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Fred Bear

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Dear Friends,

     If the Nelson floods had not figured so prominently on our newspapers and screens, I would be tempted to think that our members who have defected to Nelson had taken all the sunshine with them. Be that as it may, I think I can safely say we are all pretty tired of what the Met. Office has been dishing out lately. It could be that we should all go North; two of our members returned from Guy Fawkes week-end at Pakiri nursing a virulent attack of sunburn, and another recently returned from a delightful stay at M'ba looking all tawny and - oops! I nearly said "lovely" - but you get my drift.

     Now let's deal with the reminder about subscriptions. Please don't leave it any longer; it is only $6.00, and you need to return the yellow form as it makes things so much easier for your Secretary. We do regret that the next newsletter will go to only those members who are financial at that time.

     Two good things coming to a temporary end are the North Shore Nudist Club Swim Nights at Ricardo's and the Sunday Night Saunas at Clive Green.


FRIDAY, 25th November, 6-10 p.m. is the last swim night at Parakai for this year, and they will resume in February of next year.


SUNDAY, 18th December, will be the last Clive Green production for this year. Wine (by ticket) and biscuits, tea and coffee, will be served from 5-10 p.m. Let's make it an outstanding evening with a little B.Y.O. and/or a plate.


AND NOW ... everything you ever wanted to know about the trip to Ngatuhoa Lodge at Anniversary Weekend!!!

THE COST is $6.00 per adult and $3.00 per child for the three days, payable in advance to


  Charles Saggers  
  218 Papamoa Beach Road Ph. 57-497


YOU SHOULD BRING a torch, insect repellent, bedding (rubber mattresses supplied), toiletries, towels, warm clothing, good footwear for tramping, enough food (preferably pre-cooked or frozen in chilly bin). THERE IS NO FRIDGE. Bay of Plenty FBG will supply milk, dishwashing liquid and loo paper. You will know what to bring in the way of cards, books, games for the children etc.

Don't forget NAME TAGS (cardboard ones will do).


PETS are allowed only by permit from the Forest Dept.



FACILITIES: include gas and wood-stove cookers, hot showers, flush toilets and a large out-side cookhouse with barbeques, benches and sinks, and storage space.

YOUR OWN TENT can be erected if you prefer - there are many ideal spots, as private or sociable as you wish to be.

     Entry to Ngatuhoa Lodge is by a locked gate so it is necessary to go in as a group.


MEETING PLACE: Corner of Thorn Rd (No Exit) and Main Hamilton-Tauranga Road (State Highway 29). This is on the left (from Hamilton) just past McLarens Falls Road and there is off-road parking.


MEETING TIME: 10.45 a.m. on Saturday, 28 January, 1984.

There are 50 bunks in the sleeping quarters, but these soon fill up, so don't just sit there thinking about it - send your deposit to Charles and make sure of your opportunity to enjoy a week-end of bush, waterfalls, open spaces and hills, with a flying fox and jungle gym for kids of all ages.

At Papamoa Beach Charles's caravan and twin bedroom are available at $12.00 per night.



     John Riggir advises that any delay being experienced in receiving towels is due to the fact that they are printed in quite large lots, and we sometimes have to wait a little for them. Also, the name tags are engraved in batches. So don't worry - you have not been forgotten.

     For any of you who are thinking about what the Nudist Clubs can offer you, the Auckland Sun Club and Wellington Sun Club are both holding Open Days on 27 November. For information, in Auckland phone Doreen James 833-8285, and in Wellington contact Heather, 797-386.

     During the coming sun season nudist activities and venues in and around Auckland will be receiving coverage by the informative magazine "Metro". So let's all give our "uniforms" a good press and put some sunshine in our smiles to combat the too-prevalent clouds.

     I hope you will all have a great holiday season.
Best wishes to all,


PADDY LEGGETT : 559-626 ALF GORRINGE : 685-374 TONY WILSON : 679-726


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