#  39 - June 1966 

[The New Zealand Naturist - Winter] Editor: Perc Cousins (Pages: 40 - 2/-)


Letter from A Son (3)
Quote of the Month
Talking to Women with Gaynor
Peggy 7
Readers Have Their Say
Ten Years of Progress by Stewart Ransom
Health in the Sun
The 14th National Rally
Junior Section - Ken
News from the Clubs (7)
News from All Over the World - Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Bahamas, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia
Talking About Books
At Rest: Obituary for Nora Mowlem
Those Nudist Beaches Again
From the Editor
NZSA Notes - 15th Annual Rally (AOHC), 10th World Congress, Advertising, Our Youth, Badges for Members, Winter Swimming, Australian Readers, A Reminder (Customs; importing magazines), Perc Cousins Trust Fund
Got Me Taped! by Joyce
What do you do at a Nudist Camp - Number 3, by Perc Cousins
On the Inside Looking Out
History: The New Zealand Naturist
Directory: (12)








Perc. W. Cousins, Wellington



Ray Clark, Christchurch
Jock Shoolbread, Auckland

Secretary - Treasurer


Doug. Cousins, Wellington

Public Relations Officer


Gavin Robieson, Wellington

Overseas Correspondent


David Williamson, Auckland

Youth Organiser


Ken Treanor, Christchurch

Women's Representative


Gaynor Robieson, Wellington

Delegates representing all clubs





Perc. W. Cousins

Business Manager


Doug. Cousins



Bob McIver

Copy Preparation


John Hedley Brown



Bernie Gartner

Cover picture by Roy S. Carson


Special items of interest will include black and white studies from South Africa for the Overseas Page, and Who's Who in the NZSA will portray Jock Shoolbread, his wife and daughter. True Experience tells of an exciting incident 3 girls had at the beach and we will publish some splendid photographs from Pineglades as well as more beach and Rally pictures. And finally, we are proud to print a short story, Penelope's Predicament by John Hedley Brown. And the price remains the same. Order now!

Deadline for contributions 30th June, 1966.




RESULTS: It is now ten years since we first published this magazine, ten years during which a dedicated few have done a tremendous job for organized nudism in this country. While it is impossible to put a finger on all the definite results, we do know of many people who have either become more tolerant or have joined our ranks. The magazine has been quoted overseas and has helped a lot towards international understanding.

AIMS. The aim has always been to maintain a high standard with the content, a fact that has been recognized and accepted by authorities here and elsewhere, and while some booksellers have been prejudiced about stocking it, we do enjoy a free sale throughout the country.

Surprisingly, our policy of reproducing pictures has sometimes been questioned. Well, I suppose it is impossible to please everybody all the time, for on the other hand, there is another section that would like us to publish more photographs. Actually we like to maintain a balance, with enough pictorial content to keep it interesting. It is well known, particularly in advertising circles, that one picture will not only tell what it takes pages of text to do, but will also attract more attention and interest immediately.

We do regret having to retouch our illustrations. It is entirely contrary to our beliefs, but we are a law-abiding body of people and while the law requires us to retouch, then retouch we certainly will. And when more club members will permit us to publish their pictures, we will be delighted to depict club life as we know it in our nudist groups, for the NZ Naturist, as its name implies, is a New Zealand magazine, and should tell the New Zealand story in word and picture throughout.

We are appealing to two different types of readers and the articles and pictures are designed to that end. Firstly, we want to present our ideals in a way that will appeal to the man (and woman) in the street, that vast concourse of people generally known as the public. Despite all that has been said and done over the past thirty years, there is still a big majority of people who know little or nothing about us and, consequently, are inclined to think we are a little odd and should either he humoured or put in prison.

In view of many members' reticence and their desire to keep their interest secret, it falls to the lot of a publication such as this to make the approach. And when we know how so many families have been happily united after becoming members, the number of men who have had their whole mental outlook improved and the wonderful future ahead of nudist children, as compared with that of the conventional child, we are encouraged to carry on with this important mission. The truism that appears in every issue "A valuable contribution towards a better world" is no idle statement, for there is so much concrete evidence before us of people's lives being completely changed for the better when they have been able to rid themselves of age-old taboos and conventional upbringing. To accept the body and its functions in all its wonder and beauty and to free the mind of obsessions, curiosity and humbug, is really something for which it is worth striving.

Secondly, our magazine is full of interest and encouragement to those people we call members, the people who know many of the answers, but who nevertheless can well be affected by outside thought. If this magazine can help to encourage them and provide them with stimulating articles or give, them different slants on their membership in a nudist club, it is doing a good job.

I have heard of members who have begun to wonder whether they are doing the right thing, especially by their children, after a session with a mother-in-law, a minister or some other misguided type. We know of single men whose minds have become clouded or obsessed through our present day standards of convention and children by the thousands who face a bleak future because their parents do not truthfully answer their natural questions and, consequently, fill them with strange ideas and curiosity that is nothing short of a crime. There are thousands upon thousands of people in the world today who need the light to dispel their stupid and conventional attitudes towards the body. If this magazine and others like it can help, just a little bit, then we are indeed doing our part to bring about a better world. •


Letter from a Son

The third of four letters


Dear Mum and Dad,

Many thanks for your last newsy letter. As nudism took up all your letter to us, so will this one from us to you. We were so pleased to hear you had made a more detailed study of this question of naturism since your last letter and that you had to admit you couldn't find anything in it to upset you. There's nothing in naturism, Mum and Dad, to upset anyone!

Gee, how I wish we'd been able to discuss these things when I was at home with you. But talk of sex was forbidden, though I think you'll agree, Dad, you were wrong in imposing such a rule, won't you?

You ask what we do in these camps, and then you answer that by telling us you've been reading all about it. Well, it's just like you said and you don't need to think anything there that you've read is just bull. We all join in together in fixing our club house, clean out and keep our swim pool in repair, fix the gardens, the recreation equipment which the kids sometimes damage (the big kids too sometimes) the fences (which the public on occasions damages) and so on.

But then we also enjoy our swims, our games - and some of us get more exercise at these than we get any other time or place during the year - and our evening quiet times. We have plays, concerts, talks, campfires, sing-songs and so on. Can you imagine a happier form of living? We all go nude when it's warm enough (the hardy ones almost all times) and we cover up when the occasion calls for cover. Surely no one could see anything non-sensible in that? Nor could anyone see anything offensive in any of our behaviours. We're all on the very best of terms with each other but nothing untoward ever occurs.

As I told you once before, these groups couldn't afford to allow anything but the highest moral standards to be maintained. Yes, we've even allowed the Press to attend and talk with us all and take photos for publication. If they'd seen anything spicy, they'd have made the most of it, wouldn't they? So why don't you and Mum come along and see for yourselves?

Our love to you both. As always,

                   HELEN and JIM


"Pictures in magazines which purport to be mouthpieces of Free Body Culture and desire to reveal its essence must try and avoid arousing sexual feelings. They must indeed provide that very proof that nudity without sexual overtones exists apart from the common or garden nudity where the purpose is to arouse sexual passion through its intimate and erotic quality. The same atmosphere of cleanliness, clarity and purity which is evident on our grounds should be apparent from the pages of our publications. It should certainly dominate our pictures."

From the article "Naturist Magazines are
the 'Show Cases' of our Movement"
by Rudolph Beissbarth






Talking to Women

with Gaynor


RECENTLY a member of our club arrived for the usual Saturday visit with four young children, whom it seems were the children of friends whose parents were possible, prospective members. The husband was very keen for his wife and family to join, but his wife was very shy.

After some discussion, the whole family came for a visit, and a swim. It was during this time the mother realized how wonderful it all was, not only for her children, but also for herself. She was able to overcome her shyness, but during this visit her husband's attitude, which up to that time had been one of complete acceptance, altered and because of a possessive attitude towards his wife, the fact of her being seen naked by other men was too much for him, and he refused to allow the family to join. The possessiveness of this man had evidently been apparent on many occasions before in their life, and had caused quite a little ill-feeling.

A case such as this always makes me stop and wonder how these women manage to live with this attitude. How do they feel when having to visit a doctor and undress in front of him? I have heard of men who found the thought of their wife's visit to a doctor so abhorrent as to almost break their marriage. This is not fancy, it is fact, but this marriage was helped by the family later joining a nudist club and the husband in question realizing that excessive possessiveness such as this is not healthy. The changed thinking of this man did not mean that he had lost any respect or affection for his wife, quite the contrary, a greater understanding of each other was the outcome.

We women think we know our men and often we do, however some of their moods catch us off guard and we sometimes find the reasons for them difficult to understand. We must not forget that the male, because he is a male, has had thousands of years during which he is the possessor of from a few pebbles in a cave to the present owning of vast businesses. Always he has had to fight for these, but one of these possessions has always been his wife, so whether he likes it or not, the instinct is there and regrettably, this sometimes shows itself in the most unfortunate ways.

So, here sun club life does help in this way that when he sees other men who have overcome this particular fear, his attitude most often changes to that of pride of ownership. This is, of course, mostly in the subconscious mind and very few males would admit it.

On reflection, I am wondering just how many of the shy males that I have written of before have really been like our possessive male, unable to admit this, even to himself and hiding instead behind a mask of shyness. •


God gave us two ends, one to sit on and one to think with. Success depends on which end we use most. Heads we win and tails we lose. Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.

- Mark Twain



   With a holiday due, Dennis, Peggy's boy friend, set off on his bicycle to enjoy a camping trip in the country with his sketch book. Turning a corner in the road, he fell end was picked up unconscious and cared for by a Dutch family living nearby. He was put to bed in a sunny room overlooking the garden and dimly felt grateful that he appeared to be in good hands. Peggy's father continues the story.


IT WAS not until the sun was streaming in through the open lattice windows and sounds of subdued laughter floated up from somewhere below that Dennis suddenly recalled what had happened and bow he came to be there. Another day had dawned and as his head was not aching as much, he gingerly crept out of bed. Feeling fairly steady, he ventured to the window and looked out. He gasped out and turned away, then unable to believe the evidence of his own eyes, he looked again. Jumping alligators! He must be dreaming, he thought. He pinched himself. He had a look at himself in the mirror on the dressing table. Yes, he was awake all right, but... He went back to the window and peered out again, this time making sure he was not seen. He could hardly believe it. It seemed utterly barmy. Was he in a madhouse or was he going mad? For there, down on the lawn, were the two boys who had found him the day before, throwing a rubber ring to one another. But, neither of them wore a stitch of clothing.

As he gazed out almost enchanted, they finished their game and called out, "Come on lazybones, we're ready for you." And then he drew back in horror and sheer amazement, for the lady who had been so kind to him, accompanied by a young woman, ran out of the house, but they too, were completely naked.

He could hear their shouts and laughter, with occasional "Shush's" from their mother as the game progressed and now and then he could detect the deeper tones of a man's voice. Bewildered to a state of utter amazement and shame he peeped out again, well obscured by the curtains lest he be seen witnessing such a disgusting exhibition. Yes, sure enough, there was the mother and son viying their skill with the daughter and other son, and the father was standing in the middle scoring for them. And not one of them wore a single thing.

Well, he quickly decided there was only one thing to do and the sooner he did it the better. He dressed, straightened up the room and made his way downstairs full of righteous indignation, intending to get on his way at the earliest opportunity. He decided he would send a note of thanks and adequate payment at a later date, but meantime, he must get away and as far away as possible.

As soon as he was framed in the doorway, they spotted him, stopped their game and came over, full of anxious enquiries. Not knowing where to look, he hastily assured them he was feeling OK, although he realized to himself he was still pretty groggy, and said that if they didn't mind he would... but that's where he was interrupted. He was introduced to Mrs Hoekstra. who calmly stepped forward and shook him heartily by the hand. Then he heard a voice say, "This is my daughter Annie," while his face turned redder than his arms and knees already were from the previous day's sunburn. A young woman, a bit younger than himself, smilingly came forward with hand outstretched. He took it somehow, looked at her feet and mumbled something. He couldn't remember what. Mrs Hoekstra hadn't come down in the last shower and butted in, "Well, that's that. Now, how about some breakfast?"

Before he could make up his mind whether he could qualify for a first class certificate for a lunatic asylum, the ladies ran off into the house. Jan and Wim as the twins were called, scampered off to get in another game before eating and Mr Hoekstra smilingly piloted Dennis to look at the garden. Before he had an opportunity of collecting himself and offering any resistance, he was led around the side of the house, through a veritable paradise of flowers and shrubs, among neat rows and beds of vegetables, eventually finishing up in an artistic summer house, arranged in a corner of trellis and vines.

And during this his host explained how they had lived in a part of Holland near the coast, where they were able to enjoy nude swimming with friends and they found they were healthy and free in mind and body. After the war they had been helped by English people with parcels of food and clothing and had determined to return the favour as soon as they got a chance.

When they ultimately settled in England they naturally chose a place giving seclusion enough to be able to continue their nude practice without giving offence to anyone. Dennis was about to butt in, "But what about me?" but instead, as he looked at this sturdy, bronzed figure who seemed to be bubbling over with vigour and enthusiasm, he had to admit within himself that whatever this man's views were and whatever his nationality, he certainly looked pretty fit and balanced enough... but the children...

And then as if to answer the unspoken thought, Mr Hoekstra explained how they had given their family the benefit of their discovery. By being frank and open on all subjects, particularly with reference to those of sex, the youngsters were growing up with a correct knowledge of those matters and they regarded them just as natural and commonplace as the viewing of one another's bodies. Dennis could not help but make comparisons with his own upbringing and was about to start firing all sorts of questions, when the ladies, now wearing light frocks, as he afterwards learnt, for his benefit, and accompanied by the boys, arrived with breakfast.

As they sat there chatting over the meal, his new-found friends so free, he had the strange and unaccountable feeling of being the odd man. They were so unconcerned and there was not the slightest suggestion of embarrassment with them, though try as hard as he may, he still felt awful. He was glad the ladies were covered up, but he had to wonder if, after all, they were not so barmy as they first appeared. He was to be convinced before he was very much older and in a way that would leave no doubt in his mind.

(To be continued)


ReadersReaders sayhave their say ... 



I have just finished reading your summer (Dec.) issue of the New Zealand Naturist and have found it just the kind of magazine that I've been looking for. I like something with good contextual material and not sensationalizing photographs. I also like the size of the magazine which is easily carried in one's coat pocket.

- PER, Denver, USA


All our family reads your excellent magazine. We always read about Peggy first. Keep her going. My daughter of 4 years of age just loves her: she ate 2 pages of Peggy in the last issue. Good job we had read it.

- BT, Christchurch






THE PROGRESS of New Zealand's naturist magazine is the fulfillment of its originators' wildest dreams. To be typeset, let alone illustrated, was a fond hope, but hardly realistic, for the circulation was unlikely to be sufficient and contributions were depressingly difficult to obtain. No, it would never happen. So it's with some incredulity that I see the results of perseverance, courage and the continuing improvements.

Behind these glossy pages are hours of preparation, many discarded scripts, distribution and financial problems to tax the best of accountants. And it's all voluntary! It has certainly always been a labour of love by those who are rightly convinced that the magazine is the best means of promoting the naturist movement.

The first issue was 8 cyclostyled pages, with articles and club news its main contents. Chasing scripts and news was never ending and layouts always seemed to need odd odes for space filling. Cutting stencils by amateurs created interesting errors and devastating criticisms. However, publishing night saw Doug churning out endless pages on an old Gestetner, while volunteers from the Wellington Sun and Health Society folded, stapled and placed them in pre-addressed envelopes. This production line of four or five had many enjoyable evenings.

It was a blessing when Annette became the official typist and the National Review took on a new look when Bob's (Ramac) line drawings illustrated its pages with cartoons. We had arrived. Layout took on a professional look and there was less borax poked at the editorial staff.

Its popularity grew and each annual conference recognized its value and declared it to be an essential contribution to communications between the clubs. Criticism certainly indicated that it was being read and late publication often prompted enquiries and concern.

It grew in stature with better articles, illustrations and printing. Initially with a printed cover design by Bob, it was now smart enough for distribution to selected book stores. The public were buying it and the press often quoted from it so that it became a real contribution to improved public relations. This has continued since its inception and now that it appears as a high standard magazine, the demand is even greater.

The original policy was to provide news and articles of interest to clubs. Its purpose was to make it clear what naturism was all about: its objectives, members' views and club activities and most of all to provide the public with a clear and correct impression of the naturist movement. The New Zealand Naturist continues to promote this policy and it is for this reason that the journal has helped to create a better informed public and the movement's reputation has benefited. It rightly avoids attracting the sensation seeker, and its discreet selection of photographs places emphasis on club activities and family membership. It is achieving its intention to place the naturist's outlook in proper perspective and at the same time provides a service for many non- members who likewise seek the physical and mental health of nudity.

I have no doubt the publication of this journal has financial difficulties and it is hoped that continued support will soon provide it with economic security. It "enjoyed" this problem from its inception, but while it raises its standards, the cost increases offset any profits and the movement's public relations enjoy the benefit.

The journal has become a magazine of which the New Zealand Sunbathing Association can rightly be proud. If the efforts of the editorial staff continue so magnificently, it will be recognized as one of the best journals which reflects the naturist movement anywhere in the world. •


Health in the sun


Handkerchiefs used to smother coughs and sneezes reduce the airborne load of viruses, as most, although not all, are trapped in the handkerchief. Hands that have used that handkerchief will put viruses into and on to food if not washed before touching foodstuffs or eating utensils.

Staying at home is a real preventive, not for the sufferer, hut for those hundreds or thousands of infective virus particles are imprisoned for family risk only, and not broadcast for the making of a community epidemic.

Couldn't you stay at home when you catch a cold?



Tension may need attention. Some tension is inevitable and sometimes people suffer from it. Fears that disturb the orderly functioning of the mind also upset emotional and bodily processes. Physical symptoms include more rapid heart beat and tremulous muscles. Indigestion, irritability, weakness, pain and a sensation of tightness may result from the person's inability to cope with a distressing tension.

Several types of treatment are available for the patient who needs the assistance of his physician. Sedatives, psychology, and psychiatry have special qualities as aids in the relief of the overly tense patient.

Much tension can be controlled by following a healthful routine of work, exercise, rest and proper diet. Persons exposed to situations which engender fear and anxiety should avoid these situations as much as possible. For situations which they cannot escape, they should seek a counteracting relaxation.

Factors conducive to relaxation vary with the individual, who should seek those suitable to his make-up, physique, interest and opportunity. Exercise, hobbies, entertainment, reading, joining a social group and travel are among recreations that may be helpful.

- Health




It is just a matter of the victory

of mind over platter.




held at

Fiveacres, Wellington, 30th Dec. to 3rd Jan., 1966

DURING the winter and spring, with the thought ever uppermost that preparations for the big annual event must go on, the Wellington members were nevertheless dogged by continual wet weekends. Despite the setbacks, the new toilet block was ready for use as the first of the visitors rolled into Fiveacres. The weather man did not co-operate as he might have done and the day before the rally saw boisterous gales that ripped some of the tents already erected and on the Rimutaka Hill it actually blew a car, caravan and all five occupants right off the road and down the bank 150 ft.

The Rally was also noteworthy for rain, and the fact that these conditions prevailed all over the country did not make the situation any more pleasant. The already soggy ground could not take much more rain and consequently Hide Park was not used for camping this time. However, although the rain dampened the grounds, spirits remained as high as ever and this philosophic attitude helped to make the event the successful one it was.

The first day, when the NZSA Executive meeting was held, the sun shone and delegates "wasting hours keeping minutes" in the clubhouse were to be commended for their faithfulness to duty. An innovation that was much appreciated was the serving of lunch by the local ladies, so that the meeting did not have to worry about a midday adjournment. Progress throughout the whole NZ movement was evident from the reports and the business of meeting these demands automatically associated with progress occupied most of the Executive's attention. As evidence of this growth, one probationary club was granted full affiliation on certain conditions, while two new groups were granted probationary affiliation. The finances were in a healthy state, having been nearly doubled in all departments and the outlook appeared bright.

As quite a goodly number of visitors had already arrived, Perc. chaired a lively discussion session in the clubhouse that night, such subjects as "The Single Man," "Nudist or Naturist," "Bi-annual Rallies," "Photography," etc., were freely discussed and a useful evening concluded with supper. Some 26 members of the Youth Group were taken to Titahi Bay on the west coast to be the guests of the management at a picture show and hot saveloys were ready on their return to camp.

Most members were tempted to disrobe the next day, when the Rally was officially opened and the first rounds of the various sports were played off. Jack, the rally secretary, who had previously been urging visitors to let him see their "pink forms" was gratified at being able to see most of them during the day.

That evening saw every available man, woman and child packed into the marquee, when the Fiveacres Revue was presented. Some 19 local members took part in a mixture of sketches and items that amused and entertained the audience, for whatever the performers lacked in finesse, they more than made up with enthusiasm. Outstanding were a mannequin parade where the ladies dressed (or undressed) to represent the various rooms in the house, a musical burlesque on the housing shortage and an original novelty item where five young people simulated the movements of a huge machine in motion. The fact that the engineer had to come in between each new routine to oil and tighten up various loose bolts added to the fun.

Dancing took over till midnight, when a few hardy souls plunged into the pool to welcome in the New Year. That night the rain came down in sheets, but although some campers were washed out, none were forced to abandon ship.

Sports carried on next day, despite the wet conditions and kiddies races and movies kept the young fry busy. One highlight of this rally was the slippery slide provided by a long strip of polythene laid on the lawn and kept wet, on which the children skidded from end to end in their birthday suits. It amused the kiddies and the onlookers alike.

That evening the marquee was again packed to the plimsoll line to enjoy the screening of movies and slides of previous club activities, while car loads of young people enjoyed an evening of dancing and fun in the spookily decorated home of a nearby member, and all returned declaring they had thoroughly enjoyed every moment, particularly the lavish supper prepared by their hosts.

The next day was sufficiently fine to continue the inter-club sports, though the large amount of traffic on the sodden ground made conditions far from pleasant. A fancy dress parade for the children drew a number of imaginative costumes and ideas, the winners being a young lady dressed as a harem girl and a boy suggesting Dick Whittington, complete with his cat. That evening saw the clubhouse packed to overflowing to enjoy the screening of a full-length colour and sound film entitled "The Far Horizon," which included some of the most beautiful scenery it is possible to imagine.

The fourth and final day saw everybody in "uniform" as the sun brightened the scene and began drying up the landscape. A members' business session and all the finals in the sports events were able to be concluded and several red shoulders indicated that the weather man had finally repented. The daily newssheet that morning announced that there were 45 cars, 43 tents and 10 caravans on the site.

As the ground in the marquee was still soggy, the whole thing was moved to a higher level for the grand fancy dress parade and closing ceremony. A professional orchestra, relieved by the lads from the local club, provided the music and the judging of the many costumes was most difficult, for originality was the keynote throughout. However, an ingenious Mary Poppins and a horrible Frankenstein monster eventually took the honours, although a sheik, a back-to-front creation and a Mrs Grundy were worthy of mention.


Single male, aged 28
Genuine active naturist seeks


with active naturist family within
3 sections of Queen Street, Auckland.

Write c/- N.Z. Naturist



to assist on dairy farm

Easy position, good home
close to the sea.

2 daughters in family.

- Apply -


Himitangi, R.D. Foxton

The Dominion President then announced the awards and presented the trophies for the wide range of adult and junior sports events, concluding with cash awards for the best behaved girl and boy during the course of the Rally. The floor was then cleared and dancing took over until a tired but happy party broke up to unwillingly find its way back to the caravans, tents and bunks scattered about the grounds.

Despite the setbacks, the Rally proved to be another success, helping to unite us all as one big happy family, new members being encouraged and the older ones happy in again meeting friends from all over the country. Although nearly all the host club organizers were new to the job, they came through with flying colours and provided a show that was thoroughly enjoyed by everybody and was certainly a credit to them.

May we, in conclusion, quote again from the newsletter: "During the official four days of the rally, we sold 182 loaves of bread, sold 490 pints of milk, sold 51 dozen bottles of soft drinks, used 3600 gallons of water for domestic use and toilets, pumped 320,000 gallons of water through the pool filtration plant."

And that's quite a lot by any standard.



The Junior Section

HI THERE. After a spell of two years in the tropics, it is grand to be able to meet you again via the Junior Section.

How would you like to be able to run about without the bother of your clothes all day? No worries about the weather, and even of it rains, to be able to stand out and play in the wet. How would you like to be able to strip off to the barest minimum of clothing and plunge into cool streams and inviting rivers when you feel too hot?

Utopia you say? No, really, for I have been to a part of the world when all this is an everyday occurrence. In tropical countries the young native children have a happy carefree life, and with all our TV, jets and motor cars, we should be envious of their simple ways. The closest we can get is perhaps at home in the privacy of our backyards or at our local sun club.

The approach of winter should not herald the closing of the club and the finish of the weekend trips so much as ensuring that we take advantage of every fine and sunny Saturday or Sunday to keep up our tans and interest.

Pineglades children's area


Every club should have, at this stage, a youth group and I hope to be able to report on their activities in the next and succeeding issues.

Your topic for thought until we meet next is: What can the young naturist do in the winter time? - Ken



F R O M  T H E


I N  N. Z.

News from the Clubs 


Following our report of the organizing of two new clubs in our last issue, we are now happy to inform readers of still another, formed since the last Rally. This time it is from the far north, in sunny Whangarei, where the NORTHLAND SUN SEEKERS, P.O. Box 4126, Kamo, have decided to apply for affiliation to the NZSA. It all followed a well-written article in the local paper by a reporter who discovered a group of sunbathers holidaying on a farmer's land. They followed it up by a letter to the editor congratulating him and informing him that a club was in the process of formation in the district. This brought in two replies and a subsequent ad. brought in four more. Through one of these enquirers, a farmer has permitted them the use of a natural sun trap that includes a trout stream and laden pear and apple trees. It is only half an hour from Whangarei and will be ideal until they are able to acquire a beach site, which is their ultimate goal. This all goes to show what a little initiative will do and we congratulate our northern friends.

A pleasing feature of the flower show held in mid February at the CANTERBURY SUN AND HEALTH CLUB INC. was the large number of children's entries with a most attractive and imaginative series of sand-saucers making the task of judging quite a difficult one. A new section for vegetables gave Dad his chance to shine and proved that at least some sun-worshippers manage to keep up their gardening during lazy summer days.

Continuing the horticultural theme, we come to the subject of gorse, which grows with great vigour and enthusiasm on the undeveloped sections surrounding the central area of Pineglades, and has hitherto been kept in check only by much spraying, slashing and grubbing. Consequently, veterans of working bees were delighted when the club, through the good offices of a keen-eyed member, acquired a Fordson iron wheeled tractor in good working order. When we have obtained suitable attachments, it is planned to attack the gorse with renewed enthusiasm and a reasonable chance of maintaining effective control.

Activities slowed down to a temporary halt with the WELLINGTON SUN AND HEALTH SOCIETY after the Rally and members were happy to lie and soak up the sunshine after all their hard work. A successful barbecue, fireworks and film show held at Fiveacres went with a bang, and as we go to press, work is being resumed where they left off on the toilet block. Off-season's plans include enlarging and strengthening the bridge and providing gates for the entrance, and the building of a more permanent tool shed. The annual tree planting will proceed as usual.

Great news at the HAWKES BAY SUN CLUB. While the rally was on in Wellington, the stay-at-home members got busy and built a swimming pool. Admittedly it is not very big, but it certainly is welcome. Painted a pale blue on the inside, the lack of water has meant that it has been filled only twice. A well driller was called in to seek water and he drilled a hole which supplied only 80 gallons an hour, so it was decided not to case it. The hard-working members (and they have few who are not) have been busy with shovel and spade and dug a well, 6ft square and 8ft deep and this fills with water each week which enables them to pump it into a reservoir. Another project which had all members busy was digging a drain to divert a creek which was too close to the swimming pool. Women and children all took part and it was great fun if somewhat tiring. There were a few blisters but no complaints.

As the summer draws to a close, the members of the AUCKLAND OUTDOOR HEALTH CLUB are remembering the last crazy days of summer, with happy memories of a very successful sports day and a most enjoyable annual picnic. These events drew large crowds from both other Auckland clubs and plenty of sunshine helped the proceedings. Sports during the former day included volleyball, teniquoits table tennis and swimming. Although the hosts won the events, it was no easy walkover and the visitors made them work for every point. During the morning a treasure hunt was organized for the children and quite a number spent some time looking for the hidden treasure. A most enjoyable day and keen competition concluded with afternoon tea and it was well after 5 p.m. when the last of the members and visitors left the grounds.

Results: Swimming, AOHC 1, ASC 2, Kaurimu 3. Volleyball, AOHC (D) 1, AOHC (A) 2, ASC 3. Teniquoits, AOHC 1, AOHC 2. Table tennis, AOHC I, Kaurimu 2.

With the Rally at their grounds in the New Year, a lot of work and organization lies ahead and already a committee is in operation handing out jobs here, there and everywhere. Top of the list is the ablution block, which it is determined will be finished for the Rally, even if nothing else is. Canteen entertainment, sports, all are under way now to ensure a successful gathering of nudists from all corners of New Zealand next year.

Now that the cooler days are with us again, the members of the WAIKATO OUTDOOR SOCIETY are able to look back on the club outings to the nearby beaches, where they were able to gain rich tans. They are reminded of the enjoyable days when they look back at their colour slides taken on their trips. Some keen members ar still spending many of their weekend hours hunting for club grounds, which still seem to be as elusive as ever.

The SOUTHERN SUN AND HEALTH CLUB is seeking incorporation to enable them to sign up a tract of Government land that seems to be highly suitable for their purpose.


News & Views 





Heartening news from our friends across the Tasman informs us that a case against the magazine, Solar, in Townsville, after numerous adjournments, has been satisfactorily settled in favour of the magazine. On previous occasions a judgment was reached only after appeals were made to higher courts, so the fact that this case received a favourable ruling in the Magistrates Court is decidedly significant. We congratulate the publishers on this successful outcome.


Although nudism has been practised in the south of France, it was not hitherto found possible to open grounds on the Riviera itself. Jean Legrain a naturist leader, has now opened fine grounds at Fontmarle near Cannes and Nice. They are about half a mile from the beach and include excellent camping sites with fine sanitary arrangements.


The German Naturist Association now owns the island of AMRUM in the North Sea. It takes half an hour to cross from the mainland and a luggage service is at the disposal of visitors. Sand dunes and a long, wide beach make this a genuine, undisturbed heart of nature. Full development is planned.


The Unione Naturisiti Italioni, with a membership of 150 individuals has been admitted to full affiliation of the INF. Although the practice of naturism is officially forbidden in Italy, we look forward to favourable development in this country.


A naturist club has been formed in Abaco. A nudist deep sea diving yacht expedition from the USA spent interesting and lovely days at the island of Anacapa.


Despite a comment from a reader, which will appear in the next issue, the INF's latest report informs us that a large area of beach and hinterland is being put at the disposal of the international naturist movement by the state tourist association, Balkantourist, commencing this year.

The German Naturist Youth is planning an "international meeting" in Bulgaria in July-August, 22 days in all, of which 8 days are being organized by the Bulgarian government.


The INF also reports mighty growth here. The mainland and an island are to be opened up this year, totalling an area of about 125 acres, which will include shady pine woods, meadows and beaches, being one of the most comfortable and largest naturist parks in Europe. •


Definition: A mermaid is a bottomless maid with a topless suit.


Talking about Books


by Winifred Watson

"It is I," thought Miss Pettigrew sternly, "who has an evil mind. What's wrong with the human body? Nothing. Didn't the Lord make it, the same as our faces? Certainly. Would He create anything He thought wrong? No. Isn't it only the exigencies of our climate which have demanded clothes? Of course. It's all in the way of thinking. I've a silly narrow mind. I've never seen anything lovelier than Miss La Fosse standing there."


by William Sansum

Speaking of Finland, the author says: "and raise your hands in horror or drop them with joy to see that here so far in the Lutheran north the ladies on the stage may dance with their breasts naked.

"This unassuming attitude towards nudity comes from a liberal rather than a libertine temperament. One remembers that the fully clothed Finnish woman was the first in Europe to receive the franchise, as early as 1906."

LEAVES OF GRASS by Walt Whitman

"I sing the body electric. The swimmer naked in the swimming bath, seen as he swims through the transparent green-shine or lies with his face up and rolls silently to and fro in the heave of the water."


JOURNEY TO FINLAND by Diana Ashcroft

"The sun was shining and the lake sparkled. Sirkka, Airi and I allowed ourselves to be persuaded and undressed in the sauna at the water's edge. As we emerged the air struck chill so Sirkka and I plunged quickly into the lake. By no possible stretch of the imagination could the water have been called warm, but then it was little more than a month since the last snow had melted. It proved altogether too cold for Airi. She did no more than sit nude on a rock emitting squealing noises as she gingerly felt it first with one toe and then the other.

"Poised on a rock against a background of trees, with one foot cautiously testing the water, Airi would have been a gift to any painter of the classical school, for she was beautifully made. Moreover, she was running true to type: like most of her mythical counterparts - at least as depicted on canvas - she showed little inclination to get her feet wet. But, while Airi's courage failed her, I, at any rate, enjoyed my bathe, for I know of no sensation quite so perfect as that of swimming without a suit."

Speaking of an island in one of the many lakes, she writes: "It was a pleasant place and we spent several happy days there, basking in the sunshine, rowing on the lake and swimming in the cool mirror-clear water. It was a simple matter to find secluded spots in which to laze; the sun shone, the water was delicious and the air was saturated with pine. In no time at all we became nudists with all the propensities of lizards: a taste for warm rocks, a tendency to scuttle at strange noises, and, if my nose is anything to go by, to shed our skins."


"A woman is generally least sexy when either fully clothed or fully naked. Nothing is so chaste as the nude."



Most people in this movement will remember Ivan and Nora of Wanganui. As proprietors of the club, they both have done a lot to foster some acceptance of our ideals in their district and we are grateful for what they have done. For some years now, Nora has been battling against an affliction which ultimately claimed her life. On Saturday, 19th March, she was released from her suffering.

Nora endeared herself to the many members who enjoyed her hospitality, and her quiet assurance and unruffled demeanour was responsible for creating a most happy atmosphere, particularly during the early National Rallies held in the Wanganui grounds. Nora was an inspiration to us all, for she refused to give in during most of her illness.

We mourn the passing of a valued and trusty member and extend our deepest sympathy to Ivan and all members of his family.


Those nudist beaches again

With this article, we bring you pictures in this issue to clearly demonstrate that nude swimming on our beaches is not new to New Zealand. They illustrate better than all we have to say on the subject, that the Battle of the Beaches is on, unofficially at least.

CAN WE in New Zealand expect beaches to be set aside for swimming and sunbathing without costumes? Is it too much to hope that officialdom and the public will tolerate such a move? We believe it is possible and we ought to know. And we base our optimism on trends overseas, where such pleasures are not only tolerated, but are officially sanctioned, enjoyed and accepted by thousands upon thousands of people throughout the world. Miles of beaches are set aside in Europe for nude bathing and some municipalities have lost business when they have refused permission to allow it and tourists and others have flocked to nearby beaches where a more tolerant attitude is evident. It is just a further instance of our advancing thinking and as nothing but good can come of it, it is only a matter of time.

Beaches in the south


Let us look at the English scene, from which we can expect to take a lead. Most of us have heard of Pilchards Cove in Devon, which is becoming increasingly popular with nudists. It seems nude swimming has been practised there by increasing numbers in recent years, one report stating that over 500 people were there on one occasion. As most of these folk were members of recognized clubs, the behaviour was exemplary and all was well until undesirables began making nuisances of themselves and the local authority passed a bylaw barring "wilful or indecent" exposure on the beach. It may be noted that the Council appeared to have deliberately refrained from saying that bathing without a costume was prohibited.


In the North


Ernest Stanley, who has written for this magazine, took his customary forthright attitude and wrote to the Council, giving them the true facts so far as the official movement was concerned, and as a result he was convinced that "there seems to be no intention whatever of banning naturism from Pilchards Cove", and he concluded by referring to official nudism by saying that "it is never indecent: its very essence is decent exposure."

Near Raglan


This bylaw took effect in July, 1963, and in the late summer of 1964 the police visited the beach, where about 50 men and women were swimming or sunbathing near Pilchards Cove. Three rough types who were obviously not club members were arrested, but the prosecutor, in doing so, made it quite clear that this was no move against the naturists, and he said no one wanted to stop the perfectly harmless pursuit of nudism.

Fair enough. That amounted to official acceptance of nude bathing in this part of England, provided there is no exhibitionism or wilful exposure to which anyone could take exception.

This is a big step forward and we congratulate our English friends for giving us this lead. NZers have been enjoying the delights of swimming without costumes from NZ beaches for years now, as witness the pictures in this and other issues of this magazine. We are aware of one beach where the local police know all about it and do nothing because there is nothing to prosecute, the behaviour being beyond reproach. Let us continue to show the way by following the example of our friends overseas and thus convince the authorities and the public that what appears to be a revolutionary practice can be harmless and thoroughly acceptable if conducted with the same propriety that exists in our official clubs. We are grateful to Health and Efficiency for much of this report.


From the Editor

The other day we received the criticism that we publish too many pictures of pretty girls. Of course, on the other hand, we also are criticized because we do not publish enough. It must be realized that we must include a certain amount of pictorial content in order to compete with the hundreds of other magazines on sale in the shops.

An editor can only print what is supplied to him and we have been grateful to have had overseas photographs made available to us, and we have been happy to grace the pages of this magazine with these pictures.

However, it must he understood that this is an NZ publication, produced by NZers mainly for NZers. We would like all the illustrations to depict NZers and NZ club activity. We are being supplied with increasing numbers of this type of picture and are delighted to be able to use them. We look forward to even greater co-operation in the future. That need not totally exclude the genuine shots of overseas activity which can give us some idea of what is going on in other parts of the world. Perhaps you have some views on this matter. We are always glad to hear from you.


A cute appendicitis



New Zealand

Sunbathing Association




This big national event will be held at Oranui, the grounds of the Auckland Outdoor Health Club Inc. from 31st December to 3rd January, 1967. The NZSA Executive will meet on the 30th December, 1966. South Island visitors who have not made their ferry bookings, are advised to do so at once to avoid disappointment. Fuller details of the Rally will be available later.


This big international event will take place in the grounds of the Athena Club, Belgium from 11-16th August, 1966. A full programme of events is planned, including a civic reception, sightseeing tours, press conference, art exhibition, sports events, film shows, etc., in addition to the business sessions. New Zealand will be represented.


Now that our circulation has risen to over 5000 copies, we feel fully justified in approaching firms to advertise in this journal. We have appointed an advertising agent in Wellington who will be pleased to follow up any suggestions you may have. It is well known that most publications rely on their advertisers to pay their way and we are sure our readers will do their best to support anyone who uses our pages to increase their sales. If you know of a reputable firm willing to advertise in this magazine, drop a line to our advertising agent at once, care of this office.


We are pleased to draw the attention of clubs to a matter raised during the Women's Hour at the last Rally, by the young people themselves. They made it very clear that they do not like the term "teenage" as applied to themselves, because it has unsavoury connections in the public mind. They prefer and suggest that we refer to them as Youth and it is certain that this will meet with no objections anywhere. Now that we have a new, but experienced, Youth Organizer, we look forward to emphasis on youth work in the near future.

Should any of our young people wish to correspond with others overseas, contact Mrs Ebba Aggernaes, Krogstrup, Denmark, giving name, sex and age, indicating which language is to be used. An International Youth Group might emerge.


An Auckland member has very kindly offered to make car badges for members. Made of a light alloy metal, they are about 4 inches high, depicting a Maori carving in gold, equivalent to a sun symbol, above a green ribbon with silver lettering. Our sample has the initials N.Z.S.A., but Pineglades, Oranui, Fiveacres, etc., can he inserted for club members.

These attractive badges will retail at 5/- each, all profits being donated to the Perc Cousins Trust Fund. Orders may be placed through this office, or through your club secretary who will he supplied with samples by the kind supplier in due course.


Some overseas clubs have been successful in organizing regular swimming evenings without costumes in public baths. They have been pleasantly surprised at the co-operation of the controlling authorities and there is no reason why similar facilities should not be granted to our NZ clubs. It should not be difficult to enjoy nude swimming for an hour on a "given" night every other week and once the authorities are satisfied we know how to behave ourselves, much good can result.


We regret having to raise the price of this magazine but rising costs following improvements have necessitated this step. We can assure you that were it not for the amount of voluntary effort put in by members of the NZ movement, it would cost you a lot more. We are happy to share this saving with you. Will all Australian subscribers please note that the increase will not take effect until renewals are necessary.


The Customs Dept is prepared to permit club members to import their own nudist magazines, but there are two provisos:

1. The magazines must be on the approved list.

2. The applicant must be on our approved list. Failure to comply will risk seizure, so play safe and let us know what you intend to import and let us have your name and address. If we do not know you, please get a written statement from your club secretary. This is another service the NZSA is happy to give you.


May we commend this fund to your attention, as it is designed to assist someone within the movement when necessary. Donations to date total £214/4/8 and we are pleased to acknowledge the following since the last issue: BH. Wellington £1/10/-; FC, Christchurch 10/-; WB, Auckland 6/-; USA cheque £1/15/9; New total £222/6/5.


I like work, it fascinates me. I could sit and watch it for hours.

- Jerome K. Jerome




JOYCE,   C.S. & H. Club


One of those embarrassing little incidents that could happen to anybody

THIS IS my second summer in New Zealand and I am finding it a very busy time. However, I must just take a few minutes off from jamming and bottling to tell you this one.

My husband, children and I were so greatly impressed with the facilities and the friendly atmosphere at Pineglades that I thought of sending to the BBC a tape recording, telling about the club as an item for Woman's Hour, a progressive and broadminded programme which maintains a high standard of interesting and sometimes debatable items.

I spent some time in the afternoon rehearsing part of my piece, firstly with, and then without a script - interspersed with interruptions from the children - mainly to see how my voice sounded when played back. That evening I warned my husband to take care when playing about with tapes, as this talk was on one of them, and I know that he prefers to use discretion in discussing our naturist activities, especially when it comes to his workmates.

The next morning I was not well and decided to stay in bed as it was Saturday, while my husband was in the lounge amusing himself with the tape recorder. Just then, there was a knock on the door, and to his surprise, it was one of the chaps from work at a loose end, dropping in for a chat.

Behind the noise of the conversation, I from my bedroom, could hear the tape recorder playing relentlessly on, and realized to my dismay that it was my own voice, telling all our family secrets, so to speak, while my husband, who was talking trivialities and making a cup of tea, had obviously forgotten the tape recorder in the background. In my sudden desire to press the stop knob, I leaped out of bed and could barely restrain myself from rushing naked into the lounge. I searched wildly for my clothes, and had reached the door of my room when I noticed that it had dawned on someone else to halt my recording. Relieved, I sank back in bed.

Later, my 8-year-old daughter told me, "While that man was here, you were on the tape recorder, talking about the sun and health club. Daddy switched it off and the man said, 'Who was that?'"

"Well, what did Daddy reply?"

"Nothing. He just said, 'Do you like the Beatles?' and put on a tape of pop songs."

P.S. Don't forget folks, a tape recorder can be used in evidence against you. •


You can say what you like about nudists;

      You can say they are rude, if you please,

But I still repeat my contention:

       I have not met a nudist with fleas.

You may think that the nude is immoral;

      And that people who do it are cranky,

But I still puzzle over a problem:

      How the nudist can carry a hanky.









YOU will have gathered from previous articles that the majority of the followers of the nudist philosophy are essentially lovers of nature and the natural things of life. It automatically follows that the sites for sunbathing activities are selected with great care to include as much God-created beauty that is possible. Generally speaking, you will find this to be the case wherever you go and trees and lawns, flowers and streams can be expected in abundance. Many camps boast tracks among the flora to the various beauty spots and a lively interest is usually evinced in all there is to offer. With sylvan settings, it is so much easier to relax and forget the world you have to work in and no better place could be found if rest is what you need.

If, on the other hand, you have plenty of vitality and wish to "let off steam", most camps provide facilities for that, too. The swimming pool may be regarded as the most popular spot. Here, under favourable conditions, you will find old and young having the time of their lives and let it here be said, that if you have never had the sheer joy of swimming without a costume, you have no conception of what freedom really is. The caress of water as your body passes through it, and the complete lack of restriction is something to be experienced to be appreciated.

Games courts are indispensable to any well run camp and rank high among the facilities provided. From a quiet game of croquet or bowls with the old timers, you may play just about everything, culminating with a fast and furious battle with the volleyball. Tennis, badminton, deck tennis or teniquoits are always popular favourites, whilst archery, table tennis, quoits, etc., have their appeal too. There is usually little necessity for organization in this regard, for there is seldom any lack of spontaneity; rather is it a case of too many players and not enough grounds.

Some camps, more conveniently placed than others, include boating and fishing, while others provide horses for mountain trails and even shooting. Others again, engage physical training instructors who teach you how to touch your toes and be fit. This is invariably optional and is an excellent idea for those anxious to put their curves in the proper places, and the nude life gives you that desire as no other is capable. You automatically stand much more erect and are conscious of your body and the desire to improve its appearance is natural and worthy.

In any case, you are at liberty to do as you please: work, rest, swim or play and as your skin begins to adopt that copper shade, your eyes to sparkle and your step more spring, you are ready for anything. Come what may, you are in the happy position of being able to "take it", and how sorry you feel for the person you remember you used to be. If you are a sedentary worker, you may feel like wielding an axe or handling a shovel. There are usually jobs of this nature waiting to be done and your camp director will be happy to help you there and you will be building up those biceps and at the same time contributing something worthwhile to the successful management of the location.

The fine people you meet are the best inducement to anyone to visit a camp. Meet some of these splendid folk and how you fill in time when you get there will be no problem at all, for you will want to do things and not have to be asked to do them.

And the time will simply fly! •



The best day: Today.

The greatest deceiver: One who deceives himself.

The greatest mistake: Giving up.

The most expensive indulgence: Hate.

The cheapest, stupidest and easiest thing to do: Finding fault.

The worst bankrupt: The soul that has lost its enthusiasm.

The best teacher: One who makes you want to learn.

The best part of anyone's religion: Gentleness and cheerfulness.

The meanest feeling: Jealousy.

The greatest need: Common sense.

- Osman



Looking out 




The writer of this feature will he pleased to hear from readers. Perhaps you have a problem Gordon Scott can help you with.  Write to P.O. Box 6359, Wellington.


In several past episodes of the observations of one, Gordon Scott, I must confess that I have on every opportunity expressed in fairly forthright terms what I think of people who are, for want of a better word, bigots. These are the people who roundly condemn nudism and go to many lengths to make their somewhat doubtful influence felt, in as many possible directions as they can. in my tirades against these persons, I have probably lost sight of the fact that a greater number of citizens have a completely open mind on the subject.

It is possible to lose one's sense of proportion, when the only things you can read or hear from day to day in the non-nudist circles are caustic references, concerning your sanity, morals and general outlook on life. If only the rest of the people would speak out, these so-called society leaders, pillars or whatever they call themselves, would he lost, I feel, in a mass of counter opinion.

What are my reasons for this sudden outburst? Well my faith in the general public has been somewhat restored recently, when I attended the annual meeting of a society in which I am interested. This organization would be about as far from nudism in its ideals as you could want. Its members range in all ages, occupations and has a mixed membership. Yours truly was nominated for the board of management and the chairman, like a bolt from the blue, announced, that I must be a fairly good chap, "you know he is a nudist, and so is his family".

I am not ashamed of my connection with the nudist movement and am not normally embarrassed when people find out I am a member, but this time, if the floor had opened and swallowed me, I would have been eternally thankful. Nevertheless, I reddened about the ears and sat it out. There was small amount of mirth, good natured banter from several and I was duly elected.

What are the lessons here? A large number of people have no thoughts on our movement, one way or another, and when confronted with a nudist or something to do with nudism, still have no thoughts on the matter. Probably it is correct to say, that of the 100 or so people present that night, most of them have forgotten all about it already. Since that meeting, I have not had one experience of any bigotry or snide remarks. The people are not nudists and are never likely to become nudists, but somewhere they have read, or heard about the movement, and are prepared to live and let live.

This is the state of affairs which every nudist desires. The members of the various sun clubs in New Zealand, while not shy, are desirous of carrying on their club activities without being subjected to any form of criticism from any quarter. This, of course, is a Utopian existence and one that nobody with any particular interest, from stamp collecting to deep sea fishing, is without. But it should be borne in mind that it is usually only vocal minority that harass and the general public is usually on the side of the underdog. •









The Beginning

ALTHOUGH this issue of the New Zealand Naturist celebrates the first decade of publication, we have to go back even further to locate its origin. For several years, the Wellington Sun and Health Society put out a regular newssheet, which included overseas news. These two-page sheets of interesting information were not only delivered free to all local members as part of their subscription, but they were also sent free of charge to all the clubs that existed at the time. This service would undoubtedly have continued had we not decided to commence publishing something similar on a national scale.

And so, in May of 1956, we launched what we then called a magazine entitled The National Review. It consisted of two foolscap pages, folded so as to make eight pages of information printed by a duplicating machine. We priced it at 1/6 a year and commenced with a circulation of 150, our public relations officer, Stewart, acting as editor, and it was published by what was then known as The Office of the National Organizer of Naturists in New Zealand.

It makes interesting reading, when quoting from Stewart's first editorial, where he stated "Cost is a major consideration. Stencils, paper and postage are roughly estimated to cost 4d per issue and it is thought that a charge might be made on this basis."

The final item in this, our first effort in journalism, written by myself as Official National Organizer, applies today just as much as it did then. It reads in part: "I congratulate Stewart on his initiative in launching this further proof of our desire to serve. It is a good start and should continue to help, advise, instruct and entertain. We will do our best to make this little magazine worthy of the New Zealand movement. The rest is up to you." And so the start was made.

Steady Improvement

Issue No. 2 appeared with an attractively designed cover, included 14 pages and consequently, also included one staple to hold them together. No. 3 grew to 16 pages and began to reveal a better appreciation of layout and gave every appearance of catching on. From then on, for the next 6 issues it remained at a steady 12 pages, although the annual subscription had been raised to 5/- with No. 4 in order to build up a reserve to help improve the publication.

The Name is Changed

Issue No. 9 saw the name changed to The National Naturist Review, with the circulation now up to 269, but it was the next issue that really displayed the first real sign of improvement. Bob Mclver, who still illustrates our magazine under the pseudonym of Ramac, designed a splendid cover, portraying a couple and their son in the nude, looking over a typical New Zealand landscape. This was printed on heavy paper in sepia on grey and prepared by Norman Bell of Napier, who is still responsible for the entire printing today. Together with hand-drawn headings and a cartoon, the publication began to take on tone. Now back to 16 pages, the folding, interleaving, stapling, guillotining and mailing became quite a task, but helpers were usually available when needed.

The First Setback

It was with considerable regret that in 1959 we were forced to accept Stewart's resignation from the editorship. His domestic situation created this decision and the entire movement can he very grateful to him for his dedication to his work and the splendid job he did in formulating the policy of this magazine. To quote from a tribute paid to him in issue No. 13, it reads: "Under Stewart's guidance, it has ceased to be the struggling infant it was and is now beginning to assert itself and become one of the voices of organized nudism in the world today."

As no offers were received to fill the vacancy. I automatically drifted into the position of editor, though I was already doing as much as I could conveniently manage with other national affairs, However, the job was tackled with enthusiasm and the number of pages crept up, 20, 24, 28, 32 and the circulation went up to 450 by 1960, and much talk centred around the day when we would be in a position to print the entire contents of our magazine. Consequently, increased circulation became the prime necessity of the day. To this end we found a few booksellers willing to stock it, though in its duplicated form, sales were far from spectacular.

We Introduce the First Photographs

Issue No. 17 became a real family affair, including interesting items for the kiddies as well as the ladies, written by the well-known husband and wife team, Ken and Joan Treanor, but it was No. 19 that really started something. This issue of 36 pages appeared with 4 pages of photographs, but still showed a circulation of 450. It was then that other magazines began quoting ours and several publishers and others sent us complimentary comments. But the work involved, plus other commitments, plus a damaged heart began to take their toll and they all added up to my collapse a few days before I was due to chair the next NZSA Executive meeting at the Rally at Wanganui.

Although this was rather a drastic way of taking a rest and recruiting help, this is what was nevertheless achieved and a new man was found who gladly took over the editorship. He infused the magazine with a new style, also aiming towards the day when we could go into print. With issue No. 21, we once again decided it was necessary to change the name in order to be more specific, and so the New Zealand Naturist was born. With issue No. 22 we had the magazine registered at the post office, a recognition that was pleasing, but justified.

We go Into Print

Thanks to an Auckland member who offered to meet the cost of any possible loss on the next two issues, we took the bull by the horns and accepting his offer, we went ahead and printed issues Nos. 23 and 24, which then provided us with an attractive 16 page magazine. Although by this time our circulation had risen to 1200 and we had to call on our guarantor for quite a sum, it did mean that we had to continue in print. To help meet our additional expenses, in addition to building up the circulation, we now sought advertisers, but needless to say, they were not interested.

During all this time we had maintained the price of 1/6 per copy and 5/- annual sub, but now with issue No. 28 we felt more than justified in raising it to 2/- and 7/-, for Gerald had introduced a different reproduction of a solarized photograph on each cover. Nos. 29 and 30 being in two colours. This was a definite step forward and was now becoming a very big job.

To quote my report for the year 1961, "Our attitude must very soon change from one of a pleasant little voluntary magazine to a full scale publishing effort, with all its concommittal responsibilities." It must be borne in mind that we were still assembling, stapling and guillotining the magazine and 16 pages, plus the covers, multiplied by 1400 is an awful lot of paper and represents a tremendous amount of work for a few volunteers. Latterly, instead of it all having been the responsibility of the editor, volunteers in the main clubs shared this work, not only of assembling, but of visiting newsagents as well.

Still Another Setback

And so we pass on to the 5th AGM of the NZSA, when Gerald indicated he would not be available for any office. As there were no other nominees, I again took over the editorship. I was anxious to ensure the magazine would come out on time and also to try out several ideas with which had been toying for some time. We eliminated the autumn issue in 1964 to give me a chance to implement these thoughts and make all the necessary arrangements for the changeover, including the transfer of the printing arrangements. So issue 31 came out slightly smaller in size, but much more economical to produce.

New features appeared in its now 20 pages and within the 24 pages of issue No. 32, we included, for the first time, pictures illustrating the articles. We also included attractively designed headings for the articles and because of copy available, we reduced the size of the type and spaced it much closer.

Real Progress

No. 33 saw us creep up to 28 pages, full page illustrations and lots of other pictures inside. No. 34 increased to 32 pages and No. 35 to the present 36 pages, including a total of 29 pictures. No. 36 saw the circulation up to 3000, with sales in England, Denmark, Canada and Australia. With such a large quantity, we now had to arrange to have all the assembling done by the printer and costs were naturally rising all the time, despite Norman's spare time contributions to keep them down. The main distribution among the booksellers also had to be placed in professional hands, though willing volunteers continue to handle several areas.

The Ideal Realized

Today, with the circulation over 5000 copies per issue, we have the additional benefit of a worker to enlist advertising and another to assist in typing copy. In 10 years our magazine has reached the stage where we are proud to receive letters from readers telling us they have become interested in nudism solely through reading it. That is one of the things we set out to do. With the continued help of our contributors and the growing numbers of other volunteers, the NZSA's The New Zealand Naturist can hold its head high and confidently take its rightful place among the better type of magazine in the world today.


JUST SEND 7/- for 1 year (Australian subscribers remit $1) to the

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N.Z. Naturist

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Back issues of this magazine are available at reduced rates.

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Printed by Martin Printing Co. Ltd., Napier



The secretaries of the clubs listed below will be pleased to hear from genuine enquirers. Please enclose a stamped, self- addressed envelope.


P.O. Box 4126, Kamo.


P.O. Box 2702, Auckland.


P.O. Box 2925, Auckland.


P.O. Box 20015, Glen Eden, Auckland.


P.O. Box 619, Hamilton


c/- P.O. Box 6359, Wellington.


P.O. Box 551, Napier.


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P.O. Box 2854, Wellington.


P.O. Box 1823, Christchurch.


P.O. Box 2058, South Dunedin.


P.O. Box 486, Invercargill.

If you are not close to any of the above clubs you may like to know that other naturists are ready to form clubs in the following areas:









Palmerston North


    To contact them, write to:

        N.Z. Sunbathing Association,

        P.O. Box 6359, Wellington






Profusely illustrated

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35c per copy (NZ 3/6d)


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43 Shoe Lane

London, E.C.4, England



Stewart Ransom: History: Ten years of progress; Editors

Perc Cousins: History: the NZ Naturist the first 10 years

Perc Cousins: The First National Rally (#38)

Obituary: Nora Mowlem

Those Nudist Beaches Again

14th Rally Wellington - 1966
15th Rally Auckland - 1967

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Woman in bush


Nudist beach in Scotland


Youngsters love the water

LOVE THE WATER      North Kent picture



Another published in 1960


The same family today


Lush growth in the bush


Nudist beach in Scotland


Canada logs


Nudist beach in Scotland


14th Rally


14th Rally


14th Rally


14th Rally


14th Rally


14th Rally


14th Rally


14th Rally


A wise mother


Be in the Swim


Another 1960 picture


Susan today


A sensible mother



Some like to sit & chat


On the beach


Woman in the forest


Photo: Roy Carson

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