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Fred Bear



November - December, 1995


PO Box 30-099   LOWER   HUTT





There has been a good response to subscription renewals, and some generous donations. Thank you to you all.


Please study your newsletter label, and note whether there is a 95 or 96 on it. If there is a 96, it indicates that we have received your renewal and processed it, and your membership card is included with this newsletter.


If your label has 95 on it, it means your renewal has not been received or has only just arrived, or we have made an error. If the error is ours, please let us know. If you have forgotten to renew, please send your $20 without delay, we don't want to lose you.


Remember that all those who renew before 30 November go into the draw for the refund of their subscription and one of the new Fred Bear Caps (two caps if the draw is for a couple).


The Member's Directory will be included with the January/February newsletter for all those who have renewed by 30 November and who have nominated to be listed. If you said you did not want to be listed, and have changed your mind, write and tell us.


Sadly, this will be the last newsletter for those who have not renewed by 15 December.


Welcome aboard all those new members who have joined us, we hope you enjoy the events which have been planned for the Summer.


Have a great Summer!


National Committee

President Traven Searle

(0061) 7831 1731

Vice President John Groombridge

(North Island)          (04) 589 5461

Vice President Joyce Fleming

(South Island)         (03) 322 7990

Secretary Jackie Caldwell


TreasurerJohn Groombridge

(04) 589 5461


Ian Bushett(04) 237 0193

John Lowe

Steve Wilkinson(03) 325 3316

Correspondence should be mailed to the official FBG address



Auckland Jan Winn

(09) 482 0134

Tauranga Ted Lidgard

(07) 542 2344

Waikato Roger Morris

(07) 856 8857

Taranaki John Lowe


Hawkes Bay Butch Hickmott

(06) 835 7146

Sthn Hawkes Bay Hugh Bowles

(06) 374 6238

Wellington Meryl Baker

(04) 528 7010

Linda Geeves

(04) 478 4820

Christchurch Joyce Fleming

(03) 322 7990

Steve Wilkinson

(03) 325 3316

Merry Xmas


It is intended that this Newsletter will be the forum for the expression of ideas, opinions, and criticism; and therefore may not represent official policy.






November - December, 1995

Page 2


Pornography & life's real obscenities

What on earth is Tony Flewellen going to worry about next? After harrying out of print an utterly innocent photograph of a little girl wearing a braces - slung inverted in a fire fighter’s helmet as nappies, Mr Flewellen must be seeking other targets for his alarmingly extreme puritanism. ... The real danger is that political correctness has delivered us to this point of absurdity, where an infant wearing a basin-size helmet with leg holes can be seriously debated in the media as being pornographic.


Above is an extract from a September editorial in the Taranaki Daily News. Alongside is my response. Despite a stated policy limit of 250 words, only 2 words were deleted from my 404 word letter! I hope the message for us is clear - if we respond reasonably and quickly to these issues in the media, we'll have our point of view known - and probably, as in this case, accepted.

Even if our point of view appears not to be accepted, I'm sure it is productive, culturally, to take every opportunity to make our point, because there is still a large majority of people in NZ who silently accept 'innocent' nudity in appropriate circumstances.

The serious danger I perceive, is that the younger generation now being brought up with a de-facto American ethos via our TV sets, have assumed that it is right and normal to block body bits from our wholesome view. They have no idea that is a new fashion in local TV. This country has never had any legal proscription on the depiction of pubic hair. Yet we, who watch our heritage of relative honesty about the body slip quietly into oblivion, are saying nothing. Now I see how a 'Dark Age' occurs: is that what we're going to accept?

I'm certain that my solo efforts with TVNZ have had some effect, despite the report below. Just one more writer would multiply the effect significantly. Any takers?

John Lowe

and porn


HEAR, HEAR! Your editorial on the fireman's calendar is spot on. But how did we get to such a state of paranoia and fear that Tony Flewellen can confidently announce his spontaneous reaction: "This is wrong!" and not fear being labelled as sick?


In 1968 the Indecent Publications Tribunal (our only censorship body to come under the Justice Department rather than Internal Affairs) stated: "If pleasant and unretouched nude pictures were as common in the community as it appears they are in nudist clubs, then it is likely that their production would be greeted with no more unseemly excitement than it is there." The Tribunal made no restriction on the publication or display of such photos, but the tribunal's jurisdiction did not include newspapers.


Five years on, several national newspapers printed naturist-type photos. During the following year, all the responsible editors were replaced.


Then the Muldoon era descended. He appointed Merv Wellington as Minister of Education to lash back at the 'trendy-lefty-pinko' teachers he was convinced had hi-jacked the education system. In the meantime, out comes the Johnson Report. It was founded on the belief that children should be taught sensitivity to each other, at school. But as a natural consequence, that also meant: Sex Education! Mr Wellington stuck dogmatically with his rejection of that report for the duration of his nine-year reign. Our current scapegoat: Joseph Thompson, 'developed' from 6-15 during the reign of Merv Wellington.


Over this last generation Women Against Pornography has gradually replaced Patricia Bartlett as our moral watchdog. In 1990 the Minister of Women's Affairs (Jenny Shipley) via the newspapers, literally pleaded for people to complain about 'porn' so she could get some impetus behind the introduction of the current censorship act. Our current censor, a young woman from Australia, has a backlog of at least six months, in terms of material awaiting decisions.


The Christchurch Crèche case seems to me a graphic demonstration of the effects of squeezing the community between the religious right and a rigid class of feminist.


We are now at the point where we seem hell-bent on throwing out the baby with the bath water. Almost literally, in the case of this calendar. Will we ever, culturally, be able to differentiate between innocent nudity and sex? Not; it seems to me, until the 'silent majority' speak out.




'Masked' nude actor OK with authority


A COMPLAINT against TVNZ because it masked shots of an actor's penis in scenes from a play has been dismissed by the Broadcasting Standards Authority.

John Lowe, of Oakura, complained that a Newsnight item on Channel 2 in February about a Downstage production called Skin Tight discriminated against Caucasian men because the actor's penis was electronically masked.

Mr Lowe said It was inappropriate to mask the depiction of nakedness. He also complained that the masking obscured material which was factual and breached the broadcasting code, as the extract was not a true reflection of the original event.

While TVNZ acknowledged that the theatre audience saw the actor naked, it said they would have had some idea about the content of the play before attending. However, television viewers were not in a position to make that choice.

The authority said the complaint was not an acceptable use of the complaints procedure because it was motivated not by the broadcast, but by a wish to get a firm policy on frontal nudity. NZPA






November - December, 1995


Page 3


Amendments and the Constitution


Having in the last newsletter urged caution in making amendments to the Constitution without sufficient reason, I was approached by the Committee who suggested that I put forward my thoughts on any future amendments with a view to making our Constitution as professional as possible. As well as aiming at having a professional Constitution, it was deemed desirable to make any foreseeable amendments all at the same time, rather than sporadically as time progresses.


While our present Constitution is a robust document, a few improvements can still be made. With the aims of the Committee in mind, therefore, I have made the following suggestions.


1. Clause One of a Constitution such as ours should be named Title and Commencement. The title of the Constitution itself and the commencement date of the Constitution need to be indicated right at the start of the Constitution.


2. Clause Two of the Constitution should be named Interpretation. This is where the meaning of the terms used in the Constitution should be placed, rather than the current placement at the top of page one, outside the actual framework of the Constitution.


3. Clause Three should be an establishment clause. The original Constitution should have included a clause reading "There is hereby established a society known as the Free Beach Group Incorporated". It is now too late, twenty one years down the road, to insert this clause with the same wording. We should, however, still have a clause along the lines of "There shall be a society known as the Free Beach Group Incorporated".


4. I suggest that the principal Mission statement in clause 4.1 "To promote, encourage and support the practice of recreational nudity in public places when appropriate and desirable, such nudity being at the discretion of the individual participating" is too long and restrictive. Our nudism is not restricted to recreation and public places. I have no doubt that many of us do our housework and gardening etc in the nude and, although some of us may consider such activities to be recreational, objectively considered they are work activities rather than recreational. Without philosophising here about nudism as a way of life, I suggest that it would be accurate and appropriate for our principal Mission statement to read along the lines of "To promote recreational nudity and the nudist lifestyle".


5. The last clause of the Constitution should be named Revocation. It should simply read as "All previous Constitutions of the Group are hereby revoked".


If adopted, these suggestions would ensure that our Constitution is professional in format and content. I believe the Committee will also propose some other refinements, which I support.


Frank Peek



Amendments to the Constitution referred to in Frank Peek's article are detailed on page 4.


It is proposed to call a Special General Meeting to be held at Ngatuhoa on Saturday, 27 January 1996.


Members are invited to comment on the proposed amendments before they are officially notified in the next newsletter.


Fred Bear Shop


Several new items have been added to the list of FREE BEACH GROUP items available to members.


Two types of towels are listed, the regular is suitable for the beach, and the luxury model is a higher quality (thicker) towel suitable for visits to the spa or sauna.


A baseball style cap with an adjustable back strap will keep the sun out of your eyes, and a nylon wet gear bag will be just the thing to carry your damp towels, or other items.


The latest edition of the beach guide gives directions to all those interesting and remote beaches around the coastline.


Car stickers with the words "Go Natural Go Bare", and bumper stickers with "I'm a bare-skin" are guaranteed to attract attention.


All items are our official yellow and prominently feature Fred Bear.


Just fill in the pink order form, and send it with your cheque. All items are ex-stock at present, so order in time for Summer.



Nudist In formation Day


Issue 154 of NZ Naturist featured an article in which it was proposed to hold a Mardi Gras type event at the Western Spring Sports Ground on 10 December 1995 to promote the nudist lifestyle.


Unfortunately this event has been postponed until next Summer.


The event was to feature bands, buskers, three marquees with information, promotional videos, etc.



DEADLINE   for   the   next   FREE   BEACH   News   will   be   15   December,   1995







November - December, 1995

Page 4



Proposed Amendments to Constitution


That new clauses be added to contain the title and commencement as follows:


Title and Commencement

1.1. This Constitution may be cited as the FREE BEACH GROUP INCORPORATED CONSTITUTION 1996;

1.2. This Constitution shall come into force on the 27th day of January 1996.


That new clauses be added to contain text under the heading "Interpretation".


That all following clauses be re-numbered respectively.


That the clause titled "Name" be amended as follows:



3.    There shall be a society known as the "FREE BEACH GROUP INCORPORATED".


That the Mission statement be amended by deleting the words [ encourage and support the practice of ] and [ in public places when appropriate and desirable, such nudity being at the discretion of the individual participating ] and that the words and the nudist lifestyle be added, so that it becomes:


4.1. To promote recreational nudity and the nudist lifestyle.


That the following clauses be amended as follows [ deletions shown in italics ], additions shown underlined:


4.3.   To identify suitable localities for nude recreation and to inform members and others [ genuinely interested ] of these;


4.5.   To liaise with other [ nudist ] organisations in order to achieve this Mission;


4.9.   To do all such other acts matters and things as may be incidental and conducive to the attainment of the principal Mission statement or any of [ them ] the sub-statements.


8.2.  The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be the presentation of Reports of Officers, consideration and adoption of Accounts, confirmation of the election of officers and general business;


8.4.  The quorum for a General Meeting shall be [ thirty ] twenty five persons except that the quorum for a Regional Meeting shall be [ twelve ] ten persons, every individual aged sixteen years and over having one vote. A member who cannot be present at a General Meeting may appoint a proxy. No person shall vote who is not financial as defined in Section 6.


9.1.  The business of The Group shall be managed and controlled by a National Committee consisting of a President, Vice President(s), Secretary, Treasurer, and members of a number to [ be decided by the Annual General Meeting ] form a committee not exceeding eight persons. These are to be elected by postal voting and confirmed at the Annual General Meeting or in the case of resignation, at a Special General Meeting unless a committee member is appointed in an acting capacity. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt members. Committee meetings shall be open to all members;


9.4.    The quorum for a Committee meeting shall be four persons, with no casting vote from the chair.


In addition, the following changes are recommended:


5.3.    That the word "demand" be replaced with the word "request".

5.4.    That the words "or her' be added after the word "his".

6.1.    That the words "or her' be added after the word "his".

9.2.4. That. the words "and things" after the words "and deeds" be deleted.

10.3.  That in the second and third sentence, the words "or she" be added after the word "He"

14.1.  That the words "and repeal" be replaced with the words "or revoke" and the word "regulation" after the word "Constitution" be deleted.

15.1.  That the words "altered,added to or rescinded" be replaced with the words "amended or revoked".

15.2.  That the words "alterations, additions or rescissions" be replaced with the word "amendments".

15.3.  That the words "alteration, addition or rescission" be replaced with the word "amendment".


That a new clause be added as follows:



18. All previous Constitutions of The Group are hereby revoked.







November - December, 1995

Page 5


1995 AGM Report


The 1995 Annual General Meeting was held at Rewa Rewa School Hall, Newlands, Wellington, on 16 September, 1995.


The Meeting began with the formal opening, and the reading of the Minutes of the 1994 AGM. Matters arising from the Minutes included the NSCC by-law; it appears that the NSCC is not enforcing their anti-nudity by-law, probably because of the costs of bringing a prosecution and the likelihood of loosing their case. Nominations for the election of the National Committee were advertised in the May/June newsletter as resolved at the 1994 AGM.


The President's Report and Treasurer's Report were adopted as published in the September / October newsletter. A vote of thanks was moved to the Treasurer and Auditor. The Treasurer moved that subscriptions for 1995/96 remain at $20, and this was carried.


The number of nominations received for the National Committee were equal to the number required to for the Committee, so no election was conducted. The nominations were confirmed.


The proposed amendments to the Constitution were considered and voted on. Al! were passed as advertised, except Clause 2.1. An amendment to the amendment was proposed, to delete all the words after "nude recreation". The amended amendment was passed.


In General Business, Geoff Horn "congratulated the National Committee for the work they had done to achieve such a brilliant recovery from a low ebb of a few years ago".


21st Anniversary Celebration


The 21st Anniversary of the FREE BEACH GROUP was appropriately celebrated at Valentines restaurant after the 1995 AGM.


Great company and unlimited quantities of delicious food and wine were tasted and consumed by all those fortunate to be present.



Ngatuhoa 96


... from Tuesday 23 January to Monday 29 January. The Free Beach Group Summer social event of the year in an idyllic native bush setting In the Kaimai Ranges . Comfortable lodge with all amenities, great company, and activities to suit everyone. If you have missed previous Ngatuhoas, you can't afford to miss another!


Those arriving on Tuesday are invited by the Ngatuhoas internationally acclaimed chefs, Bill and Fern, to bring a frozen #8 chicken for a communal barbecue on Wednesday evening.


And again on Friday, King William and the Fabulous Fern team will roast another succulent pork on a spit, so bring a $5 note and some vegetables, wine and deserts to complement your share.


For those with an Olympic desire, Saturday will be your opportunity to participate in a rerun of an ancient Greek nude event, the Ngatuhoa triathlon.

Saturday night is the night of the ever popular fancy (un)dress ball, and the theme this year will be:


Holy (holey?) Raiment.


An information sheet/enrolment form is enclosed with this newsletter. All welcome, bring a friend.


For more details, phone:


Bill and Fern at 09 832 0544 or

John at 04 589 0906 (week days),

04 589 5461 (nights/weekends)


NZNF 1995/96 Pally


This year the NZNF National Rally will be hosted by the Wellington Sun Club at Five Acres, Te Marua, Upper Hull, from 28 December 1995 to 3 January 1996.


The theme of the Rally will be "Hollywood". Members wishing to attend the event should write for Registration Forms. 


Concerns at Uretiti


We have received a disturbing letter from the Department of Conservation, Whangarei, saying that the activities of some nudists at the Uretiti Camping ground are causing a growing number of people to feel uncomfortable about visiting the facility.


"Complaints have come mainly from parents with young children. Because of the increase in complaints nudity will no longer be tolerated inside the camp, and any breaches of the regulations will be reported to the police."


We have assured DoC that the FREE BEACH GROUP does not tolerate inappropriate or offensive behaviour, and supports any action taken to protect the rights of decent nudists.


There are steps we can take to stop undesirable behaviour at a free beach.


If you are the one not behaving yourself, either stop it or go home. If someone you know or recognise is being stupid or silly, put on the parent/teacher act and politely but firmly tell them off. If strangers or hoons are causing trouble, notify the police or camp warden. Having a cell phone helps.


Police advice is to write down a description of the person/people involved, noting as much detail as you can, especially the number plate, colour and make of their vehicle. If possible keep them under observation until the police arrive, but do not put yourself at risk.


Responsibility means an ability to respond. If anything untoward happens when you are at the beach, pluck up your courage and take action. We owe it to ourselves, and we owe it to each other.


Jackie Caldwell






November - December, 1995

Page 6



Waitangi Weekend 1996 Is the time to head for Waikuku Lodge, on the edge of the Haurangi Forest Park, South Wairarapa.


Access is by way of a narrow winding metal road, the scenery gradually changing from grazing sheep to scrub and regenerating native bush. Further south from the Lodge there are stands of beach forest.


A small stream near the Lodge provides children with an adventure play ground. For the fit, there many interesting walksitramps and hills to climb. Down the road a stream provides swimming and picnic spots for the less energetic to relax in the sun.


The Lodge itself is an old farm house with all the amenities necessary for a comfortable weekend, Including refrigerators, electric cooking, hot and cold water for showers, and flushing toilets, and if the evenings turn cool, there are open fires.


And at the end of each day, there is time for congenial conversation, playing cards, etc, and comfortable bunks ensure a good nights sleep to prepare for the next days adventures.

Wellington Notes

Himawaii Mid-winter Surf Safari at Palmerston North Sun Club


For those who were otherwise engaged, here is what happened.


We arrived about lunch-time, after going all the way to the end of the road and back to the bridge. WE found the club-house and then a powered site. About an hour later, Mel arrived. We were all made welcome.


After lunch we wandered around the grounds and filled in time until about 3pm, when Daniel couldn't wait to get into the 9 degree pool for his free coke. Some others soon followed and received their glass of mulled wine. Then things led into the late afternoon and a well prepared evening meal, etc. For those who wanted to watch rugby, there was a television in the clubrooms.


Morning, time to pack up and leave by lunch-time.

Linda Geeves

National Rally Sports Team



The NZNF National Rally will soon be upon us. Wellington Sun Club will host this not to be missed event over the period 27 December 95 to 2 January 96.


It is traditional for visiting clubs to participate in various sporting events starting Friday 29 December. Now is the time for all Free Beach Group closet-Olympians to come-out. Free Beachers wishing to join various teams (volleyball, petanque, miniten, swimming, etc), please contact Andrew at 04 476 3394.


This will be the year that the Free Beach Team out-gold-medals the nude-wimps!


Andrew Christie

Beach Clean-up


The Free Beach Group will support the Wellington East Rotary Club's beach clean-up program. We will help remove rubbish from Breaker Bay on Sunday 26 November 95. Meet at 9 am for light work with a BBQ at midday. Please bring gloves and work clothes.


The City Council will provide rubbish bags and will take away the rubbish.


This is a great opportunity to help the community and ourselves.


A good turnout of members is expected so BYO BBQ food and drinks, etc, for a great time.

Andrew Christie


An opportunity to fly the flag, and wear your new Fred Bear Cap and T-shirt.

Last Swim Night


The last Swim Night of the season will be at Cannons Creek Pool on Sunday 10 December. This has been another well patronised event, and you can be sure that the Swim Nights will be recommenced again in the Autumn 96.


The mix of Swim Nights, Saunas, and Spas at the Kilbirnie Aquatic Centre has provided Wellington members with plenty of opportunity to enjoy the pleasures of the nudist lifestyle throughout the winter months.


This Newsletter is intended to be an open forum and has been compiled from information supplied by members. If you have any topics of interest to share with others, or if you have any ideas or concerns, now is your opportunity to express them. The material contained in this Newsletter is Copyright. Editors wishing to reprint any item in part or whole are invited to contact the Editor for permission, and any conditions which may apply.


Contributions/correspondence may be sent to the official address, or direct to the Editor,

John Groombridge, PO Box 30-099, LOWER HUTT


[Page 7]





Please refer to your Beach Guide for directions to get to these places, and remember to take your Fred Bear flag. You may like to phone others in your Members' Directory, so you'll have some company.


Sunday  5 November

High Tide 6.50 pm

St. Leonards Beach

Sunday 12 November High Tide 1.50 pm Orpheus Bay
Sunday 19 November High Tide 5 pm Mellons Bay
Sunday 26 November High Tide 11 am Little Palm Beach, Waiheke
Sunday  3 December High Tide 5.30 pm St. Leonards Beach
Sunday 10 December High Tide 12.35 pm Piha
Sunday 17 December High Tide 3.20 pm Pohutukawa Bay
Sunday 24 December High Tide 12.20 pm O'Neill Bay (Bethells Beach)
Sunday 31 December High Tide 4 pm Pohutukawa Bay


Over the Christmas and New Year break many members like to camp at Uretiti. DoC have advised us that there have been complaints about nudists in the campground, and it may be prudent to avoid nudity among clothed campers. 




We don't know who first used the word 'free' to describe places where you can swim and sunbathe free of clothing, but the label has stuck, and throughout the world, public open spaces where people enjoy outdoor nudity are called 'free'.


At most free beaches only a part of the beach is free, the rest being the domain of the clothed, or 'textiles', as we call them. We can claim only a 'place' on the beach, not the whole beach.


A place where people often go nude, and are accepted by others who are there at the time, becomes a free beach. In this way, beaches used by nudists tend to change as the years go by, with different places being favoured at different times. Houses, roads, or even viewing platforms may be built overlooking a free beach. Intolerant people may start using the beach, or perves or gays may move in, so that genuine nudists go elsewhere. Publicising a free beach, putting up notices and so on, can have this effect.


In some countries nudity is illegal, even on a free beach, and nudists must be furtive, keeping a lookout for the police, who would arrest them just for being nude. In New Zealand we are fortunate in having no statute which forbids nudity in a public place.


In recent years two beach nudists charged with offensive behaviour have had their convictions overturned on appeal to the High Court, which in 1975 ruled that nudity on a beach 'where nudity is not uncommon' is not offensive, and in 1991 confirmed that 'the average reasonable person ... would not be offended ...


Both of these court decisions relate to Auckland beaches that are frequently used by nudists. The legality of public nudity on remote beaches remains unclear.


On some of our free beaches nudity is common, on others there are only seagulls. Nudity is common, and therefore legal, at about fifty of the places in our Beach Guide. It would be nice to know if nudity is also legal on all our other free beaches.


Jackie Caldwell




[Page 9]



Fred Bear



Fred Bear Chch News

Despite the cold, wet spring weather, we have enjoyed our walks, notably our guided tour of the Waiake Forestry Project at McQueen's Pass, also the Kaiapoi Walkway which which led us to Pines Beach for a picnic lunch by the sea.

We had fine weather, too, for our outing to the BIRDLANDS NATURE RESERVE on Banks Peninsula, and I would like to describe this in some detail. "Birdlands" is a delightful place to explore, for people of all ages and levels of fitness, with lots of variety and interest all around. Many native plants and trees are labelled, while a well-placed colour chart shows how others can be identified by their leaves. There are forest glades where one can sit quietly and enjoy the presence of native birds.


Tame peacocks and other birds wander around the picnic area. In the mating season, when we were there, peacocks were showing off their magnificent tails - a sight to behold! - but watch out if you're picnicking alfresco... Oops! Where's my sandwich gone?

Easy climbs in the vicinity allow great views of lakes Forsyth and Ellesmere on either side and the Okuti River flows through the property. The owner, Pat Robson, is a great enthusiast. He is busy creating boardwalks and a gazebo for birdwatching. Provision is made for people to plant special trees "In Memoriam" or for $5 a pop you can have your name or the name of your group permanently inscribed on a plank for the boardwalk. These make fascinating reading. We have added another two: "Free Beach Group" and "Naturist Walkers" ... (naturally!)


Later in the afternoon, our group occupied the indoor conservatory, kitchen & barbecue facilities for a nosh-up and social session. The charge of $5 per person (children half price) covers the use of all facilities and helps towards the maintenance and development of the place. Unfortunately, "Birdlands" has recently suffered financial set backs and the owner is immobilised by a severe neck injury. Our Steve Wilkinson has offered to help with outdoor work. I think Steve has a secret ambition, when he wins Lotto, to buy "Birdlands" and run it as a naturist retreat. Perfect! But... er... watch out for those peacocks! In the meantime, there are facilities for camping at "Birdlands" and Pat Robson has kindly offered to set aside part of the grounds for naturist groups if required.


"I think we're going to get a scorcher this year," says Jill. "I feel it in my bones." (Or is she judging by the summer they've had in the Northern Hemisphere?) Jill and Mike are very hooked on LeBons Bay and go there at short notice when the weather is fine. I'd like to make a point here for all members of our group. It's worthwhile getting yourself listed in the FBG Directory, so that we can contact one another for companionship and impromptu outings. We find it hard to plan things two or three months in advance. Last year one or two local members complained to me that their names did not appear in the Directory. It turned out that they had forgotten to renew their subscription ($20).

"GO NATURAL GETAWAY' at the South Canterbury Sun Club.

This club, situated in a pleasant, secluded spot near Geraldine, was featured on the centre pages of the latest edition of the "New Zealand Naturist" magazine (no. 154, September 1995.) We have been invited to join them, along with other clubs, for a "GO NATURAL GETAWAY" week of social activities commencing 6 January, 1996. Campervan and tent sites available, indoor kitchen, clubrooms, showers, etc.; outdoor swimming pool, games court, barbecue. Petanque, darts. Walks in surrounding area. If you're interested, phone me for further details (Ph.322-7990).


We offer our commiserations to Nigel who has to return to hospital soon for a further repair/adjustment to his hip replacement. Nigel and Hilda who live at Diamond Harbour have offered to show us some local secluded swimming places and have also, once again, invited us to their home for a barbecue when Nigel is able. Something to look forward to, and in the meantime we wish Nigel all the best.




Sat. 18 November: Walk - Sumner to Taylor's Mistake.

Sat.2 December: Methven Walkway.

Sat. 16 December: Bring the children. "Big Little Railway (at Belfast) then on to the Groynes & Waimairi Walkway.



6-14 January: "Getaway" - South Canterbury Sun Club.

Sat.20 January: Petanque at Woodend Beach - low tide.

Friday-Sunday, 2-4 February:

LeBons Bay. Includes walk through Otepatotu Scenic Reserve. Stay at LeBons Bay Backpackers Hostel is optional; advance booking necessary.

All bookings can be made through me (Joyce, ph. 322-7990)

For details of all other outings, please phone Steve (325-3316)


The consensus is that we should make TAYLOR'S MISTAKE our regular meeting place for the summer season. Fly the Fred Bear flag and others will join you.


Joyce (sig)








Waitangi Weekend 1986

Wide open spaces, Bush walks, Walking Tracks, Swimming, Tramping


Waikuku Lodge is near the Haurangi Forest Park, 32Km south-east of Martinborough, Wairarapa. The Lodge was originally a farm house built in 1920 by the Mac Donald family. The house was constructed from materials from the Majuba mill site, and brought up the hill in horse drawn carts via a two metre wide track. The Lodge is serviced with electricity, hot water, wood fires, and communal sleeping bunks for 30-40 people. There are some mattresses (but it might be advisable to come prepared). The kitchen has electric cooking facilities and fridge, but bring your own pots and pans. Ablutions include flush toilets, showers, hot and cold water. There is not much level space for camping.


Fred Bear

When ...... from 5 pm FRIDAY Night, 2 February,

to 4 pm TUESDAY Afternoon, 6 February.


Costs ...... ADULTs ............ $7-50 per night

$25 for four nights

Children ........... Free


Payment before 20 January, 1996, use slip below.


Each camper will need to bring ......


Sleeping bag, pillow, blankets, towels, torch, etc All your food and drink requirements for the weekend. Cooking equipment, including plates, cups, and cutlery Dish washing liquid, tea-towel, toilet paper, etc and any other items you may need (eg: can opener).


Note ... NO dogs, NO cats, NO firearms. Bring some firewood if you want to light the fire. All rubbish must be removed, bring suitable containers to take out all that you bring to the camp.


The Lodge has sleeping capacity for about 30 people, so we would like an early indication of the number of members (and friends) who would like to come. Please let me know how many will be coming. Day visitors welcome.


If you need more details, phone Linda at 04-478-4820. or write to: Linda Geeves, 38 Bracken Rd, Newlands, Wellington


For directions and a map, plus a layout of the camp, see over.


Cut along here -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------





Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Nights at Lodge:     2     3     4     5

Circle dates

Name ________________________________________


____ Adults @ $7-50 = $ ________

or $25 each for four nights

Phone _______________________________________


____ Children (Free)

Address _____________________________________


or Deposit @ $10 = $ ___________


Total = $ ___________


Please cross your cheque, and make payable to Wellington Free Beach Group.
and mail to Linda Geeves, 38 Bracken Rd, Newlands, WELLINGTON.




Waikuku Lodge - DIRECTIONS




From Wellington, drive to Featherston, turn right to Martinborough. From the north, travel through the Wairarapa to Greytown, then follow the signs to Martinborough.

If you are travelling south via the Manawatu, turn off at Plimmerton into Grays Rd to the Hutt Valley. At the bottom of the Haywards Hill, at the junction of Highway 2, turn left to Upper Hutt, and carry on over the Rimutaka Range to Featherston, turn right to Martinborough.

From Martinborough take the road to Pirinoa / Lake Ferry, turn off at the Awahea / White Rock signpost 1 Km from Martinborough. Continue for 8 Km and turn right into Ruakoputuna Rd, which changes its name after a few kilometres, to Haurangi Rd. Follow Haurangi Rd virtually to its end, passing through a gate, about 3 Km from the Lodge.

Fred Bear  



Fred Bear

Send your Booking off to Linda before 20 January, 1996



Linda Geeves
38 Bracken Rd





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