#  62 - March 1972 

[The New Zealand Naturist] Editor: John Gilmour (Pages: 52 - 80c)


N.Z.S.A. Notes - Message from the Business Manager, Questions from a Club Manager, Perc Cousins Trust Fund, Executive Changes
National Rally Report
President's Report by Gavin Robieson
Sports Results
Talking to Women by Gaynor
Free Beaches Public Opinion Poll by Emiel Roland
Letters to the Editor
Our Experience with Nudism in Britain by Emiel Roland
News from the Clubs (10)
Club Directory: (18)




Editor: John Gilmour




  the new zealand


Registered at the C.P.O., Wellington, as a magazine







Editor in Chief


John Gilmour

Business Manager


Arthur Parish

Copy Preparation


Editorial Committee

Advertising Representative


Barry Hill

Editorial Office


P.O. Box 2925, Auckland


In our desire to present different points of view, we have published articles
which do not necessarily represent the opinion of our editorial committee.





Gavin Robieson, Palmerston North



Jock Shoolbread, Auckland
Geoff Allen, Christchurch



Joan Treanor, Wellington

Public Relations Officer
& Overseas Correspondent


Jeff Hatfield, Wellington

Youth Organiser


Charles Monod, Wellington

Women's Representative


Gaynor Robieson, Palmerston North

Delegates representing all clubs


Enquiries regarding naturist clubs or any matters concerning naturism in New Zealand
or overseas should be made to the association at its office


P.O. Box 40482, Upper Hutt, New Zealand


Woman & child in a pool

Photo: Norris Lurker





There has been a great deal written and even more said, on the subject of nudists and publicity. Many people who are members of a sun club, nudist club, call it what you will, seem to have the impression that if it were known by their friends that they belonged to such an organisation they would be complete outcasts from society. Some people have the idea that they would not be permitted to continue in their chosen occupation if it were known what they did at week-ends. "I would get the sack immediately if the boss found out", was the comment of one club member when discussing the subject.

How does he know? Has some previous member of the staff been dismissed for belonging to a nudist club? I doubt it. If you ask a person what makes him so sure he would be dismissed, his reply is a vague "I just know".

Now some people, because of their occupation, have some cause to be cautious. I don't mean they should keep their club membership a secret, but they have to be a bit careful just how people get to know about their nudist activities. Schoolteachers, for instance, could find things difficult if the children learned the "terrible secret" in the wrong way.

Experience has proved to me that nobody condemns us just because we are members of a nudist organisation. I tell just about everyone I meet, close friends or casual acquaintances alike, and only very occasionally do I get so much as a raised eyebrow. BUT, what I do find is that you get a lot of interest. After only a few minutes' discussion with comparative or even complete strangers it is quite easy to slip into the conversation the fact that you belong to a nudist club, and nine times out of ten you will get genuine interest. The odd tenth occasion you just get plain disbelief; the listener thinks you are just pulling his leg.

Now, you may ask, how do you tell a complete stranger within a few minutes of meeting that you are a nudist?


"Lovely weather," you say.

"Yes," says the complete stranger, perhaps he's come to read the meter. "Bit better than we got during the Holidays, isn't it."

"It sure is, where we were, it poured the whole time."

"Oh, did it, you went away for the holiday then?"

"Yes," you say, and wait for the all important question for which you have been fishing.

"Go anywhere interesting?" asks the stranger.

"Not away, really. Just went camping at the local nudist club."

Now you've said it, wait for the explosion, the streak of lightning to strike you down. But no, the earth doesn't open and swallow you, the stranger does not run screaming for the padded wagon or the vice squad.


"Oh, yes?" he says, "I've often wondered what it's like in those places. I've never known anyone who actually belonged to one."

From there on it's plain sailing, and before long, even if you haven't made a convert yet, you have another person who will accept it, who will not call the police if he sees you naked on a quiet beach.

Now, back to the member who thinks he will get the sack if the boss knew. His reasoning is that he is in contact with the public and the firm would not tolerate a nudist on the staff. Why ever not? You don't have to sell nudism to your customers, you don't have to advertise the fact that you belong to this or that club anymore than you advertise that you belong to such and such a golf club. If the customer should somehow find out, he will be curious. He is more likely to come back again, if only to look at "that nudist bloke" than he is to withdraw all his custom and go to the opposition.

Everybody I work with knows of my association with the nudist movement. All my customers know. I have had many questions, some jokes, but no condemnation.

If anybody asks me if I am going anywhere for the holidays, or the week-end, I don't evade the question with some vague reply like "Oh, yes, away somewhere." I come straight out with it.

So, think about it, try it out on a stranger whom you will never see again. You will be more surprised at his lack of reaction than he will at your "startling" disclosure.

The important thing is to treat the subject as normal. When I am asked what clubs I belong to I tell them without wrapping it up. "A camera club and a nudist club." No hesitation, no doubt that they will accept it as normal. Try it. It works.

With that, I will bring this, my first editorial, to a close. You can probably guess from what I have said that I am proud to be a nudist. I am also proud that I was asked to take over the job of editor in chief of this splendid magazine. My only doubt is whether I can do as good a job as my predecessor. I can only do my best. -John H. Gilmour

  John Gilmour




WE WELCOME NEW MEMBERS - WE PREFER FAMILY GROUPS although single men & women are accepted

  Drop a line NOW to our Secretary at

for an application form and more information.




n.z.s.a. notes


To all readers, please note that the magazine is in urgent need of good quality photographs for reproduction in this year's forthcoming issues. Have you some good photos just lying around gathering dust? If not, why not make use of the sunshine days that are still left and take some. The following cash prices will be paid for photos or transparencies subject to the Editor's decision on what is reproduced: Front cover pictures, $25.00; Black and white pictures reproduced as a whole page, $10.00; For all other pictures reproduced, $2.00. Each photo must be signed - lightly please - on the reverse side by the model or people appearing in the picture, and sent to J. Gilmour - Editor - P.O. Box 2925, Auckland.


Dave of A.O.H.C. writes advising that a lot of people who are non members read our magazine and are unsure whether they could submit articles or photographs. The Editor will be only too pleased to receive any material for the magazine from anyone provided they realise he has the sole right to accept or reject. Again, these people can donate towards the Perc. Cousins Trust Fund if they so wish as this fund is solely for the purpose of helping clubs to make a start or regain their feet or in any way of being a financial aid to the clubs in general. With regard to the distribution of the magazine he mentions that not all shops sell our magazine. Much as we would like to see this happen and so swell our distribution figures it is impossible unless some kind person would like to call on those shops that our distribution agents do not handle.


Last balance, $297.92; club levies, $10.55; bank interest, $25.36; LJM (Southland), $1.00; DL (Auckland), $20.00; Rally Proceeds, $7.50; new balance, $362.33.


At the recent rally there were two changes made on the Executive of some importance. Joan Treanor who has been moved to Wellington is no longer Editor for the N.Z. Naturist. This position has been taken over by John Gilmour of the Auckland Sun Club. Please address all correspondence dealing with the magazine to him at P.O. Box 2925, Auckland. Joan is now Secretary/Treasurer for the movement and all correspondence should be addressed to P.O. Box 40482, Upper Hutt.

  Girl with ball on poolside





Nudists from all parts of New Zealand converged on "Pineglades", the grounds of the Canterbury Sun & Health Club Inc. for the 20th National Rally, held there from 30th December to 4th January 1972.

Although "Pineglades", the host club, had the biggest muster, nearly every club affiliated to the N.Z.S.A. was represented. The weather was marvellous every day and by the end of the rally there were some very red parts of certain bodies in evidence.

One of the main purposes of the rally each year is to bring together the officials and club delegates, whose job it is to elect the officers for the National Association. This year there were only a couple of changes. The former editor, Joan Treanor, who now resides in Wellington, was made Secretary/Treasurer and the new editor, John Gilmour, a member of A.S.C., is a keen worker and ardent nudist so we can be assured of a fine magazine from him and his willing teammates. With so much business to be handled it was generally felt that a Half Annual Executive Meeting should be held as well, with the first one in mid-winter this year. The major decisions concerning the national movement were taken at the delegates' meeting and these were subsequently reported to sun club members at the members' general meeting held on Tuesday, 4th January, 1972.

As soon as the N.Z.S.A. President, Gavin, officially opened the rally on the 31st the games got under day. We were fortunate it didn't rain throughout the rally because our extra day was used for several finals. There were some very close games amongst the volley-ball teams, and the miniten was really something to watch. Swimming races were fiercely contested by young and old alike and the competitions apart, the pool was seldom empty. Even as late as midnight there would be some eager type having his last swim for the day. Table tennis and tennikoits produced some close games, and the finals of the tennikoits produced a first in the movement's history - two sisters with their respective husbands played against one another, but each sister was from a different club.

Every evening there was some entertainment in the large marquee erected especially for the occasion. The night before the rally proper, Doug showed some slides of his recent visit to Japan. The following night was the New Year's Eve party. The theme for this was "A Roman Night" and some of the costumes worn were really delightful. The traditional midnight swim took place in the early hours then, after supper, most people went off to bed to prepare for more sporting activities on the morrow.

Man playing miniten

    The next evening "What's My Line" was staged, using members from other clubs as the panel. It proved most entertaining while the rest of the evening was given over to two teams of extroverts doing various tasks in races against the clock. The evening of the Grand Concert showed without a doubt that Canterbury Club had really been working hard to make this a success. All the fine effort that had been spent in making this a memorable concert was well worth every minute spent in the preparation.

    Dancing followed Housie the next night and there didn't seem to be much spare space on the floor throughout the evening. Although people moan about the cost of attending a rally at Canterbury they all agree that for what they receive for their money it is well worth it, and once again this proved to be the point on the social side as well as the sporting activities.

    The youngsters were not forgotten either, and Bianca had them busy throughout the entire rally, but one activity really stood out. This was their attempts at body painting. The adult models seemed to derive as much pleasure as the budding "Picassos" and what a sight afterwards to see these grown people attempting to remove the artistry from each other using the paddling pool plus a scrubbing brush. One could quite sympathise with the bewildered toddlers alongside the pool wondering what next these crazy adults would get up to.

    Of course everything had to come to an end and although this rally was the longest so far held, it still seemed as if we had just arrived. Yet here we are, packing up, promising again to write to friends from other clubs, and knowing we wouldn't get around to it. Never mind, we knew we would see them all again at the next rally which is to be held by A.O.H.C. at "Oranui" in Auckland at the end of the year.


 Man playing miniten



Health and Culture Club. Sydney's nearest Naturist Club. Situated in a beautiful
wooded creek. Vacancies for suitable applicants.

P.O. Box 96, Waverley, Sydney, 2024, N.S.W. Australia.


Gavin addressing the crowd



president's report

Of the 15th Annual General Meeting of the N.Z.S.A.

The 20th National Rally, and the 15th A.G.M. of the N.Z.S.A. Executive will probably be remembered by all those present as being one of the most constructive and enjoyable annual gettogethers yet held. This was in no small way aided by our host, the Canterbury Sun and Health Club Inc., who set out to make our stay a memorable one and who certainly succeeded.

There were no detailed press reports of our activities at the Rally this time, because while our discussions were of tremendous importance to the sunbathing movement, there was nothing to excite the press or the population as a whole. A successful T.V. coverage, lasting about 10 minutes, was made of the Rally. The N.Z.B.C. must have considered it worthwhile because they screened it on DNTV-2 approximately a week later.

A heartening report from Jock on the slow but steady progress being made towards free beaches was given and the executive fully appreciated the work being done by the Auckland team in their handling of this matter. It does appear all very simple to us, safely sitting inside our sun clubs, but to get the outside world to depart from their "norm" in regard to beach use requires a lot of hard slogging work.

Three sun clubs, all newly incorporated societies, were elected full members of the N.Z.S.A. and a warm welcome is extended to Northern Sun Seekers Inc., Tauranga Sun Club Inc., and Palmerston North Sun Club Inc. on attaining their new status. This will give an indication of how we are growing and because of the extra work that is now becoming apparent, a remit to the meeting from the Waikato Club was amended in order to provide a half yearly N.Z.S.A. Executive meeting.


It was felt that this additional meeting was now necessary and because it falls during winter, will be held at some appropriate spot not necessarily a sun club.

Other highlights from the meeting were the now available car stickers, the abandoning of the Broad/Mowlem Award for the Best Boy and Girl on the grounds, considered to be out of date, the progress and increased circulation of the N.Z. Naturist, and the death and cremation of the National "Blacklist".

Now, I think I must turn to the most rewarding aspect of the Rally and meeting - in my estimation anyway - and that is the emergence of the N.Y.C. (pronounced Nick), "The Nudist Youth Club." At our executive meeting certain tentative proposals from the Youth Rally were placed before the delegates, namely that the young people of the movement be permitted to form a club of their own, to be affiliated to the N.Z.S.A., to have its own rules, membership cards, fees and to be allowed to recruit members over 18 in its own right.

This rather loose set of ideas was unanimously agreed to by all attending the meeting and the N.Y.C. was provisionally affiliated to the N.Z.S.A. with the condition that by the Half Annual Meeting, some of the spaces in their ideas were filled in and that some practical rules and operational methods were worked out.

The effect of this was immediate. No sooner had the word got around and N.Y.C. insignia seemed to be everywhere and we were left in no doubt that the lusty impact was going to make itself felt very shortly.

TV filming the miniten



Sports Results

Perc. Cousins Tennikoit Trophy: Senior Doubles, Sharon and Neil (Canterbury).

Blackwood Tennikoit Trophy: Junior Doubles, Leslie and Keith (A.O.H.C.).

Oranui Volleyball Trophy: Senior, Canterbury. Ladies, Canterbury.

Congdon Junior Volleyball Trophy: Canterbury.

Pineglades Table Tennis Trophy: Senior Singles, Charles (A.S.C.).

N.Z.S.A. Table Tennis Doubles: Ladies, June and Sandra (Canterbury). Men, Ray and Colin

Fiveacres Junior Singles Table Tennis Trophy: Bernard (Canterbury).

Doug. Cousins Swimming Trophy: Ladies, Cherie (N.Y.C.). Men, Ron (Hawkes Bay).

David Wells Swimming Trophy: Girls, Lesley (A.S.C.). Boys, Neil (A.S.C.).

Hawkes Bay Miniten Trophy: Ladies Singles, Christine (Canterbury).

Canterbury Miniten Trophy: Mens Singles, Rod (Canterbury). Open Doubles, Bill and Colin

A.O.H.C. Miniten Trophy: Mixed Doubles, Les and Christine (Canterbury).

Mowlem Membership Trophy: Waikato Outdoor Society.

Yoga practice




The N.Z.S.A. meeting on the first day was extremely interesting and all who attended gained the knowledge that the movement has progressed and grown up in the last few years. Much was done to improve, streamline and bring up to date the organisation as a whole. The youth of New Zealand have stepped ahead in time with their parents and formed themselves a youth club to be affiliated to the national body as are all other clubs in the N.Z.S.A. This is a marvellous step ahead and I wish each and every teenager the very best of luck! Work hard at your club and make the name of N.Y.C. a name for us all to be proud of.

On the final day we had the "Women's Meeting" once again at which the youth generally were the main topic of conversation as we all realise how important these people are to the continuation of our movement.

Some mothers wanted chaperons for youth rallies and various trips or functions, but if the young adults are to form and successfully run their own club they must accept all the responsibilities that go along with it and therefore form their own discipline and control measures, for they must realise that their actions can bring either acclaim or discredit to a way of life which has taken many years to build.

Another subject under discussion was the fact that a number of the youth when in a group stayed dressed! So what! If these people wish to show off their clothes or "Do their thing in their own way", then for goodness sake surely they should be allowed to do so.


Further to that, of course, no club in New Zealand has a specific clothing rule. We all dress or undress for comfort alone. That is to say, if it is cold we dress and hot we undress, for we are sunbathers, remember!

As a complete contrast to the teenagers one of our lady members felt that there was very little thought put into interesting activities for the older people who could no longer take part in the usual tenniquoits, volleyball etc. Perhaps it may be possible to think of some non-strenuous activities for this age group.

The middle age group was even considered at this meeting as one lady suggested a swimming race for the over forties, male and female of course. We hope this idea will be carried out at future rallies.

Single men were also a subject for discussion once again. One of our Otago women could not understand why the numbers of single men were controlled by most clubs. So the ratio balance of male and females generally was explained! To have an imbalance of either sex would not make a generally happy club. So to all single men and single women who are thinking of joining us, why not try and bring along a member of the opposite sex with you.

To close the meeting it was decided that we no longer needed a "Women's Meeting". We discuss all and every subject with the men as it is, so why bother with another meeting. Anything of importance we wish to discuss will be brought up at the general meeting.


Applying lotion to a friend's back





The NZBC broadcast in November 1971 over their Northern Television network a public opinion poll conducted by J. Paul Heylen Associates about the subject "free beaches". The poll was very similar to the one held by Radio Hauraki in March 1971 (see the New Zealand Naturist No. 59 June 1971).

The question was:

"Do you agree or disagree to a beach around Auckland being declared an open beach for people to swim or sunbathe naked if they wish?"

The results, in percentages, were as follows:







over 40

under 40

over 40

under 40













don't know






As usual with these opinion polls a statistical sample of persons was chosen at random and the results are guaranteed within plus or minus 5% accuracy.

Henafy Hayes interviewed Mr E. A. J. Holdaway chairman of the Parks and Reserves Committee of the ARA and Mr Jock Shoolbread, president of the Auckland Outdoor Health Club and a vice-president of the NZSA in connection with the results.

Mr Holdaway, belonging to the over 40 years age group, declared that he did not necessarily vote with the majority in his age group. He said that the ARA decision in summer 1971 to refuse an application for a free beach for one day was the right one. He felt that a public body should lead the public but should not run so far ahead that it lost sight.

Mr Shoolbread felt that the poll was not discouraging at all and that we would continue to press for a part of a public beach being declared a free beach, preferably a beach with only one access road and properly signposted, then people who might be offended could stay away but members of the public with a sympathetic view of nudism could join us.

The results of this second poll about the free beaches were similar to the first one and so it could be said that the population is still evenly divided on this issue.

This time, as suggested by Professor Timms of the Sociology Department at the University of Auckland, the results were broken down into sex groups of over and under 40 years. It certainly showed the difference in thinking between the over and under 40 years in both sexes.

Slightly disappointing is the group of women under 40 where in this age of emancipation one would expect a greater percentage in favour of free beaches. Is the cause to be found in the article "Talking to Women" by Gaynor in our periodical of December 1971, No. 61?

Both polls of course were taken in the winter, one at the beginning and the other at the end. It can be confidently stated that if a new poll could be held in the height of summer, the results would be more in favour of an open beach. Many local bodies have done things for small clubs or movements with much less public support behind them. The future looks very bright. Which local body will be the first?

-Emiel Roland

Editor's Note: Since receiving this article from Mr Roland we have had news from Australia that Port Stephens Shire Council have decided to allow Newcastle Rosco Naturist Club to use half a mile of Stockton Bight for nude bathing. The conditions made were, that the section of beach should be signposted at both ends, indicating that nude bathing was permitted and also that the use of the beach for nude bathing was not contrary to State laws. On Tuesday, February 1st there was a celebration on the beach by 50 dedicated nudists who held an "all naked" ceremony to officially open the "free beach". So come on New Zealand, we won't be able to get a free beach in time to celebrate the World Nudist Day on February 24th, but at least let's not lag too far behind Australia.

Emiel & Edna Roland with children and a friend



A progressive club in New South Wales : has its own sauna bath and many acres
of beautiful bushland less than an hour's drive from the heart of Sydney.

Applications invited from couples and families.




to the


Dear Sir,

Before I speak on the subject contained in your December '71 editorial and in case of any imperfections of literary ability which may occur, I plead youthful inexperience. I must also plead a similar fault regarding my membership of the nudist organisation. I have only recently stepped from the concrete jungle into the light! I hope, however, that neither of these will detract from the points I wish to bring to your notice.

Congratulations are due to Frank for his lucidity in collating the various facets of the saying "History repeats itself." He enabled me to see the subject in a new light. However he does, I think, make one or two misjudgments that somewhat cloud his final summing up.

The first of these is his contention that four letter words and sexual innuendo are recent additions to our literary heritage. They are, in fact, as old as language itself. To verify this, I suggest a reappraisal of Shakespeare and a perusal of Chaucer (unexpurgated), is likely to confirm this. I personally make regular use of four letter words, sometimes in great profusion, to alleviate distress. I would, however, intimate that this has in no way impeded the extension of my vocabulary. If, like Frank, readers feel constantly assailed by "modern inventions" such as strip-tease, wife swapping, gang rape and sex orgies, I suggest they consider changing their reading habits. It will be found that the more staid news media still embrace the virtue of reporting news.

If we take a look at the fashions moving past us in the street, what do we see? Rigid conformity to fashion? No, we see women wearing minis, midis, maxis, hot pants, jeans and culottes. We see men wearing both long and short hair. This suggests to me that at last we are free from the necessity to toe the line marked by the leaders of fashion either of clothes or ideas.

   A man leaps for a tenniquoit

Also as worldwide intercourse becomes free by means of better communications, it becomes correspondingly more difficult for a minority to suppress diversity of thought and action. I suggest this is the optimistic portent for our organisation. May it also cheer those worried about the vociferous campaigners against social liberalisation, that their reliance upon the support of the silent majority becomes progressively less viable, for this large body of opinion is becoming increasingly sympathetic to organisations such as ours. I therefore agree with Frank's suggestion that the greater use of the maxim "Better initiative than defence," will considerably lubricate the machinery which has been in motion for the past 20 years for the promulgation of the philosophy of Nudism.

One last little quibble; the ability for honest self appraisal is rare indeed. As for admitting even a small degree of narrow mindedness, those whom we regard as being more narrow minded than most, will not themselves admit an iota of this state of mind. In other words, a seasoned soldier might find himself surprised at contemporary attitudes, merely because they are different to those which he himself has grown up with. It is plausible to channel this revolutionary energy, but is folly to try to reverse it.


To round off, I would like to counter-paraphrase Frank's quote by saying "Something has always been rotten in the human state". However this rot is held in check by man's unquenchable spirit for betterment. I therefore say, look cheerfully to the morrow, for it promises great things for our organisation and society as a whole.

After this effort I now retire to bed - to rest!

Tony Wood, A.O.H.C.

La difference

A little Maori boy, typical and full of fun, plays on an inflated tyre in our pool. Having games with him, I soon came to call him "My Mate". Well, last week another child, also laughing, with similar features, was playing with him on another inflated tyre. I called to the newcomer: "Hi, my other Mate!"

At which the first child piped up, quick as a flash: "That's not your other Mate. That's my sister!"




(Arthur Congdon Memorial Trophy)

Dear Sir,

Realising at the recently held Rally that members were unaware of the reason behind the donation of this trophy, I felt that I should explain why. After being asked by Joan if we would like to donate a trophy, I had a talk with my family in regard to it. We thought of how Arthur had enjoyed his volleyball, especially when he was in a team with his family. He would always help any player or play in any game whether it were new players or more experienced ones. Playing as a family brought us closer together. We thought if we donated a trophy it would give the younger players an interest, just at the time when they need this to keep them in the clubs. That way, we felt it would help the parents to keep their families together as it had ours. Also it would show them how to play as a team and if they learned the right way to play when they were young it would make them better players when they became older. We felt Arthur would have liked a trophy as a fitting memorial to him, for our club lost a very sincere member when he died. We felt it should be played to the Volleyball Association rules and be for juniors between 11 and 15 years.

Lastly we would like to thank Trevor B from our club for making such a lovely case for the trophy. Wishing all players enjoyable games from my family and myself.

Ruth, C.S.&H.C.



Dear Sir,

While paying tribute to your December issue - compositely a work of art - may I associate this specially with the name of Derek of Waikato who produced a beautiful and profound poem.

Artistic achievement has not seemed to me a strong point of New Zealand. Sport of every kind, certainly, and a great agriculture. But literary work? To use my newly-acquired Kiwi expression - "as rare as chooks' teeth!"

How pleasant, therefore, to find that our movement includes someone who can express a good thought well in words. Derek, wherever he is, should be encouraged to contribute more, and anyone else who has a similar skill in a much-neglected art.

The poem itself could have been inspired - I hope it was - by the Naturist movement, for I believe Naturism does tend to produce reflective thought. Perhaps the environment of our club-grounds - often with mountains, trees and water - encourage this. At any rate I have found more thoughtfulness within the movement than outside it. Deep thought arises from tranquility. One of its fruits is courtesy, which I have noticed is a natural feature of the movement. Possibly such atmosphere brings out the best in any inherent skill, and that is why our magazine itself is so good.

So thank you for it, Derek, and let's be hearing more from you.

Tony, A.O.H.C.

Girls watching sport



nudism in


We arrived in England by Hovercraft from Calais at the end of June 1971. We were told that they had had three beautiful summers in succession, therefore, the odds were against us for a fourth warm summer. The weather was warm one day, cold and misty the next. In between all our sightseeing programmes we contacted Roy, the secretary of the CCBN, and of course visited the North Kent Sun Club, which is on the same grounds. Sylvia and Ken, the club caretakers, made us most welcome.

The weather that day was sun one minute, next a downpour, so we soon retired to Roy's beautiful caravan to discuss the differences between Naturist life in N.Z. and England. I got the impression that we in N.Z. are much more open and not afraid to approach officials. The CCBN is not doing anything for the establishment of a free beach, simply because there is not much interest shown by the individual clubs. There are a few places along the coastline where you can swim in the nude at the cost of walking for a few miles. But you go there as an individual and picnics organised by clubs never take place. The authorities are scared of traffic jams by sightseers, and the easy way out for most is that many German and French beaches are only one day's travel away. It looks as if Britain is far away from any official beach yet.

Sunday the 4th July dawned with bright, warm sunshine, so we decided to spend the day at the Kent Sun Club. We were very lucky that it was a Sports day and the Sunlanders Youth group, Brighton, Bristol and Fareham clubs were competing for the championship in Miniten. (Volleyball is not very popular in England).

We had a long talk with Anne and George from Leicester, who are the "father and mother" of the Sunlanders group of 40 young people between 13 and 25 years of age. This club was established 12 years ago and has been steadily growing ever since. Many of its members were introduced by other Sunlanders; not because their parents belonged to the movement already.

The Sunlanders do not have their own club grounds, but travel every second Sunday to different clubs all over the country, with one big annual holiday in Europe (this Summer they went to Koversada in Yugoslavia).

They organise themselves in groups and give each other lifts to their destination. George and Anne travel every fortnight with them. In wintertime they have socials and a big club birthday party.

These two are certainly doing a great job. By travelling from one club to another, the boys and girls are never bored and look forward to a different weekend every time. They also show initiative, as was shown by a group of youth from Watford (Herts) who decided to swim the Channel in the nude in relay. They tried it on the 3rd July 1971, but were beaten back by the cold, unfortunately. But their full names and photos of their exploit were published in "The People" of July 4th 1971. They certainly are a great courageous lot who put our movement in the centre of the public eye. They have made several films of all their activities and I hope that the time will come when we can arrange an exchange of their films and others from English clubs with those of our own activities. (Any club in N.Z. that wants to take part in this scheme, please contact me).

The weather was holding fine and warm so we decided on a tour of the South of England taking in all the interesting places from Stonehenge (1800 BC), a Roman lighthouse (200 BC), a Roman bath, to the modern Severn Bridge. The nights, we were going to spend in the different Sun clubs en route. It was marvellous how we were always welcome, although we had never written beforehand to announce our intentions to spend the night at any club.

We visited the Brighton Sun Club, the South Hants Sun Club near Portsmouth, the Bristol Solarians, the Western Sunfolk in Monmouth and Heritage in Crowthorne (Berks).

With the exception of Portsmouth, all these clubs are smaller clubs run by a committee. The Bristol club is a proprietary club; Buddy and Doreen run the shop and a committee assist in the general activities. A peculiar rule here was, that children under 8 years of age, no matter how well they could swim, were not allowed in the swimming pool.

The Portsmouth club was a big affair. It was run by a committee, but a restaurant, and rooms to let, were leased to a third person on a commercial basis. We were assured that the combination worked well. However, we got the impression that the commercial part had got out of hand at the expense of the friendly club atmosphere. We arrived at Heritage on the eve of their 30th birthday party and everybody was very busy with polishing and last minute preparations. At ten o'clock everybody had left the camp and we were given the run of the whole premises. The kitchen was at our disposal and one of the members gave us his bungalow for use at night-time. Their grounds were laid out in the same way as the Dutch ones. A ring road with standardised bungalows ran around the perimeter with the sun and sports areas in the middle. We thought the uniform design of the baches was a good idea. Outside appearance and dimensions were the same and the owner could do inside what he wished.

In most clubs in England we found that members and visitors were allocated places for their tents or caravans which were separated by shrubs and at sufficient distance for some privacy.

We experienced a marvellous week and we would like to thank all the sun folk in the clubs which we visited. 

I would like to mention two other visits we made on other occasions. One was to the Invicta Sun Club and the other to a Nudist hotel, Ripple Court, both near Deal, in Kent. The Invicta Sun club was, in our opinion, an example of how clubs were run twenty years ago, with secrecy, plus embarrassing procedures for the admittance of prospective members. We contacted the secretary by phone and told him we would like to visit his club, that we had an INF passport and would next Sunday be possible. His first reaction was an explosion "How did I get hold of his telephone number?" Next Sunday was no good. He had to see us first. Our INF passport, he wanted to see personally. He could not see us before next week."


Girl climbs from a pool


When we saw him the next week, he told us how the procedures for new memberships operated. It was forbidden for a club member to introduce a friend by taking him along to the club grounds for a visit. The prospective member had to apply for membership first. After he filled in his forms and sent them, with his fees to the secretary, he was then considered by the committee, visited at home and only then allowed his first visit to the grounds. If he did not like it, he got his money back.

We got an introductory letter to one of the committee members to admit us to the grounds. When we arrived, the gate was not opened for us until a committee member arrived. His first question was for the letter. We were then admitted and asked to make ourselves at home. For the rest of the day, we amused ourselves. Hardly anybody talked to us and it was only at the end of the day that a committee member asked us if we had had a pleasant day!!

Perhaps Invicta did not want many members but we wondered how many valuable types had been turned away by such treatment.

Our visit to Ripple Court was a very happy one and we had a long talk to the owners, Diana and Jim, and their daughter and her husband. They had just taken over the management of the hotel and therefore, could not tell me if the business was successful as yet. They had a sauna, tennis court and swimming pool, together with nicely laid out gardens. Several guests were sunbathing or playing on the lawns. We had all the facilities of an hotel, with beds made and meals prepared together with the usual nudist freedom. Ideal holiday for Mum!! When will we in N.Z. have our first nudist hotel?

We can look back on a most enjoyable holiday among the British nudists. They are a most friendly lot among themselves and their guests. However, they could do with a lot more outgoing propaganda. They should not live in the past with its secrecy and distrust for every outsider. They should aim for more outside advertisements, come out into the open and be proud of their association with the nudist movement. An attitude of satisfaction with what is achieved so far, will lead to a crystallization inside the movement and eventually self-destruction. The British nudist movement has to be very careful not to fall into this trap. But the core of the nudists ideals are sound and it will be a solid foundation to build on. -Emiel Roland



Sydney's newest and largest Sun Club, set in 48 acres of beautiful bushland, approx. 40 miles n.w. of Sydney.

Enquiries — Secretary, P.O. Box 103, Milsons Point, N.S.W. 2061, Australia.


NATURISTS: Sun Seekers Inc.

The only naturist club in Western Australia.

Applications are invited from couples and families.

Write to Secretary at P.O. Box 220 Midland.



news from
the clubs
in new zealand

Wanganui Sun Club (Inc.)

"Hi there", greetings to all clubs from the "River City". To all of you who doubted our existence, here is the proof. Some considerable time has elapsed since Wanganui had notes appear on this page.

However, our club has continued to be extremely active. Membership has continued to grow even though we have not yet obtained a permanent site. Grounds remain our top priority, and oh! the miles some keen members have travelled looking for them. At present we enjoy a delightful spot of farmland, complete with swimming hole, for our sunbathing and sporting activities.

An indoor sauna and swimming pool complex, which the club originally hired as a winter activity, has turned into such a popular event, that it now takes place every month for 12 months of the year. It is encouraging to be continually finding genuinely interested "clothists" accepting nudism through this medium.

In conclusion, may we heartily congratulate our neighbour club, Palmerston North, on its phenomenal progress since its inception. Grand effort Palmy, and we are all out to catch up.

Mum with baby in a pool


Proud mum holding toddler

Auckland Outdoor Health Club Inc.

Changes at "Oranui", the grounds of AUCKLAND OUTDOOR HEALTH CLUB, include a second concrete miniten court surrounded by tree ferns, and a new children's swimming pool linked to the filtration system of the main pool. The lawn and barbecue areas are being improved by the growth of trees and shrubs planted by a few dedicated members, and a track has been cut to allow access on foot to the attractive area on the far side of the stream. A play hut has been built in this area for the children, and they now have a maypole which has proved very popular. The sand pit has also been upgraded to keep the little ones busy.

As more finance becomes available with increasing membership, plans are in hand to upgrade and extend the clubhouse and complete the sun-deck around the swimming pool. The continuous seating along two sides of the pool has proved an excellent idea and should be invaluable at the coming swimming sports.

Sports teams are busy practising for the Inter-club Sports Day, especially volleyball enthusiasts who face the usual keen competition from A.S.C. Tennikoit has again shown its resilience with a revival of popularity this season and the miniten courts still have to be booked in advance.

New Year's Eve celebrations at the clubhouse were enjoyed by all present, 'tho' there was less formality with the Rally held away at Christchurch this year. Bookings for the Club Dinner at the end of the season are heavy because of the success of last year's function.

Wellington Club Report

In contrast to last year, when we had two summer droughts on top of the Rally, Fiveacres is this year looking much greener, not only from spring rains but also top dressing of various hollows and worn patches on the games court. Now that three phase power has been extended to the top lawn, this area is fast becoming the most popular camping spot. Even before the holidays began there were 7 or 8 caravans and as many tents! One count at a busy time showed 18 tents and 10 caravans.

The social side has been continued with a successful if not well attended Car Meeting, and a children's Christmas Party. It was unfortunate that there was insufficient interest in a proposed ski trip to Tukino Village on eastern Ruapehu. Visitors' Day was for the first time for many years held on a different day from the party. New members are joining up in a steady flow throughout the spring and summer.

The highlight of the winter works programme was the installation of a new Filter Master filtration plant for the swimming pool as the old one had to be retired on a pension. This work meant a new block outside the pool enclosure so that the old pumphouse had to be demolished. The concrete surround on the long sides of the pool has been extended to the fence. And what a sorry sight the pool area looked half way through the job! Four great holes through the far side of the walls to allow the outlet pipes and skimmers to be put into place. (We overheard one member say, "They're just --- vandals, that's all!") But with the pipes put into place and the scars plastered and repainted it didn't look so bad. A few teething troubles were remedied and then we watched week after week as the water stayed crystal clear - a big sigh of relief from all!

The Annual General Meeting approved the purchase of 3 acres over the creek adjoining our drive at a very reasonable price and on excellent terms. As we have developed every inch of the existing land this addition will help us to keep up with the rapid growth of the club over the last few years. At Christmas the Youth held their Rally at Fiveacres and had a good time by all accounts. They were well behaved and it was a pleasure to have them. One afternoon they were at a loose end, so we arranged a game of volleyball between the NYC and the "Oldies" as they called us. An enjoyable game ensued and who do you think won? The Oldies - by one point.


One amusing incident during the Rally was the arrival of the Police Patrol. Ten youths piled into the back of the Holden car and were whipped out of the grounds to the start of our drive - and all in "club uniform" too!

Winter flooding caused quite a lot of damage to various parts of the grounds, especially gouging ruts in the sloping drives. One member had 2 feet of water inside his caravan at one stage! Action is being taken at the County offices to have this flooding problem prevented in the future - we hope!

With the membership close to 400 the Committee now numbers 11, the 2 new offices established at the Annual Meeting being a Membership Secretary and the Canteen Manager. It seems we have another first, in that our delegate to the NZSA is one of the woman Committee members. This is the first year we have had as many as 3 women on the Committee - and not so many years ago we were having difficulty in getting just one of them for Committee work!


Colin Brown playing Miniten

Girl reading



Tauranga Sun Club Inc.

Labour Week-end, and our Opening Day on the Sunday. Although the weather did not discourage our visitors from Waikato and Auckland from joining us on that day, it most certainly did not encourage anyone to appear in club uniform.

The visitors were welcomed by our President, who invited Waikato to accept a challenge to compete against Tauranga in three sports events for a shield which was made and donated by John, a Tauranga Youth member. This shield, we are hoping, will be one of the attractions at our Opening Day each year.

Sorry, Waikato, you didn't win it this year. Better luck next time.

Our Christmas Party, although not on such a grand scale as previous years, was nevertheless enjoyed by all members who attended.

To those of our members who, for various reasons, have not been able to visit our grounds for some time, and to visitors past and future, you should know that our more energetic members have cut a new track to the right of our swimming pool, leading into an area of lovely native bush. The walk is easy going and only five minutes from the pool.

To all the people who visited us over the holiday period we say welcome, but oh so sorry that you are unable to enjoy our wonderful Tauranga sunshine. Come again soon. We will turn on the sun next time, I hope!!


The Nelson Sun Club Inc.

Summer started half heartedly in Nelson, but is now well and truly with us. Members absence on holidays has kept down week-end attendances at the club grounds. But now that the go-away-type holidays are, in the main, over, we should get larger crowds.

Phrenetic activity, in the weeks before Christmas, saw our children's swimming pool completed, a safe bridge built over the creek and a hot water supply connected to the previously cold showers. The hot water system looks like a design by Heath Robinson, but it works.

The ancient science of water divining has taken its place amongst our activities. The recent dry weather has shown up deficiencies in our water supply. Some of the members have had a go with the willow wand, but none with the necessary "faith" has tried yet.

We have had the pleasure of hosting numerous visitors from other centres during the past few weeks. We trust that those who purchased some of our large crop of potatoes found them to their liking when they arrived home.

Our photographer has been busy over the holidays, and we hope to have some shots of our club grounds in the next issue of the magazine.

Hitting the miniten ball

Palmerston North Sun Club Inc.

In just two years, Palmerston North has grown from the smallest to the largest Sun Club outside the main centres.

In the June issue of the "Naturist" we will very likely have a higher National rating. The big month for the club was in October of last year when we purchased our club grounds.

On our open day in November, we had the "News View" T.V. team with us. The result was six minutes on W.N.T.V.1. This really made the Palmerston North Club public news. We also had a ten minute broadcast on 2ZA by Gavin and Gaynor.

Our membership drive, which started in September, resulted in over fifty new members by Christmas.

Palmerston North is now the second Incorporated Club to allow alcoholic liquor on club grounds. We are now into our second hundred adult members and the drinking rule works well. The Committee have finally decided on Paparotiti or Lake Downs as the name of the club grounds. A flag pole has been constructed and will be erected on the ground's highest point. We now have a hay mower for cutting the grass around our 13 acres.

Attendance over the summer has been good. 100 were present for the children's Xmas party with Father Xmas arriving on our tractors This was followed by a barbecue at the Corral. We have now enjoyed a long, hot summer on our own grounds.


Kowhai Valley Club Inc.

We mentioned previously that our next project was to be the acquisition of a club house. This has now been obtained and installed, with its front door and windows overlooking a magnificent vista of coastline. It is professionally built, quite commodious enough for our present needs, and capable of being enlarged as the occasion warrants.

Before or during the Easter weekend we shall be having a "working-bee" to construct a concrete floor. When this is completed, our members will henceforth have no qualms concerning showery weather. There will be shelter for them, with clean tank water for a coffee and a friendly gossip.

Our unfortunate toilet building has undergone a hectic career. It was first installed on our rented ground No. 1; then shifted to rented ground No. 2; then shifted again to our present permanent ground. However, on finding that it was too near the club house, we laboriously shifted it again further away into the bush - thus making a total of 4 installations and 3 changes of location. This will be the final - we hope! Congrats. to Bruce S. who made it so strong in the first place that it has nobly withstood its brutal treatment without falling to pieces.

Our membership is constantly increasing. It is unfortunate (but beyond our control) that the poor summer weather has prevented some of our more recent acquisitions from taking full advantage of "tanning". Let us hope for sunnier conditions in February, March and April.

Girl watching sport

Auckland Sun Club Incorporated

As reported in the December issue regarding our poor weather and attendances, we are happy to say this has changed for the better. The cyclone at Christmas did not stop us from turning out in good numbers for a "Camp In" which we held on our grounds. Community cooking again proved to be the cheapest form of budgeting. This club has carried out this type of cooking for the past three years with great success. It appears that the hardest part of it is the planning. Other clubs should have a go at it and you will see what we mean. Our menus are known throughout the North Island.

At the National Rally this year our Charles again won the singles table-tennis trophy, with Neil winning the Boys' David Wells swimming trophy and his young sister Lesley winning the girls' trophy.

Auckland Anniversary weekend saw the club off to Thames for their annual "Gold Trip". Again a good crowd turned up and the weather treated us well.

The end of February and we were off again. This time, over to A.O.H.C. for the day. This gave us all the opportunity to meet fellow nudists and renew old acquaintances. The visit took the form of a Sports Day. Well, we couldn't take all the trophies home, but boy we tried.

The news of greatest importance to affect our Club has been the completion of the first stage of our toilet block. After many years with second best we now have a fine building with the latest in "Push Buttons".

Our membership reached maximum numbers for the third year running.

Overseas visitors to call on us: Steve and Gail from Olympia, U.S.A. Also Rudi and Alice from Helios, Melbourne.

That's it till the June issue.

Gisborne Sun Club

We have had to farewell Mick and Mary, Paul and Jacquie and their families since last writing and are very sorry to see them go.

We kept Halloween as is our habit (and some very weird habits were worn) and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.



We also held a Christmas party on 11th December, with presents for the tinnies and a tree by courtesy of John. After the children had their fill, the adults sat down to dinner and wine, and by the time we'd cleared up and caught up on all the news, the babies were sounding like bedtime.

Plans are afoot for a visit to Ian and Jennifer on Anniversary Weekend, so we can all hear the news from the Rally first hand and get in some sunbathing.

Otago Sun & Health Club

We have had quite a number of visitors from other clubs since the new year with a lot more still expected. It is always a pleasure to see people from other clubs, so if you are down this way please call and see us.

Gavin, Gaynor and family came down to see us but unfortunately the weather was not too kind to them.

As part of our membership drive programme, Gavin made a radio interview for us on the 4XO, Otago's private commercial radio station, and this was broadcast on the Saturday morning.

On the following Monday night DNTV2 screened the Rally film.

On Thursday, Lola and Lee had an interview on the 4ZB person to person programme.

The membership drive, backed with vigorous newspaper advertising, is showing good results. Every weekend there are new members being shown over the grounds.

So far all those I have spoken to who attended the Rally, thoroughly enjoyed themselves so, thanks Pineglades, for a jolly good time.






20th APRIL




It is with great pleasure that we advise that a new club is at present being formed in Taranaki. A Committee has been appointed and they have the use of some land. We hope to have a full report for the next issue of our magazine. All enquiries may be addressed to P.O. Box 3039, Fitzroy, New Plymouth.

NYC group lines up

Joe Smith, our official magazine photographer and Barry Hill, would like to take this opportunity to express their gratitude for the tremendous response and enthusiastic co-operation they received from all those present at the Twentieth National Rally. Without this support the photographs appearing in this and future issues would not have been possible. Out of 250 requests for releases they only had one refusal.



  the new zealand



JUST SEND NZ $3.20 for 1 year, AUST $4.00 for 1 year

P.O. Box 40-482 Upper Hutt, N.Z.

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Back issues still available — $1 the lot.

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American Pamphlets ................................................................... The lot for a 6 cent stamp

English "Sun & Health" magazines ............................. $1.25 cents each to N.Z. subscribers

$2.50 each to Australian subscribers (sent airmail).

Orders taken now for issue 74 onwards.





club directory

The secretaries of the clubs listed below will be pleased to hear from genuine enquirers. Please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.



P.O. Box 4126, Kamo.


P.O. Box 2702, Auckland.


P.O. Box 2925, Auckland.

Phone Hend. 67-100


P.O. Box 6238, Wellesley St. W, Auckland 1.


P.O. Box 619, Hamilton


P.O. Box 2205, South Tauranga.


P.O. Box 1007, Rotorua.


P.O. Box 391, Gisborne


P.O. Box 551, Napier

Phone 37-692 and 35-523


P.O. Box 410, Wanganui.


P.O. Box 980, Palmerston North.


P.O. Box 2854, Wellington.

Phone PRO 6468


P.O. Box 467, Nelson


P.O. Box 1823, Christchurch.


P.O. Box 2058, South Dunedin.


P.O. Box 486, Invercargill.

Phone 66-156 Invercargill


P.O. Box 3039, Fitzroy, New Plymouth


Enquiries and Publicity

P.O. Box 52-001, Titahi Bay, Wellington.

If you are not close to any of the above clubs, you may like to know that other naturists are ready to form clubs in the following areas:






To contact them, write to:
        P.O. BOX 40-482, UPPER HUTT





Profusely illustrated

From your newsagent
or direct from the publishers
40c per copy


Box 2, P.O., Austral, 2171, N.S.W.




         Read and enjoy


The world's greatest sunbathing magazine
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the official news and pictures of all
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Emiel Roland: Free Beaches - public opinion poll

20th Rally Christchurch - 1972

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Photo: Joe Smith

One finger tenekoit

Photo: Murray Wren 

Beauty unadorned

Photo: Murray Wren 

Photo: Joe Smith 

Woman in bush

Photo: Joe Smith 

A quiet pool near Raglan

Photo: David L, A.O.H.C. 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

North Kent's lovely tiled pooled

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Woman in bush

Photo: Joe Smith 

A quiet pool near Raglan

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: D. Larby 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Murray Wren 

North Kent's lovely tiled pooled

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Murray Wren 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Murray Wren 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Norman 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Murray Wren 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Woman in bush

Photo: Joe Smith 

A quiet pool near Raglan

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

North Kent's lovely tiled pooled

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Barry Hill 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Murray Wren 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe Smith 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Arne Loot 

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