#  34 - March 1965 

[The New Zealand Naturist - Autumn] Editor: Perc Cousins (Pages: 32 - 2/-)


News from the Clubs (6)
From the Editor
My First Visit by Julia Todd-Forbes
News from All Over the World
Reader Have Their Say
The Law and the Naked Body by Heatnick
On the Inside Looking Out
Naked and Ashamed by Ray Fussell
Archaic Customs by Doris Milward
Report of the 13th National Rally
Talking about Books
Let's Become Accepted
Fiveacres Revisited
Talking to Women with Gaynor
Peggy 2
NZSA Notes - Customs agreement, 14th National Rally (Fiveacres), Perc Cousins Trust Fund, Processing of Kodak Films, 10th World Congress, N.Z.S.A. Newsletters, Hot Springs Handbook, Sun & Health
Quote of the Month
Directory (10)








Perc. W. Cousins, Wellington



Ray Clark, Christchurch
Jock Shoolbread, Auckland

Secretary - Treasurer


Doug. Cousins, Wellington

Public Relations Officer


Gavin Robieson, Wellington

Overseas Correspondent


Les Guyton, Invercargill

Youth Organiser


Philip van Dusschoten, Wellington

Women's Representative


Gaynor Robieson, Wellington

Delegates representing all clubs





Perc. W. Cousins

Business Manager


Doug. Cousins



Bob McIver



Our overseas page will feature a well-known lass from the Orient, while Who's Who in the NZSA will let you see Gavin, our new PRO, his wife Gaynor, the new Women's Representative, and their family.

Our new Health Page will help and interest everybody and the next instalment of the serial, Peggy, will relate what happened when the family visited a nudist camp. We will also feature photographs of the last National Rally in Christchurch. We have also been promised an illustrated account of Britain's biggest sun club, North Kent. and you may look forward to all the regular features that have become so popular. Make sure of your copy NOW.

The deadline for the next issue is 31st March.





WHERE a friend of mine lived as a girl, a man was known to always wear a leather glove. She and other children used to discuss this strange state of affairs, imagining all sorts of reasons for him keeping the hand covered. How they longed to know what was underneath that glove and various were the schemes planned to discover the secret. Had the hand been uncovered like the other one, it would have occasioned no interest whatever, but hidden from sight, it became a major curiosity.

Following the same theme with adults and bringing it to the present day, we refer to a popular so-called "men's" magazine, that published an article recently with the above title, dealing with the striptease world. An opening paragraph ran. "Faced with the fact that striptease has so few variations that its audience pulling-power is deteriorating all over the world ... some say that its continued performance is apt to produce prudery in most males ... theatrical designers are beating their heads to think up new gimmicks.'

'They're returning to the age-proven fact that partial concealment is more alluring than complete nudity and that feathers and baubles and formfitting clothes are more aesthetic and entertaining than the common or garden g-string." And the article concludes with. "Overseas night clubs which tried burlesque striptease and found it didn't pay have gone back to putting clothes on their girls. The body is still there but for most of the act is kept enticingly covered, on the ground that people always want to see what can't be easily seen".

You would hardly expect to find this type of publication extolling the virtues of nudism, hut that is precisely what it is doing. We have been telling an unbelieving public for years that while partial concealment excites, complete nudity becomes normal and not the least bit exciting. We do not claim to be sexless or any different from anybody else, but we do claim that nudity in properly organized clubs does not arouse abnormal desires and is rather likely to put sex in its rightful place, encouraging a healthy and improved outlook that must be of benefit to all who participate.

Here some may say. "But why take all your clothes off anyway?" All right, let's go to the beach on a hot summer's day and what do we find? Lots of people enjoying the sun and surf, but covering up enough of the body to meet the requirements of present-day convention. Is there one man on that beach who does not do a bit of imagining at the sight of those skimpily-clad girls? Of course not and it is a perfectly natural desire, for while parts are continually covered, it is human nature to want to see what is hidden.

Now let's switch to a nudist club on a hot summer's day, Members are lying in the sun, chatting, or playing games, swimming or enjoying their privacy and freedom in the way that appeals to them most. Nothing is covered or hidden. There are no "come hither" looks, no showing off or exhibitionism. Everybody is natural and unassuming and if there is any embarrassment, it is on the part of any newcomers who may not yet have disrobed. Once they do join in, they, too, are quick to agree that nothing is more enjoyable and natural and that there is just no logical reason why certain parts of the body should be hidden from sight.

Nudism may be unconventional and sadly misunderstood by many, but boiled down, you must admit that it stands up to commonsense reasoning and is worthy of a second thought, rather than the casual brushing aside as an absurdity because you think it's just not done. - PERC. W. COUSINS



F R O M  T H E


I N  N. Z.

News from the Clubs 



ASC had its AGM at Labour weekend, and as seems to be normal these days we had the usual inclement weather, probably accounting for a not particularly full meeting. However, after a few discussions, most things resolved themselves into the usual order, but resulted in a few surprises, chief of which was the intimation of that staunch worker of our club. Tom. that he would like a rest from secretarial duties, and nominated Arthur for the position and when put to the vote Arthur was duly elected.

I would like at this point to briefly point out that Tom has been the mainspring behind ASC's growth through quite a few troubled years, to the present time when by reason of one thing or another we are a much better and healthier club. To Irene too, special thanks are due for her happy smile, making all welcome, and her always welcome and apparently inexhaustible home cooking.

We are already having a happy increase in membership of couples, and some more children. and of course some of our members are also adding to their families, so we are building from within and without.

ASC members

Our Christmas party at which a fully clothed Santa Claus in traditional costume holds court over an eager throng of unclothed youngsters and parents and friends, the same Santa seemed not at all perturbed at this meeting of old customs and new, was scheduled for the same day as the opening of the AOHC swim pool. However the day dawned wet, wetter than any we've had for a long time, so frantic phone calls to all to cancel the Christmas party. Being incurable optimists, we had neglected to advise per NZBC. We felt sorry for all the women who had prepared their usual exciting and appetising array of food for all and sundry, however we imagine it will all disappear gratefully by each one's own families. The rain did not deter the happy event at AOHC and some ASC members availed themselves of the invitation to join them at this longed-for event. I say in passing 'Well done to everyone responsible'.


Well, the longed-for P. Day has come and gone at Oranui. P for Pool that is. Our Grand Opening was held three weeks before Christmas in a steady tropical downpour. This did not deter a well-known Auckland TV personality, in the company of over a hundred members, from cutting the ribbon with the traditional golden shears. A split second later he was in. followed by most of the audience.

Since then many of our members have just gaped at our crystal clear tiled pool because we have become so used to just a 50 x 30 x 6ft hole in the ground for the last year. But now everyone agrees that with the Candy filter in operation. plus the vacuum cleaner, underwater lights and observation window. it is a real milestone in the progress of the AOHC.


Our AGM was well attended and the friendly and successful meeting showed steady progress, with a gain of several families and some singles. The hank balance was healthy so that the club may be protected in the event of unforeseen happenings. Despite setbacks in the past, the club continues to flourish.

The "Dome" project of Al and Julia, a truly revolutionary type of club house, proceeds, but a great deal of work is still to be done. The club is helping to finance the work. We hope to dam the stream further down and so add another pool to that which we already have, and the work is started.


Were you elated when you got your site? Hawke's Bay members were. After searching for years, we have now acquired an ex roadman's cottage with ten acres of land. Being HB County Council property, it had to be sold by tender and ours was successful. Of course it is in the country, 14 miles inland from Napier, and is hilly, the flat area (?) being perhaps one acre. The house. though old, is liveable, and has an electric stove, hot water, even a modern bath. Water is the drawback, the house being supplied by rainwater. Screening is a problem as the main road overlooks the area, but someone in the past has planted trees to screen the house and this will simplify our task.


Christchurch visitors at Labour weekend enjoyed the new amenity, the hot showers. These are a great asset and were a boon to members. The pool has been repainted and filled and the sparkling water is an inviting spectacle to everybody. The quick-growing grass has always been a problem, but two motor mowers now help to keep it in trim. The painting of the clubhouse in green, white and yellow, has been pushed ahead and the addition of a trampoline is proving very popular with the more energetic. A rotary hoe has loosened the soil on the newly-cleared area and levelling will be an early job.

It was unfortunate that irresponsible boys broke into the canteen and took some of the stock, but the police rounded them all up and the parents made good the losses.

Social activities included a Guy Fawkes celebration in traditional style with a barbecue to follow, topped off with a birthday cake, iced and decorated to represent Fiveacres, including several suntanned members reclining in the sun. The Christmas party for the young fry, complete with Father Christmas. was thoroughly enjoyed. Quite a contingent of members travelled to Christchurch for the National Rally to represent us in the many sports contests between the clubs, while many members and visitors camped at Fiveacres during the holidays.


Opening day was well attended this year and marked, as has become traditional, by the cutting of a birthday cake kindly donated by a member.

The tempo of work around the grounds has increased with the approach of Christmas so as to have as much as possible completed before the Rally.

There has been a great deal of gorse slashing to cut fire breaks, the pool has been repainted, and post holes dug for an extensive windbreak. The expense of this last amenity has been considerably lightened by the good offices of a member who negotiated for the club to collect several truckloads of used (but still useful) roofing iron.

Visitors will see additional features on the grounds, notably a concrete volleyball court and the just-completed canteen, which was designed, built, painted, and furnished by members who willingly gave their professional skill and talents over many weeks.


A lot of new faces here today


From the Editor

May I sincerely thank all you kind people who sent cards and well wishes during the Festive Season. Pressure on my time has been the only reason I have been unable to thank everybody, but you may rest assured that the good wishes arc warmly reciprocated. Let us all strive to ensure that 1965 lives up to all that is expected of it.

Letters received at this office in recent months indicate that our magazine is doing the job it set out to do, namely to explain and illustrate our ideals and help to overcome some of the prejudice and ignorance that exists about us.

It will be my continued aim to make this publication more and more acceptable. The circulation is increasing and this is going to help maintain and improve the publication. This issue includes still another 4 pages and the next will be introducing another feature, a Health Page this time and we know it will he well received. This is your magazine. Help us to make it bigger and better. Articles and photographs are always welcome.






Kaurimu Sun Club


AS IS the case with all nudists, I have often been asked how I ever "got the courage" to make my first visit to a nudist club and actually take off my clothes in the presence of strangers. I often sense in the questioners a latent wish to take the step themselves. Therefore such a question should not be lightly dismissed, laughed off, or answered too vaguely to be of help to the questioner.

There must he lots of people besides me, who, as children were allowed or even encouraged to run free (of clothes) at home, on unpopulated beaches. or at family camp sites near a lake or creek and thus acquire the love of swimming without a restricting suit; the enjoyment of sun and warm air on their uncovered bodies. And on growing to adulthood they, even as I did, took every opportunity when off camping on holiday, to enjoy these things again. And perhaps, as it was with me, they have never associated this privately indulged love of the feel of the sun and water on the unclothed body with organized nudism and its groups of strangers joining forces to form a nudist club. "It must he only very odd people who would want to do that" is a mild version of the usual verdict.

And for people who have never been to a nudist club, it seems a very natural verdict to me because it's exactly what I used to think. And I was over 40 when I changed my mind.

But then I was introduced to Grace, and although it was not mentioned between us for months, I had previously been told that she was a nudist. Because we had interests in common, I grew to like her and to respect her and when she one day brought up the idea of me accompanying her to a nudist club (Sol Sante, of Victoria B.C., Canada) that weekend, I accepted the invitation. I felt that if she saw some reason to belong, there must be more to it than I'd thought.

Indeed there was. For a small annual fee she was entitled to go to the club as often as she pleased, to get away from cares, noise and hubbub of the city into the quiet and peaceful country where she could be with people if she wanted, or alone. She could stay overnight, for her whole holiday, or only for the day. Her teenage daughter could have the companionship of other outdoor, sports loving companions, away from the false excitement of many city recreations. There was playground equipment and a wading pool for the younger kiddies and volleyball, horseshoes, badminton, and swimming for all ages. People didn't go there just to take off their clothes, they went for the peace and freedom from city cares, to enjoy outdoor recreation; and by banding together as a club, they had been able to buy a suitable property which all could enjoy. Taking off one's clothes emphasises the leaving behind of everyday cares and enables a person to be more completely at one with the peace nature offers.

The Authoress

I had been labouring under a misapprehension that must be fairly common. I had thought of nudism as an activity in itself, and of a nudist club as the place where one "actively engaged in nudism" as if it were a particular game or sport. It's nothing of the sort. A nudist club is a place where one can freely choose the appropriate costume (or rather lack of costume) for swimming and sunbathing and just be lazy in the sun. Certainly frolicking children in a wading pool need no clothes on a hot day. Whether one is playing a fast game of tenikoit, or mowing the club lawn, or working out on the rings, or swimming and sun bathing, clothes are surely inappropriate, and only in the way.

The point is that, given the choice, in hot weather and in certain activities, lots of people would discard clothes if the only consideration was bodily comfort and well being.

However, we can not do that at home, in our gardens, at the beach. etc., without risking all sorts of dire consequences due to prevalent public opinion and law. But at the nudist club we can discard unwanted clothes.

And the feeling of peace and freedom as the sun soaks into your completely exposed body, and the replacement of tiredness with a feeling of vitality, is absolutely indescribable in words. As is so often said, you have to experience it to believe it; and this truism is really more true of social nudism than of most other experiences I know of.

Certainly for me that first visit was a revelation, and I made application to join that very day. Grace had told me a lot about the club on the way there, but nothing could have prepared me for the naturalness of the scene at Sol Sante: a group of bathers near the lake, a happy group of kiddies at the wading pool, a family group eating lunch at a picnic table. They all looked so natural, at ease, unconcerned, and happy. I could hardly wait to strip off my clothes as Grace spread out a blanket a little way off from the sunbathing group. I'll tell you one thing: your embarrassment at your first visit to a nudist club lasts only so long as you keep your own clothes on; it disappears at once as soon as you are undressed. So my advice on that first visit is to get your clothes off quickly and you'll find yourself part of the friendliest group of people you can imagine.

If you are still on the outside wondering, hesitate no longer! Don't miss this summer season! Hurry and take advantage of any invitation to visit a nudist club whether it comes from a personal friend or is the printed one in this magazine inviting you to get in touch with the club nearest you.


News & Views 






Strange to say, magazines including pictures of the nude form are not permitted in Germany. We note with interest, the German Naturist Assn. (D.F.K.) is now publishing their own magazine in a new guise, including drawings for illustrations. This will he the first time that the D.F.K. has issued a periodical to be sold direct to the public in large numbers.

It is agreed that about 4 million people make a habit of nude mixed bathing during their holidays in the German Federal Republic. No less than 18% of the German population as a whole gives full support to the idea of naturism; 427 are indifferent. while the remainder condemn the practice.

"We are fortunate in Germany in that nude bathing is not forbidden by Jaw. Quite the contrary: the Prussian Police Bathing Regulations, which are valid for the whole of the Federal Republic. expressly state that nude bathing is permissible, provided that others do not object. We rightly deduce from this that the practice of naturism is legal and in accordance with the constitution. Nude bathing does not contravene any 'morality' law." - Dr Lothar Wilhelm

Paul Zimmerman. founder of the famous Freilichtpark. passed away on 28th July last. Mr Zimmerman. who was 86 when he died, had begun operations as a nudist park as far back as 1903. Many people all over the world first learned of the naturist way of life in this now famous park. His daughter. Sigrun Duensing will continue to direct the park.


A highlight of the last ESA Convention was the arrival of two police officers who said that they had been sent there to protect the nudists against crackpots, or anyone who might want to interfere. - ASA Bulletin

America can always be counted upon to do things in a big way, and when we read that Olive Dell Ranch in California was host to 1100 nudists at their 1964 Spring Festival, then we have to admit that they really are doing things in a big way, 1100 nudists in one place at one time is really something.

Sycamore Hollow Club has an unusual "Keep Out" notice which reads:

"Trespassers on this camp ground will be stripped of their clothing, thrown into the swimming pool and forced to play volleyball in the nude with members of the opposite sex." In addition to this fearsome form of justice the group says it then turns offenders over to the law.


An Italian national association called Unione Naturiste Italiani, has been formed commencing with a membership of 150, This is a big step forward in a country where nudism has been frowned upon for years,


ReadersReaders sayhave their say ... 



I received a copy of your "Naturist" magazine and was very impressed with what I read. I didn't know anything, or not much, about nudist clubs before but to be quite honest, thought they sounded a "Bit of a joke", After reading your magazine I felt I knew something about them now and my ideas have changed. Thank you for an interesting 'mag' and I have enclosed 2/- for the next issue.      

-CRM, Tauranga    


While I'm writing to you I'd like to say how much more we've enjoyed the NZ Naturist since it had a face lift.

It's only just twelve months since we stepped into the whole new world of nudism, what good friends we've made since.

When I first mentioned nudism to my wife she couldn't understand why people wanted to lie and play in the sun with no clothes on. I tried to explain but not being a nudist myself then, I found it hard to do. Then I came across Jenny Mann's book "The Naked Truth". After I had read that I had a much better idea of things. One day I came home from work to find "The Naked Truth" sitting on the table. I asked my wife what it was doing there and she said she'd read it too and would give nudism a go.

What a great family interest it has given us. The children really love it.

-E. and R.B., Kaurimu    


I have noted that a few of your correspondents in recent issues of this magazine have remarked on the fact that it is still adopting a defensive attitude towards nudism and as a consequence some of its value is lost in attracting new members to our ranks.

On reading through a couple of issues, I was struck, not so much by the negative approach, but by the constant repetition by your contributors of all the old, well-worn catch phrases, i.e., "Free from restrictive clothing", "The sun on our bodies", "Letting our bodies breathe" and so on, ad infinitum.

I suggest that this sort of thing does not help our cause in any way and a more belligerent approach by some of your writers, to perhaps stir up a few arguments, is more preferable to a liberal helping of corn syrup.

-Gavin Robieson, Wellington    


I think your magazine is one of the best ever put out, and is good reading, and when I do read the different articles printed, can without any inhibitions, feel the same relaxed, healthy feeling of all your members.



I see very many magazines from all parts of the world, some very expensive, some quite moderately priced, but the NZ Naturist, for the price is well produced, a pleasure to read and obviously very genuine in the presentation of the naturist movement.

After reading an issue of this little publication I do feel I would like to visit your clubs and experience the happy atmosphere conveyed in your magazine.

-Jim Wrate, England    




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AS ALL of you know there are quite a number of naturist clubs throughout New Zealand and many other countries. New Zealand has ten clubs affiliated to the New Zealand Sunbathing Association, with over 600 members.

Man & boy

The majority of people in this country imagine that a sun club is in existence for the sole purpose of organizing orgies and sexual fun. This is wholely and completely a fallacy. People who join these clubs do so for the enjoyment of the sun and air on their naked bodies. The sun has the wonderful effect of completely relaxing nervous tensions and because it is done without the cumbersome effect of sticky clothing, it gives a naturist a sense of freedom which is unattainable when wearing clothing.

There are no sexual desires when you see a person naked as nature intended that person to be. You may see a young girl walking down your main street in tight matadors and filmy blouse endorsed with good physical endowments, and you nearly throw a fit. But if you happened to see the same young woman in a sun club enjoying the sun, naked, I am sure the reaction would he one of acceptance and that would be all. You may not believe it, but being confronted with the same thing, my reaction was one of complete acceptance without feelings of embarrassment.

It is clothing or the partial lack of it, that gives the average New Zealand male a thrill, because the imagination of that person is working overtime imagining what is under the woman's clothing. But seen without clothing, all is seen and accepted for what it is: a naked body.

The law's attitude to naturism is one of understanding. It has, in its books of rules, sections wherein people are punished for exposing their bodies indecently, and does not deal leniently with them because they are usually perverts and a menace to society.

But don't get the idea that naturists are perverts and so come under the heading of 'persons behaving in an indecent manner'. Indecent behaviour or indecent exposure is the judgment of the general public as to what is indecent and what is not. But according to the law, the acts of indecency must be seen to come under the heading of indecency. This then rules out naturism as being unlawful for three reasons:

1. Any immoral behaviour and sexuality is banned in all sun clubs.

2. A sun club is not a public place because it is privately owned and therefore is not open to the public.

3. Most clubs are in very sparsely populated areas and all have either fencing or bush and trees all round them to remain private and to stop people from looking on to the grounds.

All clubs are in such a locality and so screened as to be invisible as it were, from any public place or any private property in their immediate vicinity. It is therefore quite legal to join a sun club without fear that you might he doing something illegal or lawfully wrong.

Many people believe and say that sun clubs are wrong because of the moral laws of society. I don't agree with these people for six reasons:

1. We were born as naked as God made us and therefore I think it is unnecessary to wear clothes in hot weather.

2. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that nakedness is wrong. (It does talk about people hiding their shame of nakedness before God, but this refers to mental nakedness, not bodily nakedness.)

3. Being naked in natural surroundings is the ideal way of getting closer to the Lord and the understanding of the greatness of His works.

4. It is a known fact that naturist clubs have not had one single case of juvenile delinquency amongst their ranks because naturism gives teenagers and youths something constructive to do and think about and participate in.

5. There is no moral laxity in a sun club and so there are no sex crimes, adultery, or unlawful (criminal or moral) sexual activities. The effect (mental) this has on the members of a sun club extends to their normal lives. But don't think that all sexual activities of the family man are altered in any way, it is just that the mental attitudes are more moral and more resistant to immorality.

6. The naturist movement does not condone the use of foul, indecent or unlawful language.

What better way of living your life or bringing up children than in this atmosphere? What better way of relaxing the nervous tensions of the body than this healthy way of life?

If anyone reading this is interested or has been interested before and has been unable to contact anyone about it, you may write to the New Zealand Sunbathing Association, P.O. Box 6359. Wellington. and the secretary will refer you to your local club. I wish you all good luck in your new career and wish you all 'happy sunning'.


Looking out 




The writer of this feature will he pleased to receive letters from
readers.   Write to Gordon Scott. P.O. Box 6359, Wellington.


The letters to the editor in issue 32 of this magazine contained a remark by D.J. of Dunedin to the effect that the magazine was a good one, but his wife felt that the writers of the articles were always trying to reassure themselves and to justify nudism, in other words, to be on the defensive.

Well, here is one contributor who doesn't need any convincing. If my past articles have implied a somewhat hesitant approach, then I am sorry, because it was never intended. Being on the "Inside" I am of the opinion that it is the "Outside" that has to justify itself to me.

Reading an Australian magazine the other day I came across an article by an "eminent psychiatrist" in which he stated that he considered nudists to be sexual morons, undersexed and lacking in normal sexual reactions. If the said gentleman means the gang rapes, after-school teenage get-togethers in empty houses, suburban sex parties with wife swapping and so on are normal sex, then I am glad I am a moron. Let him look around, because perhaps he doesn't realize that 80% of the nudist movement is made up of married couples with, I repeat with, children, and what is more, your young daughter can run around stark naked, all day in a club, in perfect safety, but outside she unwittingly risks violation simply by walking to school.

Every day the papers carry details of the more unpleasant goings on, hut it is not only the sexual side of the "Outside" that requires justification. it is the loutish behaviour of certain sections of the community, the complete disregard of the other fellow, the rat race and the snobbishness and artificiality that characterises everyday life, I am not suggesting nudism is a dramatic cure-all for this, but to those who genuinely practise the way of life it brings, are, I think, all the richer Why should this be? Because after all, I can get around in just a pair of shorts outside a club, but inside I can remove them. It is something far deeper.

Many clubs arc formed for various activities, but they arc usually for a specific purpose, such as boating, golf, etc. Nudist clubs have only one common tie, that is the freedom to go without clothes. All the rest is a mixture of many interests and activities. The club atmosphere of relaxation seems to mix these things together and make for a better understanding of people and their points of view.

A day or weekend spent in a nudist club does more to bind a family together than leaving the kids at the pictures while Mum and Dad go down to the pub. Children unconsciously learn a lot more of the facts of life seeing people completely naked, engaged in healthy exercise and other normal activities, rather than the sneak watching each other take their pants off behind a bush. Thinking about it. I now realize that the fences around nudist enclosures are not to keep the dangerous nudists from getting out, but to prevent the more dangerous outside world getting in. I know when I am well off!

If any of my fellow writers have been on the defensive in their contributions, it is not because they are ashamed of what they are doing, but because they are not quite sure how their efforts will he received by people who work to so many standards. So-called normal society is so very fickle that it is impossible to judge what is coming next; one day ankles are obscene, next it is breasts. Let us hope that some day it will be mouths, then perhaps people will he able to think for themselves. At least nudists have only one fashion and one standard to live by.

In conclusion may I quote the Rev. Kingsley Bond. Methodist minister of the Waratah-Broadmeadow circuit, NSW. in an article where he defends the topless dress for women: "We may forget that we are all unclothed to God." (People. Vol. 15, No. 16).

I think perhaps nudists are closer to righteousness than normal society would like to believe.


Now that the holidays are over I wonder how many of you non-nudists crept into some out-of-the-way place, peered around, checked and double-checked and finally took the plunge. Resplendent in your birthday suit, you lay quietly and endeavoured to get the white patches suntanned. If you managed to remain long enough without being seen or disturbed, a degree of success would have been yours, hut the chances are, somebody came along or you were just not game to take the risk for too long.

In the clubs, we had a wonderful holiday, playing games, swimming. sunbathing and getting a glorious tan all over with nobody to worry us. Why not join us. so that next holidays, you too can have an all-over tan and a clear conscience about getting it.





WHY WILL people insist on associating nudity with sin? The advertisement which appeared in the Napier newspaper concerning the formation of a nudist club, produced the following letter to the editor:

"Sir,-This man, whoever he is, who wants to form a nudist club in our beautiful city should be hounded out of town. Why should such people be allowed to act in such a way?'

'Even in darkest Africa and in the aborigine world of Australia, the dark races do not shame themselves by wearing nothing. They always wear a loin cloth. Even if they are a dark race, they have more modesty than these people we call nudists.'

'When Adam and Eve came into the world, God told them of the wrong they were doing and they wore a fig leaf. So let's be down on these people and chase them out of our lovely city. I am, etc., MODEST ONE."

There are some truly amazing interpretations of the Bible, but the last paragraph is surely one of the best, or the worst. As if God could be so ridiculously silly and unreasonable as to say: "Your body is one of the most beautiful things I have created, but I hate the sight of it. Cover it up at once." I suppose there always will be people with such nasty, evil minds, that they 'smell sin' in almost everything. And there is no doubt there are many decent, healthy-minded people who would like to be naturists if they could be sure it wasn't wrong or immodest.

What was Adam and Eve's sin? It certainly wasn't being naked, because that is how God made them, and we are told in the Book of Genesis, that they were 'naked and unashamed'. It wasn't sex, because they were husband and wife, and God told them 'to be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth'. What then was their sin? We just don't know. The story of the forbidden fruit is a splendid story which tells us that our first parents disobeyed God. Their shame, and anxiety to cover themselves up suggests a sense of guilt, because of their disobedience. They didn't want God to see them, so they tried to hide from Him. Isn't that what real sin does to all of us?

Those people who think the naked body is nasty and indecent are in grave danger of sinning against God, for are they not implying that He has a nasty mind in making us the way He did?



My wife and I were spending our holiday rambling through the woodland in Moravia when sheer chance converted us to nudism, though in those days we had never thought of it. One day we went for the first few miles by train, and in the carriage I found a copy of Nature Friends Review so I put it in my pocket to read later.

On leaving the station, we strolled for several miles along the banks of a hill stream till we found a shady nook in which to relax and cool down as, in spite of our shorts, it was almost too hot for walking. Here we stopped for a rest, lazing on a soft mossy bank, and looked at the picture magazine we had found.

A photo of a woman standing like Venus in a glade drew our attention the most as it seemed as if we sat on the very place. - Jaroslav and Marie



We welcome this contribution to our columns from a writer of international repute. Mrs Milward, secretary of an English club, is the women's editor of the Danish Sun & Health


A R C H A I C   C U S T O M S



AS A NATURIST who has long outgrown the belief that the human body is something shameful to be rigorously hidden on all occasions, I recently derived some wry amusement from two visits to a hospital.

On the first occasion I had to attend for an examination of my back. After waiting for some time (hospitals still seem to he incapable of keeping to the time of an appointment), I was led behind a screen and told by the lady assistant to undress to my vest.

"I don't wear one," I said, "Shall I undress entirely?"

Quite flabbergasted by this, she said, "Yes" then, after dithering a bit, pounced on my discarded briefs and said, "You'd better put these on again." As they were made of transparent nylon, the advantage of their wear for concealment purposes seemed a bit doubtful.

Then a week later, I had to attend the same hospital for an x-ray. Here again, the attendant (a different one) gave the same order: "Undress to your vest." The same reply: "I don't wear one." The same transfixed attitude of unbelief, then a hopeful enquiry: "Have you got any knickers on?" On being answered in the affirmative, her relief was great. "Keep those on then," she said brightly. As her next action was to hand me an all-enveloping robe, it seems a little hard to determine what all the fuss was about.

After the x-ray, at which nobody was present but this same woman, she carefully drew the robe together over my vital statistics - it had fallen open as I got off the table - so that I could make a completely unaccompanied passage from the x-ray room into a screened cubicle, chastely covered, but from what prying eyes I never found out.

I suppose this attitude is kept alive in hospitals by the demands of the patients, who would he affronted by any more modern point of view, but to a naturist, such precautions seem very funny. A friend of mine while in hospital recovering from an operation was not even allowed to push the bedclothes off her when it was very hot. She knew that her friends at the sun club were revelling in the lovely weather, while she, poor woman, had to remain swathed in a nightdress and bedclothes. The nightdress she had to borrow for hospital wear, not possessing one herself.

One is constantly being brought up against the fact that the general mental outlook on the human body is still very Victorian, As when a woman I know was describing her first visit to a Turkish bath,

"And, my dear, I was directed into a room full of naked women. I was most embarrassed."

I could scarcely keep from, laughing as I made sympathetic noises, and wondered what she would have thought if I had told her that, only a short time before, I had been disporting myself with a crowd of naked women and naked men, at our local sun club.

Ah well, maybe in the year 2000, naturism will have triumphed and the general attitude to the human body will be a more natural one.






Quotation: "Gavin, I want you to write the Rally report this time; I want you to make it different."

"Oh! All right Perc. I'lI try.'

THE Annual Meeting of the NZSA was held on the first day and our president, Perc. took the chair, but the police stopped him and made him give it back. "What's that Perc? Well, you wanted it different! Oh, orright."

On a more serious note this Rally has been very outstanding because of the excellent organization of the host club. Canterbury, and the unobtrusive way in which it was done. I do not think any club, until now, has reached this point of perfection in welcoming the visitors, the smooth running of the Rally in general, and more particularly, the very comprehensive sports programme that was run. It would be unwise of me to single out any member of the Canterbury club because to all visitors it was a team, both on and off the field, which was wonderful.

Those of us who are used to rural clubs more than appreciated Canterbury's ablution block and flush toilets. However, on checking with the Water Works Engineer, I find that the problem of over 2,000 gallons per day to supply the water-hungry wants did tax their facilities to the utmost, and I believe caused Ray many a headache.

The canteen was a sight to behold: practically a full shop. Kitchen sinks were not obtainable as there were plenty scattered about the grounds anyway.

The fancy dress parades for both senior and junior members brought forth a variety of quaint and novel ideas. What many of the visitors and members produced out of the hat was truly staggering. I feel that the host club will he thankful for the amount of pruning that went on with their trees. I won't mention who the male winner of the senior parade was because I have not yet lived it down. hut congratulations to our Maori maiden. Dorothy C. The tiny tots parade was a case of everybody being a winner. The representatives from Mars, Lady Godiva and Little Pantha being amongst the winners. Unfortunately Lolita was in a class by herself, as we all know.

The weather was more than kind, as many burnt noses signified and the southerly respite half way through the rally was more than, appreciated by the non-Canterbury-ites who, quite frankly, just couldn't take it.

This rally will leave many memories, such as:

The men's meeting being held in the ablution block over dishes, whilst the women indulged in what we felt was useless conversation 'directly after lunch'.

The looks of horror of some of the volley ball players when they contemplated the hard sealed court. However, we feel sure many club executives will he bullied into providing the same thing.

Tents and more tents.

And the "bug" which laid many members low for 24 hours.

The granting of full membership to the Hawke's Bay club, a significant milestone in our history and the great exchange of ideas between officials and non-officials of all the clubs,, as I know in my case, resulted in a great deal of better understanding and will make. I think, for a lot more co-operation.

Finally that every club, with the exception of the provisional club in Waikato. was represented at the meeting.

Once more "thank you Canterbury" for a wonderful time and wonderful weather.


Talking about Books


by Ella Maillant

"Lapped by the warm seas. the beach stretched away for miles. There the buttocks were washed, and there 1 observed with interest, and sometimes amazement, that women bathed without costumes, even the fattest mothers you ever saw.

Before entering the sea, men discarded the towels round their loins, and it was clear that no embarrassment was felt.

This custom seemed quite natural to everyone, and I learnt that formerly even the Tsar and his court used to bathe without costumes during their summer visits to the beaches of Finland."


Back issues of this profusely illustrated magazine may be purchased at 6d each from this office.


Hal Sherman has produced some hundreds of cartoons, some of which, I should say, reveal an inside knowledge. They arc all good, clean cartoons. some better than others, all amazing in line and expression. Although all people are nude, it is easy to pick the housewife, the office girl, the businessman or the big shot. The booklet is just as pleasant for the non-nudist as for the nudist. The sketches are black pen drawings with the bodies coloured pink, giving them a really hare appearance. The booklet is an original pocket hook special. published by Pocket Book Inc., New York.


Extract from "T.R. The Story of Theodore Roosevelt" by Noel F. Busch. describing one of his famous hikes in Rock Creek Park:

Arriving at the creek itself one winter afternoon, Jusserand (the French Ambassador) did not blink an eye when the party took off their clothes, held them high above their heads and began to wade naked through the water with its lumps of ice. Dutifully Jusserand followed suit, but someone in the group noticed that he kept his gloves on, and asked why.

"Because," said the ambassador. "I thought we might meet some ladies."

LEAVES FROM MY LIFE by Sir Herbert A. Barker (noted surgeon)

"Next morning we all went down to the sea to bathe, and on my return I found a small room at the top of the house with a large balcony at each side. Dragging a low flat sofa out into the sun I spread my bathing towel over it, and threw myself, wholly undressed, upon it. That was my first experience of a complete sunbath, and I shall never forget it. Protected on three sides of the house, my retreat was absolutely private and almost windproof, and I simply revelled in the soothing and refreshing influence of the ultra violet rays. The genial warmth and invigorating light seemed to saturate my entire person and a delicious sense of repose and peace pervaded me. I did not want to move. I just lay and let the great physician work his wonders."


A thought provoking article
by a wanderer





"I AM sitting on a white sand and coral beach looking out towards the island of Moorea watching a purple sunset. it would be impossible to call it anything other than a purple sky unless I described the sea beneath it as a carpet of ten million oranges from Tahiti to the coral reef half a mile away and way beyond right out to Moorea. Others have called the sight indescribable, therefore I suffer little in comparison trying to make this modest description."

So I wrote whilst in the island of Tahiti during a sojourn amongst the South Sea Islands last year. I could have written similar lines almost any evening, the sunsets were so unbelievably beautiful. What I didn't add to the above letter were the words 'You can thus guess that the hour is just after six but I am still on the beach with perfect swimming conditions which have lasted all through this winter. I've used my swim togs as a headrest for at no time during the day have I worn them in the accustomed place'.

Individual and social nudism would be coals to Newcastle in many of the islands of French Polynesia and beyond. Swimming in the nude out of sight of unwanted prying eyes is a frequently indulged custom there and rates no publicity despite the French ordinance requiring the female bust to be covered. The pareu, a two-yard length of coloured cotton cloth is the generally-worn unit of dress and being only held on by its own tucking-in, removal for the many daily swims French Polynesians take, is a simple process, though it is not always removed for swimming.

We, of course, consider ourselves far more civilized than such people. We would not permit our up-to-six-year-old boys and girls to wander everywhere completely nude. But should we? When they want to.

There is no doubt that the idea of social nudity is generally accepted here today; it is quite largely practised outside organized clubs. Most people with whom the subject is discussed will say 'Oh, I agree with it. I just wouldn't get around to going to a club myself.' Or, 'I don't say nudists are cranks. I think it's a good idea. I'd do it myself if there was somewhere around the home or local beach I could use. I just can't see myself going to a club, that's all.' Or, 'We practise it in the home and always have. But going to a club? I don't think so. We'd be embarrassed.' Or, 'Sure I swam nude during the War. But now? Where could I?'

Why do nudists go to clubs? The answer is simple. At present there is nowhere else, frequently where people can safely practise the nudism which the more inhibited only mentally profess. Where else can this healthy activity be safely practised? In the 'less civilized' islands and countries it can be indulged in almost anywhere, unnoticed and therefore arousing no comment. Not so here, yet.

What would be the position if such conditions pertained or if certain beaches were opened exclusively for the use of nude humans? Would there be a sudden increase in lust, rape, sex crimes? Would such areas become the homes of legalized sex orgies? Would wild teenage or other groups of men and women take them over and cause the gentler folks to stay away?

Of course not. In other parts of the world certain areas are already set aside for nude swimming and nude sunbathing. These have not by any means reduced the moral standards of the local communities. They have enhanced them. Because genuine nudists are basically honest enough folks to say 'I like bathing nude. I want to sunbathe nude. I won't allow prudish inhibitions stop me from being socially nude.' Therefore they don't permit those with ideals lower than their own to desecrate their territories. They do their own policing.

Nor do the social-vandals or the juvenile delinquents thrive in such communities. Curiosity is assuaged in gentle fashion, uncontrolled desires become normalized and the seeds of delinquency - having nothing to do, nowhere to go, no one to promote a 'you're really wanted' attitude - are not sown. The unexpected rewards are numberless.

Is this fact or fiction? Anyone who has seen any social nudity in action knows it to be fact. In our own communities. Anyone who has seen complete social nudity in places where it is commonplace - amongst the aboriginals of Australia. some islanders of the South Pacific and so on - realize how much higher moral standards are there than in our own civilization. Australia's aborigines have the highest natural moral standards in the world. Where there is little unnatural curiosity there is little unnatural desire. This is fact not fiction.

We can learn a lot from other people and it is about time we did: The Scandinavians. the Germans and others can teach us much about safety in and the advantages of nudist practice. It is about time trial beaches were opened here for those who don't wish to join clubs but who like to enjoy their lives and their sun in the nude. Such beaches would fast drop out of the trial' category and become regular nudist beaches. They would be amongst the best controlled in the country. We should work now to have such beaches approved. It's time nudism received more open. general approval.

A whole lot of our social problems would disappear with the disappearance of clothes there. Nor would our sun clubs suffer. As the idea became more generally accepted more people would seek sun club companionship and activity; there would be no more feeling of abnormality about social nudity.

As Abe Lincoln once said 'When I put off my clothes I put off my worries'. So would our civilization. We who have tried it couldn't agree more.

How about a big drive to get 'Beaches for Nudists' NOW? The idea has all the marks of a best-seller. All of us can talk it, can get publicity about it. can ask politicians how they feel about it. can write articles for papers and journals (editors love letters!) about it. can take over secluded beaches and fight any resultant opposition in much the same manner as opposition to swimming in daylight hours was fought and beaten fifty years ago in Manly, Australia. If it's worth securing it's worth fighting for. We will certainly achieve nothing by doing nothing.

Might I repeat also that, once started, once generally accepted in fact as well as in statement, just watch those sun club memberships grow.




THE famous clematis in full bloom certainly accentuated the beauty of Fiveacres. the home of the Wellington Sun and Health Society, while the bush-clad hills which surround the grounds made a lasting impression on the privileged group from Pine Glades, which visited the Wellingtonians during labour weekend. However, that was not the only happy impression which the Mainland Twelve carried away with them. The friendly and spontaneous hospitality which greeted us will always remain a treasured memory. Perhaps that is the beauty of an inter-club visit such as this. All the formality of an organized rally is absent. We were visitors who had travelled, not to be formally entertained, but to seek the company of those whom we had met before. The companionship thus fostered means a great deal. Mere acquaintances become friends, and in the process I rather suspect, visitors and hosts alike come to know their own a bit better.

Main Plying area at Fiveacres

Main Playing Area at Fiveacres

What of the visit itself? A pleasantly calm crossing of the straits on the Hinemoa ended in Wellington on a grey, overcast morning. As we travelled northwards along the Hutt Road, the threatening sky acted on its threat and loosed its store of moisture on us for fully 24 hours or more. As if repenting its actions. the sky gradually cleared on Sunday.

All the card playing, story telling and discussions enforced on us the previous day suddenly fell into the background as the volleyball court was invaded, first by two or three, then enough players for matches to begin in earnest. Even the late ending of a most enjoyable social the night before did not detract from the keenness of those who had looked forward to being outdoors and participating in games of volleyball. All that Sunday, the court was not deserted for more than minutes at a time, (meal times included). No one was sorry, except perhaps the ever-energetic Doug who had not long ago laboured, topdressing the court and then had to suffer the sight of the rain-soaked court with its lush, green growth transformed into areas of injured grass and even areas of bare, muddy ground. But even Doug admitted to being pleased that so many had enjoyed so many games.

Needless to say, activity such as that on Sunday produced fantastic appetites and that wonderful band of culinary experts who produced the mouth-watering meals, venison stew, curried steak and rice, piazza pie, numerous early breakfasts, was not found wanting. These chefs even exceeded all expectations by producing a barbecued pork dish that night for over sixty people, young and old. Finally, the 16mm sound, colour movie "The Three Redheads" entertained; Guy Mitchell and all. Wanganui visitors must have been equally as impressed as the Canterbury contingent was.

Monday came all too soon, but an attempt to prolong the day was made at 6.30 am. The protests from some were loud and vigorous but to no avail, and an attempt by pseudo psychiatrists to conduct "Exhaustive Tests on Ruby" one of our teenagers, failed miserably. It might be explained that this heading clipped from an old newspaper referred to the killer of Oswald in USA last year.

By midday, the sun intimated that it had returned for a more permanent stay to the delight of our hosts. Labour Day visitors and ourselves. We finished the day slightly flushed in the face. Whether it was sunburn or windburn was debatable, but indisputable it was, that the dozen Canterburyites (Cantabrians for the purists) had thoroughly enjoyed themselves, were grateful, for the hospitality, and looked forward to meeting our hosts and others at the Rally.


Talking to Women

with Gaynor

ANOTHER name is now at the top of the women's page and I hope that I can bring some new aspects for we women to think about and if necessary, prove to our male confederates that our particular page is brighter and more alive than some of their writings. I want to start off with a particular subject that probably not many of you will have thought about.

When recently discussing our club life and its activities with various friends, I have discovered, to my amazement that in many cases the husbands have been the shy members of the families. So often, my women friends have said. "Yes, that all sounds wonderful for health, for our children's cleanliness of minds, our own relaxation. etc., but, my husband would never join. He would be too shy." Well, that is a complete change and a reversal of the rules. I thought it was the women who were the meek, mild and shy ones, not the big. strong men who are never afraid of anything. Why do these men imagine they are different from others? Were they made in some mysterious way? Then if not, why do they shy away from nudism?

I have given a great deal of thought to this matter and have tried to find a few of the answers. Many single girls are very shy about joining in with our activities and I think it is for precisely the same basic reason that the men are so shy. The answer? They have never had a baby. I am sure that with married women who have had children, their experience of birth has surely removed all mock modesty and made them realize that the only thing that is important is the state of mind: there are only two sexes, so what is there to he shy about?

From what I have heard about the army, it would surely have driven away most of the mock modesty in the male, but where some women have never had babies, some men have not been in the forces, hut, really, if a mother can see all the advantages of joining a sun club for herself and family, I think it is up to the "modest male" to at least find out about it and not to forthrightly deny them joining a club.

Advertisements in the daily papers from a leading underwear manufacturer have recently been extolling the virtues of the "sleeping bra", you know, 24 hour support. To we nudist women, the thought of such a thing is almost idiotic. Surely this must be another male idea because I can't imagine that any woman would be so completely foolish as to ruin for all time any muscle tone and natural support she has.

One woman I was talking to was very taken with our way of life, but she thought it wouldn't be very pleasant to go around practically all day without any support at all. Nudist women know that after a period of exposure to sun and air, natural support develops and our figures are much improved by the corresponding strengthening of the muscles. This does not mean, of course, that we should abandon wearing bras under normal clothing, but 24-hour support, oh dear! Perhaps it is not only big business that tries to make us wear these things. Perhaps it is our friend, the "shy male" who is ever embarrassed at the thought of ANY nudity.

Now you hesitant ladies, perhaps I can help you. How about dropping a line to me, c/- P.O. Box 6359, Wellington.


Sun & Health




with unretouched photographs in Colour

and black and white



The largest selling GENUINE naturist

magazine in the world

40 pages monthly



Available  from  the  N.Z.S.A.,   P.O.  Box

6359, Wellington, to  club  members  only

Specimen  copy  sent  for  7/-  (post paid)

£3.1O.O annual subscription of 12 issues





may be purchased from and subscriptions arranged by


37 Lowlands Road, Harrow, Middlesex, England





After completing a contract In Australia, where I'd been for 12 months, I came home to find my daughter, Peggy, had become a nudist. Mum was shocked and really upset and I didn't know what to think. Peggy certainly looked a better kid than when I left, but I decided there were things I had to say to her end her boy friend, Dennis who had been responsible for the change.


NEXT DAY I had to report to the office and it seemed they were all happy about how things had gone over the other side. The boss really meant it when he said I'd earned the rest of the week off and I needn't turn up until Monday. I had a look at my old office while I was around and there was old Morgan, over in the corner, just the same as he was when I left, working like mad over his drawing board, with his eye-shade over his nose. Funny old stick. Morgan. Means well and about the most conscientious guy who ever worked for a living. Ah well, he was happy that way and he wouldn't hurt a fly. Yes, funny old stick all right and quite harmless.

So I "did" the shops with Mum and helped her buy a new coat. We ran into Mrs Forrester coming out of the shop and she certainly looked like the president of a women's outfit, tall, dignified and knowing her own mind. Quite OK mind you, hut I preferred my own little bit of cuddle, thanks.

When Yvonne came home from school, it was like old times to have her taking the crease out of my trousers as I helped her with her homework and I was pleased to hear all about what happened at the office that day when Peggy got home. The chatter at dinnertime was just as animated and when Peggy said she had asked Dennis to come round later, I was pretty keen to meet the chap who could bring about such a change in my daughter.

I'd just about finished reading the paper and Yvonne had been protestingly shot off to bed when Dennis arrived. I had been imagining him in all sorts of guises and all sorts of types but somehow I was not surprised to find a healthy looking specimen who gripped my hand as if he meant it and looked me straight in the eye as he did so. I'm not sure to this day whether it was all jacked up specially or not, but Mum gathered up her minute hooks and things and said she had to go to a special meeting of the Guild. but that she'd be home in time for supper.' And so we were left on our own and it didn't take long for the conversation to get around to nudism. I could see these youngsters were very much in love with one another and it was not hard to see that they were completely sold on nudism or naturism or whatever they call it.

Dennis told me it was a long story, how he'd become a nudist and that he'd tell me about it sometime. He reckoned it was a wonderful thing and since his parents had joined, he said they all had been healthier than they had known for years. Then Peggy had a go and said how shy she'd been at first and couldn't believe how "gorgeous" (I think was how she described it) it could he. As they prattled on. I didn't say much: I found it much more revealing to give them their head.

I couldn't help thinking that whatever it was, these two kids were not a bad example anyway. 1 try to keep an open mind on things, but this was really something. I tried to look shocked and said. But surely you don't mean you all run around with nothing on?" And you could have knocked me down with a feather when they both laughed and Peggy said, "Of course, why not?"

Well. I could think of a lot of reasons hut somehow they didn't seem quite so important. Something had sure got into my daughter for her to talk like this and I couldn't help wondering which was the worst, for her to be mixed up with a gang of milk-bar cowboys or to be running round in the nuddy with a bunch of nut and watercress eaters. They had me really bothered hut something of their keenness seeped through. It all seemed so utterly barmy, but then I had to realize it was my own daughter who was talking and T had to admit there was nothing secretive about it, and whatever it was, they appeared to he thriving on it.

After about an hour. with me far from convinced and their enthusiasm stilt as high as ever, the bomb was dropped. I hadn't properly recovered when Mum got home. Believe it or not. Peggy had suddenly said, "Dad, you old stick in the mud, how about coming on Saturday?"

Well, I ask you. Just as casually as if she'd said, "Do you take sugar in your tea?" Blimey, me at a nudist camp! I swallowed hard and looked around for Mum. Any port in a storm. Well, Mum timed her entrance just right and I grabbed at the chance pronto. Looking more controlled than 1 felt, I tried to comment casually to her, "Here Mum, you're just in time. How about going to the nudist camp on Saturday?"

Mum was still thinking about her meeting and didn't take it in. Anyway. she thought I was joking and just said, all off-hand like, "Don't he silly. Now how about some supper?"

Just like that. Well, it took all through supper to convince her that nobody was joking, but it was obvious she was not going to play, no, not for anybody. So I told the kids on the quiet to leave it to me, wondering whether I was just pure scared or whether I would like to see what it was all about.

When we were on our own, we had a good pow wow about it and the more we talked, the more interested I became. So I put it this way: "We want to see where Peggy goes and the sort of people she's mixing with. It's up to us to at least find that out. After all, we don't have to join in, do we?"

To which Mum replied with more than usual emphasis that she'd rather be seen dead first. Then I clinched with. "If Mrs Forrester is in the thing, it can't be that bad." And then I broke the seriousness of the situation by bursting out laughing.

"What the..." began Mum, and between spasms I cackled, "It's all right, I was just imagining Mrs Forrester conducting one of your meetings in the buff, What a scream," and that sure broke up the party.

To be continued.



New Zealand

Sunbathing Association


FOLLOWING successful negotiations with the Justice and Customs Departments regarding the importation and sale of overseas nudist magazines, we reproduce below our latest memorandum of agreement with the Government and confidently expect all readers to strictly abide by this arrangement. The list of approved magazines is available from this office and the reason that this list does not include a number of magazines published today is only because we have not seen them and therefore we are in no position to pass judgment. When these magazines become available to us. we are prepared to take the matter up with the Customs Dept with a view to having them included in the approved list.

With regard to para. C., this is regular Government practice to safeguard itself from possible contingencies. However, the Indecent Publications Tribunal cannot pass judgment on anything unless directed to do so by the Comptroller of Customs, the Secretary for Justice or the Minister of Justice. We have been in touch with all these gentlemen and it will be of interest to know that they have signified their approval of our movement and our publication and have faith in the way the affairs of the NZSA are being conducted.


A. The following English. Australian and New Zealand nudist publications with be admitted as before and may be sold in the shops:

"Health and Efficiency"

"The New Zealand Naturist"


B.(i) The Government will admit into the country unretouched American and Continental nudist magazines addressed to the New Zealand Sunbathing Association. P.O. Box 6359. Wellington. for resale to recognized nudists.

(ii) The NZSA will supply a list of recognized clubs to the Controller of Customs.

(iii) Each club may import three copies of every unretouched title.

(iv) A list of unretouched magazines will be agreed between the naturist representatives and the Justice and Customs Departments.

(v) The attached list marked "A' is the list of unretouched titles. The list may he altered by agreement from time to time.

(vi) Members of nudist clubs shall be entitled to import direct by private subscription one copy of every unretouched magazine. The NZSA will supply the Comptroller of Customs with a list of genuine nudists who are taking advantage of this privilege.

C. As the decision on what terms nudist magazines may be admitted and distributed is one for the Indecent Publications Tribunal, the Crown or the NZSA may refer any matter dealt with in this agreement to the Indecent Publications Tribunal, whose decision shall supersede the terms of this agreement in so far as it may differ from them.

Department of Justice. Wellington. 19 October 1964



This next big national event will be held at Fiveacres, the grounds of the Wellington Sun and Health Society Inc. from the 30th December to 3rd January, 1966. South Island visitors are advised to pencil in their ferry bookings right away, for they can easily be cancelled later if necessary.



This fund, available to any worthy individual or cause relative to our movement, is open for donations at all times. It merits the support of everybody for we never know who may be in need in the future. The following donations are acknowledged with gratitude.

Balance £111/4/-; W.N.B. Auckland 13/-; D.McI. Auckland £1; E.F.W.S. Wellington £3/3/-; smaller contributions £2/18/-; profits from Hotsprings Handbooks £6/18/-; bank interest £3. Total to date £128/16/-.


We have just concluded successful negotiations with the Kodak company for them to process all Kodak films including nudist pictures, at their factory near Wellington. So far they have not installed the plant to process movie films, hut these may be sent to the English factory which is prepared to process them for you. We would draw your attention to the important proviso that all films for processing within NZ MUST be forwarded to this office for acceptance by the company, when nude shots are included. Otherwise they may be destroyed.


The next big international event will he held in Holland in the grounds of the Belgian club "Athena" in the latter part of August. 1966.


Clubs and workers in the field are periodically issued with newsletters including latest news, information and bright ideas, etc. If you would like to be placed on our mailing list, send 5/- to this office and you will receive these interesting news sheets for one year.


This booklet is a must for those who like the idea of a nude hot swim when on holiday. Copies are available to MEMBERS ONLY at 3/- from this office.


We draw your attention to the advertisement on page 27. By arrangement with the agents, we have copies of this splendid magazine in stock. Although printed in Denmark, it is in English text and is one of the best nudist publications in the world today and we can highly recommend it. It is well worth the 7/- per issue, but we must remind readers that in order to comply with our undertaking with the Dept of Justice, these magazines are available to club members and approved supporters ONLY. Others will risk seizure by the Customs Dept.



"Now you are treating your children in a way that I would love to have been treated myself when I was brought up. You have had the courage to come out here and start a sun club in which you have allowed your children to participate to the full. I congratulate you on the courage you have got in starting such a venture as this and maintaining it."

Councillor A. B. Howard, C,C., J.P. Chairman of the Orpington Urban District Council when speaking at North Kent's Annual Open Day.



JUST SEND 7/- to the

Business Manager

N.Z. Naturist

P.O. Box 6359, Wellington

Back issues of this magazine are available at reduced rates.


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Printed by Martin Printing Co. Ltd., Napier



The secretaries of the clubs listed below will be pleased to hear from genuine enquirers. Please enclose a stamped, self- addressed envelope.


P.O. Box 2702, Auckland.


P.O. Box 2925, Auckland.


P.O. Box 20015, Glen Eden, Auckland.


P.O. Box 139, Putaruru


P.O. Box 551, Napier.


P.O. Box 410, Wanganui.


P.O. Box 2854, Wellington.


P.O. Box 1823, Christchurch.


P.O. Box 2058, South Dunedin.


P.O. Box 486, Invercargill.

If you are not close to any of the above clubs you may like to know that other naturists are ready to form clubs in the following areas; to contact them, write to:

N.Z. Sunbathing Association,

P.O. Box 6359, Wellington:





Palmerston North












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Travelling Nudist: Let's Become Accepted

Julia Todd-Forbes: My First Visit

Heatnick: The Law and the Naked Body

13th Rally Christchurch - 1965

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Photo: Doug

Inside Front Cover

Nairobi, E. Africa


Photo: Dick

(See text: Czechoslovakia)

Photo: Coby

Here is a picture we are proud to publish. This is Dick, the caretaker of the the Auckland Outdoor Health Club Inc. driving his tractor and as active as ever.
In addition to his 82 years, he was wounded in the 1912-18 war 3 times in the left leg and now has 5 wires in his thigh instead of muscles and twice in the right leg, the ankle being shot away.
A touch of gas started him off on nudism and he is a wonderful example of the benefits of an active life in the sub and fresh air. Anna, his wife, is 87 and a keen nudist, too.

Photo: Arne


Photo: Doug


Photo: Doug


Photo: Philip


Photo: Philip


Photo: Philip


Photo: Doug

Photo: Leon Gilbert

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