#  60 - September 1971 

[The New Zealand Naturist] Editor: Joan Treanor (Pages: 48 - 50c)


Guest Editorial by Geoff Allen
Kovarsada, Istria, Yugoslavia by Graham Bailey (U.K.)
Free Beaches by Emiel Roland
Talking to Women with Gaynor
Nudist Youth Section by Charles Monod
Some Notes on the Ancient Greeks Attitude to Nudity
The Ohau Beach Trip - In Retrospect by Doug Cousins
The National Rally (Pineglades)
Photographer's Advice by Lew Blackman
Four Generations
N.Z.S.A. Notes - To Our Australian Subscribers, American Pamphlets, 20th National Rally
I.N.F. News - Vatican Objection, 13th INF Congress, Netherlands, INF Incorporation , Germany, Under-Developed Countries
Looking at Ourselves by Derek (Waikato)
Letters to the Editor
Health in the Sun
News from the Clubs in New Zealand (9)
Club Directory: (16)



new zealand

Registered at the C.P.O., Wellington, as a magazine







Editor in Chief


Joan Treanor

Business Manager


Arthur Parish

Copy Preparation


Editorial Committee

Advertising Representative


Barry Hill

Editorial Office


P.O. Box 2925, Auckland


In our desire to present different points of view, we have published articles which do not necessarily represent the opinion of our editorial committee.





Gavin Robieson, Palmerston North



Jock Shoolbread, Auckland
Norman Bell, Napier
Jack Carr, Wellington
Geoff Allen, Christchurch



Doug. Cousins, Wellington

Public Relations Officer


Jeff Hatfield, Wellington

Youth Organiser


Charles Monod, Wellington

Women's Representative


Gaynor Robieson, Palmerston North

Overseas Correspondent


David Jenkinson, Wellington

Delegates representing all clubs


Enquiries regarding naturist clubs or any matters concerning naturism in New Zealand
or overseas should be made to the association at its office


P.O. Box 359, Wellington, New Zealand


Cartoon: Sun Club cloakroom

"Oh dear! That tube of suntan cream turned out to be condensed milk!"





The past few years have been ones of amazing progress in many ways. There has been the growth of clubs and their facilities. There has been an expanding membership, and there is at last a really natural magazine on sale to the general public. Perhaps the most pleasing growth however, has been in the more enlightened acceptance of our ideals by that same general public. This was very plainly shown by the correspondence which followed our Press Day in February. One reporter wrote a factual account and expressed his changed opinion of our open, natural club life. There were no letters to the Editor - no sensation - no condemnation - in fact, no reaction at all, but at least one couple joined our Club as a direct result of that reporter's visit. That same afternoon we met a reporter from another paper. His article did not appear until almost a month later, and most members were sorry that it did appear. But the interesting facts were that in the correspondence that developed over this article, not one letter was in support of the writer's views. Several letters (not all from club members!) expressed concern that such out-dated ideas still persisted, and they objected, not to naturist activities, but to the 'hang-ups' which evidently exist in the reporter's mind. Again, there was a direct result. A country woman couldn't believe the report, so she applied to visit the club with a view to joining, and she did just that - because of that awful man.

While in Auckland during January, I saw a TV programme where Emiel put forward an idea for free nudist beaches, in one of the areas at present closed to the public. I thought his statement an excellent one, but unfortunately, the brain producing the programme had to refer Emiel's idea to a well-known Mother Grundy, who expressed horror at the thought, because, she said, we would not be satisfied with a beach in Auckland, but we would next want one in Christchurch, and then one in Wellington... A pity the interviewer had not thought to ask her, "Well, why not?" A second opinion was then sought from an Auckland Reserves official, who also felt that Naturists were trying to grab the beach for themselves, and so deny their use to the rest of New Zealand, and of course, it has never been done before, so... And this was conservative Auckland, not Christchurch.

And here's the rub. We state that free beaches would be opened to all who are prepared to go nude in the designated area. We say we do not want to exclude the rest of New Zealand. Then why do some of us do it in our own clubs? The March issue of New Zealand Naturist gives a short history of nudism in Auckland. This began, it stated, in 1935. Turning to an advertisement from 'N.Z.'s largest and most progressive club' I read that they welcome new members. In lighter type, they prefer family groups, and in smaller type still, they will accept single men and women. But the welcome is much chillier. Another new club states that 'Having decided at the start to build our club on the family group, we now see that this was the best plan'. How do they know? Have they considered what prospective members this policy could be costing them?

The question of admitting single men, in particular, to Clubs, is one that has been handled in various ways. A well-known English woman editor has dragged pages of copy out of the attempts of single men to join a Club, or even visit one, but all she gives in return is the advice to 'Keep trying. Somewhere, I am sure, you will find a Club ... ' and so on. Am I the only one who doubts her sincerity?


The Canterbury Sun and Health Club has always admitted single men under the same conditions as all other new members - a probationary year in which the committee can decide whether or not the person is desirable, We interview all applicants before their first visit to the Club grounds, and this is as much for the benefit of the applicant as it is for the club, as it enables him to see the sort of people he will meet in the Club. Almost all applicants are confirmed in their membership, and I have never heard of a single man being turned down. The result is that we have several single men among our members, and I defy any one to pick them out from the rest of the members. They are neither more subdued, nor freer, nor superior to the married man. Yet most have given a greater proportion of their time to the benefit of the Club than have the majority of the married men, because they have not those family ties and responsibilities. Single men have held practically every office in this Club at various times and at least two other Clubs in N.Z. have elected single men as their President. Single men are an asset to their Clubs, as I am sure others would find, if they were to be truly democratic and be prepared to admit to membership all who might apply, regardless of their colour, creed or lack of concubines!

The argument so often put forward about keeping equal numbers is, I think, pointless. Do clubs keep a male/female tally on a scoreboard? Must husband and wife always attend together? And is a widow, or a widower, to be excluded if unfortunate enough to lose a spouse? Should divorce be made grounds for expulsion? These questions seem ludicrous, and so is the policy that brought them to mind. Why not welcome all men who apply to join your Clubs? Judge the man, not his application form.

If all clubs would adopt the open policy, we would have much greater support from the general public for our open beaches. Surely it is illogical to ask for 'free' beaches where all may enjoy the sun and the sea in the nude and at the same time to maintain a policy of distinction in some of our dubs. The public could be forgiven for thinking that we are the cranks who should be kept off the beaches.

What is the reason for the ban on single men? Is it to exclude undesirables? It is the only one I can imagine (apart from a few ideas prevalent about the time of the Crusades, but I believe these are no longer held to be valid except by a few Sheiks in Arabia!) Is it wise, or even logical to brand all unmarried men as undesirable? Many members of the public think all Nudist Clubs hold this view, and some of their comments are scathing, to say the least. They even wonder aloud about the type of married man who runs the Clubs.

If we wish to be regarded as ordinary people with no other fads or fancies, except for our disregard for clothing in Club life, we should try to establish this image in our Club life, and particularly in the NZ Naturist, which is the only place where the ordinary man and woman can judge us, and for this reason I feel strongly about the two extracts I quoted earlier on. Well, you are a Nudist, too. Do you honestly believe that some would-be Nudists are welcome, while others should be shunned?

Don't tell me that it is because of the married women. They surely can't object that much, because, after all, didn't most of them marry a single man?


C.S. & H.C.

N.Z.S.A. Vice Pres.

Cartoon: Sun Club cloakroom

Photo: Joe, A.S.C.    






Situated close to the fishing village and seaside holiday resort of Vrsar with a population of 1,000, some 43 miles south of Trieste, the Naturist Area of Kovarsada stretches for several miles. There are many modern chalets or bungalows and sanitary blocks are situated at many points in the grounds. There are several good restaurants, a supermarket, games courts, a man-made sand beach and excellent swimming. There is also a small Island, 100 yards away and a small ferry boat sails to and fro all day and you can travel across without dressing. Both on the Island and the mainland there are excellent camping sites, and on the mainland, sites for caravans. Bottled gas is available for the caravanners and campers. The season lasts from mid-May to mid-October. There is excellent boating and many people bring inflatable and other type of craft. The coast is rocky, but flat concrete areas have been made, but as this is still very hard, airbeds or campbeds are advisable as also are rubber or plastic beach shoes. The sea is very clear so masks and snorkels should also be brought.

Graham Bailey, U.K.



Cartoon: Sun Club cloakroom


Cartoon: Sun Club cloakroom


Cartoon: Sun Club cloakroom




The invitation from the N.Z.B.C television to make some screening time available on the issue of free beaches was unexpected. The initial approach of Keith Bracey was made to the executive of A.O.H.C. and when Helen asked me if I was prepared to be interviewed, I gladly agreed. Keith Bracey outlined his programme to me and we all know what the result was as we viewed it on the screens.

I have been asked by many people about the reaction of my fellow-workers in the office. Well, in the first place I never made a secret of my ideals, so that the people close to me knew about my outlook on social nudism. But after the screening all of the 300 or so workers in the office, plus a 100 more outside, were fully informed.

I have never been more proud to belong to an organisation like ours than that day I came back to the office. From all sides I received comments on my personal appearance on the screen. AND NOT ONE COMMENT WAS ADVERSE to our cause. On the contrary, several were very encouraging and many wanted further information which I gave gladly of course. As usual, many commented favourably, in the same breath they declared that good as it might be for others, it was not for them. However, the main thing that I learned from this experience was that the time for hiding our convictions has passed. The sad fact is that secrecy has done our ideals a lot of harm. People ask "Why does he or she not come out in the open?" "He must be hiding something." Then fantasy takes over and stories like wife swapping or sex orgies are born.

No, friends! Secrecy does harm to our cause. I repeat it to emphasize this. Please come out in the open and our movement will grow like wild fire. I have been asked how can one help with achieving the free beaches. Here is the answer. COME OUT IN THE OPEN. Talk to people about it. Grab every opportunity to discuss it. There is no reason to be scared about repercussions. Society is ready to welcome us as a movement with its own ideals with some meaning in the community.

As a follow up to this TV interview, a few weeks later Jock and I had a talk with the Director of Parks of the Auckland Regional Authority and we decided to make an application to have a club picnic on one of the ARA beaches. This application was subsequently turned down by the Authority, but a friendly, helpful mannered conversation that I had a few days afterwards with an official of the ARA was very encouraging. He told me that the ARA was preparing plans for the development of many acres under their administration. It was intended to set aside certain areas for groups with special needs, like pony clubs and rifle clubs. The fact that we had applied for the picnic area, he told me, was sufficient for them to consider our needs in their future planning. However he did not want to raise hopes that this would happen in the near future.

But again it showed that officialdom is not averse to our movement. The refusal of the ARA was given fairly wide publicity in the papers and the radios of the Auckland districts. I was phoned at my office and gave interviews to Radio Hauraki and the Sunday News. Again nothing unfavourable resulted from their publication. On the contrary, I received a few phone calls at home from people asking for more information and some applications for membership. In my talks with these new friends I was told that it was difficult to get in contact with our movement if you did not know how to go about it. Very few of the bigger shops were handling our magazine and not many people could be contacted because of their secrecy. Certainly a lesson can be drawn from this for us to COME OUT IN THE OPEN. It will lift our movement out of the secret society bracket.

In my talk with the ARA it was pointed out that an ARA by-law could be used against us. This by-law states that a person on the ARA reserves should be dressed in such a way as not to give offence to others. Of course what gives offence to others is a debatable point. What is offence now may not be offensive in a few years time. The showing of a girl's ankle was offensive to decent society in the olden days. A bikini girl was prosecuted a few years ago on the Australian beaches. Men wearing bathing trunks on the beach were arrested and fined only forty years ago in Holland. Anyway it shows that we are up to the word of the law, and we are working on that also.

When you read this article in the magazine I will be at the other side of the world with Edna and the children sunning ourselves in the European Summer on one of the free beaches. I hope to tell you about them in one of our next issues. In the meantime I ask the different clubs throughout New Zealand to come out in the open by approaching local MP's, local body officials and police in the district. Invite them to come and watch our activities for themselves. Talk to them about free beaches and we will have a lot less resistance to overcome when it comes to altering the laws.

The "free" beach that we are so lucky to have to the North of Auckland has been in use now for many years with the full knowledge of the local M.P., the county and the police. Local people join us there and many others who do not belong to clubs hear about it and come. This unofficial beach is watched by many and will be quoted as an example if it comes to altering the law. Let us have many of these examples when the time comes.

But come out in the open, don't be secretive about it. That will do more harm than good.





Emiel Roland




On my way to the Matamata hot springs to attend the Waikato Outdoor Society's winter mini-rally I had time to think a great deal about our movement and was concerned about the harm Miss Bartlett and people who think like her could do to us. We have two children. A teenage daughter and a son of eleven and I could not help thinking that this woman is unmarried and has never had the experience and problems of bringing up a family. Admittedly Miss Bartlett is a school teacher and as such must have had considerable contact with the enquiring minds of developing children.

But only parents are subjected to the complex and interminable questions which these same children have on their minds and which must be answered honestly.

Family membership to a nudist club automatically brings the children into contact with the answers to a lot of questions. This comes about in the most natural and uninhibited way. The closeness of family ties because of our way of life leads to a frank and easy discussion of those many questions which crop up.

Our children have grown up and developed in the environment of our movement and have made numerous friends throughout New Zealand. Most of my daughter's male escorts are young men of nudist families and both my husband and I are far happier when she is being escorted by these young men than those who are not members of our organisation and have not had the opportunity of adjusting to the problems of life as readily and easily as nudist boys.

We have discovered over the last few years that some of her non-nudist boyfriends on learning she is a member of the movement have considered that she may possibly be an "easy conquest", but have soon found to their chagrin that her adjustment to life has equipped her to forestall with dignity their fumbling and clumsy approach.

In the light of the foregoing surely this life of ours is preferable to the ostrich head in the sand, book banning attitude that seems to be the philosophy of a number of people. We do not in any way question their right to have their thoughts and convictions on this matter. However we do dispute their efforts when they try to enforce their doctrines on other people. The nudist movement exists as a fully legal organisation that has a great number of adherents but at no stage are we endeavouring to insist that people adopt our code of living. Therefore I would suggest that Miss Bartlett does the same.






with Gaynor






First of all a report on the Ruapehu trip. This was a great outing, well attended (32 all told) with fine weather nearly all the time. We stayed at the Taurewa camp, which is terrific, with cottages, bunkrooms, showers, dining room and lounge with an enormous fireplace, which was kept fully supplied with fuel. There is really not enough space to detail all the activities but apart from regular trips into National Park for petrol and supplies we made the following adventurous excursions: up the Mangatepopo track to the lava flow (well, some of us got there anyway) during which time somebody learnt that running across volcanic boulders could be rather 'scratchy'. Then there was the conducted tour of the Turangi Power scheme - although I believe certain young ladies were more interested in a bus load of Australian footballers. There was another tour of the National Park Timber Mill this proved highly interesting although noisy and rather precarious.

Our tramp to lake Roto-pounamu was rewarded with some terrific scenery, but Man, that water is cold - still, wasn't it Wellington who proved their hardiness by having the most members properly immersed? Our only disappointment on the ride up to the Bruce was to find no snow at all, but we certainly proved entertaining to a gentleman with a Volkswagen bus.


Apart from these highlights, there were trips to the Tokaanu hot baths, where some bright sparks overcame the problem of 'NO SOAP ALLOWED' by using shampoo instead - and then the horse riding (who was the funny tall guy on the tiny horse), and the Great Possum Hunt (sum total - one possum and two hours to skin it), and so we can go on. All in all, it was a great show somebody from WSC was so upset at leaving, he sent his suitcase on to Auckland, and guess whose minibus has got a new coat of paint and gearbox overhauled as for the 'home' cooking - WOW! (take that how you like it).

Seriously though, thanks to all of you who came and did your bit to make this a worthwhile effort, to Dave and Lois and to Trevor and Thelma who came to help me out.

South Island - we were sorry to see none of you there, but realise that distance and cost were factors involved, but never fear, I am already in the process of making preliminary arrangements for our next (May '72) trip through Nelson and into Golden Bay.

Space is running out, so a brief word about the National Youth Rally to be held from Dec. 27 to 31, probably at Fiveacres. Your committee is working on it now, and further details will be sent to you later through your Club representatives, but it should be a great success from all accounts. See you there.







P.O. BOX 2925,



P.O. BOX 40482,


Deadline for December Issue Copy: October 20th.












Readers are, of course, aware that the Greeks bequeathed to us numerous statues depicting both the clothed and the nude human body. Many of these may be seen in museums either copies, or original fragments.

Probably the best-known nudes are the female Cniadian Aphrodite, by the famous 4th Century B.C. sculptor Praxitiles; and the male Discobolus, by the sculptor Myron a beautifully proportioned statue of the discus thrower. The original bronze of this has been lost, but there is a copy in the British Museum, and there are several Roman copies in marble some better than others. Many other Greek sculptures have disappeared, although copies are preserved in various museums, particularly in Rome. Unfortunately, some of the Roman ones have been ruined, in later centuries, by being artificially encased in crude draperies. One copy of Aphrodite, in the Vatican, actually has been provided with a skirt made of tin, to ensure that she is adequately modest!

Some 50 years ago there was great excitement in the archaeological world by the discovery of an original Greek bas-relief of a game of hockey. Photographs taken of it show the players entirely in the nude. Incidentally, this hockey game was depicted as a contest between single players, and not between teams. Two opponents "bullied off", the others watching critically. Then two others would compete similarly, and so on. And the hockey sticks were remarkably similar in shape to the sticks used today!

Reliefs and vases of the 4th and 5th Centuries B.C. have also been preserved, depicting boxers and runners quite nude.

(Older readers will recall with sardonic amusement the furore that erupted when a statue of a nude male athlete was erected on the Domain Gates in Auckland. The prudes raised an outcry of wrath, dubbing it as "obscene, disgusting, indecent and immoral." Crowds gathered round with morbid curiosity. But since those days we have progressed some little way towards common sense. The statue is now taken for granted. In fact, I very much doubt if the average Aucklander even knows of its existence. With present-day car traffic, to stop in the road and look up at the bronze would invite a speedy annihilation.)

The Olympic Games were founded round about 776 B.C., and continued in an almost unbroken series for 12 centuries - i.e., until they were abolished in 398 A.D. In the early stages, no women were allowed to be present. The men and boys in all the events were in the nude. It was from watching the stripped bodies at exercise in the sunlight that the sculptors of Greece drew their inspiration. The nude male figure was the favourite theme of the art of the 5th Century B.C.

"To be naked and unashamed was one of the glories of the cultivated Greek. It astonished and shocked the barbarian ... Alone among civilised peoples of the earth the ancient Greek dared to strip his body to the sun... They were the first to strip and undress in public, for the anointing of oil..."


"To be naked and unashamed was one of the glories of the cultivated Greek. It astonished and shocked the barbarian ... Alone among civilised peoples of the earth the ancient Greek dared to strip his body to the sun... They were the first to strip and undress in public, for the anointing of oil..."

The Athenians tended to frown on the public nudity of women - not from the moral point of view, but because they considered that nude women looked ridiculous! Socrates was scathing in his criticism of this attitude. He said: "What the eye thinks ridiculous is overwhelmed by what logic declared to be best; and it becomes apparent that it is only a fool who thinks anything ridiculous, except what is evil."

The Spartans, however, had none of the scruples of the Athenians. The Spartan girls used to strip for their gymnastic exercises. They were encouraged to practise all strenuous games "in order that when the time came later on, they would bear stalwart sons" "They were ordered to put away all coquettishness and hysteria by stripping for processions, dances and choruses at the temples, with the youths present as spectators. This stripping of the maidens involved no shame, for modesty was there and lewdness was absent".

"The children generally played together naked". Present day anti-nudists please note!

It was from the influence of the Spartans that nudity began to be exhibited in Greek art.

It must not be inferred from all the above that the Greeks possessed anything similar to our nudist or naturist clubs. With the Athenians, nudity was for the sake of art and culture, and for the ability to excel at the Games Festivals. On the other hand, in the case of the Spartans, preparation for war and motherhood was the underlying motive. In both categories, youth was the criterion. There appears to be no record of older people appearing unclothed in public. Though in later centuries, the Romans frequently permitted mixed bathing, unclothed, in their warm public baths.

So we note with astonishment that there was a gap of approximately 2,500 years before civilised people once more began to realise, at long last, that there is nothing inherently indecent or obscene or immoral in the human body. This realisation is coming slowly and haltingly for we still have too many shocked prudes in our midst, just as the "barbarians" were shocked at the sight of the nude Greeks.

(Phrases and sentences in quotation marks are from J. C. Stobart's monumental work: "The Glory that was Greece").



Kowhai Valley Club






by Doug. R. Cousins

Readers will recall the story appearing in Issue 51 of our magazine recounting the day when about 200 members of the Wanganui and Wellington clubs spent a lovely time nude at Ohau Beach near Levin. It was just the day they liked for naturism, but they were rather close to where the general public was coming and going. All would have been well had it not been for a local man driving his tractor - at speed - through the members twice. He complained, with the result that there was a visit from the Police.

On their second visit with instructions "from higher up" the members were told they must dress. It was after 4.30 p.m. so members did not mind, and all complied. Even the Police apologised for spoiling the day!

All this is now history, and it is with pleasure that we present our readers with a selection of the photos taken on this eventful day. Yes, it has taken all this time to get all the publication releases complete!



In March this year I had the pleasure of making a brief return visit to Ohau. It was already after 5 p.m. on a lovely day, yet there were 6 fishermen's cars parked where we had been playing volleyball, building sand castles, etc. A couple of hundred yards beyond this spot I found a natural bowl in the sand dunes about 50 yards across. Had members gone here we may not have caused any bother to other people but it would have meant carrying all our gear. This year you can drive there and another 100 yards beyond. I found the river had changed course so that it now cuts through our old volleyball court - a matter of 150 feet inland.

It was a nostalgic visit full of happy memories of bronzed, naked bodies. Taking care I even managed to take two more photos atop the dunes. After reviewing our club trip and the return visit I am eager to see the day when we can have our own free beaches without the risk of being caught. One wonders how long that will be. It is up to ALL club members to do their best to build up public relations to encourage the lawmakers and so on to give us the right to have free beaches. If European countries can have them all over the place, why not us!

Ohau Beach trip picture

Photos: Doug Cousins   





You, ... yes, you. Want to hear of something peculiar going on in Auckland's most prominent ranges?

Well, see, I'm a contractor, and I got a 'phone call from a bloke to give a quote for a job. The bloke tells me to meet him on the job as there's quite a bit involved. He gives me travelling instructions to get there.

The next Sunday (every day is a working day for me) I drive for miles into the bush, until I come to a "Prevent Forest Fires" sign. That's the key to the door, the bloke on the phone tells me.

Anyway, I commenced to drive down the side of a mountain, and found a patch of clay where some cars are parked. I leave my car there and walk to an old wooden gate. A sign on the gate tells me to ring the bell if I'm a visitor. Well, I thought, I'm not a visitor, I'm a contractor, so I walk thru. On the other side of the gate, there's a sign telling me to pull my pants up. (How they knew I couldn't find my belt that morning, I'll never know.) I started to walk along a path, thru native bush, and I heard a lot of laughter and noise. "Must be a party going on," I says to myself. I finally came to a clearing and nearly fell over. There was a party going on alright. And everybody had their gear off. No clothes. Nude, like you know, naked. STRIPPED. Now, I'm a big boy, and I've been allowed to read Truth for some time. I know all about Wanganui, but this outfit had them both beat, Hell you. Men and women, ladies, females, you know (the long haired species that Mother told us not to hold hands with unless we wanted to get them pregnant) playing volley-ball and tennis in THE NUDE!!!

While I'm regaining my senses, this big, tall, brown-all-over type comes over to me and says "I'm Barry, the bloke that 'phoned you." We shake hands while I study my feet. (Where do you expect me to look.)

He turns around and yells "Hey, everybody, this is Bob."

I manfully wave, smile and commence to study the tree-tops for a bit.

Barry tells me to come and have a look at the job, so we go into a big shed. More nuts in the nude. He introduces me, while I observe that the roof's been leaking. The floor's O.K., so I says "nice floor you got here," trying to open the conversation.

After we have a good look over the job, I sit down and commence to work out a price for the nude, I mean job. Couldn't keep my mind on the naked job. Just about then, someone rings the gong for lunch, and hundreds of naked cranks swarm into the shed. I couldn't quite fit between the cracks in the floorboards, so I sit there and study my feet some more.

To make matters worse, everybody comes over and talks to me. I think about this for a while, and realise that it's probably because I'm the only sane person they've had a chance to talk to all day. I mean, who else was sane enough to wear clothes? Nobody, that's who.

Mind you, I was pretty hot with all my gear on, I can tell you. Proper little sun-trap, this place.

After lunch, the place empties as fast as it filled up. They've got a swimming-pool there and everybody is in for a swim. These nuts don't even get togs on!

Barry and I sit down to discuss the pros and cons and this and that of the job. Still people come up and talk to me. I've looked at my feet for long enough, I reckon, so I look them straight in the eye and talk back.

Funny, but these people don't look quite as nutty when you talk to them. I reckon the sun got me, because the more I looked at them and talked to them, the more normal they seemed to be.

I even started to question my own sanity, sitting there in the hot sun all geared up. Barry says to get my gear off, and have a swim. I think this is a bit off, but the sun has another hour on me, and I'm off with my shirt. Another hour and I'm in the pool, (gearless) and cooling off. I was the only real white man there, I can tell you.

O.K., I thinks, these kooks aren't really nuts, just a little kinky. I mean, nobody swore or argued, or told dirty jokes, or fought, or any of the things normal people do.

By dinner-time, I'd decided that they weren't even kinky, so I agree to do the job.

I'm all set to go home, so I decide I'd better get my gear on. (You know what some of these nuts "outside" are like, they even call the police if they see you in the altogether Cranks, that what those types are. I've done the job now, and I've given the outfit some thought.

I've had a good time up there, and I've decided the next time Miss Pat B. comes to Auckland, I'm going to swoop right up on her and give her this line: "Hey Pat-baby, how about you and me get our gear off and go for a swim?"

Can anyone put up bail for me???









The 1971-72 National Rally will be held on the spacious grounds of the Canterbury Sun & Health Club from 31St December until 4th January. This means that an extra day has been added, which will cater for the possibility of any wet days or that the sports take longer than anticipated. It has been found at recent rallies that the sporting fixtures are so intensive that if wet weather occurs then the finals are almost being played as one leaves the grounds for home. I am quite sure that if there is no wet weather or if the games are finalized within the four days that there will still be plenty left for visitors to do. Actually it would be good to have some time to talk to other people instead of rushing madly from one court to the other to play the various sports.

The charges for the Rally period will be slightly different this year. Instead of the normal daily charges there will be an overall charge of $2.00 for the whole period of the rally. Day visitors will be charged 50 cents per day. There is no camping fee and I am sure that nowhere could you get such a cheap holiday especially with all the amenities available.

For those with tents there is ample space and with room alongside for your transport. There are fifteen caravan plugs available but more are able to set up their caravans in the grounds provided. Unfortunately all the cabins are privately owned and will mostly be used by their owners. The couple that were available have been arranged for. A hotel is at the end of the road and nearby is a Mote1or those people that don't wish to stay on the grounds. The railway station is only down the road and the bus stops opposite it. Transport will be available to collect any members from their destination points provided they notify the transport officer of where, when and how they intend to arrive.

The amenities as mentioned before are every bit as good as an A.A. Camp. Two toilet blocks are available, hot showers, changing room, washing machines, a fridge, stoves in the kitchen unit, shaving and ironing points etc.

For the sports minded there are two miniten courts, volleyball courts, table tennis, a badminton court, teniquoit courts, the swimming pool with paddling pool for the youngsters, playing areas for the children, with swings, seesaws, slides, etc.

For those that don't participate in sport, there are plenty of trees to shelter from the hot sun, and it might be a good idea to remind visitors, especially the North Islanders that our sunny days are stronger than yours as we have the intense clear heat and not the muggy heat which most of you experience. I am not being facetious but factual. People will not wear hats and protect themselves from the heat. Please be sensible and bring your hat this year and really enjoy your rally.

If you want to get away from it all there is plenty of ground available where you can be on your own but still close enough not to feel lonely. For the first-comer to the Rally you will find that the crowds mix in exceptionally well and you are made to feel at home at once, and before you have left the grounds on your homeward trip you will be bound to have addresses, in your pocket with the intention of contacting members throughout the following year until you see them again at the next rally. I have never heard of anyone being bored at any rally yet, and I am sure that you won't be at "Pineglades". I shan't tell you the programme here as it will be more pleasant to arrive there and discover what is in store for you. Applications will be sent out to all the clubs for intending members and we hope to see a good crowd here again, and we are certain that you will all enjoy yourself and be pleased that you came.







Passing through our local bookstall today my eye caught the front cover of a magazine The New Zealand Naturist. I looked inside the front page to see who the photographer was, but no such information. The last time I purchased your magazine was about two years ago. You have gone a long way forward in photographic quality since then but what prompts me to lift a pen is the comments on photography on your page "to the Editor". Let me state that I am not a member of your association, but as a photographer for many years, I have had to make many complete illustrations of people engaged in all forms of activities from cutting the cake to the hard sharp lines of a fashion collection and every photographer is an artist in his own way. An artist can use film, oils, ink or stone, but he must understand the skeletal and muscular construction of the human body for it is difficult to "pose" a fully clothed person unless the camera-man has a sound working knowledge of the human anatomy. Then he must have sharp lens and a very steady hand (if not using a tripod) a shutter speed to stop movement, his lighting must be correct, light meters can give false readings, correct apertures to put unwanted background out of focus. There are a hundred and one things the "pro" is always checking - developing the film in the right "soup," enlarger lens of best quality, a shake free enlarger stand. I could almost fill up another page with do's and don'ts, but the two worst evils of representation are poor proportions and poor arrangement of highlights and shadows. Please don't take me up wrong, figure photography is the biggest challenge in the whole business. There are so many planes of the body and each is affected by light in its own way. The artist must understand these planes (highlights and shadows) and the knowledge to light each plane according to the light available, whether natural or artificial. Even outside we use fill in flash or reflectors to fill in unwanted shadow.

Now I have not seen the photos that Norris Luker refers to but going through your magazine No. 59 I would class 90% as "candids". There is a world of difference between "candid" and "posed". Candids cover all those fast shooting shots like weddings, 21st parties etc., where one snaps off the picture as it comes. But to "pose" could take hours to get that properly displayed juxtaposition of line and mass, that when finished is a hard day's work and then only one picture is accepted by your client (in most assignments of course only one photo is required).

This is a trade, a real profession, and I am sure your photos in your magazine are a credit to your photographers. Models are trained, very few are "naturals" (I mean natural models). The human body is a marvel of angles and curves that inspire a real challenge to capture on film. This is no easy task with models with no modelling in them, even the most beautiful fail when in front of the lens. To get the model looking natural in any is 2/3rds of the photographer's work and good results are few and far between. The "Mood" shot on page 2 takes my eye. The photographer on page 7 shoots from the subject's eye level - good technique. I was disappointed that the Murray Wren (page 15) model was hung up by her hair. This technique is hard to compose properly. Eric please fill in with flash (page 26). This will also soften the contrast. Light meters on page 28-29 is good advice. If you cannot approach the subject, which is not always desirable take a reading off the palm of your hand. If the subject is in the sun, hold your hand so the sun hits your palm. Now the tricky one. If your subject has his back to the sun take your reading from the palm held toward the sun, then your palm is shadowed as your subject (page 39). A corker light and shadow - well balanced. Why not a full page? Too good for that small corner. The rest are all good "candids". Reproduction does not improve any photo.

Sorry I have rambled on. I only meant to say thanks for your improved magazine.

Lew Blackman.





Some fifteen years ago while living in Oamaru my wife and I, together with our five children, joined the Otago Sun & Health Club through an advertisement in the local paper. Unfortunately we didn't visit the grounds as often as we had hoped but those times we did were very enjoyable. With the company of other Dunedin members we were able to sunbathe in our own backyard which was well screened and very suitable for the purpose.

After about two years we moved to Christ- church and transferred our membership to the Canterbury Sun & Health Club, where we visited regularly with our children, now numbering six. We had been in Pineglades for about two years when we purchased one of the cabins available on the grounds, and we were actually in "residence" for forty nine week-ends out of fifty two during one particular year.

One visitors days about nine years ago we invited my parents from Oamaru to the Club, not without some trepidation on our part I might add. However, much to my surprise they fell in love with the place and our way of life immediately, and not only joined the club as Country members, but also purchased a cabin.


Since that day my parents have visited the club grounds almost as much as we, although they have 150 miles each way to travel.

In due course our two eldest daughters then in their late teens left the movement for other interests and eventually married. One girl remained in Christchurch with her husband, the other moved to Otematata, where she eventually presented us with our first grandchild. Naturally we thought that marriage would mean the end of nudism for the two girls as neither of their husbands had shown interest in the movement, although both knew of our membership.

We were therefore astounded but rather pleased when just before last Christmas we received a letter from our son-in-law in Otematata asking if we could arrange for him and his family to join the Canterbury Sun & Health Club as country members. This was duly done and now we are able to boast that we have four generations of nudists from the one family, but more important they are all often seen at the grounds at the one time, occupying three neighbouring caravans.

We are all obviously delighted with this arrangement.

Bryce (C.S. & H.C.)

Cartoon: In case of fire, break this.

Reproduced by kind permission of N.Z. Listener.   





We have been receiving a surprising number of letters stating that "a few weeks ago" money had been sent to us from Australia and the senders had not received a reply or magazines. Australian readers MUST make ample allowance for the Post Office to deliver magazines. These may be from 4 to 6 weeks. Most new subscriptions start from the NEXT issue, so it must be realised that it will be around 3 months before your first copy arrives. This delay must be allowed for; as it would be uneconomical to send receipts back separately. These are now sent with the next issue.

The work of this office is entirely voluntary and takes up many hours. It should not be long before we have over 1000 postal subscribers from all over the world! We are accordingly asking all Australian readers not to ask us to airmail their magazines. This entails extra work and as the magazine is quarterly you would not gain much benefit.

There are various ways of effecting payments for subscriptions, and despite the request in the subscription blank other methods are being used. There are only three that are acceptable - bank notes (registered mail please), international money orders, or bank drafts. We do not wish to receive cheques, INLAND postal orders, stamps or international or imperial reply coupons.



It has been some time since these were advertised in the magazine. This was due to postal interference. As stated elsewhere in this issue we are pleased to advise that all 9 titles are again in stock. These are available for the cost of the return postage - a 6 cent stamp.




For the first time ever a National Rally will occupy 5 days! With the growing sports programme Canterbury has decided that it just couldn't cram everything into four days, especially if there was a rainy spell. The Rally will be from 30 December 1971 to 3 January 1972 with the NZSA Executive meeting on 29th December. Have you completed your plans to be there?

Now that we have an impressive list of 17 sports trophies we need plenty of support and that means plenty of practice. Any ideas on this theme? Sports tournaments in the clubs are one idea, inter-club sports is another. At least one club has a volleyball team that plays indoors in winter with other local clubs. But even if you haven't had much practice, come and join in the fun!

We cannot over-estimate the public relations value of club teams, known as such, playing outside the club against other clubs. Strangers meeting nudists in these circumstances cannot fail but realise that we are just ordinary people like anyone else.

At this stage we would advise all members planning to attend this Rally that the host club has applied for authority to charge a higher fee than in the past. This will be: $2.00 for the whole rally period and 50 cents per day for day visitors. It is many years since the present fee of 35 cents per day was fixed by the NZSA Executive.



The last quarter has been a quiet one but we nevertheless are very pleased to acknowledge the following contributions. Last balance $1239.26; Club Levies $4.45; PMG (Timaru) $1.50; Investment Interest $5.35; New balance $1250.56.




A progressive club in New South Wales : has its own sauna bath and many acres of beautiful bushland less than an hour's drive from the heart of Sydney.

Applications invited from couples and families

Box 11,   P.O.,   BEROWRA,   N.S.W.   2081,  Australia






At the time of the 1970 World Congress in England the Press gave some space to the church service conducted in North Kent Club by a visiting clergyman, and the anti-nudist remarks of the Pope - the first time the Pontiff had ever specifically named nudism. The INF reports that numerous national sunbathing bodies have written to the Vatican in an attempt to set the record straight. In order to stress the great value of our movement the Pope or his representatives have been invited to visit official clubs in various countries.


It has now been confirmed that this congress will be held in Jugoslavia from 30 July to 6 August 1972. As there is no affiliated organization the Jugoslavian government is expected to take an active part. The venue has not been fixed but is expected to be near the coast. The congress will give much time to tourism from our point of view, in view of the enormous increase in this type of holiday.


For the first time in Dutch history the next naturist swimming meeting on an international scale will be held in Rotterdam/Wt (Spangen) in November. This will be held in a new Olympic municipal pool with teams coming from all over Europe.


The event may be open to the public. The municipality has further agreed to permit weekly naturist swimming sessions a novelty in the Netherlands.


The INF Legal Committee has now completed plans to have the INF officially incorporated. It has been agreed that the application should be made in Switzerland, us this country meets all the requirements laid down by the Legal Committee.


It is unfortunate that the German national association, the DFK, has terminated its affiliation to the INF. The German movement is one of Europe's largest. Reading between the lines it appears to be another case of a clash of personalities.


The INF has taken the initiative in encouraging naturist development in various countries where it is or was previously unknown. Progress is slow but there are signs of progress. Countries recently mentioned in the INF Central Committee meeting minutes include Poland, Puerto-Rico, Brazil, Uruguay, South Africa, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Tunisia, and Scandinavia.





WE WELCOME NEW MEMBERS - WE PREFER FAMILY GROUPS But single men and women also accepted

  Drop a line NOW to our Secretary at

for an application form and more information








What are little boys and girls made of? We might well ask this question of the naturist movement in particular. In other words, what are we and why are we nudists, or naturists if you prefer this term?

It is easy to say we represent a cross-section of the general public but we have no collated facts or research material to back up such statements. We may be quite different in our various domestic, heterosexual, and mental practices. It is desirable in my opinion, to have some statistical evidence to support the claims we often make for ourselves and the movement generally. We don't want to make the mistakes of pseudo-psychological research however, such as undertaken by Eyseuck1.

Who would do the quite complicated tasks associated with gauging opinion and fact among the members? We could select a central committee to investigate the contribution of a fact- finding body and a mathematician, an accountant and a schoolteacher might help. I'm not sure that a psychologist would be an advantage after the recent loose comments of experts in this very cryptic field of study.

In every way possible the nudist person should be ready to describe his attitudes to his fellows and to the outside from the raising of children, to sexual morés in the clubs and elsewhere, to marriage, sport and so on ad infinitum. What we want for our lives and our movement should be of paramount importance to us and anonymity would be a key feature of such a fact-finding programme.

At the moment, when the question is asked, "Why do you people behave as you do?" I'm not able to give anything but a trite unconvincing answer usually wedded to the ideas of sun and fresh air. But nudism must mean a great deal more than that - I hope it does for the sake of our existence.

Has any research been done overseas? Yes, but again to a limited extent, Dr Struden2, a naturist and obstetrician, carried out a survey among German Naturist Youth averaging about 18 years and one conclusion bears quoting, viz; "that teenage naturists enjoy sexual sensations while looking at a nude person of the opposite sex", which the doctor describes as a "positive orientation".

Again a new publication titled Nudist Society has been released released in the U.S.A. It contains the finding that the same rules and regulations regarding moral conduct which apply outside the nudist park pertain inside as well. Cohabitation, fornication, and swinging (wife swapping) are not condoned anymore than they are anywhere.

The impression gained is that the gaps exist in our knowledge which become alarmingly apparent when we compare the works of say, Kinsey4 and Wrage5 with the superficial admissions of naturist polls and enquiries so far.

Moreover a whole field of research lies in the realm of the subconscious or id of Freudian theory and its application to nudism. To quote Brinck6 "the soul is an important part of the human organism, a superior 'organ' which throughout life works in intimate interplay with the other organs". This aspect has hardly ever been contemplated let alone studied. It was strange that in this same book a Danish naturist7 was quoted as saying "the franker we are about life in the naturist clubs the sooner false impressions among those outside will cease and cock-and-bull stories will stop". The possibilities of an in-depth survey are limitless.

It would be a sanguine mind indeed who would expect all members to co-operate in such a scheme of fact-finding but if we can sift the opinions of, say, 500 in our ranks, then fair assessments would be probable.

Finally a word from a youth leader8 (probably German) who writes profoundly on INF Youth activities. He says that there are two factors in the naturist youth movement which we alone possess (compared with other denominations of youth groups); our nudity and our many sidedness. That both these specialities are so tremendous that we can only speak of them with pride and thankfulness.

I would ask this question! "What is this many-sidedness which is such a desirable trait?" Let's ferret out facts and present them as part of our weaponry to fight against ill-informed opponents of our movement and get a truer picture of ourselves.


1Eyseuck, "The Uses and Abuses of Psychology" chapter 13. Pelican.

2Sun & Health No. 44. Page 11.

3Sun & Health No. 62. Page 32.

4Kingsey, Pomeroy, et al. "Sexual Behaviour in the Human Female" published by Saunders.

5Wrage. "Man & Woman" published by Collins.

6Sun & Health Feb-March 1964. Page 22.

7Sun & Health Feb-March 1964, Page 34.

8Sun & Health Interm. "Young People in the Nude". Page 9.

Derek (Waikato).



Health and Culture Club. Sydney's nearest Naturist Club. Situated in a beautiful wooded creek. Vacancies for suitable applicants.

P.O. Box 96, Waverley, Sydney, 2024, N.S.W. Australia.

NATURISTS: Sun Seekers Inc.

The only naturist club in Western Australia.

Applications are invited from couples and families.

Write to secretary at 33 Bateman Rd., Mt. Pleasant. 6153.





Dear Joan,

I hope this letter will be the first to reach you, for I know there will be many following, congratulating you and the Editorial Committee on the production of Issue No. 59. This is a striking production in any magazine language, and one I feel sure will help place our movement and our people in a very favourable light in the public eye.

I do not think that this is a vain hope. We have been subject in the past to A GREAT DEAL of comment, much of it derogatory and perhaps some of our earlier faltering attempts at publication did not help to destroy this impression. However, I do not think now, there will be any doubt as to the integrity and the capability of our movement, when it produces a quality production in the shape of issue No. 59.

I do really appreciate the effort that goes into the production of any issue, and the whole history of the N.Z. Naturist has been one of constant improvement. Many people have played their part in the past and many of the newer members to our movement may just accept the present high standard as one of those things. To give a history of the "Naturist" would just about require a full issue in itself, but suffice it to say every step the magazine has taken from the first shadowy nude figures portrayed on duplicated paper to unretouched full frontal nudes printed on art paper has required a massive amount of work by all those concerned over the years.

Joan, you and your committee are carrying on the work in a way that can only bring credit to yourself and our movement as a whole. For this I personally wish to thank you.

Gavin Robieson


I wish to congratulate you on your very fine photographs now appearing in the N.Z. Naturist, especially one in the June 1971 No. 59 issue by Doug. Cousins, page 35. Most lovely in every aspect.

Hope you will keep up this standard. My sincere wishes for success in all your clubs.

Don Burgess, Sydney.



Two articles in the March issue seem to be worthy of comment, as they both refer back to the same basis - having sufficient faith in one's beliefs to let them be known to all.

Wally B's suggestion of offering our services to the Justice Department in the rehabilitation of sex offenders has much to commend it. Ever since Sigmund Freud lifted the lid off the sex drive it has been recognised that aberrations occur when a natural urge can find no means of expression.

In my experience, young people who are in trouble in this way are usually poorly informed, or even quite ignorant of sexual functions and behaviour.

Mere information, of course, is no guarantee of success in any sphere, as attitudes are so important. At the moment we have an ardent campaigner working in this country; she would have us believe that being naked or witnessing nakedness is somehow degrading or depraving. We know this to be the opposite of the truth, but where are we to find an equally vocal advocate? Many of us have been too short a time in the movement, or work in positions where our motives could be too easily misconstrued. Nevertheless, an official approach by the NZSA could well be made to the Justice Department, as Wally suggests, to test reactions. If the offer were taken up, then would be the time to look for suitable homes.

As for the unnamed author of "Beware - Nudists at Large" - good luck to him. My only query is, how does he get away with it? Is it weight of numbers in his party, or sheer cheek? Here again, what is needed is the courage of our convictions. I feel sure that there is within our community a "silent majority" who see through the cloak of pretended respectability thrown over our laws governing "morals", and would be willing to follow a firm lead in the direction of common sense and free beaches.

A parallel exists here with the showing of sex education films for children on British Television. Last year they caused a storm of protest, but this year, hardly a ripple.

Who is to give the lead? Not I, sad to say - at least not this year.




The new format of the June issue certainly made for an attractive cover, but the contents did not meet the expectation in my opinion. The quality of the photographs was poor in many cases, but worse was the very poor proof reading, which let through many errors, both grammatical and typographical.

If our magazine is to hold its own on a world market, standards will have to be higher.

Deryk C.S. & H.C.


It's hard to please everybody, isn't it, as the above two letters show. However, we do attempt to do our best, but unfortunately we are not getting so many photographs that we can reject the poorer quality ones. We have had offers of some photographs from professional photographers but they expect to be paid for them, and at this stage we are still building up our funds and so cannot afford to pay for the better quality photographs. I am sure that there are more photographs available but people just don't think to send them along. If we have to reject any material sent in we endeavour to explain why, and we certainly wouldn't reject anything that we or the printers felt was worthwhile material.

With regard to the proof reading. This is not the fault of the printers, but entirely our fault. To save money, the Editorial committee do all the proof reading and spend quite a lot of time on this. However, we are new to the game and although learning we would ask you all to bear with us until we become experts.




I have just been reading a novel by Erle Stanley Gardner, and I came across a passage which I think explains the joys of being naked better than anything else I have read. The sentence starting "If you haven't been a sunbather..." is particularly good. It is quite poetical, yet sums up in a few words the delight of being without clothes. I suggest it well deserves being published in the "Naturist."

I consider the "New Zealand Naturist" is a first class magazine. The cover picture of No. 59 is really beautiful. Keep up the good work. It is good to hear about other naturists and their doings. I have been one for many years and a country member of AOHC. It is a wonderful way of life.

John N.


Thank you for the paragraph, but unfortunately, owing to copyright laws, we are unable to publish it.




Dear Sir,

We recently ordered a few back copies of your magazine and thoroughly enjoyed reading them. We have also been discussing the for and against arguments on posed photographs, myself being more in favour of the natural (or non posing by the subject concerned). To fill in the background, let me say that our family are keen model railway enthusiasts and we thought we would like to include a Nudist camp in our model layout. My husband has been looking at the possibility and thought he could undress a few of our plastic model people and make them look like nudists. After experimenting with one or two he has come up with one very good reason for posed photographs. "When one is making a train or building a house one needs a plan to go by, so when modelling nudists the photos are ideal, giving different variations in sizes, shape etc. to go by." His argument has persuaded me there is certainly a place for posed photography, although from a general viewing outlook, I still prefer the natural.

The new look of the magazine is rather good, and the print being that little bit larger makes it that much easier to read, although I sadly miss the captions under the photos. It's nice to know what part of the country the scenery is and what the people are doing instead of guessing. It took me a few minutes to realise that the names next to the photos were not the names of the subject concerned, it got me rather confused when I read the names John or Mac etc. next to some obviously female subjects. I do know the difference, but was wondering if someone else perhaps didn't.

Well, many thanks for a good magazine - please continue the good work.

Jennifer (W.O.S.)


As a member of the movement recently arrived from England, I would like to thank fully-feathered Kiwis (if that is a fair description of Naturists) for their very friendly attitude and their hospitality since I arrived four months ago.

I have now established my studio and house north of Auckland, where I am what is called "riparian owner" of about 100 yards of beach. The sea at this point is nearly always calm and quite perfect for children, there being both sand and rocks. In addition there is ample caravan space. If any members care to use the beach they will be very welcome.


The address for the above can be obtained through the Editor.



The article about the sauna baths was extremely interesting. During the winter months it is especially important to keep in touch as it would be a very keen member who attended every weekend at the club grounds.

Members might be interested in a do-it-yourself sauna on their own club grounds which would cost them exactly nothing. This was demonstrated to me at the Outdoor Adventure camp of the Tokoroa YMCA. It goes without saying that being YMCA we all wore togs.

The sauna hut consists of four straight saplings with the ends dug into the ground in a rough square. The tops are bent over and lashed like an Indian tepee, but more rounded. Building paper or old tarpaulins are used to cover this framework. Entry is through a flap at the front.

All you need now is a bonfire and a few stones (outside the tent, of course). After the bonfire has a good glow, toss in the stones. When the fire has burnt down to embers take a few stones and put them in the middle of the tent. (You'll need a long handled shovel for this).

The sauna operator sits nearest the stones with a bucket of water and a switch of fern leaves. When all your "victims" are assembled inside (crouching room only) the operator douses the stones with the switch.

Warning: Take it easy with the dowsing and gradually build up the steam. Don't sit on the hot stones.

They say the Canadian Indians used this method to sweat the bad devils out of their systems. I don't know if they wore togs, but I doubt it.

J. H. Worth 


A man was in court on a charge of bigamy: he had wives in Taihape and Wellington. The judge soundly ticked him off, concluding sternly, "You ought to be ashamed of yourself. How can you do such a thing?"

The bland reply came pat: "I ride a bike."

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joe A.S.C.   








• FRANK         • UPLIFTING         • HEALTHY






Readers  may lodge  subscriptions  with their booksellers  if preferred  or


JUST SEND $2 for 1 year (Australian subscribers send INTERNATIONAL Money Order (NOT Inland postal order)


Business Manager

N.Z. Naturist

P.O. Box 40482, Upper Hutt, N.Z.

Back issues Nos. 43 - 57 are available at 15 cents each, No. 58 at 25 cents.

Numbers before those $1 the lot.


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American Pamphlets .............................................................. The lot for a 6 cent stamp

English "Sun & Health" magazines ........................................................... 70 cents each

$7 a year of 12 issues

Some Facts About Nudism
A Letter to Wives
A Mother Speaks of Nudism
A Father speaks of Nudism
Religion and Nudism
Some Questions and Answers on Nudism
Sunbathers Ahoy!
The Bible and Nudism




Health in the sun

VITAMIN D: What do we know about this essential compound? We know that lack of this Vitamin leads to the appearance of Rickets, a disease that is characterised by bone retardation, resulting in the unnatural bowed legs and malformed skull and chest. We know that the amount required per day for a growing child is about 400 international units. We know that recognition of Cod Liver Oil and Sunlight as a source of Vitamin D and thus preventing or curing Rickets was made in the 18th Century or .maybe even earlier. Most Vitamins are widely distributed in Nature, but with Sunlight as a factor in the production of Vitamin D it is probably the most easily acquired vitamin, since it need not be taken in food as many others must.




FLUORIDATION AGAIN: Fans will remember my writing about fluoridated water and checking on whether or not the water supply contains the compound in the area you holiday in. You will recall that I advised reverting to tablet form, the daily dose for your kids if the water is not dosed with fluoride. Recently opponents have been vigorous in their condemnation pointing out that fluoride is poisonous. They are quite right.

However, at one part per million, (established as the ideal amount for prevention against cavities), the average normal man would have.to drink 276 gallons of water to take in a lethal dose. Long before he became ill with Fluoride, he would either die from water intoxication or drown.


VASECTOMY: A question was recently asked at the club which needs clarification. For the benefit of those interested, here is the explanation. The patient may remain fertile for a few weeks after the operation, and in a few cases, rare indeed, the operation is unsuccessful; the divided Vas Deferens (the tube that carries the spermatozoa) may grow back together or there may be an accessory Vas Deferens. The reason why the patient may remain fertile for a few weeks is that sperm may be stored in the seminal vesicle of the prostate gland. These are located near the bladder and are not near the site for the Vasectomy. Tests conducted some weeks or even months after the operation will determine whether sterility is effective. Yes it is possible to have potency restored. The Vasa can be joined together again in an operation called Vasovasostemy.

NOISE: The adverse reaction of the human ear to excessive sound is a familiar problem to doctors. Sound levels over 80 decibels requires control or protection of the ears of those exposed. It is interesting and perhaps disturbing for us "oldies" to note that the "big sound" that our youngsters seem to enjoy so mitch these days can produce high readings; as much as 120 decibels at frequencies between 500 and 4,000 cycles per second can be produced by the amplified sound of the modern group. This intensity is only 10 decibels less than a large pneumatic rivetter and is loud enough to produce a temporary shift in the hearing. So much for modern music, and all the more pleasant to spend some quiet hours at the sun club. Ammunition too, for the anti-transistor.




Auckland Sun Club

Why is it that throughout the week we experience some lovely hot days when only a very few can take advantage of it, whereas the majority of the weekends are either wet, or so cold and miserable that it isn't worth ones while to make the trip to the grounds. Although attendances at the grounds haven't been 100 per cent, we still have had quite a few people out, and visitors from other clubs at various times.

Sauna afternoons, swim nights and socials are still going strong and this keeps the members in direct touch throughout the winter months. The recently held barn dance was a great success and the ragman could have done a roaring trade with the outfits worn. When a wife says she hasn't a thing to wear except an old rag she can be quite correct. For a smallish club we seem to have quite good success with the number of off-spring, as they almost outnumbered the adults at the social.

Some of our wives have been busy producing more infant members for us, and if this keeps up we will never be able to open up our membership list which has been frozen for months owing to our amenities not being able to cope with the number attending. This is being put right though, as a new toilet block is being built and this is only a forerunner to a complete ablutions block and at some stage we hope, a new clubhouse. Members quite willingly donated money towards the cost of this toilet block and a special meeting was called with the intention of imposing a levy on all new members, the money to be used for the completion of the block.

Some of our members spent a very pleasant weekend at Matamata with the Waikato Club and it does make a pleasant change to get away from one's own club occasionally and meet other people and see again members that one doesn't see very often. Gavin and Gaynor were there and it's hard to say who did all the talking, but it was a pity that the time went so fast.

Costs being so high it looks as if our club won't be very well represented at the Pineglades Rally as so far only a couple of families have expressed their intentions of going down.

However, the keen volleyball players have come up with the bright suggestion that the top six men go down to represent the club and try to regain the trophy. This will of course depend on what their "better halves" have to say.


Auckland Outdoor Health Club

Members who have not visited Oranui for a while will find the drive newly graded and metalled. Near the centre of the grounds is something very like a public telephone box, which indeed it is, although city calls are free. Working Bees are under way on fencing and screening the boundaries, improvements to the grounds and installation of a maypole for the older children.

The all weather miniten court is still in use by the dedicated few and many members are keeping in touch at the socials arranged throughout the winter. A swim at a Helensville hot pool followed by dinner attracted a capacity crowd and was enjoyed by all. There are now two city saunas available on Sunday evenings and a monthly swim night shared with Kowhai Valley Club.

The Club caretakers, Dick and Norma, have been appointed for another year and are finding a surprising number of unauthorised visitors to Oranui during sunny winter days. Intending members should write to Box 2702, Auckland, to obtain permission to visit the grounds.


Nelson Sun Club

Since the last issue, we have held our first social, of the winter. A goodly proportion of the membership, enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to the other convivial get-togethers we shall have, to help see us through the winter.

Mentioned in the last issue, was the fact that we were intensifying our search, for permanent club grounds. After viewing, and in most cases, rejecting a number of sites, we think we have found THE place.

A 7 acre farm, complete with house, at the head of a valley. There's a certain amount of screening to do, but that apart, it seems to be ideally suited to our needs.

Most of the members have seen it, and a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING, next week, will decide whether we can afford it, or not. If we decide that we can, you won't have to wait until the next issue to learn of it. You will be able to hear the cheering, at N.S.S. and S.S. & H.C.

A trickle of enquiries re membership, are still coming in despite the fact that we are not advertising, during the winter. With a little bit of luck, we will be able to tell you in the next Club News, that we are welcoming them to our new club grounds.


Waikato Outdoor Society

Winter's chilly arrival meant a minimum of sunbathing and activities on our property (actually our own now!) have been working sessions. The swimming pool area has been built up so that the surrounding area will consolidate; the children's play area has been levelled; wire netting has begun to be used to keep out sheep from the main area; some intriguing equipment has been built for the kiddies e.g., wooden tunnels and ramps.

Some members worked very hard to make our big raffle a success and the profits have boosted our finances considerably. A wine and cheese evening was welcome too. We enjoyed a visit to Okoroire Hot Springs where we joined with Tauranga Club members for the afternoon - the uncertain weather affected attendance unfortunately.

Working bees are now committed to certain priorities and a suitable ablutions block with adequate water supply is the major one. General cleaning of the old house site has yet to be finished while fencing is an expensive but necessary item to keep our surroundings clean and pleasant.

Waikato's membership is steadily growing and with families joining from other places as far distant as Mangakino and Tuakau we realise we must have some attractions to offer.

For some reason the numbers attending Sauna always show an increase on the evening following a Saturday Social!!


Kowhai Valley Club Inc.

In the June Issue we mentioned that we were energetically seeking some land of our own to replace the land at present occupied on a temporary rented basis.

(continued next column)


Since then, things have been moving! We have found a most suitable site with purchase price within our means; we have obtained signed consents from neighbouring owners, and have received approval from the local council concerned for the use of the land as a naturist club. We are now in process of negotiating the purchase. Solicitors for vendor and purchaser respectively have the matter in hand, and it is confidently anticipated that by the time this September magazine is in issue, the land will be our very own. Improvements and amenities can then be taken in hand.

In the meantime, while we are not actually working on the site until it is legally ours, we are keeping our ever-growing band of members together by monthly warm swimming, fortnightly hot saunas, and mid-month socials of various types. For instance, in June we held a most enjoyable "Wine and Cheese" evening fully attended; and we are preparing for a film evening in August.


Palmerston North Sun Club Inc.

On the 10th of May we became an Incorporated Club. Although the winter months have passed our membership still increased during this time. In the winter the club had a film evening shown by our National President, Gavin.

Our weekly visits during the winter to the steam baths, sun room and exercise room were enjoyed by all of our members. These evenings have kept the club together during the winter and helped new members.

Work has gone on at our grounds ready for the summer. The club has 13 acres with a house and and an option on further land at a future date.

There is complete privacy and it is situated in a warm, sunny belt. We all now look forward to a hot, happy summer. Interested family groups and couples please contact: Secretary, Box 980, Palmerston North.


Tauranga Sun Club

The pen from Tauranga has once more got a hand behind it. Although Summer has passed for another year, we are still enjoying some real mild weather, with the odd day enabling us to take full advantage. As there have been no notes from us for some time, we will start relating to you from last Christmas what has been happening in this region.

A Christmas Party was held for the Children with Santa Claus arriving by wheelbarrow, pushed by a clown and pulled by a very active bull in the company of a matador, plus of course his overflowing bag of toys and balloons. This was followed by games and competitions for everyone and a Bar-B-Q and sing song in the Evening.

We have enjoyed the company of several Members from different Clubs over the Summer months, and we hope they enjoyed themselves enough to return.

A film evening was held at the home of one of our Members and he kindly allowed Members the use of his pool. We are quite fortunate here as a few other Members have their own swimming pools and some very good and fun-filled days have been had.

We think most of the crowd enjoyed the Club last season with plenty of sunbathing, swimming, bush walks, and very little work.

A social committee was formed at the start of the cooler weather under the Chairmanship of Allen and enjoyable Socials have been held. (Something new for us.)

Working Bees have been in full swing preparing the grounds for the coming season, renewing the fence and gate, gardening, and the cleaning out of the pool which had more silt and leaves than water caused through a blockage after a recent storm.

It hasn't been all work though as we have had our outings with occasional trips to Okoroire Hot Springs which were enjoyed by those who attended.


Gisborne Sun Club

Lost, one sun from the local area; anyone finding please return.

We held a very peaceful Annual General Meeting on 11th July, at Mick and Mary's house. The Committee was returned practically 'as was' (vote of confidence) with only vacancies being filled. Leonie, who stepped into the breach when David left, and took over the Sec-Treas work, was re-elected to the position.

It was noted that Ruatoria sub-section had increased their adult membership 100% (there are now 4 of them!).

We still have not solved our land problem, but have our Scouts out and our fingers crossed that this will be our lucky year.

We have kept up our swim nights at the hot pools, with good attendance, and our only complaint is that we can't pipe the supply into town.

We meet at various members' houses each month, so as to keep in touch during the winter. The committee arrives early to get their business done, which means they don't have to get together too often and has the added advantage that the rest of us are kept tip-to-date with club affairs.

A Social sub-committee has been formed to arrange entertainments for these monthly meetings and to organise public events during the year.

Gone, but not forgotten, are David and Julie, and Bob and Olive, to warmer climes.

Not much news for this issue - just the bare facts.


Wellington Sun Club Inc.

At the time of writing (late July) we are now experiencing real winter weather after the prolonged Indian Summer which preceded the shortest day. Driving out to Fiveacres at his time of the year and seeing the peaks of the Rimutakas in the distance covered with snow is not very encouraging. Wellington members are hardy types however (they have to be) and plenty of activity has been taking place around the club.

The usual wintertime activity of sunbathing in the empty swimming pool has not been possible this year as the current major works project is the installation of a new filtration plant. The acquisition of the filtration plant has been financed by loans and donations from members and will ensure that the pool is even better during the forthcoming summer.

Winter is the social season and Wellington members have been tempted away from their firesides and TV sets for a varied programme of activities during the recent months, including a highly successful Annual Ball, featuring an "imported" Band from Hawkes Bay and an international night which featured a varied and interesting menu. Our weekly Sauna sessions on Sunday evenings continue to prove popular.




The secretaries of the clubs listed below will be pleased to hear from genuine enquirers. Please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.



P.O. Box 4126, Kamo.


P.O. Box 2702, Auckland.


P.O. Box 2925, Auckland.

Phone 604-235


P.O. Box 6238, Wellesley St. W, Auckland 1.


P.O. Box 619, Hamilton


P.O. Box 2205, South Tauranga.


P.O. Box 1007, Rotorua.


P.O. Box 391, Gisborne


P.O. Box 551, Napier

Phone 37-692


P.O. Box 410, Wanganui.


P.O. Box 980, Palmerston North.


P.O. Box 2854, Wellington.

Phone UH 89-944


P.O. Box 467, Nelson


P.O. Box 1823, Christchurch.


P.O. Box 2058, South Dunedin.


P.O. Box 486, Invercargill.

Phone 541K Winton

If you are not close to any of the above clubs, you may like to know that other naturists are ready to form clubs in the following areas:







To contact them, write to:
        P.O. BOX 359, WELLINGTON





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Emiel Roland: Free Beaches

Geoff Allen: Guest Editorial

Doug Cousins: The Ohau Beach Trip - In Retrospect

Derek (Waikato): Looking at Ourselves

Gaynor Robieson: Talking to Women

Photographer's Advice by Lew Blackman

20th Rally Christchurch - 1972

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One finger tenekoit

Photo: "Mac" W.O.S. 

Beauty unadorned

Photo: Murray Wren 

Photo: Ted Dye, K.V.C. 

Woman in bush

Photo: Joe, A.S.C. 

A quiet pool near Raglan

Joe, A.S.C. 

Geometry at Oranui


Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Doug Cousins 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Joy, W.O.S. 

North Kent's lovely tiled pooled

Rally Photo 

Geometry at Oranui

Rally Photo 

Geometry at Oranui

It is impossible to show all the grounds 

Geometry at Oranui

and amenities but the photographs here 

Geometry at Oranui

are to give you an idea of what 

Geometry at Oranui

"Pineglades" looks like. 

Geometry at Oranui


Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Doug Cousins 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Doug Cousins Gerry 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Colleen, W.S.C. 

Geometry at Oranui


Geometry at Oranui


Geometry at Oranui

Photo: John Gilmour 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: John, H.B. 

Geometry at Oranui

Photo: Doug Cousins 

Relaxed and contented

Photo: Bob Hitchcock, Australia 

North Kent's lovely tiled pooled

Photo: "Mac" W.O.S.

Photo: Roy Beck

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