..."

"Won't do you any good," said the President. "We'll ring you if we need you. However, if your wife wants to join, we'll send a committee man round to interview her."

"She'll never wear the uniform," I shouted, "Only in the dark."

"We desperately need new Golfers, but NO SINGLE MEMBERS," shouted the President.

"But I'm NOT SINGLE," I shouted.

"Go away, you dirty old Golfer you," he said as he slammed the door. "...and send your wife round'

They can't stop me though. I read some of their golfing books, some with full frontal golfing uniform.

John Hemsworth   







President      IAN FAIRBROTHER

On going through my recent mail from nudists all over the country there is one letter which has a theme in it I think well worth mentioning. The name of our Association doesn't really portray the true picture and this writer has suggested that as quite a few changes are contemplated to the Constitution we should take the chance of changing the name to the New Zealand Nudist Association. This would be in line with the world body of which we are now paid up members. Also some years ago Australia changed their title to include the word Nudist and judging by some comments from their National Secretary it has been a great help to them.

Amongst us there are Naturists and considerably more Sunbathers but there is no doubt we are all Nudists and should be proud to reflect this image to the Nation as a whole.


Secretary      KAY RUSSELL

Well fellow nudists, the year is now half over and I thought it would be a good idea to give you some idea of what has been going on at the national level.

Most of the first half of this year has been spent in setting up a good working relationship between your newly elected executive and in getting my job sorted out and running smoothly.

You may be interested to learn that in the first six months in office I have issued over thirty International Passports to different members throughout the country who were about to travel overseas. We would appear to have members of our New Zealand nudist movement spread out all over the world.

The volume of mail, from all over the world, that I receive is quite staggering.

The Half Annual General Meeting went off smoothly, despite some disorganisation with the motel bookings, and it was great to renew acquaintance with many old friends and to make some new contacts.

A warm welcome to our two new Clubs, Orchard, after several applications have been accepted as Full members and a new club, East Coast Sun Club has also been welcomed into the fold as Provisional Members.

Twenty Delegates were present to represent their Clubs and it was encouraging to see such a turn-out.

A sub-committee consisting of Jeff Hatfield and Blair Brocklehurst has been set up to study the new constitution and to implement any alterations to same.

Of interest to you all, I am sure, will be the fact that our Treasurer, John Miller, is to represent the N.Z.S.A at the l.N.F. Conference. Blair Brocklehurst will be taking over John's job on a temporary basis.


Women's Representative      JENNIFER FAIRBROTHER

We were travelling down to the club the other day and saw on the road near a swamp a Pukeko standing quite still. On getting closer we saw that it was standing over its mate who had been run over. wonder how long the poor thing fretted there? This reminded me that we, the N.Z.S.A., are an associate member of the Forest and Bird Protection Society. I feel that as we are proclaimed natural people this worthy cause is something we should be closer to as it is formed by people who are interested in protecting our "Forests and Birds" in their natural state. Women, and especially mothers, should try to take time to be more like these people, and encourage our families to take note of our surroundings and look after our lovely land, but I know modern society makes this difficult. Being nudists (Or naturists) seems to give more reason to these thoughts.


Free Beaches      EMIEL ROLAND

The low temperatures we endured over the last few months has not slackened news media interest in nude bathing. Such was the case in the N.Z. Herald on 5 June. It was reported that the Society for the Promotion of Community Standards had approached the Auckland City Council requesting that the Council erect signs stating "Beware, Nude Bathing" at Ladies Bay in Auckland. They were informed that the Council had no jurisdiction below high water mark at the beach. This is administered by the Crown via the Harbours Act, of course the Police Offences Act is applicable anywhere in New Zealand. In the editorial in the Herald the matter was put very well. "Indeed, so deeply does the law immerse the nude bather that he needs a lawyer to swim through it with him - and more than a simple bush lawyer at that."

From our point of view, it is very satisfying to know that the S.P.C.S. is coming around to our way of thinking, by advocating the signposting of beaches for nude bathing. We have done this now for many years with our organised beach trips. I believe there is merit in the suggestion by Ted Weston from Australia, that the wording on the signs be changed from the present "may be offended by nudity" to "may be embarrassed by the sight of a nude body".


Fred Bear



Intends to start local groups from Kaitaia to Bluff.

Fees only $2.00 per individual or family per year.

If you would like to enjoy the sun and sea to the full write:

Secretary, F.B.G., P.O. Box 41-171, St. Lukes, Auckland




NYC logo
NYC logo NYC logo

As per usual everyone met twenty minutes late, bar one, but he is fairly mad anyway - he had arrived about four hours too early.

We had rented a Bedford van for thirteen of our members and I took three others down in my van. We made a grand total of seventeen from Auckland, four came from Wellington and one from Waioru.

Harry decided, as we were passing the Thames turn-off, that we should go via Matamata.

Our first encounter with snow was when we cruised into the Turangi gas station, where a car had arrived which had just been across the desert road. The poor woman passenger just about had a fit as seventeen youths engulfed the car, grabbing for and throwing snow around.

After a feed and a wait for the driver of the "goat' we headed towards the desert road on a happier note. All reports on the radio and elsewhere had said that the snow would be a wash-out.

It is so incredible driving on a road just ten minutes after a heavy snow fall and with a very light snow falling. There is nothing like it. I never realized before, how touchy the brakes are in packed snow. We managed to get stopped by a truck, on a slight slope. Harry was slightly nervous about losing the rental van, as it did a very slow backward drift towards a ditch. A MOW. truck came and spread dirt under his wheels, with the advice of "Don't stop, and use the gears not the brakes". With this advice we made, without incident, the turn-off to the Tukino ski field.

Once we pushed the Bedford out of a rut again, we took a ride over solid snow, to the car park. After a lot of hassling we took the Goat, which was named "Girt' to the lodge. The one hour we spent in Girt seemed like four.

When we arrived, everyone was allotted half a bunk. We had to double up as there were only sixteen bunks and thirty-two people had to sleep there.

After unpacking, most of us went for a play in the snow. Those who had to make dinner missed out. We found a slope which we formed into a ramp. Out of the toboggan, sledge and plastic, the plastic proved best, as at least five people could use it at once. In the end, the track was so fast, the ones in front got snow spray all over their faces.

It was then, that Carl decided to make a ski jump for his sledge. He piled lots of snow over a rock, which was embedded in the slope, and made a ramp leading to it. It didn't prove too successful, as he went head over heals when the sledge decided it wouldn't like to jump.

About half of us went back to the lodge and crashed, while the others went to help with the ski tow. After it was finally started, they spent the rest of the afternoon trying to master the nutcracker, which is an instrument used to drag you up the slopes on your skis.

After an exhausting day we sat down to a delicious chicken dinner and a socializing session.

During the evening Emil walked in with half a dozen rolls of stick-on labels and colours, which soon started a "stick on" competition. Everybody and everything was covered in labels in a couple of minutes.

Most of us went to bed about 9.30 p.m. while a few decided to go visiting a neighbouring ski lodge. It turned out to be a newly built lodge and so they were having a house warming. Our mob was invited to join in. Their evening ended in a cream puff throwing competition.

We were woken at about 9 am, to a cry of "breakfast's ready" and howling winds outside. To our dismay we discovered that most of the snow had been blown away, leaving the tops of the rocks exposed.

A breakfast of porridge, spags and sausages, was downed before braving the elements to inspect the snow around the ski tow. Some went out only to return about ten minutes later totally frozen. The tow was inoperable because of the strong winds. A few were still determined to have a ski, despite the gale.

We had a final cup of coffee and a cup of soup before a mass pack-up to leave at 1 o'clock. We were on our way by about 1.30. "Girt" seemed to like going downhill, as it only took us half an hour to get back to the vans. The track by the way was six miles long.

After a finaL goodbye to the Wellington crowd our Auckland lot headed for the hot pools in Turangi, where we spent half an hour warming up.

On the way through Taupo, some decided they were wealthy enough to eat at a restaurant. Those who weren't hungry, thought they would surprise the others by gift wrapping the rental van in toilet paper.

After a warning from a litter prevention officer we headed back to Auckland.

Fred, N.Y.C.   

Fred Bear   Fred Bear

Photos: Hanspeter Muller 





Dear Sir,

I would like to congratulate J. Thomson on his article in the last Naturist. May he rest assured he is not alone in his feelings. If he reads South Auckland Sun Club notes in this issue my wife and I expand on our feelings.

Cris Smith, South Auckland Sun Club

Dear Editor,

People today are a little more broadminded, and slowly the Victorian attitudes are going back where everything was once, under the back stairs! I welcome the slow changes - towards sanity and cleanliness - but I do not think that the photographic poses in your magazine promote this. In fact, in my opinion they are the opposite.

Many years ago I knew a senior instructor at an art school and I can't forget what he told me. He said "Give total nudity, then I can teach my art and no-one takes any notice, but put one half-inch of cloth in the wrong place and my teaching is impossible. The students cannot get on with their work." This from a very experienced, sincere, mature instructor in the pictorial arts.

And I agree. At the time I did a double-take. Now, no! I see his point - as of course does every advertising agent!

So I say to you and your team there, please! please! aim at the natural, not the false double standards of pretending to be normal, but in fact of being coy and conveying pictorially what is deliberately being hidden. I do not mean porn - just normal decent open behaviour as depicts the true naturist movement.

R. E.

Dear Sir,

I would like to suggest that the Magazine devotes a section to coming major events such as Balls, Cabarets, Sports Days, Mini Rallies etc. in the clubs. This would prevent clashes of dates between various clubs and would ensure that all members know what is going on. Very often information going from one club to another by newsletter is not passed on to members. This could also mean that we would not need to send newsletters to all the clubs (which most people don't read anyway) and a considerable amount of money could be saved in postage

Keep up the good work with the Magazine

Doreen James, Taranaki Naturist Club

Dear Sir,

A funny thing happened to me at the barbers today, I picked up a copy of your March magazine.

Please, please, sir, if you intend this as a serious publication do something about your photographs. I am an ordinary bloke, not a nudist and don't buy porn, but I like a bit of cheesecake now and again.

Even if your ladies do go hand in hand through the bushes, what's in that for me? Porridge is wholesome too, but a Cordon Bleu would dish it up a bit.

I may even buy your next issue to see if my message got through



Dear Sir,

We are a family who truly believe in the ideals of the nudist movement. As such, we would like to say what we want from a magazine about nudism.

What is the purpose or are the purposes of such a magazine? We think there are two. One is to provide a regular forum of news and general information on the movement to nudists, and the other is to advertise the movement to non-nudists who are either mildly or strongly interested in and tentatively exploring the concept of nudism. For this latter purpose, which we think is of paramount importance for the life of the movement and, perhaps, the financial standing of the magazine, there should be an apparent bias in the contents. But the two purposes need not conflict since, as we show, by advertising the movement ourselves we will be providing informative reading on nudism.

How can we advertise? What inducements can there be for non-nudists who are potential nudists to purchase this magazine? If a potential nudist, a non-nudist reader will be interested in reading about how nudists live nudist lives. He will already be reading or have read that the nudist movement prides itself on acceptance of the body in its natural state and uncovered. He will want to know a lot about nudism and to know how it has become a movement. We, the nudists of Australasia, ought to discuss on the pages of this magazine how we as individuals interpret the concept of nudism so that we can show him, the interested reader who is the potential nudist but has never experienced life in a club, how the nudist movement has developed and how it does have something to offer towards a better way of living.

There are many other potential topics for us to discuss besides those of our own personal nudist histories and interpretations. But we think a continuing series of such would provide an inducement for the non-nudists who are genuinely interested in nudism to buy the magazine, would create a more tangible feeling of fellowship with one another as nudists and, we are sure, provide. topics for future discussions on nudism. Genuine nudist interest will be evoked and the movement will grow and live.

The inclusion of good natural photographs of a similar standard as are evident already in this magazine is understood. Photographs are crucial, of course. They can so easily mislead the potential nudist. He must feel the nudist life that is lived when he looks at them, and then want to read what is said. We think those of this magazine are up to that standard.

A magazine fares well when its readers participate. We want nudists to talk about their part in the movement.

Keith and Leena, Helios, Australia






NATURIST FAMILY would like to meet another with coastal property, Coromandel Coast or North of Auckland. View to sharing Christmas nudist holiday.
Reply: "Holiday". c/o P.O. Box 2925, Auckland.









Well, I suppose you were all beginning to wonder if we had all gone bush up here in the winterless north. You will be pleased (we hope) to know that we haven't and that it isn't the winterless north as we have found out over the last few months. However that didn't stop us from having a busy social calendar, starting with a Wine and Cheese evening, followed by a Pyjama Party which was well received by all who attended. The next item was our annual Progressive Dinner which is great fun for those who like to "eat and run". Just before the sun disappeared we had a working binge and painted our clubhouse. As access to our grounds during the winter is not the best very little activity can take place at the club, however we certainly make up for that in the sunnier months. Our delegate attended the Half AGM at Taupo which gave us some very interesting discussion on their return, however I think they are still trying to thaw out.





Who invented winter? I can only think it was put here to remind us how good summer is. Still, we've had a few good things going. Matamata was great fun and it was good to see all the old faces again. We made good use of the hot pool and the weather was mainly fine. The Saturday lunch was just the job.

We had a "Beetle" evening in one of the school halls here and those of us who came had a marvellous evening. There were over thirty people present but we would have liked more.

There has been a lot of work done at the grounds this year and we hope to get the benefit of it all next season.

The pool is so near completion now - we are all looking forward to using it. The unseasonal weather during our so called summer really held up work on the pool and we couldn't find anyone to do a "sundance" for us.



We have done little of interest over the last few months. Sure, there's been working bees with plenty of planting and minor social events, saunas etc, but nothing of great interest to you, the reader So let's get into a rave about the fundamentals of naturism

In an effort to establish a definition of "Naturism" (as it isn't featured in our dictionary) we went to our Constitution which states "...to mean that way of life advocated by the NZSA". The NZSA's Constitution states "...to mean social nudity in conformity with the law of the land, such as advocated by the INF." (Meaning, unfortunately, the NZSA cannot support the Free Beach Group in any way - a tragedy.) We therefore asked our National Secretary for the lNF. definition. We received Page 1 of their Statute.

Article 2. paragraph 1. "The INF aims at an inter-national co-operation of all naturists in order to effect their common purpose." Paragraph 2: "This purpose is a humanitarian one, namely the promotion of the physical as well as the psychic well-being of man."

As John Thomson pointed out on page six of the last issue of this magazine we sure look after the physical well-being, but what about the head - the psychic well-being?

We're lucky in South Auckland to have a few beautiful folk to help our heads but are all clubs as lucky as we? How is the status of a club in NZ judged? By the size and grandeur of it's club house and sports facilities? Do we provide NZ nudists with an over-abundance of sporting facilities in an attempt to compensate for the lack of psychic stimulation?

Mr. Muller's article in the last issue demonstrates that at least in Switzerland (seat of the lNF) the ideals of the INF are given an opportunity to flourish. How many clubs in NZ really encourage looking after our bodies (other than muscles) and minds?

There is no dispute that people join nudist clubs to do what they want to do, but if their committee encouraged drinking etc., they would follow like sheep Think about it! These views are not necessarily those of all our members, they are just an effort to get people thinking about what they are doing.

In the meantime our grounds have never looked better for the time of year. To survive we still need new members - just eighteen months and our land will be freeholded. We'll be able to tell you all about our big social, 28 August, in the next issue of the New Zealand Naturist. Enjoy life.

South Auckland Sun Club Inc

South Auckland's only Nudist's Club. Three minutes from end of
Southern Motorway - ALL nudists eligible with limited screening:

We're a young club with a young outlook. Come look us over.





Our winter maintenance programme has seen the widening and grassing of the tenniquoit area, plus general grounds upkeep. With the advent of warmer weather the fence painting programme can be completed. We have had our share of vandalism of our property this year. Just what can be done to combat it we don't know. Do any other clubs have any suggestions?

As noted elsewhere in this issue, we have lost one of our founders and dedicated club members. Frank was in his eighties but was active up to the last few weeks. Those of us who knew him will not forget his contribution to the club and the movement.

We still need new members, after the drop-outs from last season. So how about it you uncommitted ones, give it a try, you may change the whole course of your life (see advertisement, this issue).

Our sauna is getting closer to realisation. The Wine and Cheese evening in July yielded more funds for this project, so hopefully this summer we can offer members staying overnight at the club the use of a sauna as an added attraction.




Hello again from the Bay. No need to tell you how eagerly we awaited the return of spring after surviving that last winter. A lot of us seem to have been in hibernation because there's only been the hardy few out at "Rapere" on the fine weekends.

Nor did we entice all that many out to our dine 'n' dance evening recently, but those who made it certainly had a wow of a time, even our organiser who turned out in his best bib and tucker complete with his slippers We must do it again sometime.

Six of us helped to swell the ranks of N.Z. nudists at Taupo at Queen's Birthday weekend for the NZSA Half AGM. I think most of us were included in the attempt to see how many could fit into the Motel's plunge pool.




What with our regular fortnightly sauna, a planned film evening, and a couple of socials, we will still be able to get together and enjoy ourselves.

In May the A.G.M. was held and it was pleasing to see a good attendance, especially heartening was the number of members who were prepared to take office this year, plus quite a few new faces.

The weather over the last few weeks has made the club grounds more like a winter sports resort than a sun club. It is a pity that the access road is sometimes impassable, for the property could easily be used by the kiddies as a safe winter playground.

At the end of this year we will be re-negotiating the lease on our grounds, after which we hope to make a start on improving the amenities such as swimming pool, games courts etc.



Winters such as these make us wonder what this social nudism business is all about. However most of the Rotorua Sun Club had a chance to "get their gear off" at our last social on 2 July. This was held at the home of one of our Tokoroa members, and to the enjoyment of everyone our host and hostess had hired the local sauna centre. What a sensational evening that made and consequently we are making inquiries about the possibilities of similar evenings in Rotorua.

Our hopes for new grounds earlier this year unfortunately did not bear fruit although we had the strong support of all concerned. Arrangements were delayed to such an extent that it became necessary to renew our present lease. A Special General Meeting was held in June to discuss setting up a debenture scheme to raise finance as a basis for grounds of our own. However the majority decided that membership should be higher than twenty units before we embark on such a project. It was therefore recommended that following the membership drive we review the situation at the next Annual General Meeting.

We've developed a small album of club photos - well below the Naturist standard, but of interest to Rotorua members.

We're very proud to have in our club a person of no small stature who has produced a work of art in the form of a hooked wool rug with our name and sun emblem on it. This was displayed at our last social and will be carried with us to all club functions henceforth.

We should by now have the result of a competition to find a motif for club tee-shirts and hope these will be well displayed at the Wellington Rally.




After the Faster Rally most Canterbury members turned their attentions to the Annual Meeting. At which a new president, Russell De Ia Cour, and virtually a new committee were elected.

The decision of what to do with the Halkett grounds was held over until a Long Term Planning Committee report was received and a special meeting is to be held to discuss this on 25 July. At this stage Canterbury Sun Club has decided to retain the Halkett grounds.

Socially, two very successful sauna evenings have been held and the highlight of the social calendar, our annual ball, went off very successfully.

Now that the motion of no capital expenditure on the Pineglades grounds has been rescinded, our new works organiser has got things moving, although he had some bad luck with the weather on the working bee day, the next week a reasonably good turn-out started cleaning up.

At the time of writing, snow lies on the volleyball court but this hasn't stopped our volleyball enthusiasts they have entered the local competitions - they have not lost a game yet so look out at the Rally.



A well established small friendly family club situated on ten acres of bush overlooking Bethells Beach.

Membership applications being accepted from families, couples, and solo ladies.

Apply to the Secretary, P.O. Box 6238, Wellesley Street West, Auckland 1, New Zealand


Our club extends our collective sympathy to Palmerston North over the loss of their club house. What a rotten blow, and we all feel for them.

Although we managed to transform our half acre of bog into the luscious green club grounds of 1976, even our drainage was not equal to the deluge we experienced last month and we have the largest inland lake in Palmerston North. However, nothing daunted, we shall dig a few more holes and find the gas again. Our club house has been rented out over the winter months to two young people who were living in a caravan. This has served a dual purpose, that of helping out two homeless folk, and ensuring that the clubhouse was being used. We have a mould in the making for a new design in hot soak pools. These are built to accommodate six to eight people sitting and can be equipped with an aerator system, filter and heating plant. The making of these, together with the building of our own club sauna, are our major winter efforts this year.

Even though we could not use our grounds, the club has not gone underground, and we have enjoyed many social occasions together. The most memorable of these was the beer and sausage tea, plus housie, plus party shindig that took place in the monstrous garage of our president.

Club membership is rising - by recruiting from outside the ranks, and creating newer members within. Our latest addition is the result of hard labour by our works manager and treasurer. If only they could make club funds multiply in the same way.

Two of our members attended the Half A.G.M. at Taupo, congratulations to our National President on a splendidly run meeting.

In finishing we would like to invite members of other clubs to come and visit us on their way to or from the Wellington Rally. We're a friendly crew and love having visitors.


To keep the majority of members in circulation during winter various social functions were arranged such as sauna evenings, visits to thermal pools, monthly visits to an indoor pool complex in Auckland, and our Annual Ball. At this function some 150 members wined and dined until the early hours.

Whilst these pleasures are being pursued the business of the club has also to be attended to. During the lull in general activity various maintenance chores are attended to. This years big effort will be to complete the decking of our swimming pool which will incorporate sauna facilities at a later date.



We must have some of the hottest news among sun clubs, as on the shortest and by no means coldest day in 1976 we lost our club house to fire. It wasn't the shortest day for the sun club because according to one member he was woken by someone at 6 am, on 21 June to what he thought was bright daylight. Instead it was the glow of our fast disappearing club house. By the time the two local fire brigades arrived nothing could be saved and their only duty was to dampen down glowing embers with our pool water.

Our club is fortunate that it still has a roof to house our community as we have our corral and with a little tidying up this will no doubt become our temporary club house. I often think that bad luck of this nature makes people work closer together and encouraging words from some members makes the committee feel that a veritable Phoenix will rise from the ashes.

Two very enjoyable sauna evenings have been held. The sauna days are becoming a popular winter activity.

As mentioned in our last report I promised to give members from other clubs more information about our cabaret. The organising committee felt that with such uncertainty in the inflationary measures it was very difficult to accurately budget for a function of this nature so has decided to run a series of theme parties in members homes.

Despite our set back in losing our club house, anyone intending visiting us over the Christmas-New Year period is still welcome to drop in. We will be relying a lot on people using their own gas but some power will be available We still have toilet facilities and a kitchen-lounge is being constructed in the Corral.



The most important news from us at this time is our acceptance by the NZSA as provisional members Our thanks go to all clubs who supported us in our application.

During the winter months, contact has been kept among our membership with games evenings held in members homes.

We were represented at the recent Gisborne Cabaret and as usual a good time was had by all who attended. In fact some were still feeling the effects some three days later.

We even spoke to people interested in joining us during this evening, so our membership may soon be increasing. See you all again at the Bay of Plenty Club Cabaret in Rotorua.




New Zealand's largest and most progressive nudist club


26 Level acres of bush and fern just 30 mins from Chief Post Office

50 ft by 30 ft Crystal clear tiled pool, with children's pool and playground

Luxury tiled toilet block with hot and cold showers

Spacious clubhouse features modern kitchen and shop, with ice cream and frozen foods

Camp and caravan sites have power and water adjacent to games courts


We prefer family groups although single men and women are accepted.
Drop a line NOW to our Secretary at P.O. Box 2702, AUCKLAND
for an application from and more information.



It's just as well we have difficulty getting workers out to the grounds during mid-winter, otherwise our enthusiastic planning and grounds sub-committees would have emptied the coffers by now. Even so, projects undertaken in preparation for the Rally or in general grounds development will mean obvious changes to those whose last visit to us was a year or more ago. The camping area on the far side of the creek will soon be linked to the main area by a bridge at lawn level and screening will permit it's use for sunbathing. The pool complex now sports a decorative block wall with integral seats and planter boxes. The road to the top camping area is being re-graded and fill from this work is being used to raise the lower camp area in an effort to reduce the problem of flooding.

Socials continue to be held every month or two, following a formula that gives up to 75 people a good night of dancing and socialising. By the time you read this we will also have held our Annual Ball.

And now for something quite different - we have come out in support of the new Wellington Centre, a project similar to the superb Christchurch Town Hall. The Club has "bought" two seats in the choicest part of the auditorium for a period of three years, with right of renewal. We are hoping that members will support us in this project, which will, when the building is completed, enable us to provide them with tickets to performances at a greatly reduced cost. There was quite a good press write-up of the event, and the City Corporation hopes that our example will spur other community organisations to follow suit.



We have been asked what the "Red Hagg Trophy"

is. It is a piece of misshapen white plastic in the form of a distorted figure with a red hat and wooden base added. It is used as a games trophy between Manawatu Sunseekers and ourselves and at present is held by Manawatu.

Our president made a quick trip to Taupo to attend the meeting and brought back all the latest news for members.

Our swim, sauna and splash-in nights have had to be postponed as the Community Centre pool is closed due to lack of finance and support. Social evenings at members homes will keep us all in touch.

We have had one winter working bee at our new grounds. A good muster worked very hard digging a floodwater drain the length of the drive from road to riverbank where our club house is to be situated. Some of our members are at present spending all their spare time salvaging the good timber from a house that was badly damaged by fire. We now have enough to build a large work-store shed.

Talking of burnt buildings, we were very sorry to hear of the fire at Palmerston North Club. We hope it will not be too long before a new and modern building rises in place of the one destroyed. Our members have pleasant memories of times spent in their old club house and will miss the well known landmark.





Twenty-five years of growth and change to meet the needs of today's public





Phone 837-862 or 660-443 or Write to P.O. Box 2854 Wellington


Copy   FOR THE   15
Deadline   DECEMBER



Of all the social functions held this winter the one that sticks in everyone's mind is the terrific progressive dinner. Half the members attending didn't know where to go for each course, and those who did know the route were either too full of wine or deliberately misleading because by the time we reached the main course it was just a case of "follow that Rolls" and "go man go". The main object being to get to the next course before Gillie the Gourmet Gannet got there to clean everything up. In fact there was more than enough and even the club mobile disposal unit had to decline a further helping. The function continued into the not so small hours of the next day and 9 am, found some members breaking their fast with Apple strudel, fruit salad, and ice cream.

Other activities have included Bingo and Beetle evenings, saunas and swim nights.


A group of us went to Taupo to the Half AGM which was a terrific weekend. Another group made the annual trek to "Mecca" and the Gisborne Sun Club Cabaret. What a weekend! Mind you we were only getting into practise for our own Cabaret on 11 September in New Plymouth. Don't forget to contact our secretary if you want to come.

We recently held a very successful cake stall in New Plymouth, to help boost our funds. This will help pay for the electrical wiring of our clubhouse.


During the next year, construction of the clubhouse will be the main project but we are not forgetting the leisure and pleasure activities of a sun club.

September will see our Annual Cabaret, we have booked an entire motel complex for this and bookings have been so heavy we have had to find some more accommodation.

In May we received, regrettably, the resignation of our president, he has taken employment in Fiji and we wish him all the best

We continue our winter socials, interspersed with visits to some of our neighbouring clubs, for their functions. At all of these we have had a great time. We thank our various hosts for their fine hospitality.

Perhaps your former president Arthur, and his good lady Doris, can help to get a club going in Fiji. See the note in "Jottings from the Editors Notebook" on page 31 - Editor.



The result of our efforts to generate interest in a club swim night at Rickardo's pools at Parakai has been very satisfying. With several pools to choose from club members and the many visitors and children of all ages joined in two pleasant evenings to date. We have yet to get a hundred adults but with the interest shown by other clubs the next night (the last Friday of each month) should exceed this. Pleasant company topped off with an inexpensive meal in the available dining room, and for those so interested, b.y.o.g. It was intended to have a more detailed report, more like an article with photographs, but unfortunately we have as yet to obtain the services of a shutterbug with experience of working in a steamy environment - any offers contact our secretary.

Our regular club sauna night has now been shifted to the second Sunday of each month so that once again our members can outnumber visitors. The Sunday use of our club rooms is proving very popular as a winter gathering place, children's games, dart board and various handicrafts which attract the usually envious comments from friends and visitors alike.

As holders of the Mowlem Interclub Membership Trophy we are making a sustained effort to ensure that this continues to decorate our clubroom walls.


During the chilly winter our members enjoyed an indoor programme of scorching saunas, hot springs and tepid swimming. Our warm thanks to those clubs who have allowed us to share in their arrangements. Membership continues to rise, as folk we have met learn about the Group.

We hope to form sub-groups in all major centres, with their social programmes locally organised. Subgroups will explore local possibilities for nude swimming and prepare written guides, such as that already used in the Auckland region. These will be helpful to members on holiday. Another valuable source of local information is the Members' Directory, which gives phone numbers and brief details of those who wish to be included.

The little mascot in our advertisement is named Fred Bear. You may see him this coming summer on car stickers, tee shirts and beach umbrellas. This is our way of recognising others of similar outlook. We look forward to hearing from everyone who wants to "stand up and be counted" on the Free Beach issue.




We were saddened to learn of the death on 27 June of Frank M. Price. A founder member of Kowhai Valley Club Incorporated. A keen, tireless worker for his club and the movement His passing will be felt by many. Our deepest sympathy goes to his wife and family.






The Cool Cottontail by John Ball, published by Pan Books Ltd, London

This book is thoroughly enjoyable. Although it was first published in London in 1967 it is well worth spending a few lines on it at this late hour. A Cottontail in American nudist language is a person who sunbathes with a bathing costume, leaving the well known white patches of the non-nudist. A Cool Cottontail is a dead one. A nude, dead man is found floating in the swimming pool of a nudist club in California. The detective story develops from that point. The atmosphere and events in the nudist club are very authentic and well described and are the result of co-operation between the author and the nudist authorities. This book brought your reviewer much pleasure. It is very good propaganda for the nudist movement and also exposes some of the problems inherent in a racialist society. The detective is coloured and encounters some hostility from certain members of the club. Altogether well worth reading.

Emiel Roland





Starting with our December issue, we are inviting readers to submit their nudist photographs which will be featured in a special section of the magazine. Colour transparencies or black and white prints may be submitted, but not colour prints. The winner will receive a prize of photographic materials to the value of $25.00.

COLOUR: For this section 2/4 square is the best put 35 pm will be accepted. Slides must be sharp. With 35 mm the subject must fill the frame. Normal exposure isn't good enough either, it is recommended that you underexpose by about half a stop, this gives richer, warmer tones that are better for reproduction.


or 10 by 8 inches but any good quality, sharp print is acceptable except Polaroid shots. The ideal print will be printed on glossy paper but will not be glazed. Good contrast is required with a full range of tones from a deep rich black through to a fine bright highlight. No allover greys wanted or any of those "Soot and Whitewash" prints done in a hurry. We want to be able to print every entry to it's best advantage.

BLACK AND WHITE: For this section we recommend that the prints submitted be 7 by 5 inches

All entries must be accompanied by a model release signed by everybody in the photograph, or in the case of children by the parents of each child in the picture. The judges decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding the results of the competition.

Wellington clubhouse - under construction

Photo: Bob Shearman 







Three years ago Hellos was celebrating its fifteenth birthday and approaching the, end of a long period of debt, frustration, heavy voluntary labour and every other birth pang a club can suffer.

It had forty two acres of bush to show, with an excellent 40 ft by 100 ft club house nearing completion, a constant change fresh water swimming pool, twenty-three privately owned cabins, and enough of the usual mixture of ultra conservative to wildly progressive points of view to call for some brave management.

Last Christmas, with 39 of our 130 family groups in residence, the club found itself approaching a further period of debt and other pangs of progress.

Now, with Christmas '76 approaching, the bulldozer work on planned accommodation for fifty vans and almost unlimited camping, has been completed. With plenty of space in reserve for further expansion we are setting about the finer work of tilling and replanting grass and trees. The wildlife in our sanctuary area has already shown preference for newly grown grass The first tennis court is in use with another one formed. Two volley ball courts are in use and a multi-purpose court for miniten, badminton and the like, is in the making. Additional toilet and ablution facilities are under way, a new 25 by 50 ft filtered, heated swimming pool has been completed and, in conjunction with the original pool, should accommodate a convention.

As host to the 1976 Convention and Sports Rally, Hellos is working to have all facilities completed so that we can offer near perfect holiday surroundings, in addition to a full and interesting programme for young and old. As well as a full sports programme there will be two open air feature movie nights, expeditions to places of interest and daily internal television replays of sporting and social highlights.

A grand New Years Eve Ball will conclude a successful Helios '76 and make way for an even better Helios '77.



It is a long time since Sunseekers have had a report in this magazine, and in that time a great number of changes have taken place at the club grounds. The membership of the club has now grown to over 200 family units and at the last quarterly meeting it was decided that no more advertising for membership would be done until after the end of the financial year when we can see our new membership numbers. New members will only be accepted by recommendation from current financial members or interstate club members.

A lot of work was done on the club grounds during the cooler weather. Replacement of the old fence, completion of the toilet, shower and laundry block, and commencement of the club house were the three major projects

The last summer has brought us many visitors from eastern states clubs. As we are the only club in the west, and a great distance from any other nudist club this has been a great way for us to hear how other clubs are progressing.

As plans stand at the moment Sunseekers should be represented at the Hellos convention by at least fifty members.


Our Children's Day is nearly with us again. We have quite a few new ideas set aside for this occasion and hope they will have more fun than last year. Come on kids, give mum and dad a few laughs, 10 October is the day.

This will be followed with the last of the four inter-club days for this year at Good Companions. With three fast miniten courts in operation, we can forecast some very hard games.

By then we hope to see the light - a mains power supply should be connected later this year or at least we hope so.

With progress being made on the toilet block at present, a section of this should soon be in operation.

It has been great to see so many inter-state visitors calling on us, as well as a few from New Zealand. We hope you had a great holiday in sunny Queensland.






The only naturist club in Western Australia




Applications from family

groups are welcome.





In the June issue of The New Zealand Naturist I note that two clubs have, for the first time, ladies heading their committees. In that same issue Naturi reported that at our A.G.M. held in March, we also elected a lady to head our committee, and she is doing a first class job. Poor weather and heavy rains caused a lot of damage to our club roads. Several loads of road base material were laid, and our roads are now good.

There has been a lot of interest among the general public in N.S.W. recently in nudist clubs and nude bathing, and we have received quite a few inquiries from interested people. Since the establishment of free beaches in The Northern Territory, South Australia, and more recently even in Canberra, where a section of beach on the Cotter River has been reserved for nude bathing, the public is looking at nudist clubs with new eyes, admitting to themselves that perhaps these nudists are not quite as kinky as they thought.


The introduction of the custom of having a host and hostess on duty at club each day is proving a great success, and making it much easier to induct new members into the club and helping them to immediately feel at home, Our maintenance chief organises the work to be done around the club. It is gratifying to the committee to see the willing assistance given to him by the members who have helped to repair the roads and build a shelter over the picnic tables already.

Although this is our winter season, and warm sunny days are not too frequent, club activity is good, and even on cold, dull days there are always members present working around the area, preparing their sites for future camping or just relaxing and enjoying a game of miniten. The enthusiasm among old and new. promises well for the warmer weather and we look forward to many happy hours in the sun Finally, welcome to the new editor, and congratulations to him and his team for their initial issue of The New Zealand Naturist. Keep up the fine standard you display in this first effort


A young progressive club in 100 acres of natural bush and forest south of Adelaide.
Applications are invited from couples and families.

Addressed to: The Secretary, P.O. Box 47, Nailsworth, South Australia 5083.



Sydney's newest and largest Sun Club.
Set in forty-eight acres of beautiful bushland.
Approximately 65 kilometres north-west of Sydney.


The Secretary, P.O. Box 103, Milsons Point,
New South Wales 2061, Australia.


Well appointed club situated north side of Sydney. Just a thirty minute drive from the Harbour Bridge.

The beautiful grounds include three tiled pools, lawns, gardens, a sauna, tennis, miniten, volley ball and
badminton courts, hot showers kitchen facilities, children's playground, and a shady car park.

Apply for more information to the Secretary, P.O. Box 143, Terry Hills, 2084, New South Wales





P.O. BOX 11, BEROWRA 2081



Situated in the Barossa Valley. This club retains 10 ½ acres of natural bushland.
Applications are invited from family groups, addressed to:

The Membership Secretary, Box 92, G.P.O., Adelaide 5001.







A magnificent stretch of West Coast beach less than an hour's drive from Auckland city... a fully organised surf patrol... a happy acceptance of nude bathers. A naturist's dream? Not so: reality, as South Auckland Sun club members Jill and Carry found to their delight. A club trip was a must.

Twenty of us arrived there one Sunday. Despite our foreknowledge of a sympathetic attitude, we were dubious of reaction to nudism en masse, so we settled down away from the general public ... and the flagged area. But not for long; within minutes, two lifeguards descended upon us. With remarkable nonchalance they pointed out the dangers of swimming outside the flags, then offered to stay as our own personal patrol; we were flattered and impressed. Able to relax in the comforting knowledge of their watchful eyes, we spent a relaxing, idyllic day blessed with plenty of sunshine.

It would obviously be unfair to keep such a find to ourselves, but we were concerned that over-publicity could result in our losing it. This is where Public Relations really came into its own. Word was spread at Auckland Outdoor Health Club's sports weekend, and invitations to join us on a later Sunday were sent to all six clubs in our region. The response was terrific; over 100 adults plus countless children necessitating three convoys of cars from the rendezvous point!

There were some glum faces when it was realised that a 200 metre trek down the beach, laden with the usual paraphernalia for a day trip, lay ahead; then beaming smiles all round when Con pulled up in his Land Rover. Within minutes it was groaning under the weight of innumerable chilly bins, beach umbrellas and blankets. Our lifeguards, this time forewarned of our return visit, were with us again, impressive in the quiet, composed efficiency with which they selected and marked a suitable spot for us to bathe. We passed the hat around; $18 was donated for the Surf Club funds.

Inevitably we aroused the curiosity of others; a small crowd of interested spectators displaying, in the main, a surprising lack of reaction. Several families were sufficiently impressed by the obvious uninhibited enjoyment by nudists, young and old, as to subsequently inquire about membership.

Only one incident marred an otherwise perfect day, and we had good cause to be grateful for the unceasing vigilance of our lifeguards. S.A.S.C. member Roger was caught in a strong tidal rip and within seconds was carried out to sea and some distance down the beach. Before most of us on shore had realised what was happening, a lifeguard had plunged into the surf and within minutes had helped Roger to safety. After satisfying himself that although exhausted, Roger was otherwise unharmed, his rescuer strolled quietly and anonymously away.

I am happy to report that this dramatic demonstration of the tremendous public service rendered by these selfless and untiring men, resulted in a spontaneous augmentation of the sum already collected. But this does highlight an important facet of nude sea bathing which the promoters of the free beach movement would do well to bear in mind; the ever-present dangers of our ocean beaches and the absolute necessity of several strong swimmers, preferably with lifesaving experience, being included in any bathing party.

So another perfect day drew to a close. The Land Rover was once more pressed into service, ferrying back to the car park not only it's load of gear but also many happy, but oh, so tired, children! The weather had again been perfect; sun, sand and surf; happy relationships with lifeguards and other beach users. What more could one ask? Only that this would be but the first of many such memorable days in the future.

Bobbie & Co., S.A.S.C.




A letter, suggesting formation of a non-profit travel club to organise and promote tours overseas, to nudist clubs and resorts, has been received from an Auckland reader. Any readers interested in such an organisation may write to "Naturist Tours", care of this magazine and we will be pleased to forward the letters.

The article by John Thomson, on the format of our national rallies, in the last issue, has elicited some comment and we have received some written and verbal dissertation on the subject. Suggestion to Wellington Sun Club: as hosts for the coming Rally you are in an excellent position to introduce innovations to the sports and social programme. To gain acceptance of change, the quickest way is a practical demonstration, so come on Wellington, innovate, the ball is in your court.

Elsewhere in this issue you will find details of our readers' photograph competition. In addition to the advertised prize the winner will receive a polaroid photograph, autographed, of our full editorial team which will be taken at 6 am, on 1 January 1977. We think it will be a priceless classic.


The recent heat wave in England seemed to have done our movement some good. Evidently topless sun-bathers and nude swimmers there received tolerant treatment; police gave naked and topless bathers indulgent glances although topless swimming in Trafalgar Square fountains is still frowned upon.

The promotion of free beaches in New Zealand, spearheaded by Emiel Roland, has received mention in an internationally circulated nudist magazine. After a short reference to a Port Ohope trip it goes on to "congratulate Mr. Roland for having the guts to go public like this." It asks "whom among our fearless leaders will volunteer this summer to emulate Mr. Roland? None!"

Emiel is doing a great job for the movement and we should all get in there and support him in the free beach campaign.

Further afield, news has reached us that efforts are being made to foster a club, organized along our own lines, in the islands of Fiji. What a tremendous step forward for people who have for long endured restrictive conservatism in such idyllic surroundings.



Girl in the sea

British Naturism

The Official Journal of the Central Council for British Naturism

Published quarterly in February, May, August and November

You may receive a copy each quarter post free (in a sealed envelope)
by sending a British Postal Order for 68p for four issues to:

CCBN Services Ltd. c/o E. R. G. Bareham
2 St Vincent's Place Whitley Bay,
Tyne and Wear, England, NE26 1HT






  The secretaries of these clubs will be pleased to hear from genuine inquirers. Please enclose return postage.

Northern Sunseekers Inc.
Box 4126, Kamo

North Shore Sun Club Inc.
Box 33-525, Takapuna
Phone Whangaparaoa 7878

Auckland Outdoor Health Club Inc.

Box 2702, Auckland

Auckland Sun Club Inc.
Box 15-412. New Lynn

Kowhai Valley Club Inc.
Box 6238, Wellesley Street West,
Auckland 1

South Auckland Sun Club Inc.
Box 63-084, Papatoetoe South
Phone Mangere 56-966

Waikato Outdoor Society Inc.
Box 619, Hamilton

Bay of Plenty Sun Club
Box 1112, Rotorua

Rotorua Sun Club
Box 1007, Rotorua

East Coast Sun Club
Box 1112, Gisborne

Gisborne Sun Club Inc.
Box 391, Gisborne

Hawkes Bay Sun Club Inc.
Box 551, Napier
Phone 55-331 or 435-523

Taranaki Naturist Club Inc.
Box 3039, Fitzroy,
New Plymouth

Wanganui Sun Club Inc.
Box 410, Wanganui

Manawatu Sunseekers
Box 7087, Palmerston North
Phone 71-700

Palmerston North Sun Club Inc.
Box 980, Palmerston North
Phone 81-762

Wellington Sun Club Inc.
Box 2854, Wellington
Phone Upper Hutt 86-436

Nelson Sun Club Inc.
Box 467, Nelson
PRO. Phone 86-589 Nelson

Orchard Sun Club Inc.
Box 5460, Dunedin
Phone 39-207, 33-355

Canterbury Sun Club Inc.
Box 1823 Christchurch

South Canterbury Sun Club Inc.
Box 610, Timaru

Otago Sun Club Inc.
Box 126, Dunedin
Phones 52-564 and 70-170

Aurora Sunseekers Inc.
Box 5030, Moray Place, Dunedin
Phone 38-447 or 49-598

Southern Sun & Health Club Inc.
Box 627, Invercargill
Phone 41W Nightcaps

N.Y.C. (Nudist Youth Club) Inc.
Box 6802, Auckland




   Christchurch Naturist Club Inc.
   Box 11-164, Sockburn

   Free Beach Group
   Box 41-171, St Lukes, Auckland

   Marlborough Sun Club
   Box 556, Blenheim

If you are not near any of the above clubs drop a line to The Secretary, N.Z.S.A., Box 32-112, Christchurch. She will be pleased to assist you with details of other people in your area with similar interests.




  The following clubs are affiliated to the AUSTRALIAN NATURIST FEDERATION

Sunseekers Inc.
Box 220, P.O. Midland 6056,
West Australia

Box 92, G.P.O. Adelaide 5001,
South Australia

Yulti Wirra
Box 47, P.O. Nailsworth 5083
South Australia

River Valley Club
Box 227, P.O. Echuca 3625,

Northside Country Club
Box 107, P.O. South Melbourne,
Victoria 3205

The Helios Society Ltd.
Box 440, P.O. Dandenong 3175,
Phone Melbourne 288-8713

Corio Valley Club
Box 379, P.O. Geelong 3220,
Victoria. Ph. Geelong 212-634

Woodlands Sun & Health Club
Box 2, P.O. Austral 2171,

Heritage (Australia)
Box 121, P.O. Merrylands 2160,

Rosco Club
Box 45, P.O. Toronto 2283,

P.O. Box 11, Berowra 2081,

Kiata Country Club
Box 103, P.O. Milson's Point,
2061 N.S.W.

Box 143, Terry Hills,
2084 N.S.W.

Good Companions
Box 6, P.O. West End 4101,

Eureka Sun Club
Box 85, Acacia Ridge 4110,

The Three Bears
P.O. Box 62,
Beenleigh 4207, Queensland
Phone 2873-034

Darwin Sun Club
Box 4741, P.O. Darwin 5794,
Northern Territory


The following clubs are not affiliated to the A.N.F.

P.O. Box 11, Berowra 2081, N.S.W.

Mowana Northern Rivers Club
Box 24, South Grafton 2461, N.S.W.

P.O. Box 196, St Kilda 3182,

Nindi Park Club
22 Aitken Street, Millicent 5280,
South Australia


If you are not near any of the above clubs drop a line to The Secretary, A. N. F., Box 18, P.O., Brooklyn Park, South Australia. She will assist with the details of people in your area with similar interests.



Free Beaches Report by Emiel Roland

A Fishy Story by Frank Juhasz

Variations on a Theme by Bobbie & Co S.A.S.C.

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Photo: A. Lambert

One finger tenekoit

Photo: Hanspeter Muller 

Beauty unadorned

Photo: Charlie Steel 

Woman in bush

Photo: Charlie Steel 

Edna Roland

Photo: Joh Lang 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Trevor James 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Bob Shearman

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: John Selkirk 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Con A.O.H.C. 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Bob Shearman 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Sid Mosdell 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: J. Stevens 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Trevor James 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Jim Lorch 

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