#  78 - March 1976 

[The New Zealand Naturist] Editor: Eddie Kwok (Pages: 28 - 80c)


A Review by the Immediate Past President, Russell Delacour
24th National Rally Report
The Rally that Came Alive by Roger
Rally Sports Results
NYC in search of Surf and Sun by Cheryl & collaborators
Ohope Revisited by Emiel Roland
Readers Have Their Say
Nakedness and the Bible by Nobilangelo Ceramalus ("a correction")
Nudist Holiday Resort
N.Z. President's Report by Ian Fairbrother
P.R.O's Report by Pat Trott
News from N.Z. Clubs (8)
News from Australian Clubs (4)
Australian Club Directory: (21)
NZ Club Directory: (25)




  the new zealand

Official Journal of the New Zealand Sunbathing Association
Registered at the C.P.O., Wellington, as a magazine     


P.O. BOX 40-482 UPPER HUTT, N.Z.




the  new zealand naturist


Editor: Eddie Kay
Business Manager: Bob Hayton,
Editorial Committee: Ann Blyth,
Dave Luttrell, Gordon Boyle




December 29 - January 2
South Island Naturists should enquire about Ferry Bookings NOW


In our desire to present different points of view, we have published articles
which do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editorial committee.

This magazine is protected by copyright, no part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means electronic, mechanical, photographic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the editor.






Gratifying indeed was the support your reappointed editor received at the annual meeting of the NZSA. Throughout 1975, your editor has attempted to provide the movement with the type of magazine its members wanted and also pushed for economies and administrative efficiency which would bring the magazine out of the financial wilderness. This year, it is hoped to consolidate the recovery of the magazine. This will be done with the co-operation of the new Business Manager.

By now, all readers will have had some appreciation of the type of magazine which will be placed before you.

As a quarterly, naturally much of the contents will be of a review nature. However, whenever possible, the latest information of coming events and coverage of "happenings" of the NZSA and clubs will be covered.

Photographs will still consist of a sprinkling of non-news illustrations. As long as the magazine is being sold outside of clubs, then there must be inducements to non-club members to purchase.

This will take the form of articles which will serve as a public relations medium for the movement and also be interest attracting in their own right. The same applies to photographs.

One thing will not be published - any article or photograph which seeks to glorify or emphasise one particular part of the body or any particular bodily function.

The naturist movement prides itself on acceptance of the body - in its natural state and uncovered. We should also be to pride ourselves in being able to accept the functions of that body without qualifying our acceptance by either dwelling on one aspect or feeling ashamed of another aspect.

In recent months your editor has received letters asking for more pictures of naturists which emphasises their genitals, and others detailing the various reasons for physical changes the body.


Where these requests are in line with a health problem, there is no reason why such photographs or articles should not be published. However, where such requests are merely a form of seeking sexual gratification, then your editor suggests that such correspondents examine their own motives.

On the other hand, those who would criticise any showing of genitals, male or female, should ask themselves if they are not becoming as narrow in their view as Miss PB.

Your editor, as already stated, does not agree with undue emphasis. Neither does he feel compelled to reject natural photographs where the subject is not attempting to flaunt a particular part of the body.

As the PRO states in his report, "The world is talking about getting back to nature and a quality of life ... the movement has something to offer towards this better way of living."

In its fullest meaning those thoughts mean we live a life of acceptance. We may not like other people's way of life but we accept it.

Just as the naturist movement has had the benefit of tolerance of our beliefs in the past, let us also have that tolerance. We may not agree with them but they have their beliefs and ideals.

It is when they force their ideals on us that we object. Let us not be guilty of making the same mistake.

Let 1976 be a year of co-operation rather than confrontations.






Ian Fairbrother, Gisborne



John Thompson, Wellington
Geoff. Allen, Christchurch



Kay Russell, Christchurch

Public Relations Officer
and Overseas Correspondent


Pat Trott, Christchurch

New Zealand Naturist Editor
New Zealand Naturist Business Manager


Eddie Kay, Auckland
Bob Hayton, Auckland

Delegates representing all affiliated clubs


General enquiries concerning naturism in New Zealand or overseas should be
made to the association at its office

Applications for membership of clubs should be made direct to the clubs
(see Club Directory in this issue)

All correspondence concerning this magazine, whether it be subscriptions, distribution, circulation,
advertising, articles, photographs, letters to the editor or just plain complaints should be addressed to:



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Girl in the sea

British Naturism

The Official Journal of the Central Council for British Naturism

Published quarterly in February, May, August and November

You may receive a copy each quarter
post free (in a sealed envelope) by
sending a British Postal Order for 68p
for four issues to:-
  CCBN Services Ltd.
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It is with mixed feelings that I write my last Report, to give an account of the past year.

I have enjoyed my term as your President, but increasing commitments have made it necessary for me to stand down as I found that I did not have the time to carry out the administrative and other duties.

The Half Annual General Meeting was held in Wellington during Queen's Birthday Weekend. At the meeting new rules were determined for the admission of new members of the Association. This was to ensure that incoming clubs were properly constituted and had a legal title to their grounds, either by ownership or lease.

Free Beach

Two Free Beach weekends have been held at Port Ohope under the guidance of Emiel and proved very successful. Following the first of these, the Society for the Protection of Community Standards made complaints to the Ministers of Police and of Lands.

In both cases the replies were in our favour. We anticipated further complaints at the weekend held in November and two were lodged with the local Police, who, after investigation decided that no action should be taken.

With the change of Government the fate of our suggested amendment to the Police Offences Act which would permit Local Authorities to set aside areas for nude bathing is unknown. However these weekends have shown that with proper administrative arrangements with local authorities and Police, areas of beach can be used for nude sunbathing and swimming.

New Members

The Annual General Meeting of the Executive was held in conjunction with the Rally In Auckland. Again Auckland turned on wet weather for the beginning of the Rally but despite adverse weather conditions, the Rally was well attended and enjoyed by all those present.

The Rally organisation was a good demonstration of the cooperation of the five Auckland clubs.


At the meeting the Manawatu Sunseekers Inc was accepted as a full member of the Association, and it was resolved to consider an application by the Orchard Club for Provisional Membership at the next Half Annual General Meeting.

N.Z. Naturist

Discussion on the New Zealand Naturist took up a lot of time. The magazine has caused a lot of worry during the year. Its financial position has been a cause of concern. Early in the year, liquidity problems were very real. A reduction in the size of the magazine and prepayment by clubs for their quota of magazines materially assisted in keeping it going.

We finished the year a little better than when we started but the magazine is by no means out of the woods yet.

The Executive were directed to carry out an investigation among members of the movement to determine what members want from the magazine and this will be done as soon as possible.

Ian Fairbrother, who has been North Island Vice President during the last three years was elected President. I extend him my very best wishes and congratulations.

I thank all those dubs who have shown me support during the term of my office and thank them for the hospitality shown to me during my visits to the various clubs. I would especially like to express my deep felt gratitude to Joan, my secretary, for the support she has given me over the last three years. Her knowledge of the movement over many years has been invaluable. I would also like to express my thanks to Emiel for the support and assistance he has given.

Russell Delacour


  the new zealand


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What a downpour greeted the many visitors to Auckland for the National Rally. The rain appeared as though it would never stop, it carried on right throughout the day of the Annual General Meeting of the N.Z.S.A. and the Delegates were very glad that they were well sheltered from the weather by the large marquee that Auckland Outdoor had provided for the meeting.


The Election of Officers at the N.Z.S.A. Meeting brought about many changes in the Executive of the N.Z.S.A., we now have a new President in Ian Fairbrother, a new Secretary, Kay Russell and this position has now been split to include a Treasurer, Mr John Miller from the Hawkes Bay Club, also Bob Hayton has been elected as the Naturist Business Manager, with Eddie retaining his position as Editor.

In wishing these people well in their jobs I am sure you will all join with me in thanking the outgoing Executive for all they have done for our organisation and a special vote of thanks should go to Joan Harding for the many years of hard work she has voluntarily undertaken in the promotion of nudism over the years. Fourteen years of voluntary service shows considerable devotion to any cause and Joan must have handled a vast volume of work on our behalf over those years.

I am sure that the organisers of the Rally and indeed all the visitors breathed a large sigh of relief when the first day of the Rally brought out the sun. Over 1000 members from all over New Zealand gathered on the lawn in front of the clubhouse to hear Sir Dove-Meyer Robinson declare the Rally open and afterwards excited groups of people could be seen renewing friendships that have been formed over the years with people from other clubs. It was wonderful to meet once again old friends and to make new ones among those present and this atmosphere of friendship extended well into the evening when we all gathered into the marquee for an Asian evening which was organised for us by the NYC. They must have worked hard all that day because the supper was superb and was enjoyed by all who attended.


Sports activities for the day got under way shortly after the opening address and there was plenty of activity for both players and spectators with many exciting games of volleyball, tenniquoits, Indoor bowls and table tennis. To round off the day, the early evening provided plenty of excitement from three tugs-of-war and many spectators left the field hoarse from all their shouting of encouragement to their teams.

The children present at the rally were certainly well catered for. There was a full day's programme for each day and the organisers are to be congratulated for all the hard work they put into this aspect of the rally. The children had a marquee all to themselves and they were made welcome here at any time of the day and could take part in the many activities that were going on around them. It was wonderful to walk past the children's marquee and see so many quiet, absorbed children busy turning their hands at painting and model making. Chess, story time and quiz programmes also kept the children amused and gave some parents a welcome break.

The second day of rally provided some lunchtime music in the form of a concert by the band that had been engaged to provide music for the new years evening and it was fun to watch some miniten players tapping their feet during their warm-up games while waiting for the service. All the cardsharps present got their chance in the afternoon with a 500 tournament being run for them and this was enjoyed thoroughly.


However no one had a shirt to bet with, I wonder why!

A popular finish to this day was provided by the combined Kowhai Valley, South Auckland and North Shore Clubs and there was more food than all the people could cope with. This was followed by a dance in the marquee and lots of fun was had by all.


Other Activities

The children provided some entertainment for those adults who happened to catch a glimpse of them trying out their hands at gymnastics and this particular programme organised for the children by Christine, Ron and Gillian proved to be most popular. The children's day was rounded off with a film which was well attended.

New Year's eve was a busy sports day with plenty of exciting volleyball and miniten and all other sports and it was good to see that participants were not too tired to take active part in the New Year's celebrations and there did not seem to be too many sore heads the next morning.

One of the highlights at the rally was the demonstration on the trampoline that was given by the N.Z. Trampoline team and I am sure that many of the children were inspired as indeed were many of the adults, by what was a most remarkable display.

Another unusual feature at the rally were the serenades held by the swimming pool with music provided by wind instruments, these classical concerts proved to be very popular.

A housie evening provided quiet entertainment for many tired people and it was good to have a rest from the boisterous evenings. What a good idea after a late night on New Year's eve.

Unfortunately due to the many showers of rain many of the sports were not completed in time for the official prize giving and this was therefore delayed and took place prior to the concert.



Once again the concert provided much entertainment and there was much hilarity. It's truly amazing how professional some of the acts were and this is in part due to the many hours of thought and practice that some members put into their efforts.

Many of those visitors who remained after the official close of the rally managed to fill a bus to take a trip to Uretiti which had been arranged as part of our free beach campaign and those who went all enjoyed themselves.

Much hilarity ensued during the Saturday evening at the Square Dancing evening arranged by the Auckland Sun Club and by the end of the evening most of those taking part had sorted out the calls and had some idea of where they were meant to be going.

A final funny note. Did you all hear about your new most efficient National Secretary who enjoyed herself so much that she forgot the date and packed up her tent, bags and husband and took off to the railway station to go home, all a day too soon!








With our visitors now departed to all parts of N.Z., and with our grounds now flooded with water instead of our rally friends from other clubs, it seems a good time to reflect on the five days of Rally 76.

I wasn't very impressed with the weather for the rally period, but how lucky we were that our NZSA annual event wasn't staged a week earlier, or a week after its due date, as it would have been a washout.

Our southern friends must wince when they hear of the "winterless north". To all those vast numbers of naturists who attended "Rally 75" may I say thank you for your good humour, friendliness and co-operation which made this event run so smoothly from my point of view.

The idea behind the "Come Alive" rally theme was a high participation, very social and friendly gathering, with sport on a slightly lower key than usual.

I feel that this rally succeeded to quite a degree in achieving a more festival outlook than the blood-guts sports encounters, which had sometimes more side effects than happy memories. Whether this is what is wanted in the future remains to be seen, and the prerogative remains with each succeeding host club to perpetuate the facets of naturist rallies which they think suit the movement best.

The usual inherent problems were present as far as facilities and services were concerned.

The "hard triennial" is always with the host club as to how to cater for the 1000 plus persons. Toilets, showers, refrigeration and cooking are always problems when their dub facilities are geared for the normal few hundred on club days. Perhaps future rallies may have to be limited in size, as the naturist movement continues to grow apace.

We were most pleased with the co-operation of South Auckland, North Shore, Auckland Sun and Kowhai Valley clubs in combining with us to present some of the social events. Apart from the first class evenings they gave us, I feel we are a lot closer to each other socially and barriers have been broken down which should make future co-operation and joint participation a must.

The feature of the rally which comes to me most vividly after the event is the youth and children's contribution. Remember that fantastic Asian style meal served by NYC at their excellent social on the Monday evening. The youth group worked all day to prepare the food as well as putting their heads on the block for a very large sum of money to entertain us.


NYC also took visiting children for a day to the Museum of Transport and Technology. Both of these gestures were resounding successes.

I remember too, Shirley, Pat and Trevor at the children's marquee headquarters, with Shirley and Pat from early morning preparing clay for modeling, vast quantities of paint and paper for the daily activities and the hundreds of sausages etc for the youngsters' barbecue.

Need I say more? This was dedication at its best. How well I remember peeping into the children's marquee of an evening, while adult socials were raging in the large marquee, to see the ever patient Trevor showing his cartoons and films to a mass of youngsters seemingly sitting two deep as they packed the tent night after night.

Although the original rally team numbered fourteen, this swelled to sixty or seventy on some days as helpers just seemed to be there at the right moment to willingly prepare for or repair after a function. I was greatly warmed by the fantastic good humoured co-operation the rally team received at every turn.

This co-operative, warm atmosphere made the organising of rally 75 a most rewarding experience. May I just make mention of some of the back room bays and girls largely unseen but so vital. The carpenters, electricians, plumbers, typists, rubbish and sanitation helpers, the registration team, car parkers, the newsletter team, cleaners after socials. The accountants, all the various sports, social and entertainment leaders and the refreshment and transport helpers with the all round helping bods ever-ready and willing. Many thanks! Special mention and thanks to our doctor friend, Phillip, and Roly for manning our first aid tent night and day thus saving some rally goers an outside visit for medical aid.

The five days of the rally seemed to pass in a flash leaving one wondering if a six or seven days period with a rest half day, say new year's day morning might be in order for a very large rally.

In conclusion thank you again to all our friends from all over NZ who contributed their warmth and co-operation to our Rally 75 at AOHC. It has been a real pleasure having you on our grounds. Visit us again soon.










Open title - A.O.H.C. Keith T.


Ladies title - A.O.H.C. ladies


North v South match - North won




Ladies singles - June (Canterbury)


Mens singles - Charles (A.O.H.C.)


Ladies doubles - Marie & June (Canterbury)


Mens doubles - Neil & Greg (A.O.H.C.)


Mixed doubles - June & Des (Canterbury)


Junior Boys singles - Mark B. (Wanganui)


Junior Girls - Marie (Canterbury)


Junior Mixed doubles - Janet B. & Paul B. (A.O.H.C.)




Doug Cousins Trophy (men)


1st Ron H. (A.O.H.C.) 8 pts.


2nd Neil T. (Wellington) 7 pts.


3rd Julian (A.O.H.C.) 3 pts.


Doug Cousins Trophy (ladies)


1st Jan (A.S.C.) 9 pts.


2nd Chris (A.O.H.C.) 6 pts.


3rd Rosemary (A.O.H.C.) 2pts.


N.Z.S.A. Boys Trophy (8-l0yrs).


N.Z.S.A. Girls Trophy (8-l0yrs).


1st. Philip (A.O.H.C.)

9 pts.


1st. Ann T. (Wellington)

9 pts.

2nd. Chris (A.O.H.C.)

5 pts.


2nd. Susan W. (A.O.H.C.)

4 pts.

3rd. Paul (Wellington)

3 pts.


3rd equal Tracey Susan I. Gail

3 pts.






N.Z.S.A. Boys Trophy (11-l3yrs)



N.Z.S.A. Girls Trophy (l1-l3yrs)







1st. Michael H. (A.O.H.C.)

6 pts.


1st. Janet B. (A.O.H.C.)

8 pts.

2nd. Greg (Nelson)

4 pts.


2nd. Patricia (Wellington)

5 pts.

3rd. Steven S. (A.O.H.C.)

3 pts.


3rd. Patris (A.O.H.C.)

3 pts.






N.Z.S.A. Boys Trophy (14-l5yrs)



N.Z.S.A. Girls Trophy (14-15 yrs)







1st. Bart (N.Y.C.)

7 pts.


1st Jillian (C.S.C.)

9 pts.

2nd equal Alan McI. (A.O.H.C.)

4 pts.




       David M. (Waikato)       

4 pts.









David Wells Trophy (boys)



David Wells Trophy (girls)







(judged on style only)






Philip (A.O.H.C.


Janet B. (A.O.H.C.)


Indoor Bowls:


Mens Singles - Roger (A.O.H.C.)



Ladies Singles: Joyce (W.O.S.)



Mens Pairs: Roger & Big John (A.O.H.C.)



Ladies Pairs: Norma & May (North Shore)



Fours: Waikato No.2 team


First Nudist World Rubber Gumboot Throwing Competition.

Gisborne won the first nudist World Championship of gum boot throwing from Taranaki. Gisborne now will continue on to compete on Reid Rubber Island in the Indian Ocean.




Senior Graham W. (A.O.H.C.)



Junior Martin B. (A.O.H.C.)


500 Card Tournament:


Ladies - Doris. Mens - Ernie







Senior mixed doubles - Jan & Bevan (Gisborne)



Senior Mens singles - John (A.O.H.C.)



Senior Ladies singles - Helen (A.O.H.C.)



Junior singles - Guy (Hawkes Bay)



Junior doubles - Susan & Guy (Gisborne)




Ladies singles - Gillian (A.O.H.C.)


Mens singles - John (A.O.H.C.)



Ladies doubles - Ann & Cynthia (A.O.H.C.)



Mens doubles - Rod & Bruce (Canterbury)



Mixed doubles - Bruce & Anne (Canterbury)



Junior doubles girls - Sara & Janet B. (A.O.H.C.)



Junior doubles boys - Neil & Andrew (A.O.H.C.)



Junior mixed doubles - Robert & Sara (A.O.H.C.)



Junior singles girls - Sara (A.O.H.C.)



Junior singles boys - Robert (A.O.H.C.)


at the


Miniten at the Auckland rally

Photo: John Miller

Miniten at Auckland Rally





Oh to be young again ...

Having enjoyed the NZSA Rally at Auckland,




By Cheryl and her Collaborators

While the sun still shone brightly at Oranui and the Come Alive Rally atmosphere had yet to breath its reluctant last, we were on our way to newer pastures - prepared to accept whatever came our way.

We left for Gisborne on Sunday, the 4th of January with our cars leaded down with tents and surfboards. Our departing gift to all those still camping at AOHC was our slightly off key version of "Just a Spoonfull of Sugar."

It took us a whole day (it was Sunday night anyway) before we arrived in Gisborne whose population proudly claim it to be the first town to see the sun each day.

But in that "Mecca", we had a problem. Being night and in a strange town, we had a bit of a problem finding the true "Mecca", home of the famed Gisborne Sun Club.

We eventually found the club grounds, in fact we had already driven straight past them.

After putting up our tents and settling in, we grabbed our skateboards and put the Club's concrete patio to good use (Gisborne club officials, please ignore).

Came Monday morning, and the keen surfers were up early to catch the best of the surf. After breakfast, we had a hospital trip for our champion on crutches, then heck to the glorious beach again.

That afternoon we searched the main streets (there is really only one) of Gisborne for a supermarket, then back to the Club for dinner and a sing-along in the dark with Danny playing his guitar.

There was another five o'clock start the next morning, as we went in search of the surf before breakfasting. The rest of the morning was spent lazing about their most enjoyable swimming pool.

The club's private beach claimed our attention in the afternoon and there were thrills galore as we climbed and dipped over the sand hills using Emiel's (Wellington) Landrover. We accomplished the impossible with that vehicle and the waters of the streams we ploughed through made their protest by insisting on creeping into the vehicle.

Wednesday came and so did Ian and Jennifer Fairbrother who took us to their farm in the hills beyond Gisborne. We spent most of the day putting up a "flying fox" across the river.

Using a block and tackle, and the combined strength of us all hauling on the rope together, we gradually tightened it.

Once up, we had a fantastic time riding down it and plunging into the river.


Exhausted from the activities and needing some replenishment of calories spent, we had a barbecue down by the river and found that we needed four hands - two to eat with and two to swipe away the numerous, annoying midges.

Dinner was interrupted when Emiel and Doug caught an eel and flung it into the circle where we were all sitting. What we did to Emil and Doug is another story.

When we went back to the Club, we left the "flying fox" up for another day.

Then it was time for something more serious. On Thursday morning, we had our AGM and re-elected Emiel as our National President. Leslie became our Secretary and Fred was put in charge of the "books" as treasurer. Carol, Doug, Lance and John did not escape either. They are the committee members.

After the meeting, some of us left on an overnight trip to Lake Waikaremoana. We found some beautiful waterfalls and swimming holes on the way. At night, we camped beside the lake.

Admiration for the scouts and guides came to the fore as we spent ages getting a fire going to cook our dinner, because everything was so wet.

The way back to Gisborne was via Wairoa where we met some friends from the NZSA Rally, along the road. We all visited some hot pools before continuing back to Gisborne in heavy rain.

For those drier NYCers who stayed in Gisborne, it was another visit to the farm. They really went after the eels and came back to the club with thirteen of them which we smoked and ate.

That was the beginning of the end. Friday was our last full day on the East Coast. It was back to the beach again for some more swimming and surfing, then a last look around town and back to the Club.

Emil, Doug and Peter arrived back from a hunting trip bringing with them some goat meat. So it was goat meat all around for breakfast on Saturday. Not everyone enjoyed it, but it was a change.

We cleaned up the Club house after breakfast then took our last photos before starting on our various ways home. The end of another super NYC Rally!

Thank you Gisborne for the use of your Club, we really enjoyed our stay there.




New Zealand's largest and most progressive nudist club
Patron: Sir Dove-Myer Robinson


26 Level acres of bush and fern just 30 mins from CPO.

50 x 30 crystal clear tiled pool, with children's pool and playground.

Luxury tiled toilet block with hot and cold showers.

Spacious clubhouse features modern kitchen and shop, with ice cream and frozen foods.

Camp and caravan sites have power and water adjacent to games courts.


We prefer family groups although single men and women are accepted.
Drop a line NOW to our Secretary at P.O. Box 2702, AUCKLAND
for an application from and more information





by Emiel Roland


Our Port Ohope weekend in November last year was a great success. Approximately 200 nudists enjoyed the sun and the water. As a result of the newspaper coverage beforehand, we had a quite a few sightseers. Some of them joined us, others just passed by.

The police told us that two complaints had been received. One of the complainants had especially travelled 40 miles to be offended! Both had seen our notice boards, but chose to ignore them. Any prosecution as a result of these complaints is very unlikely. A less pleasant incident was that both our notice boards were stolen, probably by souvenir hunters.


The wet summer was very gracious by providing us with a real scorching day when many who had attended the Rally spent a beautiful day on Uretiti Beach. Friends from the South Island joined the North Island folks on this unique piece of white sand. Again several people from the public joined us.

In the meantime preparations are on the way for another Port Ohope weekend. Also in the next issue I hope to report on the attitude of our National Government towards nudism and especially on free beaches.




And Our Readers Have Their Say...




I read with interest Emiel Rolands' reaction and reply to the unfortunate ladies' letter of criticism. I feel that by replying at all, you give these people more publicity than they deserve. Nothing is more devastating to any campaign than to be ignored.

I have always found when confronted by criticism of naturism and nudity, that all you need reply is - If their suppositions are to be believed they must have facts to base them on. Ask for proof of their statements, honest, concrete proof. Real people, real places, real dates, and real happenings.

The proof of our statements is all around us, normal, pleasant, well adjusted men, women and children. Enjoyable relationships without racial, religious or social bias.

I have found that most people, when you tell them you are a nudist are either mildly curious, or don't give two hoots and are happy to let you do your own thing.

In four years as naturists my wife and I have never had a relative or friend change their attitude or relationship to us on being told of the fact.

Peter (Anne) Helios (Australia)

Family beach scene






I must take issue with the way Emiel Roland goes about demolishing Mrs Best (Naturist December). I agree that she is wrong, very wrong, but Emiel in criticism seems to have made the same error of interpretation that caused Mrs Best to condemn nakedness.

The phrase, 'uncover their nakedness', is a figure of speech, a euphemism for sexual intercourse. Modem translations use clearer words; for example the scholarly New English Bible has, in Leviticus chapter eighteen verse six, 'No man shall approach a blood relation for intercourse. I am the Lord.' The practice being roundly and soundly condemned is incest, not nakedness. Even if one were to look only at the Authorised Version, the fact that near kin only are mentioned should give the clue. So if Mrs Best wants to take the euphemism literally even she would have to allow naturist clubs where the members were not related!

The Bible does not at any point condemn nakedness. There is no clear 'thou shalt not go about naked.' The passage about Adam and Eve is often cited, where God clothed them in 'tunics of skins', but these verses, so far as a verdict on nakedness is concerned, are rather like the Rorschach ink blot - what people see there reveals more about them than the thing viewed.

However, in my own reading I once came across a chapter in the Old Testament which when read with an illuminating verse in the New Testament, makes it clear that God does not list nakedness as an evil. (That does not mean that it cannot be put to evil use - many virtues can - but if the intent is good then the virtue is a virtue).

The New Testament passage is James chapter one verse thirteen: 'God is untouched by evil, and does not Himself tempt anyone' (NEB). Obviously then if God asks someone to do something, then that something is not in itself sinful. If, then, there is a place in the Bible where it is recorded that God told one of His servants to go about naked, then nakedness would clearly be shown to be good in God's sight.


In Isaiah chapter twenty we read the following (Mrs Best will find that the Authorised Version is much the same, but this extract is from the New English Bible): 'Sargon King of Assyria sent his commander-in-chief to Ashdod, and he took it by storm. At that time the Lord said to Isaiah son of Amoz, Come, strip the sackcloth from your waist and take your sandals off. He did so, and went about naked and barefoot. The Lord said, My servant Isaiah has gone naked and barefoot for three days as a sign and a warning to Egypt and Cush; just so shall the king of Assyria lead the captives of Egypt and the exiles of Cush naked and barefoot, their buttocks shamefully exposed, young and old alike. All men shall be dismayed, their hopes in Cush and their pride in Egypt humbled. On that day those who dwell along this coast will say, So much for all our hopes on which we relied for help and deliverance from the King of Assyria; what escape have we now?'

Apart from a small note of explanation, no comment is needed!

It was shameful in Egyptian culture to lose class by exposing one's buttocks. The upper classes always wore the skirt-like garment we see in their wall paintings. Slaves went about naked. The 'buttocks shamefully exposed' refers to this - i.e. the shame of being reduced to the level of a slave, of being stripped of their man-made glory so that 'all men shall be dismayed, their hopes in Cush and their pride in Egypt humbled.

I wonder why they never taught me from Isaiah chapter twenty in Sunday School or Church.

So I agree with Emiel's intentions. Mrs Best is, like so many, misguided - but Emiel went off the rails a little in trying to 'un-misguide' her.

Nobilangelo Ceramalus






The steering committee recently set up at Ohope to investigate the purchase of a suitable property have not been idle.

To date, after detailed investigation into several propositions, one has been located which should serve our needs admirably. This is an all seasons holiday resort, centrally situated with thermal pools, motels, cabins, caravan points and all other necessary facilities.

In order to give as many of our members as possible the chance to become part owners, they have suggested that the purchase could be financed by calling for interest bearing debentures at say $100.00 each, payable by installments if required.

It is felt that once this project is under way, it will form a most significant breakthrough in the enjoyment of year round nudist activity.

Further details are available from your club secretary or from P.O.Box 25, Tolaga Bay, via. Gisbome.







The only naturist club in Western Australia.

Applications are invited from couples and families.











In an attempt to let all members of the movement know better what is going on amongst the elected executive of the NZSA, I have asked the editor to allow us some space in the magazine to "air" our actions and thoughts during the coming year. It is hoped that this will stimulate more discussion around clubs and therefore involving each and every one of us.

There may be the added advantage, that after reading our jottings for twelve months it will be easier to decide who to direct your delegate to vote for at the AGM, or more to the point, who to vote against.

I feel one important point worth discussing right now is that a few (very few) clubs or their leaders question the advantage of belonging to the National Body and this question is purely for them to decide. However, if they decide to stay out of the umbrella then I earnestly request all affiliated clubs to deny them any privileges, such as: visiting or using our grounds, attending Rallies or meetings, issuing any form of passports. Any special rates or privileges in the magazine such as free listing in the club directory etc plus help with any legal advice or Parliamentary representation should be denied them.

This may appear as an attempt to keep clubs out of the NZSA but rather the contrary is the idea, to make them realise, even with the trials and tribulations, it is all worth while. After all, democracy tends to move a little slowly for some of us who are sure we have a great idea but by keeping at it, sure enough at some time or other it will be accepted in some form or other.

That is what I feel the NZSA is all about: a co-ordinating body to take the best of 10,000 ideas to reach the common goal we in our varied ways want to reach.

Ian Fairbrother

Box 25, Tolaga Bay

East Coast


Ian Fairbrother  





As the movement starts a new year with the confidence of knowing that our public relations is at a high level, we can not afford to relax.

I would like to see all clubs appoint a P.R.O. to relate local news to the news media... This is, of course, only part of the picture. Where does the public awareness of nudism start? I feel it starts with the nudist himself. What sought of person are you? Friendly, helpful, enjoys life and not being continually critical? A citizen with an attitude to life that benefits his fellow man?

But a nudist with a negative attitude to everything, I am afraid labels the whole movement with him and if the normal friendly nudist, which happens to make up the majority of our clubs stays silent, then a false impression is built up.

The person who has taken the big step in life to become a nudist and steps back to nature, enjoying the benefits of this freedom can carry this one step further. They can try and make the life of all those they come in contact with a happier experience. Then I believe the image of nudism will be on the right track.

The world is talking about getting back to nature and a quality of life - our movement has had the benefit of many years experience.

Let's make the most of this and show the nudist movement has something to offer towards this better way of living by our own example.

Pat Trott    
P.O. Box 2064




news from

the clubs in

new zealand




Since our last report, much progress has been made. Our pool is installed and has been used a great deal already. We have our clubhouse already almost fully furnished, and our club grounds are beginning to take on a green and pleasant look.

Club membership is growing steadily and we had a very enjoyable Christmas Party with members from Wanganui Club. Several of our members went to the Annual Rally where we made our names by wearing the biggest name tags and losing the most games of volley ball. However, the A.G.M. was a success for us as we have at last been accepted for full affiliation to the N.Z.S.A. and we would like to thank all those who backed our application.

Anybody who wishes to visit or join is more than welcome, and need only write to P.O.Box 7087 P.N. to find out more about our club.



What a terrific Rally we had. We didn't think anyone else was running a competition the same as ours though. Who could lose their sports game with the least number of points on the board?

Mind you, we did win some games. This year we intend to put some time into playing sport instead of working all the time, so it will be a different story at the next Rally.

At the time of writing, we're just completing our pool complex. That is the toddlers' pool, the 2 feet deep x 12 foot diameter Para pool and the new 38' x 15' x 4' deep Para pool.

There is still a lot of tidying up and landscaping to do around the pools, but with a little bit of enthusiasm this will not take long. Our new hot showers are marvellous, especially if you first swim in our pools filled from our mountain stream.

We are planning a mini Rally for Waitangi Weekend but this will be all over by the time the magazine is in print.



News from Palmerston North Sun Club weather wise is not good although compared to surrounding Manawatu districts we have had much higher sunshine hours.

Considering the poor weather over the Xmas-New Year period a number of members still took the opportunity to spend their holidays on the grounds. Some members of the management committee had put in many hours organising activities for children and adults, e.g. treasure hunts, painting, swimming displays, games and a fantastic hangi, plus many others.

Warren, our sports organiser, had arranged a badminton and mini gold competition only to see the final winner a member of the Wellington Club. Never mind, Warren, we will be practising hard to hold the title in our club next year.

Once again a very successful New Year's Eve party was held with the usual dash to the pool at midnight despite the weather.

The good news at the time of writing is that the power is now on in the canteen and filter house. And with the filter now working, the pool is becoming a very popular area on the grounds. The canteen is slowly being stocked up with ice creams, drinks other emergency items for campers.

One weekend recently some very hard working members worked for 48 hours non stop, drove 1100 miles, consumed 100 gals fuel to cart 300 yards of top soil which was spread around our pool complex. No sooner had it been spread when out came the rakes and grass seeds. Thus with in one week (with our very good climate) the area was green.

On February 7th and 8th the committee arranged a gala weekend with stalls, games etc, inviting the members of the public to view our activities. The highlight of the weekend was a jump by members of the Palmerston North Skydivers Club who fell into (not army style) our grounds nude. There was talk in some circles that a height record for a nude jump was attempted.

Don't forget you travelling nudists if you are passing Lake Road call in to see us, you are all most welcome.

Don, P.R.O.



This month our notes are being written on the way home from a really great National Rally. No doubt there are numerous other nudists travelling home to their clubs feeling the same way as we do - tired, but thoroughly satisfied with the tremendous effort AOHC and the other Auckland clubs made to ensure our visit was a happy and worthwhile experience. I could rave on for pages about this rally, but shall confine myself to say only this - the rally was a true reminder of what nudist clubs are all about. Our thanks to AOHC for their kind hospitality.

On our club scene things have been rolling along pretty smoothly, even though we've been a bit anxious about whether our facilities would cope with the summer visitors. The children's Christmas party was a delight for all and Santa had his hands full with the tinies. The older members had a wine and cheese party planned for the end of January at one of the local wineries and it is hoped by the committee that this will boost our coffers a little.

On arriving home from the Rally we found that NYC and several other visitors were nicely settled in for a good holiday in Gisbome's famous sunshine. They had approximately three days of fine weather, then winter arrived in force. The weather didn't seem to stop NYC from enjoying themselves, we were glad to see.

These young people were a pleasure to have around and a credit to their club and families. NYC have proved themselves to us once again and are welcome in Gisbome anytime.

If the sun comes back again, I may have more news than this for the next issue - with a bit of luck.


Post Scripts from Lesley:

(The Editor makes no apologies for including the items below. If other clubs can provide similar prime examples of newsy, interestingly written stories, the space is yours.)

It was announced that John, our Vice-President, has resigned from his position, due to ill-health. Your services during your seven year reign at the top have truly been appreciated by your club, John.

'Here begineth the fall of the Kings. Here come the Queens!' Members have two months to decide on a suitable replacement as Vice-President, so take your time and choose wisely.

A good time was had by all at Ohope and everyone came home sunburnt as well as exhausted. Well, most of us were sunburnt. Those people who spent a lot of their time holed up in their new caravan didn't see much sun, of course, Mind you, it was good seeing old friends again.

With a bit of luck, the press will have given us enough exposure this time to allow everyone to have just a nice relaxing time in the sun and sea, next time.

At Anniversary weekend the club visited Ian and Jennifer at Tolaga Bay to help build their swimming pool. The visit was not all work however, as with all the willing hands available the job was done in extra quick time. The rest of the weekend was spent playing sport, relaxing and enjoying the company.

Our Wine & Cheese evening held at Waihirere Winery was very enjoyable. The ladies provided some yummy goodies to soak up the 'vino'. Thank you for your help ladies. The evening was well supported by our non-nudist friends, many of whom visited the club on their homeward journey. It was a nice change to see some different faces around the place. By the way, whichever member suggested that we buy a visor fire-place - thank you again. We really needed it that night. Some summer we're having!

A welcome is extended to Marge and Graham, who have arrived to fill our caretaker's position. For those of you who haven't yet met them - Graham is the lovely little man who will enable you to come out and not feel guilty about relaxing instead of working, and Marge is the lovely lady who takes care of the caretaker. They are only answerable to the President, by the way, in case you're wondering.

Due to Ian now having the position of National President, Bevan Grant is now our President. Peter is Vice-President and Bert is Secretary. With a bit of luck, there won't be anymore changes in that area during the next six months.

Special item (a bit dated, but shows the warmth of the writer):

This month I am sending out a special Hello to one of our littlies. Wendy, I hope your tummy is feeling better, and that you're not sick of ice-cream yet. There'll be plenty of it at the Xmas party,so make sure you're there.


Last year's highlight ... a visit from Keith Bracey and a TV 2 camera team to film our children's christmas party and the club in general. Although the programme lasted barely five minutes on the screen, (10.00 pm news Xmas Eve) the entire day was spent filming. Almost continuous sunshine delighted the cameraman, but Santa was less happy to spend the best part of an hour roasting in full regalia whilst waiting for "technical hitches" to be rectified.

Shots of the children receiving presents from Santa were delightful, although the camera did not record parents' valiant efforts to restrain them while Santa's arrival was being filmed. There followed an interview with the Club secretary, during which Keith was invited to join in a volley ball game. Those familiar with his particular humour will not be surprised to learn that within minutes he had turned it into a soccer match.

We have to confess that since our formation we have not been regular contributors to the N.Z. Naturist; we were not surprised to find therefore, at the Rally, that many Clubs' members had never heard of us. We relished the opportunity to explain our overall philosophy of a small, individual, less conservative club. Our thanks to AOHC for this opportunity and for a memorable Rally.

Our membership continues to grow, but we still need more units to keep us on our financial feet. We are proud that we have continued to find regular land mortgage repayments (the original cost ran well into five figures!!). Because of this initial burden we have but few of other clubs' amenities - our Club House kitty will at least be taking care of shelter and once the land is freehold watch out - there will be no stopping us!!

The usual hard-core of our fifty units has coped successfully with the only real maintenance chore - mowing; almost our entire 3½ acres is in grass!

Our bi-annual meeting was very well attended, pleasing membership participation being shown by a full quota of remits and notices of motion. President John did a magnificent job keeping the days business flowing smoothly.

A final word from us all - S.A.S.C. extends every good wish to the new President and Executive of the N.Z.S.A. as also to the Editorial team of the N.Z. Naturist for continuous growth and prosperity in 1976.




This season at Hawkes Bay's fun in the sun club got away to a good start after our AGM saw most of our officers returned for another term excepting that we now have a new treasurer to give the previous one a well earned break. But now the NZSA have snaffled him up to look after their finances. Congratulations John anyhow.

The size of our team at the national rally was a little down on other years, but by all accounts they had a most enjoyable time, proclaiming it the most relaxed rally yet. Thanks AOHC.


Our visitors day proved very popular and the opportunity to look over our facilities and meet our friendly members persuaded twenty or so to join us. A big welcome to you all.

The lousy holiday weather didn't do much for our suntans or for our long list of expected campers from other clubs. Some didn't make it at all, and from reports most other places didn't fare much better for holiday sunshine.

But it must come right soon, and to be sure you are ready for it when it does, why not contact us at Box 551 Napier, or telephone 55331 for a visit to our grounds. We'll guarantee that you'll be convinced that the relaxed carefree clothes free nudist life is for you.



What a really grand Rally it was!

After my being taken to task for saying in the last issue that our presence would not be likely to be felt on the sports field a few scratch teams entered into the spirit and were not disgraced, we even picked up a prize for indoor howls!

Before the next Rally we will have our own sports areas grassed and laid out, and hopefully, more players.

However, the greatest excitement for us was our winning the Mowlem Trophy for the fastest growing club. We did not expect to win it this time but we were fairly sure we would get it next time. We serve notice here and now that it will be returned only temporarily for the next Rally, as we are well on the way to retaining it. What if we don't? Well, it will have made some of the other clubs do something about stopping us retaining it, after all, it surely was Ivan Mowlem's intention to invite competition for his trophy, thus increasing the membership of the movement so that it will go from strength to strength.

At the Rally we ran a reasonably successful raffle for $30 worth of petrol, an expensive item these days for travellers, and it was the hope of all contributors that they might recoup their travelling expenses. It was won by Cheryl and Harry of NYC with ticket no 1397, which was drawn by the new NZSA President, Ian Fairbrother.

As the NYC Rally was about to take place in the Gisborne area we hope their win eased their expenses.

We thank all those losers who contributed to our funds, "better luck next time, eh!", and also those who just straight out donated.


Easter '76 Mini Rally is being held during April 16-19.

Programme: 16th - arrival day and evening function: 17-18 Sports; 19 Farewell.

All teams for the sports teams will be chosen by ballot, young and adult mixed.

There will be day and evening entertainment, refreshments etc.





news from

the clubs in



This year is going to be a long and busy one as we have many things planned and lots of things to do and lots of places to go. We are not going to mention much about the things gone past but most went well. The Christmas Social saw 82 people at the club on that night and the miniten competition was cancelled until April.

On December 5th last year, a meeting was held at the Three Bears, of the Clubs around Brisbane, and representatives of the four Clubs were present, It was a good night with lots of discussion. I feel we are on the track to a long and happy association with one another.

Dates of Interclub Days

SUNSHINE FAMILIES April 11. On this day, Volley Ball will be the main sport. A trophy will be at stake, and it will be the first real volley ball competition in Queensland at a nudist club between Nudist Clubs. Meet opposite the Haaonvale School, 9 a.m.

THE THREE BEARS August 22. On this day we will have our Three Bears Book of records out. There will be some eggs flying high and quite a number of other records will be challenged.

GOOD COMPANIONS October 17. On third day another trophy will be at stake when the champion miniten players from each club will battle it out.

SOCIAL EVENING June 12. This evening will be adults only. It will be a dine and dance type, if you know of a nice spot, let us know as this has to be decided very soon. This evening will be attended by all clubs and should be a great evening.

We have had three camp outs with the Bears Club and each has been good. The last being three days to Stradbroke. Families Juniors camping here the other day and the Three Bears Cubs will be having another camp out at Sunshine Families on April 9 so come on and join them for a great weekend.

The toilet floor slab is down and looks great. Our second miniten court is moving slowly but volley ball is now very popular.

The Three Bears Miniten Competition will be held on 1st Sunday in April. At the moment 6 medallions are ready to be won, mens, ladies and mixed doubles. The camp is open so any children will be treated as adults.

Any one who has been to Helios will remember the pool (We reckon it's the coldest pool north of the south pole.) The Convention & Rally of the A.N.F. will be held there Christmas 1976, and we will be there for sure (We will require a caretaker while in Melbourne). I feel sure we will have a volley ball team as well. Helios' new pool will soon be a reality.

The Three Bears records holders at present are:

Tennis Ball throwing ladies Gail 3 Bears 30.700m

Tennis Ball throwing mens Tom Eureka 45.800m

Largest Family Glyns & Lyle Sunseekers Total 7 people

Balancing Broom Derek 3 Bears 27 sec.

Egg throwing Mark to Shane 3 Bears 40.200m

Hammer Throwing Men Colin 3 Bears 17.030m

Hammer Throwing Ladies Eileen Visitor l3.360m

Brick Throwing Tom Eureka l5.300m

Hula Hoop Lucy Eureka 9m 3sec.

Limbo Laurie Corio 815mm

Quoit Throwing Bill Eureka 2.

Nail Hammering Eileen Visitor 16sec.

Pine Cone Throwing Teresa 3 Bears l0.550m

And we have had Visitors from 37 different nudist clubs visit the Three Bears.

Visitors from other nudist clubs are most welcome.


Since the last notes from Naturi, many new members have joined and are taking full advantage of the natural life in the open air.

Several of the caravans and cabins have changed hands and the new owners have put in a lot of work changing things to suit their own desires. A lot of new lawn has been laid and several attractive picnic tables and seats erected among the trees.

Club roads have been improved and the two original miniten courts resurfaced. Heinz and Peter, with their tractor have cleared some new camp sites which were soon put to use.

The children's Christmas party was a great success and "Father Christmas" was given a grand welcome. A tree on the lawn was gaily decorated for the occasion. Pat and Allen, who are in business close to the club, very generously donated ice cream and soft drinks for the children. They have also donated a kiddies' "Rocket Car" and this has been installed in the club house.

Over the holiday period, quite a few members settled in for an extended natural holiday. Christmas week-end was Overcast but very warm. The New Year week-end was sunny and very hot, giving a lot of deep brown and a few bright red sun tans.


A slide and film night was held in the club house and members were amazed to see how bare the club site was in the early days, and can now appreciate the progress we have made in such a few short years. We hope that with the support of the members we will show further improvements in the next year or so.

Our problem with the route of the natural gas pipe line has been resolved by a satisfactory decision. The line will now be laid some 400 feet further north, thus retaining our natural screening, and not interfering with the club to any great extent.

With the very hot weather, water was once more of concern, but with the extra tanks installed by members at their cabins and vans, the position was not as bad as in previous years.

Sydney may soon have a free beach officially. Reef Beach situated on Middle Head and facing the ocean is under consideration by the authorities. Approach is by water or by a twenty five minute walk through the old military reserve. Vehicles cannot be driven to the beach. By next issue we may have further news about this.



The hot weather should remind all our members who have sites at the club that there should be a bucket of water and scrub beater near their tent, hut or caravan.

The early season has been quite hectic for the committee. What with the Bi-Annual Meeting, volleyball day at Corio and our enormously successful advertisement which appeared in the Melbourne Sun has yielded to date approximately 60 enquiries, an absolutely overwhelming response.

An enormously big thank you must go to Val and Olga who have handled all the telephone enquiries, Val was so kind as to offer the use of her phone no. Thank you both very, very much. We all appreciate the hard work Tom, Mario and Thelma and Phil have gone to in getting the new pool filter installed.

The Club is taking steps to recruit a large number of new members to build up our strength to its previous position, or even greater. From previous experience it is quite obvious that the Club needs enough members to cover absenteeism, plus resignations for many varied reasons. In my opinion we could have a figure of some 150 units to ensure a good sociable number at the Club at all times, weather permitting. The other side of the coin is that we need the resulting finance to carry out the works programme that is planned for the future. The new toilet, shower block when completed should cope quite well with the larger membership, as well as open days or inter-club visits.

The Committee has acted in a positive way to win new members by deciding to hold an early Open Day.

I would appeal to all members to try convincing their friends to visit the club on open day with the view to joining later.

Owing to the increased postal charges, the Committee has decided our newsletter will no longer be posted. Instead copies will be handed to members at the club grounds or sauna. We hope this arrangement will work satisfactorily and trust members will co-operate in our efforts to conserve finance.

President: Ross (Marj:) Tel. 2983293, Vice President: Bill (Phyl) 362034, (Strathalbyn 085), Committee Member: Miles 316781, Property Officer: John (Reta) 3805262, Fire Control Officer: Clarrie 3883173, Social Convenor: Dick (Dianne) 875427, Flora & Landscape Environment Officer: Ron (Gloria), Youth Organiser: Reg (Joyce), Editor of Newsletter 2972066 Val (Daryl).



All club members would have been very proud of our competitors at the Rally. Once again we retain the Badminton Trophy through Colin, Neil, Janine and Tasha. We finished 4th out of 13 clubs, which was a tremendous effort by everyone. We also finished 3rd in the volley ball through the sheer guts and determination of Greg, Colin, Neil, David, Betty, Tasha and Steve. Thanks also go to Bob of Tindo for acting as our coach through the competition.

We have received an invitation from Tindo, to attend a mini Convention at their club over the Easter period. They have invited us, Northside and Helios, so we can be sure there will be some good fun and games. He sure to take plenty of money with you, so we can all stock up on the lovely cheap alcohol over there.

Congratulations to Gwenda on being selected as Miss Junior Nude Australia at the convention.

A number of our members camped at the club over the Xmas and January holiday period, the efforts of Maurie (Rene's), Dennis and John (Judith's) in digging the remaining holes for the fence supports and extending the lawn terraced area with soil are very much appreciated. Some further progress has also been made on filling the area in front of the Club house.

At the committee meeting, held on Sunday 1st February, it was decided to form a sub-committee comprising, Ernie, David and Cyril to investigate the work and costs involved in sealing, draining and fencing the combination games court.



A well established, small, friendly family club

on 70 acres of beautiful bushland, hour from Hornsby.

Swimming, sauna, children's playground, games-courts.

Activities in the sun throughout the year - P.O. Box 11, BEROWRA. 2081.



Set in 40 acres of natural bushland in the Blue Dandenongs.

Applications from family groups are welcome.

P.O. Box 440, Dandenong, Vic. 3174.

Phone: Melbourne 288-8713


A well established club with excellent facilities. Situated in the Barossa Valley, this club retains 10½ acres of natural bushland. Applications are invited from couples and family groups, addressed to:

The Membership Secretary, Box 92, G.P.O., Adelaide 5001.


A young progressive club in 100 acres of natural bush and forest south of Adelaide.

Applications are invited from couples and families addressed to: -

The Secretary, P.O. Box 47, Nailsworth, S.A. 5083



club directory



The secretaries of the clubs listed below
will be pleased to hear from genuine enquirers.
Please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.


The following clubs are affiliated

Box 220, P.O. Midland 6056, West Australia

Box 92, G.P.O. Adelaide 5001,
South Australia

Box 47, P.O. Nailsworth 5083, South Australia

Box 227, P.O. Echuca 3625, Victoria

Box 107, P.O. South Melbourne, Victoria 3205

Box 440, P.O. Dandenong 3175, Victoria
Phone Melbourne 288-8713

Box 379, P.O. Geelong 3220, Victoria

Box 2, P.O. Austral 2171, N.S.W.

Box 121, P.O. Merrylands 2160, N.S.W.

Box 45, P.O. Toronto 2283, N.S.W.

P.O. Box 11, Berowra 2081, N.S.W.


Box 143, Terry Hills, 2084, N.SW.

Box 50, P.O. Lindfield 2070, N.S.W.

Box 6, P.O. West End 4101, Queensland

Box 85, Acacia Ridge 4110, Queensland

P.O. Box 62, Beenleigh 4207, Queensland.
Phone 2873-034.

Box 4741, P.O. Darwin 5794,
Northern Territory

Box 24, South Grafton 2461, N.S.W.

P.O. Box 196, St Kilda 3182, Victoria

22 Aitken Street, Millicent 5280,
South Australia

P.O. Box 39, Hermit Park, 4812, Queensland


If you are not near any of the above clubs, but are interested in joining a club, drop a line to The Secretary, A.N.F. Box 18, P.O., Brooklyn Park, South Australia 5032. He will be pleased to assist you with the details of any other people in your area with similar interests.



Sydney's newest and largest Sun Club, set in 48 acres of beautiful bushland, approx. 40 miles n.w. of Sydney.

Enquiries — Secretary, P.O. Box 103, Milsons Point, N.S.W. 2061, Australia.



A progressive Family Sun Club situated in

natural Bushland setting North of Melbourne.

All year round activities.

Enquiries:- P.O. Box 107, South Melbourne, 3205.



new zealand
club directory



The secretaries of the clubs listed below
will be pleased to hear from genuine enquirers.
Please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.


P.O. Box 4126, Kamo

P.O. Box 33525, Takapuna, Auckland
Telephone Whangaparoa 7878

P.O. Box 2702, Auckland

P.O. Box 2925, Auckland

P.O. Box 6238, Wellesley Street West, Auckland 1

P.O. Box 63-084, Papatoetoe South

P.O. Box 6l9, Hamilton

P.O. Box 1112, Rotorua

P.O. Box 1007, Rotorua

P.O. Box 391, Gisborne

P.O. Box 551, Napier
Telephone 55-331 or 435-523

P.O. Box 3039 Fitzroy, New Plymouth

P.O. Box 410, Wanganui

P.O. Box 7087, Palmerston North
Telephone 71-700


P.O. Box 980, Palmerston North
Telephone 81-762

P.O. Box 2854, Wellington
Telephone Upper Hutt 86-436

P.O. Box 467, Nelson
P.R.O. Phone 86-589 Nelson

P.O. Box 1823, Christchurch

P.O. Box 610, Timaru

P.O. Box 126, Dunedin
Telephone 52-564 and 70-170

P.O. Box 1468, Dunedin
Telephone 39-207

P.O. Box 627, Invercargill
Telephone 41W Nightcaps

Enquiries and Publicity
National and
Auckland Branch: P.O. Box 6802, Auckland


P.O. Box 1112, Gisborne

P.O. Box 5030, Moray Place, Dunedin.
Telephone 38-447 or 49-598

If you are not near any of the above clubs, but are interested in joining a club, drop a line to The Secretary, N.Z.S.A., Box 40482, Upper Hutt, New Zealand. She will be pleased to assist you with the details of any other people in your area with similar interests.




This Club, already one of the largest in the country, is entering a new phase of expansion and genuine enquiries concerning membership are cordially invited. If your interests lie in...




or just plain lying in the sun


Write in confidence to:- P.O. Box 2854, Wellington

or telephone Upper Hutt 86-436




Ohope Revisited Emiel Roland

The Rally that Came Alive (24th) Roger (Morton)
24th National Rally Report Kay (Russell)

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Photo: Arne Loot

One finger tenekoit


Beauty unadorned



Woman in bush

Photo: N.Blyth  

Woman in bush

Photo: J. Smith  

Woman in bush

Photo: J. Smith  

Woman in bush

Photo: J. Smith  

Woman in bush

Photo: J. Smith 

Woman in bush

Photo: J. Smith  

A quiet pool near Raglan

Photo: J. Smith  

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: J. Smith  

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: J.Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui


Geometry at Oranui


Geometry at Oranui



Geometry at Oranui


Geometry at Oranui



Geometry at Oranui


Geometry at Oranui


Geometry at Oranui


Geometry at Oranui


Geometry at Oranui


Geometry at Oranui


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